Final post
Goodbye! I love you all.
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New Blog
I'll keep this up until the 17th. After that, if this page has not been removed, I will delete it promptly.
You can find my new blog here
If you have any questions, my inbox is open!
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I am moving my blog
I'm currently researching like mad to find an excellent replacement, I will try and post updates here but you can find me on the following: Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/seaspraymermaid/ .... Twitter- @seaspreaymermaid ..... Instagram- @seaspraymermaid ..... Google+ https://plus.google.com/107353003888282952920
Again, I will do my best to keep you updated!
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You Came Back!
Thank you for coming back to my mad writings! 
Procrastination has always been a massive pain in my tail. I always put off important things like making doctor appointments. Sometimes it’s out of fear, who likes phone calls!? Sometimes I just don’t have the energy or motivation to do things as simple as a load of laundry. Then I talk down to myself. It would be different if I wasn’t so lazy. I wish I was like Productive Polly over there with her amazing hair. Blah blah blah. If you do the negative talk too, stop it. We aren’t lazy and it’s a waste of time to play the comparison game. 
The truth is, there is no easy way to beat procrastination. If you’ve found one, please for the love of all that is warm and fuzzy share your secrets. (It’s sorcery isn’t it?) Studies suggest human brains are wired for the easiest possible thing. And let’s get honest, what’s easier than ignoring the Chair of Laundry? Thankfully there is a way out. Rewiring the brain. Start with something small, folding the laundry as soon as it’s dry. Do that every single time you do laundry. Eventually it becomes a habit and you don’t procrastinate anymore. Procrastination is a habit we can all kick! I like to leave myself notes until the new habit is wired in, but a reminder in your phone will work. 
Now, if you’re like me, you would rather wash the ceiling than talk to someone on the phone. For me, it’s anxiety. I don’t know why phone calls make me anxious. I did find a way around that too, for the rare times the internet fails. Does the name Pavlov ring any bells? His idea was to trigger a response through certain stimulation. Pavlov took dogs, rang a bell, and fed them. Eventually the dogs started to drool when they heard the bell because the bell meant feeding time. What I do is find some chocolate I can only have after I finish my phone calls. That’s right, I Pavlov myself. And it works. Now, please keep in mind this is not an immediate answer. Conditioning takes a long time. The key is to be consistent, another beast we’ll have to tackle on another day.
Thanks for reading, seastars! If you have any tips or tricks around procrastination, please leave a comment. I’d love to hear your ideas, and maybe try a few out. 
Peace, Love, and Splashes,
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Discovering an Intro
Hello, seastars! If you visit my profile, you’ll notice a few changes. For one, my page is actually interesting to look at (yay!). You’ll also notice my description sounds more like a blog and less like a stuffy business. These changes mean, you guessed it, actual content! 
You can expect this blog to be about learning to love yourself and find confidence in the fact you (yes you, with the amazing smile reading this) are incredible. I’ll be posting easy ways to pamper yourself, take care of yourself, handle anxiety and depression, perhaps a few corny jokes along the way. Through all of this fresh content, you’ll also learn a lot about me. Feel free to ask me any questions, I just ask that you respect it if I refuse to answer, some things need to stay private.
So! Let’s get this party started. Hi, I’m Seaspray, I have a few (undiagnosed) mental illnesses and a full history of (ignored) trauma. I also have been ignoring a thyroid condition for an embarrassing amount of time, to the chagrin of my mother. I make this promise to you, dear seastars, I will see the necessary professionals to handle my various issues. 
To wrap this up, I leave you with this: Never, ever listen to that horrible voice in your head telling you you’re not worthy, that you shouldn’t waste anyone’s time, that you’re undeserving and lesser than. Tell that voice to take it’s nasty self and shove it. Because you are worthy, and deserving, and equal, and amazing! Yes you are. 
Starfish wishes and lots of kisses,
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I will announce, with a brand new look, my new blog Seaspray Mermaid: A Tale of Confidence and Self-Love! I should be ready to post by Sunday!
#seaspray #tumblr #meme #seaspraymermaid #mnmermaid #lookout4seaspray #mermaid #memes #excited #announcement #minnesotamermaid #newlook
via @RiplApp
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You can leave your review on my page here: https://www.facebook.com/seaspraymermaid/
#seaspray #mermaid #MNmermaid #onlyinMN #MN #lookout4seaspray #spotamermaid #seaspraymermaid #review #leaveareview
Please remember all reviews are subject to be posted on my website.
via @RiplApp
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Don't forget to thank a Vet!
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Your mental illness is lying to you.
You are not stupid. You are not ugly. You are not worthless. You are not weak. You are not a burden. Your mental illness is lying to you.
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My brother to his boyfriend: where are you going?
Boyfriend: well, I’M going SHOPPING. I’m gonna go buy MYSELF something for my birthday since YOU didn’t.
Brother: I told you, I got you a gift but it won’t be ready till Friday
Boyfriend : mhm, okay, sure
Me, knowing full well my brother got him an engagement ring and it’s getting sized and will be ready on Friday:
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Trigger warning, this is important.
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the Drake and Millie situation? why is this being allowed to happen. I know it happens all over the world but here - right in the public eye it’s happening and nobody is thinking anything of it??? Or are turning a blind fucking eye??
https://www.facebook.com/1885503711697761/posts/2146402772274519/ ))
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Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
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This is your reminder to make sure you took your meds today.
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Here come the most Extra of turtles and tortoises
Indian Roof Turtle, about as close to a dragon turtle as we’re likely to get.
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Burmese Roof Turtle, with a banana for a head
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Diamondback Terrapin, the Rorschach of turtles
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Red-Bellied Short-Necked Turtle, just look at those colors!
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Burmese Starred Tortoise, geometrically chic
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Radiated Tortoise, also geometrically chic but maybe more art deco
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Painted Terrapin, no need to send in the clowns
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Leopard Tortoise, breaking the mold with a little art noveau
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Bell’s Hingeback Tortoise, “You think box turtles got it on lockdown? Hold my noms and watch this!”
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Impressed Tortoise, what it says on the tin
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Cane Turtle, otherwise known as “Winner Of Turtle Death Glare Competition Since Forever”
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She is beauty, she is grace.
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Who is she!
She’s an Eastern Fiddler Ray (Trygonorrhina fasciata). These cool dudes are a species of guitarfish!
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