seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Friday November 17th Daily Blog
This is my thirty-first blog post of my personal Tumblr page.
Sleep: 7 hrs
I got a good amount of sleep last night, but spent a lot of time doing unnecessary things. I need to work on focusing before I go to sleep and managing my sleep schedule a little better
No breakfast, no surprise. I will have Epicuria again today, for like the fortieth time in a row... last night I had study pizza with bbq sauce and ranch with chicken and basil and stuff. Making my own pizza was cool but it took 45 mins longer than the pickup time it told me and so I was standing there forever. Not worth.
Daily Reflection:
Today will be one of the hardest days... but after this I can finally start to relax a little more. FIGHT ON! Feeling okay at the moment, but very very nervous. I can't wait for a break.
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
PM Impersonation Video with Sophia!
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Drinking water 18
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Thursday November 16th Daily Blog
This is my thirtieth blog post of my personal Tumblr page.
Sleep: 8 hrs
Today I was able to catch up on all of my lost sleep. I feel much better if not a little groggy. Hopefully sleeping for so long didn't take away too much valuable time.
Last night I had Chipotle and had a wonderful conversation with my chemistry professor-to-be: Hung Pham. I was able to get lots of work done and I ended up going to Bittiebitez with my roomies and having really good cinnamon-sugar mini doughnuts.
Daily Reflection:
I am doing okay today. I keep reminding myself that it's almost over. I am working really hard and I hope that it does not go unrewarded. Time will tell if this quarter was worth it. I just can't wait to go home, although I am very thankful for the friends I have made along the way this quarter.
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Drinking water 17
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Wednesday November 15th Daily Blog
This is my twenty-ninth blog post of my personal Tumblr page.
Sleep: 3 hrs
Tonight I wanted sleep but life went like "nuh-uh!" with a pouty face. Woke up at 5 today to do my second LS7A midterm. I think I bombed. Time will tell! (yayayayay)
I've done it. I've finally eaten breakfast! I went to the study and got a skillet combo thing with eggs and bacon and stuff. It was pretty good, and made me at least a little more energized for today after the abysmal sleep I had.
Daily Reflection:
Halfway through the week and not even close to done with my assignments. I hate my life now and I will end up hating it with even MORE PASSION in the coming days. Woo! Anyways, looks like it's back to work for me. Bye.
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Weekly Personal Reflection
Navigating a challenging period in my life has underscored the importance of self-care, a practice that has been integral to my well-being. Typically, my self-care routine revolves around spending quality time with friends and engaging in activities that bring me joy, such as rock climbing. However, this past week presented an unusual deviation from my usual routine, prompting a reflection on the role of self-care during tumultuous times.
Friendships have always been a pillar of support for me, providing solace and understanding in times of difficulty. Whether through shared laughter or heartfelt conversations, the presence of friends has been a vital component of my self-care. Unfortunately, the demands of this challenging week limited my ability to lean on these crucial connections. The absence of this support highlighted the significance of nurturing these friendships during both good and challenging times.
Rock climbing, another cornerstone of my self-care routine, serves as a physical and mental release. The tactile connection with the rock, the focus required for each movement, and the satisfaction of overcoming a climbing challenge contribute significantly to my overall well-being. Unfortunately, the demands of the past week prevented me from engaging in this therapeutic activity, leaving a void in my usual coping mechanisms.
In the absence of these familiar sources of comfort, I found myself grappling with the importance of adapting self-care practices to the evolving circumstances of life. While the usual outlets were temporarily inaccessible, the experience reinforced the need for flexibility in self-care strategies. Exploring alternative methods, such as mindfulness exercises or brief moments of solitude, became essential in navigating this challenging period.
As I emerge from this difficult week, the reflection on the limitations of my usual self-care routine has prompted a renewed appreciation for its significance. The temporary disruptions served as a reminder of the adaptability required to sustain well-being during unpredictable times. Moving forward, I am motivated to integrate this newfound flexibility into my self-care practices, recognizing that resilience lies not only in the consistency of routine but also in the ability to embrace change and find solace in diverse sources of support and rejuvenation.
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Christmas List
Love and affection
Racing Drone
Ski Trip
VR Headset
Touchstone Membership
New Mountain Bike
70’s Fit
More Pickleballs
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Where am I?
This quarter has been a transformative journey for me, characterized by substantial personal growth and the acquisition of invaluable life lessons. At the forefront of these changes is a marked improvement in my time management skills. Navigating the intricate dance between rigorous academic demands and the commitments of various extracurricular pursuits has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. It's through this delicate balance that I've had the opportunity to refine my organizational skills, honing in on what truly matters to me and deepening my understanding of priorities.
A pivotal aspect of this quarter's journey has been the recognition of the significance of trust in friendships. Confronting the challenge of maintaining a demanding academic career while actively engaging in extracurricular activities underscored the indispensable role of a robust support network. This quarter has been instrumental in not only fostering but also strengthening the bonds of friendship. The shared experiences and mutual reliance on one another during challenging times have elevated the value I place on these connections.
