seangstweek · 9 years
TsuLiz Week 2016
Hello, Soul Eater fandom! YES THIS IS HAPPENING!
TsuLiz week begins on the fourth week of February. From the 21st to the 27th! At the moment, submissions for themes are open! Just drop in your ideas to our submit box, please respect the submission guidelines! Submissions will be held every week until November 30th. On December 1st, voting rounds will be held every other week until Janurary 22, 2016. 
Before January 22, a link to vote for themes will be published! 
This event is open to all genres (this includes AMV’s, writings, art, fanmixes, really anything you can think of)! Please, no NFSW! Triggering things are allowed, but they need to be tagged properly. 
The tags to use for this week are: TsuLiz Week or TsuLiz Week 2016. 
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seangstweek · 9 years
Being Lord Death
This is a suuuppperrr late bday fic for soulffles​ I promised her some fluffy KidxLiz to recover from angst week but oops I angsted just a tiny bit im so sorry. This can also fit into Day 2 of Angst Week - Nightmare (told you I angsted a little bit, but it’s smothered by the fluff I promise), and Day 7 of KidxLiz Week - Lord and Lady Death. Anyway happy late bday Nicole, you deserve so much more than whatever mess I just wrote.
Being Lord Death is hard. Especially when you’re still barely an adult.
Liz shuffles quietly down the dark hallways of Gallows Mansion, nightshirt ghosting around her thighs as she makes her way to Kid’s room.
She and Patty never say it outright, but everytime Kid has nightmares the sisters always wake up. It’s the same with any of them. The bond between the trio is too strong to ignore any distress in each other's’ wavelength.
It doesn’t happen too often, but when it does one of the Thompsons always makes the dark and chilly trip down the hallways.
His light is on. Dim rays spill from the crack under the door.
Liz bites her lip, fingers resting lightly on the large brass doorknob.
Must’ve been a bad one.
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seangstweek · 9 years
The Weapon’s Nightmare
Soul Eater Angst Week 2015 Day 7 - Things Left Unsaid Words - 1K… (1,055) Pairing - BlackStarxTsubaki and SoulxTsubaki BROTP Warning: Major Character Death.
Alrighty, last day of angst week and then I write fluff and my angsty resbang lol. Thank you to transcending-god for looking this over!
After Black Star was gone, Tsubaki went missing too.
At first she wasn’t really missing. She spent most of her time on the academy rooftop, staring at the horizon with a glazed look in her eye. Her friends would come to sit with her, taking shifts to sit vigil while she mourned in silence. But after a while they stopped showing up. She never spoke to them, never even acknowledged their presence. They figured she just wanted to be alone so they let her. She was there, but she wasn’t Tsubaki.
Then one day Maka climbed the rooftop stairs and Tsubaki really was gone. She left a note; saying not to worry, saying she was still alive. She said not to go looking for her because she was only trying to find something and she needed to find it before she could return.
Maka hoped she wasn’t looking for Black Star.
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seangstweek · 9 years
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“Please stay.”
Day 7 - Things Left Unsaid
because maka keeps a lot of feelings to herself after all.
Happy end to Angst week! *insert tired crying*
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seangstweek · 9 years
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“If weapons should protect meisters, then who will protect the weapons?”
Day 6 - Sacrifice
i wanted to make screencap redraws for diff kinds of sacrifices so here they are (also sorry for the lateness and for not adding kid’s part in there cuz life problems man)
also the soma ones are better redraws of my past embarrassing redraws which you can see here
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seangstweek · 9 years
The Weapon’s Nightmare
Soul Eater Angst Week 2015 Day 7 - Things Left Unsaid Words - 1K… (1,055) Pairing - BlackStarxTsubaki and SoulxTsubaki BROTP Warning: Major Character Death.
Alrighty, last day of angst week and then I write fluff and my angsty resbang lol. Thank you to transcending-god for looking this over!
After Black Star was gone, Tsubaki went missing too.
At first she wasn’t really missing. She spent most of her time on the academy rooftop, staring at the horizon with a glazed look in her eye. Her friends would come to sit with her, taking shifts to sit vigil while she mourned in silence. But after a while they stopped showing up. She never spoke to them, never even acknowledged their presence. They figured she just wanted to be alone so they let her. She was there, but she wasn’t Tsubaki.
Then one day Maka climbed the rooftop stairs and Tsubaki really was gone. She left a note; saying not to worry, saying she was still alive. She said not to go looking for her because she was only trying to find something and she needed to find it before she could return.
Maka hoped she wasn’t looking for Black Star.
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seangstweek · 9 years
Orders Are Orders
Because I’m horrible at doing things on time, here’s my late submission for day…five, I think? Um, yeah so slight warnings for mentions of blood and the like. 
It’s late in the evening when a harsh knock sounds at their door, their faces scrunching up in confusion as a voice barks at them through the worn wood, claiming to be government officials. Soul jokingly asks her who she pissed off this time, but instead of humor, she feels a tight knot of dread settle in her stomach. She stands from the couch and allows their shared blanket to pool on the floor, gooseflesh prickles on her legs as she pads to the door, mind running through the recent political tension.
