seahorse-collective · 5 hours
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thing I’m working on for @seahorse-collective zine got me soft
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Sneak peak of one of my pieces for @seahorse-collective
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Leitro Mpreg
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Based on LooseScrapper’s comic series on DeviantArt. https://www.deviantart.com/loosescrapper
Created using a base from @ilitiaforever
Mayternity Prompts 3: masc, 8: kicks, 16: multiples, and Bonus Prompt 5: cuddling
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@seahorse-collective day 28 Postpartum!
Plus new aloe vera tattoo she'd get postpartum (after having her twins with @evinleighfantasy 's Alev (Alev X Vera) and beginning healing from the trauma she realized she had mid pregnancy.) Healing in so many different ways 🥰
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seahorse-collective · 13 days
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preview of one of my pieces for @seahorse-collective a charity preg zine! Out late this summer!
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seahorse-collective · 13 days
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a doodle :>
the calico is olli [they/them] and the grey one is kit [he/him]
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seahorse-collective · 19 days
Slade Wilson AU
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So I have an Omegaverse AU that I’m working on for a bunch of DC characters. I also have an AU where Slade is an Atlantean, and I decided to combine them, so Slade is now an Omega Atlantean. The baby is Grant.
I’m going to do a background, but I don’t know if it will be good so I’m posting a wip.
Follows MayTernity prompts 3: masc; 15: swimming; 23: fantasy au; 24: monster preg
Follows MerMay prompts 18: smol; 27: honor
Base from @ilitiaforever
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seahorse-collective · 19 days
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Apologies for being low on the vampirism bits and high on the cute bits, it’s been a hell of a week. Here are Dee and Narcís again, being sitcom buddies.
HOWEVER. Below the cut is a vampire piece in progress that didn’t quiiiiiiite make the cut for my first choice of pieces for the @seahorse-collective zine…. But it’s Narcís very happy after a midnight snack.
Enjoy 😈
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seahorse-collective · 19 days
The Seahorse Collective day 11/24 Prompt
@seahorse-collective Its got a uniform in it (Day 11). Could also fit day 24 Monster Preg too! Aliens can be monsters too right?
The alien had his prey trapped beneath him. During the day they were coworkers, but in the odd break in locked closets and after hours when they were the last ones on site they would be like this. A poor frightened aroused human and an alien who felt no fear in hiding his true form. His true form was taller, with large black eyes and scales down his back. His thick muscular tail was released, used for balance and to help restrain his prey.  His human had already been attracted to his human form, when his true form was revealed Carey’s feelings hadn’t changed and Azazel couldn’t have been more grateful. Especially when she came to him at the beginning of his heat. 
“I want to fucking use you,” One clawed hand grabbed their chest, the other slid between their legs, ”Looks like you need someone to take care of that hmmm~?” A shuddering breath and a ripple of goosebumps flare across the skin as his hands roam over their heaving chest.
His prey nodded excitedly, needily, “Do you want me to fuck you stupid slut? You just need to be ruined don’t you?”
“Just fuck me please! Ruin me,”
“You’d make such a good breeding toy, wouldn’t you~?”
“How badly do you desire it, my delight?”
“W-” He pulled out a touch, his tentacle curling against their more sensitive spots, 
“A perfect fucking incubator for my eggs?”
 “That’s what I thought whore~ Hehehehehe,”
“So fucking desperate aren’t you?”
”I bet you want everyone to know you’re my cock sleeve, don’t you? Don’t you want everyone to know you’ve been claimed by me?”
It wasn’t Carey’s fault that it was that time of year. It wasn’t exactly their fault that they had grown very fond of the not-human who distracted them on the night shift. It wasn’t totally their lack of foresight to not think about these things. It wasn’t really their fault for not thinking their sexcapade through. Normally it would be fine! Sure they never asked their inhuman counterpart any details about their anatomy yet now… they had some recent cause for concern.
“Hey, do you need a new uniform?” Their coworker asked, eyes looking at the stretch of skin now showing from their pants almost unbuttoning and their shirt just covering their belly.
“Oh! I just ate too much. Food baby yaknow?”
“Well, if you need a new uniform just let me know. We got some larger shirts in the closet by the breakroom.”
They could feel their face turn red as they nodded then quickly changed the subject back to work. They felt the odd sensation of being watched as they did. They tried to keep their shirt tucked more firmly into their work pants from that point on.
Azazel’s prey was walking around, blissfully unaware of what was really going on inside them. Their heat had just started and they were dying to breed their new favorite plaything. They loved watching their eggs fill up Carey, they had underestimated the rush of pride they’d have as his hard work was noticed by others. 
