sean-weis-blog · 9 years
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All the love gone bad turned my world to black Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
Waves: As the waves, you arrive. Wrapped in magic, you invade me, you filled me. And when I want you to stay, It goes. And when I least expect it, these.
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
Because there are people for which you lose all trains of the world just to be a little longer.
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
There are so many things to tell you. If you could see again.
“Hay tantas cosas que te diría. Si te pudiera ver una vez mas”
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
If you fall... I, get up you. If not, I sleep with you.
“Si te caes... Te levanto. De caso contrario, me acuesto contigo.”
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
I was attacked for the memories and and I didn't know to defend myself.
“Me atacaron los recuerdos y no supe defenderme.”
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
I want you to be free... But by my side.
“Te quiero libre... pero a mi lado.”
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
Airplane: Think carefully before saying goodbye at an airport. There are planes that never return.
Piénsalo bien antes de despedirte en un aeropuerto.
Hay aviones que no regresan jamas.”
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
I left and will not let you. Because I never walked away.
“Me fui y no te dejé. Porque nunca me alejé.”
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
Love begins to be a demon since the moment who it begins to be a god.
“El amor comienza a ser un demonio desde el momento en que comienza a ser un dios.”
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
This is my secret. It's very simple: only it looks good with the heart, The essential is invisible to the eyes.
Este es mi secreto. Es muy fácil: solo se ve bien con el corazón. Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos.
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
Don't forget that It never looks so dark like when it is about to dawn.
“No olvides que nunca se ve tan oscuro como cuando esta a punto de amanecer.”
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
Es triste darte cuenta, una vez más, que eres la segunda opción de todos siempre.
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sean-weis-blog · 9 years
Everything worth if it makes you laugh.
“Todo vale la pena si te hace reír.”
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