She opens the door with a polite, if shaky, smile. Three men are gathered in the hall, clunky bulletproof vests strapped over their clothes and long black rifles gripped in their hands. “Maka Albarn?” One man asks, his comrades raising their guns to allow the little red beams to settle on her chest as she nods uncertainly. “We’re here to collect any weapons you might have in your possession.”
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seangstweek · 9 years
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Soul Eater Angst Week -August 30th to September 5th-
Sunday: First Time I Saw You Cry
Monday: Nightmares
Tuesday: Haunting Melody
Wednesday: Battle Scars
Thursday: Orders Are Orders
Friday: Sacrifice
Saturday: Things Left Unsaid
Please reblog and share with your friends, mutuals, and followers!
We’re following the tags: #seangstweek #se angst #angst eater Be sure to use at least one of these once the week begins so that we can find your content more easily. Please be sure to post and reblog with appropriate trigger warnings that are clearly visible as well!
If you don’t use these tags then we’ll have a more difficult time with finding your post so please choose at least one to use exactly the way we’ve typed it out.
Thank you all for your participating! We look forward to SE Angst Week 2015!
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seangstweek · 9 years
All The Glory - 5
Another late section, I’m sorry I work all day. Part 6 might be delayed and posted Saturday but that’s definitely a section that needs some time.
FFN Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Nothing Ever Happens
February 13th
Soul wasn’t sure he heard the buzzer anymore. He was too focused on keeping Maka’s hair even and her head unscathed, so he blocked out the drone and whisper of hair falling on the bathroom floor.
“All done, how’s it feel?” Soul turned off the electric razor and set it on the edge of the sink.
Her fingers traced the unfamiliar buzzcut, like she was noticing the shape of her head for the first time. “It feels short.”
“Well, at least you don’t have any weird lumps on your head.” He had to make a joke; they survived off of sarcasm and denial, denial, denial.
“Nah, all the lumps are inside.” Reality crashed down on him with full force. It was impossible to avoid thinking about it when she so looked the part of a cancer patient now. Of course, the doctor’s orders for removal from school and all athletic activities didn’t help either one of their morale.
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seangstweek · 9 years
Probably Wouldn’t Be This Way
Universe: Slight AU
Song: Probably Wouldn’t Be This Way by Le Ann Rimes
Major Characters: Soul Eater Evans, Maka Albarn
Warnings: Mature language, strong verbal arguing
winchestergirl08 is the best beta ever!
He was glad that hardly anyone came out here at this time of day, when the sun was just barely hanging onto consciousness by a few threads and the black moon threatened to take over its reign of the sky. The tips of his white hair took on the red-orange gleam of the sunset as he slouched in front of the tree he had become all too familiar with.
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seangstweek · 9 years
Woah, Saturday already! Angst Week is coming to a close, and, well, writing 5 out of 7 isn’t so bad, if I say so myself! The final angsty fic and then I’m back to writing ridiculously sweet fluff. Day 7: Things Left Unsaid.
Rating: T
Warnings: Sad stuff, introspection, feeling lucky to be alive, overprotective Nygus, Stein being a concerned boyfriend, Sid’s narrative, mentions of the fight with Justin and Noah
“Thank you.”
It was the only sound in the room, save for the occasional whistling in the corner caused by the the mass he knew was Marie inhaling painfully, huddled on the bed. Sid’s head came up from staring at the new stitches along his forearm, a different ulna, elbow, wrist attached to him after his own arm was chewed off by one of Noah’s monsters.
Sid stared at Stein’s face, but the man was busy rechecking the stitches on Sid’s blue arm, looking to see if the muscle fibers were connected properly.
Once again.
Avoiding his gaze.
Acting like he said nothing.
Sid knew why. He didn’t need to ask what Stein was thanking him for: he knew; everyone knew. Marie would be dead, swallowed whole by that creature if Sid didn’t sacrifice an arm and become that much closer to becoming Doctor Franken Stein’s monster, a man made of parts.
As the moment stretched uncomfortably thin, Sid wanted to ask if Marie was still out cold, if just to throw sound into the room, but of course she was. He could hear her breathing, could hear that there was a sudden, slight rasp when she exhaled. Stein’s face went dark for a moment, glasses catching a glare before the expression disappeared, immediately after the rasp settled, and Stein looked over Sid’s IV line.
The truth was that Sid didn’t know how to answer. He thinks maybe he just shouldn’t, because he’s bone tired, and every time he looked at Nygus, who stepped out to get more painkiller, he wanted to rip Justin to shreds, and Stein’s entire back was practically a mass of ruptured skin and torn open stitches, his lab-coat discarded somewhere in the corner, still bloodstained, and Marie must have looked like a woman wearing a skin of mottled bruises.