Just a few days ago Azazel had appeared before them, or more accurately behind them. They knew he messed around with a lot of people at the plex, bots and workers alike, but they always felt special when he spent time with them. Azazel spoke less than normal, he even teased less about how needy they were. How quickly they ripped off their uniform and bent over for him. It felt different than normal but still, lots of fun. Azazel had always been gifted in the filling department, they practically had to push on their guts to try to push some out before their pants would button again. Yet when they went to clean up recently and couldn’t really push anything out, thankfully they could hide their pants not buttoning with a simple hairband trick.
But now they had an embarrassingly large bump. Not just a little bloated from eating something bump either. It was a none of their clothes or uniform fit their stomach. It was a “oh hey your shirt is rising up again” bump. It wasn't yet a “oh you can take my seat on the train you’re clearly expecting,” embarrassing bump but it was close.  Even their biggest hoodies couldn’t cover it. The bump just stretched the hoodies out and rested at the apex of their new growth. 
They thought the first day was bad, until Azazel came again, sweeping them away making the new swell even bigger. Their new weight was also very clearly not a sudden weight issue. Maybe the first day she could try to blame it on that, but after the second or third time? They looked pregnant. They should have asked at some point. They should have asked someone, especially Azazel, what was going on. He started to pull more pranks on your fellow co-workers, which made them call out even more than usual, leaving the pair of you alone often. But that puts more work on their shoulders. So they just struggled along trying to do all their tasks with their new non-food baby bump.
They finally took a break, one hand on their gut trying to either lift it or shove it deeper in their shirt as they grabbed their food from the fridge. 
Suddenly the room was filled with other workers from all over the plex with one higher voice speaking above them all, "Sorry we had to move out meeting here. But I wanted to invite everyone to my BABY SHOWER! It's this Saturday at 2 and here is all the information," 
Ugh fuck, they tried to quickly heat their food but got caught by the overly happy worker.
"Carey! I didn't see you at first. Here's your baby shower invite!" They took it with a strained smile. "You know I'm surprised we don't talk more! Especially with us both expecting! When are you expecting your little one?" She put her hands on Careys bump, "I remember thinking how hard it was being as small as you are now," 
Azazel had joined his other coworkers entering the breakroom, he hadn’t expected to hear more praise from everyone about his work. His chest puffed with pride as their overly informal coworker admired his effects on Carey’s form. He blinked quickly to ensure his eyes remained human appearing to everyone around as heat began to pool inside him. He still had some more eggs to deposit. All he could wonder was all their coworkers' reactions to the new size his human would be. 
"I- uhm…" their face was bright red, everyone turning and Carey saw the co worker who asked if she was pregnant earlier that day whispering to their neighbor. "It's just…" 
"O-M-G! Have you not told anyone yet? Don't worry, your secret is safe with me! No one's going to know about it. But seriously, is it twins? Triplets? You're growing faster by the day! It wouldn't be fair if you got bigger than me!" With her shrill voice rising there was no way that a single person hadn't heard that Carey was pregnant. Even though they weren't. 
Oh god were they? Am I about to have a little baby… somethings? No way that could be true. Azazel was the only person they were sleeping with and there's no way. She had seen his more alien form, there’s no way she could get pregnant by something not human. Right? They quickly excused themselves away from that whole mess, hoping to escape from that mess.
Azazel’s breath hitched. His ovipositor began to pulse with need. 
“You look good knocked up like that y'know~” A familiar voice whispered in their ear. Carey turned quickly but stumbled, struggling to keep their normal balance with the weird weight in front of them. Azazel’s tail wrapped around them, lifting them just enough they couldn’t reach the ground, specifically holding them up under their new swell. “Hehehehe I could get used to seeing you with that cute bump. Look how big you are,”
“Azazel!” They harshly whispered, pushing against Azazel’s tail unsuccessfully. “What did you do?”
“Hmm? I just turned you on by being here is all, Not like that's a challenge anyway whore~.” He teased. He wasn’t wrong, they’d felt even needier lately and unexplainably more horny after their most recent incident.
“I meant this!” They lifted their shirt, already untucked again just in the short walk away from the others, showing off their rounded belly. God it looks even bigger than this morning. They had no idea how they were going to do anything with this bump, they were barely able to work as it was. With Azazel around they knew they’d probably get bigger. “Oh look at that, already showing off my work huh?” He yanked their chin to look into his eyes, an almost manic grin stretched across his face, “Don’t you remember what you begged for?” 
