seaofserene-a · 3 years
ALRIGHT. this blog is officially archived. serenity’s got a new stand-alone blog, please go follow @seaofserene for more of the murder mermaid!
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
ALRIGHT. this blog is officially archived. serenity’s got a new stand-alone blog, please go follow @seaofserene for more of the murder mermaid!
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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AHEM. hello there useless mortals— i mean fellow sonic roleplayers! do you like villain characters? are you perhaps a fan of the horror genre? are you interested in sea-dwelling monsters harboring an intense bloodlust? well this is a roleplay blog for serenity the siren! (an oc of mine). be sure to give this post a ♡ & a ↻ if you are interested in interacting, and maybe your soul will be spared. ;)
be sure to give the rules a glance-over before interacting - link is in bio! mun’s name is toby. i use they/them pronouns <3
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
ALRIGHT. this blog is officially archived. serenity’s got a new stand-alone blog, please go follow @seaofserene for more of the murder mermaid!
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
brain went: write a drabble about how serenity became immortal
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
torn. i wanna make a new stand-alone blog for serenity, but that requires efforrrrt
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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anonymous said: Ever run into scuba divers?
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   “ Is that what they’re called ? ” The siren muses, lounging lazily on her rock. There’s a look of disinterest on her face, lack of impression. Scuba divers. The land dwellers who seek to venture into her world, right? Oh yes. She’s run into plenty.
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   “ Hmhmhm ~ ! Why of course ! Hard not to when the place you dwell in has such an exciting reputation... I will admit, it is... interesting, seeing all the ways the land dwellers try to journey into my realm. Intriguing... as much as it is bothersome. They’ve become far too bold for their own good. ” 
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
deep, rooted fear
Aries: powerlessness, losing a sense of their own self, never achieving their goal, losing their  flame, being seen/described as incapable and being underestimated, life being dull, plain and grey - and they are a part of it
Taurus: losing what is most important to them (materialistic/security/loved ones), never being able to expand themselves and being stuck on something they don’t want/think they don’t deserve, not reaching a higher level and worries A LOT about the future and how it might look like 
Gemini: being ‘caged’ in their own mind, being seen as stupid or of unsound mind, having no real connection to anything and anyone, being scattered and all over the place (internal), being judged for their words/intellect
Cancer: the future, never forgetting past trauma/overcoming sadness, not being able to let go, being used, showing their soft side, showing their real selves and coming out of their shell, having no home
Leo: being exposed to every flaw and insecurety they have, never being able to shine and show their true self, being lost, having no energy/optimism to go on, trusting the wrong ones too easily, not having the life they always wanted/admired
Virgo: being a failure to themselves and anyone else, losing control over their life, not being able to go on anymore, paranoia of everything that could go wrong, exposing themselves too early/easily
Libra: never finding the one, feeling no fulfillment deep within, feeling like a ghost/having no real face, not being satisfied themselves,giving too much, being hurt/forgotten, being completely alone
Scorpio: being hurt/exposed, letting the wrong ones in, (past) trauma, never healing scars, love (loving oneself and being loved), opening up, becoming the demon and the demons of the world/life, losing
Sagittarius: being trapped and caged, never being able to feel life, being exposed to their feelings and showing their caring/loving side, never being able to win (due to running away from their problems), never being truly content
Capricorn: being stuck on lower grounds, always losing, never winning, their hard built up reputation being shattered, losing what’s most important for them, inner conflicts and hidden emotions - not being able to express them and compensate for it, 
Aquarius: being the madman and not the genius they wish to be, being lost in the world, an inner standstill, having no one by their side, being alone, being judged for what they are inside, not knowing the answer/being completely hopeless
Pisces: never being able to truly love/be loved, being lost in their own mind/trauma, afraid of being hurt and used, an inner trance that they can not escape, a martyrer that is shamelessly sacrificed and will never be recognized, no understanding for their view/opinions
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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And now birthmas gifts for my pals @shadowsceptered @seaofserene <3
Do not rb unless your the ones tagged here thank you!!
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
for those who feel like a monster … sentence starters
“You’re still human.”
“You’re not a monster.”
“I don’t see you as a monster.”
“You’re not what they say you are.”
“You are not what has been done to you.”
“Don’t listen to them. They don’t know you.”
“You’re better than you tell yourself you are.”
“The mistakes you’ve made don’t define you.”
“No matter what you are, you deserve to be loved.”
“No matter what you are, you deserve to be protected.”
“I know it’s hard to see past the guilt, but you’re a good person.”
“You look at yourself and see a monster… I see someone beautiful.”
“I’m not scared of you. And its sad that you seem scared of yourself.”
“When I look in your eyes, I don’t see a monster. I see someone in pain.”
“They’re scared of you… because they can’t see past what makes you different.”
“You might not be human anymore, but that doesn’t mean you’re any less of a person.”
“Is this why you don’t want to let anyone close? You’re afraid they’ll see you like some kind of monster?”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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   She peered curiously over the ledge, watching. What were they doing? The siren has half a mind to wonder. There were many things about the mortal world she did not understand. So much of it being so foreign... she couldn’t help but glare with a hint of skepticism in her eyes. That is, until she realizes eye contact had been made. And quickly, she ducks back down, diving underneath the water swiftly.
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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   “ I wouldn’t go down there, if I were you. ” The siren lounges on a flat rock, watching them with intrigued eyes. “ This place is dreadfully haunted, you know. They don’t take so kindly to uninvited guests. ” 
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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“ Hello everyone. I am hosting a yard sale down by the shore today, for free ! ”
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
what gods to i need to pray to in order to have the power to work on my drafts
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
serenity dealing with any little kid ever (timestamp at 1:15)
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
unsurprising to no one: i am once again head empty only siren
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seaofserene-a · 3 years
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You left before I got to You left before I got to You left before I You left before I… Shook the flowers from your hair Run to me and kiss my hands I’m dead before I… I’m dead before I…
pools // glass animals.
[ don’t reblog! ]
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