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seangstweek · 9 years
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“The scars I received on the battle on the moon was nothing compared to losing my father…”
Day 4 - Battle Scars
yo what if excalibur didn’t mess with kid’s eulogy in the manga
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seangstweek · 9 years
All The Glory - 4
It’s still the second where I am! So it’s not late. Part four of angst week fic. Infinite thanks to l0chn3ss for taking the time to look at this even though I was super last minute.
part 1 part 2 part 3 FFN
On The Floor At The Great Divide
February 3rd
“Are you free today?” Maka appeared out of nowhere, thin, thin hair draping over his homework.
“Uh, yeah, obviously,” Soul answered, barely looking at her. He wanted to meet her eyes, but her face was a harsh reminder of the inevitable.
He was a coward.
“I had a favor to ask.”
“Could you take me to my appointment this afternoon?” Tangled thoughts screech into panic; taking her to a doctor’s appointment is about the last thing he wants to do. “They’re switching me to IV Chemo, and I have to get a central line put in, and I don’t think Papa can handle it anymore.” Ah yes, Spirit, the source of stress and run on sentences. Soul nodded, agreeing under the condition that they take her dad’s car. She explained that it shouldn’t be a problem if he started drinking at two again.
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seangstweek · 9 years
Ready, Aim
Day 5 already! I missed “Battle Scars”, which will go up later, but this is for the prompt “Orders are Orders” for Angst Week!
Marie looks at him and he knows what she is thinking, that she is ready to help: but Spirit was already up there. His students. Wasn’t that enough? How much more were they expecting for him to leave for ruin, to give as sacrifice for that senseless war on a moon curved like a blade?
He knows he has to.
When he got the command, he knew there wasn’t much left that they could do, save for finding some other way to go back to the moon, and hell if the witches were willing to help them return to that graveyard. He wouldn’t be in the position if it weren’t for the wolf’s mistake, which left Spirit high in the blood sky that could prove his tomb, but he was in the position regardless of complaint. He had to have faith in those kids, and he knew they’d saved more than they should’ve had to, in the past. Besides, he couldn’t help but admit that, after he found himself back on the ground, when he saw Marie’s relieved face, her soul growing so huge in her chest, looking like it were ready to burst, he was almost content with the mistake of landing back on Earth.
When he got the command, he didn’t realize what it entailed, what it compromised. He almost didn’t register the order, his earpiece still a little frazzled. It wasn’t until he turned and spotted Azusa transforming and seeing that they were getting Kilik to fill in for Sid. (A good choice, he thinks. Both of them had such similar wavelengths, strong, devoted, loyal and protective: Azusa could easily resonate with either of them.)
“All long range weapons, prepare for fire.”
He cataloged what they had. No shotguns, and even if they were there, the accuracy of them would be shoddy, at best. Perhaps with the witch’s help, they’d stand a sliver of a chance to hit the Kishin, but Azusa was their best bet. He looked over the other Death Scythes. An axe, a lamp. What else was there that could land a solid hit on the Kishin from all the way down on Earth?
As if hearing him, and he wouldn’t be surprised if she could read him like a book, she knew him down to the very soul, she turned.
When Marie looked at him, he didn’t notice, didn’t feel her eye focused on him. He was too busy squinting up at the moon, wondering how Azusa could possibly be enough. It was only when he felt Marie’s tender soul touch onto his, asking for resonance that he stared back at her and saw her face set.
Everything inside of him froze: his bloodstream stopping, his lungs inflating and staying pressed into his rib-cage, his heart halting mid-thump so it felt pressed against his sternum.
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seangstweek · 9 years
Sanctified, pt1
A thank you to therewithasmile, sandmancircus, ilarual, professor-maka, fabulousanima, l0chn3ss and scarlethousecarl, who all gave this a look and helped me fix the all the messes. You guys are brilliant.
This fic is based on an anon ask that the reverbmod blog recieved a while back actually, and anon, if you’re to see this and do not wish for it to remain posted, just message me and let me know. Otherwise, I hope yall enjoy! 
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seangstweek · 9 years
I Can’t Love You Back
Universe: Slight AU
Song: I Can’t Love You Back by Easton Corbin
Major Characters: Soul Eater Evans, Maka Albarn, Death the Kid
Warnings: Major Character Death, mature language
winchestergirl08, you’re the best!
Soul really didn’t want to be there. He couldn’t think of anywhere else worse than this. Seriously, he’d prefer to be on a fucking stage, playing Schumann’s Fantasie in C in front of the harshest piano critics the world had to offer.
He never thought he’d have to be here, of all places, where he’d be surrounded by close friends, acquaintances, and teachers; the thought would only briefly flit across his mind and then was promptly discarded. Oh, he knew it was a possibility; everyone knew that. But this time, no one expected it. No, no one could have predicted that the last Death Scythe would be standing anywhere but beside his original meister, especially in this goddamn chapel. But there he was, dressed in his best suit and sitting in the front pew, his heart - or what was left of it - slowly breaking all over again.
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seangstweek · 9 years
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“I can’t even play this melody anymore. Her face haunts me whenever I play a familiar note. I can’t play. Not without her.”
Day 3 - Haunting Melody
your lie in april au has returned ! …
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