seangames · 7 years
Delta couldn’t believe how dorky this guy seemed. There wasn’t necessarily anything wrong with that, but it was just surprising. She could help laughing softly when he did the finger guns. It was amusing. “Sam, yeah. That’s one that I think is going to stay popular for a long time.“ She nodded slowly. “There were a lot of Emmas and Jessicas when I was in school. And a lot of Joshs.” She knew that there was always some sort of trend each year with which names were the most common but nothing proved it more than being in a classroom with multiple kids who each had the same name. “I started off here, actually. I lived around here for a long time.”
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“All the names in the world, and somehow people go for the same ones.” Sean noted with a chuckle.” I guess in the end it’s kinda about what’s easy, you know? Maybe people want their kids to blend in or have names that are easy to say...” He shrugged.  “ Yeah? Like here in Greenwich, or just New York?” He asked curiously. “ That must’ve been interesting. I always pictured growing up in the city like one of those teen shows where the rich kids are decided from the inner city kids and you either live in a shoebox going to a bad school or you’re all private schools and designer clothes.” 
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seangames · 7 years
 It took a lot to make Georgia angry or unhappy a lot of the time, and even when she was angry or unhappy it didn’t last long as she hated the feeling it gave her.Looking at him she smiled. “ I think I’ll have their all-day breakfast sandwich, and maybe some fruit salad on the side.” She smirked.” I am going to make the most of this seeing as you threw up over my shoes  and insulted me just now.” She replied playfully turning her nose up at him.
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She seemed super thin, so he had no idea how she was gonna put away all that, but he only shrugged as he listed her order. “Whoa--” he paused from making his own as she spoke, clearly confused. “ I insulted you? How?  I mean, I’m a little hungover, but I don’t think I’m at short term memory loss levels to forget insulting you.”
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seangames · 7 years
“I uh…I don’t actually…drink…at all,” he informs him honestly, drumming his fingers along his glass of Coke. “Hence my soft drink. Alcohol doesn’t mix well with my meds.” He chuckles at the man’s use of the word amazeballs. He never figured people older than seventeen used such words, aside from himself, anyway. “Aww, what? A charmer like yourself who knows how to tell a good story? I’m gonna be a huge disappointment for her in comparison, I’m afraid. She might end up wanting to date the ghost in my hallway more.” Dax frowns as the man’s humor takes a bit of a dark turn as he mentions his life. “Hey, uh…how ‘bout I buy you a drink and you tell me more stories? I wasn’t just teasing earlier, you do know how to tell ‘em.”
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He’d always found it so strange when people told him they didn’t drink. Sean couldn’t help but wonder how anyone could make it through life without a vice, but when the ginger mentioned meds, he understood. “ A charmer who doesn’t clear six feet.” He clarified with a shrug.” What meds are you on? “ He asked casually. He didn’t seem like he could be on anti-depressants, but maybe he has anxiety, Sean thoughts. “ I have to take Ritalin twice a day.” He offered. “ But I don’t think anything could stop me from having a beer.” Sean laughed, taking a sip from his glass to prove his point. Chuckling, the kid didnt’ seem to have much confidence in himself either, and Sean found it funny that the odds of wanting to date a ghost more than him was high as well. Still, he was not going to turn down a free drink. “ Sure. Cover my beer and I can tell you tons of stories. What are you in the mood for: the time that girl snuck into my hospital room cause she thought it was her boyfriend’s, or the time I got drunk in Brooklyn and almost had my leg amputated?” He chuckled
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seangames · 7 years
Although Mason didn’t flirt with any and every guy he came across, he did flirt with any guy that caught his attention and sometimes that could get him into trouble. “ You know there is nothing wrong with the way you’re dressed.” Mason said quickly not wanting the man to think he was judging him.  “ But if you ever want some help I’d be happy to take you shopping to help you get some new clothes and the hairdressers I use is amazing,  You’d soon have the ladies falling over themselves to get to you.”
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“Shopping and hair dressers?” Sean cocked a brow at Mason. “ I mean I know I’m not the best looking guy in the room, but do I really need a Queer Eye style makeover montage?” Sean chuckled. He probably could get more dates if he put a little care into his apprentice, but that was too much work and money. “ I mean, maybe, but I don’t have that kind of money, anyway. All that product and shit is expensive enough, and having to go to the barber all the time to have a trendy haircut and all that Banana Republic stuff is too rich for my blood.”