They paused and shook their head just a touch, Carey’s eyes focusing on Azazel’s all black ones. It was all they could move while trapped in his grasp. Azazel gripped tighter, his other hand pressing firmly on the bump, “you begged to be my good little incubator. You were the one who wanted everyone to know how well you took me. My cocksleeve. My whore. Mine.” Azazel started to rub his ‘work’.
“It’s been so fun watching you struggle with just a few of my eggs in you.”
Eggs. He said eggs. Eggs plural. He put eggs in me. I am actually fucking full of his fucking eggs.
"But my good whore begged so nicely, and is so clearly needy," 
Carey's hands went to cover their face immediately but were stuck between his tail and their torso. They were dying to try to hide their face and the moans were fighting to escape. I shouldn’t be enjoying this, Carey knew Azazel could already smell how aroused they were with his stupid enhanced senses but tried to have some dignity. 
"Good thing I have more to fill you with," 
"Wait!" They exclaimed uselessly, Azazel spun them around and yanked their pants down. Now Carey was almost fully naked at work with Azazel's cock right behind them. 
"I'm not really the patient type," Azazel whispered. His tail pulled their hips closer as his tentacle stroked their wet folds. Just as they began to moan, Azazel stuck his fingers in their mouth, the others rubbing their bump. "And I know you want everyone to know who's knocking you up. Filling and fucking you stupid," 
Azazel began pressing even further into them. This was the wettest Azazel had ever seen them, he was able to fill them easily. Lewd noises filled the space. Carey attempted to moan their answers around his fingers, "N-Nnnn- AAaaAAaaaa- M-maybeee"
"Oh maybe?" He pulled out. His “Sounds like someone doesn't deserve to be bred and used."
"NO! Nonononono-" all their dignity was out the window. They needed this. More than they needed anything else ever. "Please Azazel pleaseee please!" 
"Sounds like someone would rather be teased for hours on end~"
"Really?" He began to push his cock slowly back into them. "Are you sure you deserve that? hehehehehe have you really earned the right to be used as Azazel’s favorite toy? My adorable little fuckthing."
"YES YES AZ!" They felt so empty, so desperate to be filled. They'd do anything to just get Azazel to fuck them again. They needed to be used, claimed, and filled. 
Azazel's manic cackling rang out as he pressed into Carey, finally giving them what they had been begging for. "Hehehehe wont it be so NICE everybody knowing you've been used and claimed by me everyone knowing you’re nothing but my breeding toy?" 
Carey came immediately as soon as the first egg passed through. But Azazel wasn't waiting around with just one, he continued rutting into her. By the time he finished breeding his toy Carey had about 15 more golf ball sized eggs then when they started. They were pushing looking pregnant before, now there was no question about it. Azazel set Carey back onto the ground with just without the support they needed to stand. Their knees were jelly and they started to fall, Azazel spun them around. "Hehehehe have fun whore?" 
"Mmmmhmmmmm," they incoherently responded. They reached to pull up their pants but just fell belly forward into Azazel. Azazel noticed Carey's shirt, which had been barely holding on before, clearly had no hope of covering their rounded belly even before Carey tried to struggle to put it down 
"Y'know i think it'd be fun too get your clothes a size too small so that bump is nice and visible~"
Carey seemed to notice their shirt situation and began to pull it forward, "it's already too small," they mumbled, still dazed. 
"Hmmm, I wonder how many looks you're gonna get as you constantly try to hide the eggs I gave you. But no matter how hard you try the shirt isn't getting any bigger and your bump isn't going to get any smaller HAHA" He teased cackling to himself, pulling up Careys pants, which now didn't button. They had a clear wet stain between their legs as well.
Looks? WORK! Carey's brain turned on as they tried to jam the buttons on their pants together and tuck their shirt into their pants. They looked six or seven months pregnant! They looked even bigger than they just had before break! How were they going to explain this? They couldn't believe they just slept with them again during work when they had important questions!
"Azazel! What do you mean eggs? What's happening to me? How am I supposed to hide this? I- maybe just saying I ate too much?" They pressed on their clearly not full of food belly,
“Oh? I thought you were my proud cocksleeve. I know no one would buy you just eating too much with all this," Azazel pushed hard on their belly, "I even know your coworkers all know. I know that you’ve enjoyed it too. I know you've enjoyed them assuming.”
"I- You- I… I need egg- answers!" 
"HAH~" he placed both hands on Carey's distended belly, pushing their work shirt back up again, "you've got about thirty of my eggs in you. You've been such a perfect incubator." Carey could feel their face turn red, "and I'm going to keep filling you up wherever I like until I stop making eggs. Hehe and you’re gonna love every second of it arentcha HAH '' They would, it was even one of their deepest fantasies. But reality still existed, work still existed and they needed some answers. 
