seattlitespeaking · 3 years
Political, response to the meme
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*squinting* ok I'll dive in
There are definitely more more 2 genders. When we consider the two binary genders, we see a lot of what defines the others as well and the reasons for previous binary gender norms make sense from a historical perspective, but have fallen apart under modern scientific scrutiny. When we talk about gender, many people will simplify it based on genitalia alone, but it is possible to be born with both sexual organs or neither or to be born with one which is not capable of reproduction. Add in the fact that hormones typically correlated with masculine and feminine genders (testosterone and estrogen) can have any appear at varying levels to someone regardless of their gender expression. Also, the X and Y chromosomes only differ slightly. It is extremely common for a male presenting individual to have 2 X chromosomes, or for a female presenting individual to have an XY chromosomal makeup. Studies have also been done showing consistently that transsexuals individuals have brain scans more similar to their identifying gender than that of their birth assigned gender. In short, there are more than 2 binary genders, and what we think we know about those genders is quickly changing.
Abortion is absolutely justified, but since individual human suffering doesn't appear to have effected your opinion of the matter, consider what was written in a favorite book of mine Freakonomics. Abortion makes sense from a societal perspective. As many of you will be more aware than I, there was a massive and violet crime wave in the 80's. Then it kind of stopped, after abortion was made legal. Extreme poverty, addiction, mental illness, and other conditions strongly linked with criminality are also the kinds of things that may lead a woman to decide to have an abortion. In short, if those kids had continued being born when criminal conduct was predictable, we would've just seen a continuation of that psychopathic violence. You may say to me, that child deserves the right to live regardless of the possibility of a criminal future. You might say that those predictions make no moral guidance to the life that has been made. To that I tell you that without a neurological system, it isn't a life. The first Heartbeat identified is an electrical impulse with no self awareness whatsoever. If you believe life begins at conception, please consider the possibility of twins. The twins begin as one clump of cells, then divide into two when only one was conceived at first. Do we now have one soul divided in two? What about cases where one twin consumes the other in the womb? Soul math is hard, and not at all rooted in fact. The fact is that medical issues and huge financial commitments and other major factors make planning a family a difficult decision, and those decisions are not made easier by you, the government, or anybody else telling those involved what to do.
Guns don't kill people by themselves, that's true. And yet the US is one of the only countries in the world where the ownership of a gun is considered an unalienable right, beyond that of the sense of security of those around you. Other countries require complex permits, huge annual taxes and fees, ongoing education, and proof of responsible ownership practices. If you calm down for just a second, you may notice that with each violent outburst, ie, school shootings, these same points get brought up again and again and yet somehow no gun rights activists are willing to look at how that specific shooter got that specific gun. Background checks aren't going to hurt you, but they might save some 3rd graders. Being a registered gun owner isn't going to endanger your family anymore than a vehicle registration has resulted in your car being stolen, but it will help to trace and identify how violent offenders are getting their weapons. It may surprise you to know that countries with stricter gun laws don't have as much gun violence as we do, but they really really don't. They're not free of it, but its less enough that we deserve to have a conversation about what gun rights limitations people are open to. We owe it to our kids. The fact schools have been closed and we haven't had a bunch of school shootings this year has been amazing. Now let's see what else we can do to keep it going. Illegal immigrants aren't illegal.
Most illegal immigrants were here legally originally, for example, overstaying a legal passport visit. The road to legal immigration is very difficult and can span decades. The legal process is arduous, and unless you have a lawyer and a strong grasp of the English language, it is designed to leave a lot of people behind. Its expensive, technical, inherently racist, and confusing. If we all want safe borders AND a melting pot then we need to reform that antiquated and unnecessary process. If you witness, or are the victim of a crime, you should be able to go to the police without fear of deportation. You should be able to go to the hospital without worrying the doctor will tell the cops you're here illegally. You should be able to live here within the law without worrying ICE is going to tear your family apart. Any perceived injustice over skipping the legal immigrants process is far outshadowed by the global crime of separating families. It is considered an act of genocide, and it is abhorrent.