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seangames · 7 years
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Steven Yeun as Derek Cho in Mayhem
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seangames · 7 years
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Steven Yeun as “K” in Okja (2017)
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seangames · 7 years
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Steven Yeun photographed by Ssam Kim for The Glass Magazine, 2017
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seangames · 7 years
“Yo, I said I would be your prison husband and protect you, but you gotta be all straight about it. Ese es tu problema, primo.” He crossed his arms feeling like Sean was instantly judging him. How could he understand? Sean came from a good family, he had good friends, and the hardest drug he had ever tried was probably the ritalin that doctor prescribed him. He was quick to jealousy about Mars’ way with women, but Mars would have traded almost anything to be living Sean’s life instead. “You too nice. Girls like assholes with redeeming qualities. Yo, like, Vi don’t like my lifestyle, but she likes that I’d do anything for my family. Gotta lure them in with the danger, make them think they’re special because you show them your soft side, and if they ain’t hooked after that then you didn’t do it right. Es como the dude version of turning a hoe into a housewife.”
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He didn’t even bother to look down at the menu. “I can’t eat half this shit, man. I don’t like being that vato, but I’m vegan.” He cocked his head, his brain obviously trying to hold onto a thought as the powder he so carelessly sent up his nose started to kick in. “See? He a bad boy, but he got mad love for animals.” Even though he protested Mars flipped through the menu all the same. Sean was probably the closest thing Mars had to a friend, and while that would have been sad to most of the world’s population it meant a lot to Mars. “Papi’ll buy you lunch.” He said the second he saw something on the menu he could eat. 
"What the fuck? I’m straight, of course I’m gonna be straight about it.  But hey, if it makes you feel any better, I’m sure that  if I had a gay bone in my body it would be yours.” Sean snickered, amused with his quick wit as he sipped his soda. What Mars said made sense to Sean, but while he didn’t find himself all that nice, he knew he wasn’t a bad boy and would never fit that role.  “ Yeah, you say girls like assholes but when you bring it up as an option they get all freaked out.” He joked again, brushing the topic off with humor as usual. 
“A vegan? Seriously? Not even just vegetarian? Now I’m embarrassed to be seen with you.” Sean scoffed as he mocked Mars, but when he thought about it, he never saw the guy with a vendor hotdog or a burger in his hand like most of Manhattan. “What a pussy -- what kind of Mexican doesn’t eat cheese? That’s like me saying I don’t eat rice. “ Sean chuckled, rolling his eyes as Mars spoke again. “ Don’t... Just don’t ever refer to yourself as ‘Papi’, please. Especially not to me. There’s a line, man. And it’s through the word Daddy and all variation and translations.”
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seangames · 7 years
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Lost and Found Music Studios - 1x03 (Play the Record)
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seangames · 7 years
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seangames · 7 years
Saturday evenings were always odd for Sean. He didn’t work a typical 9-5, so on occasion he’d earn a little over time for his boss calling him in for a project with a rushed deadline, but other times he had some cash in his pocket and shit all to do. He was a little bored sitting inside for once, so he ventured to the nearby dive, opening a tab for cheap beer and sitting in a corner while everyone around him watched games on the big screen and shouted over each other. Without a ton of friends, he found himself getting drunk alone, which was a bad idea since his tolerance for alcohol wasn’t high to begin with. After four or five beers he went from bored and lonely to straight up stupid, entertaining himself and not noticing someone sliding into the chair at his table while he sang off key. “Ni-ni bolle beeronthewa ni-ni blle beer. y’takeonedow pasitrow nini blle beeronthewa” 
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seangames · 7 years
Ludacris- Splash Waterfalls, Chicken-N-Beer (2003)
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seangames · 7 years
As Sean explained his current dating situation Edy couldn’t even hold in a laugh long enough to exhale the shotgunned hit. Smoke exploded through her nose and mouth as she burst out laughing, which was only followed by rough coughing. “I’m sorry, but, dude- That’s so depressing.” She said between her laughing cough. Composure only came after she finished coughing, and she wiped tears from under her newly bloodshot eyes. “You go straight to Marvin? This is why you need me in your life. The Drake to my Nicki Minaj, the Timbaland to my Nelly Furtado, the Kage to my Jables.” Usually Edy would wait to hit the bong again to give her lungs a moment to heal, but with break coming up she was overly stressed and ready to let go. She cleared what was left in the chamber before handing it back to Sean. “You can’t dive straight into Marvin when you’re trying to kiss a girl.” Edy’s relationship with music went hand in hand with her relationship to art, her relations to her emotions, and in turn her relationship to herself. It was a subject she was passionate about, and in the current moment it was the foundation of her lively hood. She had a lot to say. 