"Am I- Are uh… the eggs uhm," 
"Use your words-"
"Am I pregnant with alien eggs and do these have to come back out?" The whisper yelled. Azazel couldn't hold in his laughter. His filled needy breeding toy finally asking silly questions. 
“Eehhh not exactly heheh you’re pregnant alright so ur gonna be like this for about hmmmm lets see nine months~?” a sadistic grin spread across his face
"Nine months? Starting out this huge?" They pointed to the swell of their stomach, clearly exceeding any normal pregancy. 
He gasped dramatically looking almost offended. "Are you not excited to carry my eggs for months? Oh you wound me Carey"   
Carey’s mouth hung open and eyes started to tear up. Pregnant? That couldn't be right. It just had to not be right. Like actually pregnant. Holy shit.
"WOAH WOAH okay that was a lil mean HAH. They'll dissolve in about two weeks. No need for water works sweet thing," 
Carey's eyes turned to saucers, "Two weeks? How am I going to manage this for two weeks!?" 
“Awwhhh don't worry toy, I'll have more eggs to fill you with before the weeks are up," 
"Car?" A co-worker's voice called out. The same one who offered a larger uniform just that day. Azazel smirked a smug look palasted on his face taking a second before quickly hiding from view. "There you are!" 
"Oh hey!" Carey tried fruitlessly to make their clothes fit while facing away from their co-worker. 
"Jesus, what happened to you? Did you spill on yourself?" 
That would be a great excuse for a new uniform. 
"Ah yeah I did, could I get one of those extra uniforms you got?" 
"Yeah I got you. Just stay here and don't spill any more!" Carey nodded and thanked it was dark enough they couldn't tell. They could feel a disappointed gaze on them. They sat on a crate and tried to cover their belly as best they could again, frowning as they heard a faint chuckle coming from the depths of the vents. They really needed bigger shirts if Azazel was going to come breed them out of the blue.
“Carey… Carey…. Carey!” The manager yelled, shocking them awake, “Huh?” They felt the drool on their face as they sat up. Well, trying to sit up. Even with their legs fully spread their belly needed more room for them to sit up, as well as support from their arms behind them. They had snuck off into the supplies closet to pick up some more paper but once in the dark quiet room they just wanted to sit for a moment, exhaustion taking over they must have fallen asleep during their quick break. 
“God damn, I thought the pregnancy thing was just a rumor.” He said. They realized their shirt was now completely showing off the ‘gifts’ Azazel had given them. They rushed to pull it down, but the shirt was not fitting in any way or form. It seemed the eggs had gotten a bit bigger as they slept. The shirt barely fit before all this happened anyways. “Get a new shirt from maintenance. No one is buying that you’re hitting the snack fridge too often anymore. And don’t fall asleep at work again.” He threatened. They expected him to leave after that, but it seemed he had other ideas. “Well? Are you going to get up any time soon?”
They really didn’t want to. They barely were able to sit down and stand up, this was getting off the floor to stand up. Yet they didn’t think of that as they leaned forward to get up. Their belly pressed against their legs prevents them from getting any momentum to get up. They tried again, essentially shoving all the air in their lungs out as the eggs claimed even more room. They had to awkwardly roll to their side, push up their front with their arms as they sat up on their legs, and use the wall to stand up. The manager didn’t leave either. By the time they ended up actually upright their shirt was tucked up under their boobs and their forehead was sweating from the mild exertion. 
The manager's head turned to the sound of a loud crash from outside. “Ughhhhh. Well you’re up at least. I’ll go deal with that mess. Make sure you actually do your job and don’t just lie down again. We’d all love to just sleep instead of working.” 
Azazel had heard the conversation from his office. He quickly exited the meeting by claiming to need to respond to an urgent text in order to see the mess his pet had made while grabbing a package for said pet. He could hear her struggling to stand, struggling to breathe with how stuffed to the brim she was. He had to distract her manager, gently pushing some precariously stacked packages over as he passed by for someone else to deal with. He had to deposit his eggs to survive, but he felt he won the lottery with how perfect his Carey was showing off all of his eggs. 
All they could do was nod and give a thumbs up as they focused on adjusting their clothing. Just being upright their belly was feeling too heavy to do anything with. They couldn’t believe he expected them to work like this. Just the strain of getting up had them exhausted again.  
“Oh what a sweet vision,” Azazel purred from the doorway, closing it behind himself before offering his hand. Carey glared at it suspiciously, he rarely ever did anything out of kindness. Yet the ache in their spine and hips had them placing their human hand in his stepping over the fallen supplies. 