Obamacare isn't perfect, but it has improved on what was there. When we talk about access to medical care, you need to look at it through the lense of social justice. If there is anything about you that an employer might judge you for (race, color, gender, orientation, religion, etc) then you've currently got a harder time getting medical insurance because our insurance system is so strongly linked with employment. Healthcare should be considered a right. I might be great at taking my meds and going to the doctor regularly, but if others in my community don't have the ability to see the doctor, they will he less able to fight off infection which will require me to see those professionals more often. Similarly, WEAR YOUR MASKS. Obamacare isn't that, but it is a step toward that obvious and necessary conclusion.
Higher taxes for the wealthy are absolutely a good thing. While we're here squabbling over how to pay for childcare or major surgery, billionaires are off buying yachts and multiple homes and stocks which don't feed back into our communities. Mass hoarding of wealth is a part of why we can't afford the social welfare services we need to maintain dignifies for the whole of the US. Seriously, if you made $5,000 a day since the day Christopher Columbus landed in the America's, you STILL wouldn't have one billion dollars. There is NO REASON one person would need that much money. And yet people are willing to shoot each other over dollar amounts less than $100 to feed themselves. Those taxes could go toward food banks or infrastructural improvements that sustain our communities and create jobs to create alternatives to the harshest existences we see today. The wealthy need to pay their share. Amazon, Walmart, and fast food companies pay their employees the minimum, causing those employees to draw on social welfare programs. Those companies should be paying living wages and the taxes our country need to thrive. We're being highway robbed, and instead of blaming others competing for your jobs or the social changes libs are asking for, why not look at the people who make it impossible for us ALL to thrive? I'm not saying eat the rich, I would never SAY that. But for real, what good does it do all of us to have one multimillionaire in our country? What good does it do the planet to have a lot of them? Their jets ruin our ecosystems. Their wealth is obtained by exploiting vulnerable populations and low paid workers. The laws we all abide by don't apply to those extremely wealthy because the law doesn't have the capacity to prosecute them effectively.
If you make less than $400k a year, you won't be effected at all by Biden's tax plan. The funds you make in excess of $400k will be the only funds effected. That means that if you make $450k, only that $50k will be taxed at the higher bracket rate than the bulk of your income.
Tax the wealthy, and let's get some bridges and stuff please?
Disrespecting the anthem isn't nearly as offensive as telling people how to protest. Ours is the only country with a national anthem at every sporting event. We sound crazy to people from other countries. The fact is that Colin Kaepernick was trying to highlight some real grievances with real, known, and simple solutions. The 8 Can't Wait project highlights those steps much better than I ever could. The fact is that a moment of silent kneeling brought about a movement, and that our country has been persecuting people of color for centuries. Google Critical Race Theory for more here. Other forms of protest have been similarly denied their due, and so here we are. We saw the protests in our cities. We've seen the video of George Floyd getting murdered over a $20 bill. We've heard all about Breonna Taylor. We've been completely ignoring the concerns Colin Kaepernick and others were trying to tell you about and it matters. Black Lives Matter more than your anthem, your flag, or any sport ever will. You aren't supposed to be pledging allegiances to a flag, the land, the law, or any one president, you're pledging allegiances to a people indivisible and regardless of race or religion or anything else. Until you can honor that pledge, your words are as meaningless as the contents of my toilet.
Not understanding the science of climate change is not an argument against it. It's complex, but not insurmountable. It's more than just where trash goes, it's also things like the large change in the gas types in our atmosphere since the industrial age began. It's also the way chemicals keep ruining our water supplies. It's also the way that the global sea level is rising, the temperature of our earth is increasing. It's the way that weather is becoming more extreme. It's the way that the evidence of these facts, and their causes, are all extremely well documented. These are all proven fact which are no longer denied by any reputable scientist today. The steps needed vary from simple to difficult, but they're necessary, and they'll stimulate our economy beyond what we can imagine today. The projects required to redo what our grandparents built will be enormous, and they'll require upkeep. Upkeep that will improve the lives of those working those positions.
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seattlitespeaking · 3 years
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Seattle guy typing what he thinks now and then
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