As the intensity of this quarter gradually subsides, there is a palpable sense of anticipation for the forthcoming resumption of my passion for sports and extracurricular pursuits. Beyond being outlets for personal enjoyment, these activities serve as crucial avenues for rejuvenation and stress relief. The prospect of reengaging with these aspects of my life represents not only a return to personal fulfillment but also a strategic move towards achieving a more balanced and wholesome lifestyle.
Looking ahead, my goals extend beyond the immediate relief from the quarter's demands. I aspire to carry forward the work ethic and resilience cultivated during this challenging period. The lessons learned in effective time management and the importance of fostering interpersonal connections will undoubtedly influence my approach to future endeavors. As I transition into the next phase of my academic journey, I am optimistic that the skills, insights, and newfound perspectives gained will significantly contribute to my personal and academic growth.
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
The career of a neurologist is a fascinating and critical one within the field of medicine, focusing on the intricate complexities of the nervous system. Neurologists are specialized physicians who diagnose and treat disorders affecting the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. This multifaceted profession requires a deep understanding of neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and a range of medical technologies.
Neurologists play a pivotal role in patient care, employing a variety of diagnostic tools such as MRI scans, CT scans, and neurological examinations to identify and understand neurological conditions. They address a spectrum of disorders, including but not limited to epilepsy, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
In addition to their diagnostic responsibilities, neurologists often collaborate with other healthcare professionals, including neurosurgeons, physical therapists, and psychiatrists, to provide comprehensive care. Research is also a significant aspect of a neurologist's career, contributing to advancements in understanding neurological diseases and developing new treatment modalities.
The path to becoming a neurologist is rigorous, requiring completion of medical school, residency training in neurology, and often further specialization through fellowships. The demand for neurologists continues to grow as the prevalence of neurological disorders increases, making this career not only intellectually stimulating but also socially impactful.
In summary, neurologists play a crucial role in the healthcare system by unraveling the complexities of the nervous system, diagnosing and treating a spectrum of neurological disorders, and contributing to ongoing research that shapes the future of neurological medicine.
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Drinking water 16
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Tuesday November 14th Daily Blog
This is my twenty-eighth blog post of my personal Tumblr page.
Sleep: 4.5 hrs
This is bad. It's the first night of the week and I already halved my sleep. I will have another late night tonight, and on top of that, be waking up at 5 AM to do the LS7A midterm.
I did not eat breakfast, instead opting to tide myself over with a pack of trail mix. I will eat lunch soon, hopefully getting something good from Epicuria at Ackerman. I am looking forward to eating as I barely had anything to eat last night and nothing yet this morning.
Daily Reflection:
I feel fairly confident I will get what needs to be done, done. However, I have no idea how exactly I am going to do that and still maintain sanity and go to sleep at night. Once my midterm is over, I think it will get a little better.
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Monday November 13th Daily Blog
This is my twenty-seventh post of my personal Tumblr page.
Sleep: 7 hrs
Eh. I kept getting woken up last night by my coughing roommate. Also I was so nervous that I couldn't get very deep sleep either. I don't really feel rested and it's only 11 and my eyes are already very very very heavy.
No breakfast, but I had a nice salad for lunch and some shawarma for dinner with my roommates for a little bit. Yum!
Daily Reflection:
I feel so overwhelmed this week. I have a midterm and a group phase to do this week, plus an extremely heavy and busywork-filled workload for my extracurricular. Day one is almost over. I am so glad that it will all be ogre soon and I can finally go home and rest.
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Sunday November 12th Daily Blog
This is my twenty-sixth blog post of my personal Tumblr page. I skipped a day for some reason but we don't talk about that.
Sleep: 8 hrs
I really, really needed that. I had a wild day the day before and was severely sleep deprived, emotionally distressed, and sick.
Food: Today I had Bruin Plate for the first time in a while as usually I can't justify the amount of time that it takes to eat there. I went with my friends Claire and Charlie after we tutored kids, which was fun.
Daily Reflection:
Ugh. This week will be the hardest one yet for my extracurricular but hopefully the last week. You will hopefully stop hearing from me soon. I am still alone in my dorm... I feel a little lonely. This week is also gonna be rough since it's midterm week plus enrollment. On top of that, my work is skyrocketing. I can't wait for it to be over. I will finish with death or salvation but come hell or high water I WILL be finished this week.
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Friday November 10th Daily Blog
This is my twenty-fifth blog post of my personal Tumblr page.
Sleep: 7 hrs
Neither of my roommates are in the room at the moment, and so the room was dead quiet the whole night and I got great sleep.
Food: I haven't eaten breakfast, but I will be eating lunch with my friend very soon. We are getting Bcafe. I'll probably order a bbq beef brisket sandwich, because they are heavenly.
Daily Reflection:
It is painful to watch my roommates go free. I am happy for them, but seeing how easy it is for them to go home when I am trapped here, waking up early to go to Kerckhoff for two hours in the morning for some reason, and then working all day to fill my requirements for my extracurricular, sucks. Last year, I went home during this weekend, and had a great time. Not this year. I miss the free time I had, and my availability. I feel like I am losing contact with the people I care about and that scares me. I can't wait for this quarter to be over.
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seans-weekly-blog · 7 months
Drinking water 15
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