Within a blink Azazel was in his natural form, his hands grabbing Carey’s and pinning them behind her head. Her shirt springing up over her bump as she stumbled back gasping in surprise. His wide grin split his face as he admired her growing form. 
“Ready for another round?” He teased, wrapping his tail around them, “only if you can promise to be quiet for me whore,” 
Carey’s body was already pulsing with need, every day she’d become closer to begging for him out on the office floor. 
“Awe sweet thing, oh I love to hear your trembling breath on my skin, such a sweet little thing you are,” Azazel followed his teasing with his tail pulling back to grab the package he brought. Pulling out an even larger uniform shirt, “But you’ll need to be patient. There’s so many people who haven’t seen how big I’ve made you. You’ll need to be good and show off your new appearance to everyone,” “But-” they whispered, “After work I’ll take you home and devour all that is yours, feast on every delicious sound you make, ravage you and breed you until your thoughts are only that of my name," He grinned, already knowing what they wanted. "How badly do you desire it my delight?” “Y-” Carey switched from speaking to nodding, remembering his command of her being silent. 
“I can’t wait to savor you,” Azazel’s lips met Carey’s, before pulling away, appearing human again. “Tonight.” 
“You are… so mean to me,” Carey responded, a smile still forming on her lips despite her claims of his cruelty. “And you love it whore,” He added, his hands gently tracing Carey’s swell before leaving the closet. 
Carey rushed to switch into the larger shirt, this one still hugged the top of their bump but at least fully covering their new swell. Grabbing the papers she had come for about half an hour earlier.
“Carey! Could you pass these forms out to everyone in the office? I need to get an allergy check for everyone in office,” 
“Sure!” They added cheerfully, glad to have a reason to complete Azazel’s task easily. They dropped off their papers then began the long walk around the office dropping off each form. Their hips and lower back began to ache quickly as they walked around. As they dropped off more forms they adjusted to hold the forms in one hand and their bump with the other, pausing to talk with coworkers about random things. More than a few asked about her due date which she quickly came up with a lie. Azazel had assured her no one else remembered her random shortened pregnancy. Carey assumed it was the same way he managed to get away without doing any work unless it interested him yet with everyone praising him for things he hadn’t done. They sighed as they continued on, there was lots to do before they could rest and longer before their rising arousal could be dealt with. 
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seahorse-collective · 24 days
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some crops from one of my @seahorse-collective pieces!
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seahorse-collective · 27 days
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wip of one of the pieces I'm doing for the @seahorse-collective
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seahorse-collective · 28 days
18. Cozy Clothes with Hunter? 🥺
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Hunter's definition of cozy is stealing and wearing their hubby's clothes (Grant is a big dude and Hunter is smol) 🥺🥺💕
Prompt from @seahorse-collective
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seahorse-collective · 28 days
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So I had this sketched out before I head about @seahorse-collective lovely Mayternity Prompt List (Defo click the link to check it out!)
But this pic goes for prompt number 6 Glowing (I know it means something else but like I took it in a different way with Eddie <3 His babies tend to glow after all so why not go with it in a different way!((Also tried a different way to do a glow effect I think I like how it turned out! This took so long lol)
Anyway the little blurb to go with this pic is Eddie tends to when he gets home from his restaurant job just throw his uniform top off and just get comfortable on his bean bag chair to relax. No one can see his belly in his apartment so he will just walk around in just his binder and pants for a while till he feels a little less uncomfortable from the rough work day waiting tables! And it seems this time the triplets are glowing quite a lot but seem to be resting giving their tired papa a break! ((Also this gave me a big excuse to draw Eddie's stretchmarks! He may be an android but the stuff his skin is made up has the ability to get stretchmarks and Eddie defo gets a lot of them!)
(Also not sure why the little white specs are on the gif the plain image doesn't have them must be the site I use to make gifs ;v;)
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seahorse-collective · 28 days
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Here is the prompt list some of us are using for inspiration
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seahorse-collective · 28 days
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seahorse-collective · 28 days
Hello All!
This June (date tba) we will be putting out a digital zine featuring the work of fourteen mpreg artists with 21+ pieces along with additional downloadable material (sketch pages, gifs, other downloadables not included in the zine itself).
All proceeds go to be donated to World Food Programme and World Central Kitchen.
Participating artists: BIGBARABELLY, @cheezihouse, @daddybellies, @dotjpreg, @doctorjackdaw @enullarts, @epphfervescent, guttergoblin, @mittysins, @monsterexer, @poorks, @sethmacfarlanedeathpose, @tum-bakery, @valrvn
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