“You have to build the mood. You have to start light and fun, something everyone likes- some bop from the radio, then maybe something a little more underground- but consumer friendly, and finally you hit her with the slow jams.” Bundles of spiral curls bounced around Edy’s frame as she nodded her head confident in her ability to set the mood. “It’s a delicate gradient of moods, colors, and sounds…” Her voice trailed off as her brain got ahead of her mouth, and she lost herself in her thoughts. Blinking a few times to regain focus Edy cocked her head at Sean. “Don’t you have a sex playlist? I’d never make out with someone who doesn’t have a proper sex playlist.” Her body leaned back into the couch as her lips pursed, and her eyes squinted in thought. “Okay, so, impromptu sex playlist: Psycho by Post Malone, any song with Tyler and Kali Uchis, Use Me by Bill Withers, and then only after you’ve set the mood–” She wiggled her bushy eyebrows at him. “Marvin.” 
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“Hey! fuck you, okay? “ Sean chuckled, failing at pretending to be insulted. He knew it was pathetic, but he also know Edy wouldn’t really put malice behind teasing him about it. “ Kissing is just a start, okay? You have to put a girl in the mood, and nothing does that better than Marvin. There’s one some literally everybody knows and it’s Let’s Get It On by the great Marvin Gaye and it’s been known to drop more panties than Victoria’s Secret.” He scoffed. Eyes rolling as she began to space out into her art speak, Sean hit the bong again, knowing how she loved to get all dreamy about everything.  When the smoke cleared, he looked at her in shock.
“ Of course I have a sex playlist, it’s the actual sex I don’t have.” he laughed and he passed the bowl her way again. “ And it’s way better than that pop shit that’s on the radio which makes exactly no one feel sexy. You have to start with the intention song -- Let’s Get It On. I mean there’s no way you can misinterpret that one. Then you go for stripper jams so taking off the clothes and getting hot and heavy , Beyonce, Partition. Then you move into Splash Waterfalls once the actual sexy is happening so the neighbors think all the moaning is just you playing Luda a little too loud.” He laughed, reaching for his beer.
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seangames · 7 years
Delta was thankful that it was so easy to laugh and joke around with Sean. IT was natural, and she appreciated that a lot. “Thank you,” the blonde said. “Yeah, I think so too.” Delta listened as Sean explained the predicament he would run into with his name, sighing. That sounded frustrating. “So I guess you must be one of the S-E-A-N Seans? Unless there’s some other spelling for it,” she said. “Twelve though, that’s really a big number. And I think standing out can be a good thing. Makes you more unique,” she told him.
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For some reason, Sean got it in his head that the best way to confirm that she was right would be finger guns and a little clicking sound. Not that he really stood a chance before, but the more she sat there and let him keep talking, the less likely it was that he’d leave this conversation with any sort of dignity at all. Still, he sighed and kept going, thankful his food was finally placed in front of him. “Twelve.” He echoed in confirmation. “ There were a shit ton of Sams and stuff too, but I don’t think there’s a lot of creativity going into naming kids where I grew up. Probably something in the water killing our brain cells.” He joked. “ Ever been to Jersey? Not a lot of creative anything going on up there.” Taking a few moments to eat a little was good, as he couldn’t really screw anything up with his mouth full, but he was still enjoying the easy conversation with the blonde. Most women brushed him off after a few bad jokes if they gave him the time of day at all, but Delta was being seriously chill about talking to him. “Trust me, I stood out.” He chuckled softly. Being adopted was one thing, but everybody knew him as the Asian kid with the black brother and the white parents, and it was a time where a multicultural family wasn’t celebrated like it was now. Still, he wasn’t about to get into that with her. “ Where’d you grow up?” He asked after a sip of beer, intending to flip the conversation onto her to save himself some dignity.
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seangames · 7 years
Georgia spent most of her time being perky, she’d even got the nickname Miss Smiles because she always had a smile on her face, and if she didn’t  it meant something was wrong. “ Only two, I’m just naturally perky.” She replied smiling as she brushes her hair behind her ear as she looks at the man. “ I am happy to point out their best sandwiches, I have been here a few times.” She replied smiling. “ Someone will be up to take our order shortly, do know what you’re going to be having yet?”
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‘Only two’ She was literally wired and acting like it was no big deal. Sean would be freaking out if he was moving onto his third cup of coffee. Still, ‘naturally perky’ had a whole different meaning in his dirty mind, but he knew Georgia more than likely meant her attitude on life. “ Yeah...that sounds terrible.” He mumbled, half joking as he tried to stifle a yawn. “ Uh... any kinda sandwich, really. Toasted...maybe pastrami. Swiss...” He muttered, not really caring so long as he got something on his stomach. “Just so long as there’s no pickles.” He yawned. “ You?”
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seangames · 7 years
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seangames · 7 years
What's your worst and favorite food combos when you're high as shit?
“ Avoid pickles. Maybe it’s just me but sour shit fucks me up when I’m stoned or drunk. Sure fire way to get me to puke. Best combo though? Cheese fries and lots of ketchup or BBQ chips. I’d go to town on a cheesesteak sammich too. Just not pickles, man... And no candy.”
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