seawitchsuggestions · 23 days
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seawitchsuggestions · 25 days
"The coral reefs of south Sulawesi are some of the most diverse, colorful and vibrant in the world. At least, they used to be, until they were decimated by dynamite fishing in the 1990s.
As part of a team of coral reef ecologists based in Indonesia and the UK, we study the reefs around Pulau Bontosua, a small Indonesian island in south Sulawesi...
In many places around the world, damage like this might be described as irreparable. But at Pulau Bontosua, the story is different. Here, efforts by the Mars coral restoration program have brought back the coral and important ecosystem functions, as outlined by our new study, published in Current Biology. We found that within just four years, restored reefs grow at the same rate as nearby healthy reefs.
Speedy recovery
The transplanted corals grow remarkably quickly. Within a year, fragments have developed into proper colonies. After two years, they interlock branches with their neighbors. After just four years, they completely overgrow the reef star structures and restoration sites are barely distinguishable from nearby healthy reefs.
The combined growth of many corals generates a complex limestone (calcium carbonate) framework. This provides a habitat for marine life and protects nearby shorelines from storm damage by absorbing up to 97% of coastal wave energy.
We measured the overall growth of the reef framework by calculating its carbonate budget. That's the balance between limestone production (by calcifying corals and coralline algae) and erosion (by grazing sea urchins and fishes, for example). A healthy reef produces up to 20kg of reef structure per square meter per year, while a degraded reef is shrinking rather than growing as erosion exceeds limestone production. Therefore, overall reef growth gives an indication of reef health.
At Pulau Bontosua, our survey data shows that in the years following restoration, coral cover, coral colony sizes, and carbonate production rates tripled. Within four years, restored reefs were growing at the same speed as healthy reefs, and thereby provided the same important ecosystem functions...
Outcomes of any reef restoration project will depend on environmental conditions, natural coral larvae supply, restoration techniques and the effort invested in maintaining the project. This Indonesian project shows that when conditions are right and efforts are well placed, success is possible. Hopefully, this inspires further global efforts to restore functioning coral reefs and to recreate a climate in which they can thrive."
-via Phys.org, March 11, 2024
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seawitchsuggestions · 28 days
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seawitchsuggestions · 1 month
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Details: On the high Seas, Michael Zeno Diemer (German, 1867-1939)
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seawitchsuggestions · 1 month
10 Easy Ways to Start Your Sustainable Journey Today
Embarking on a sustainable journey doesn't require a complete overhaul of your lifestyle. In fact, small, mindful steps can lead to significant positive changes for both you and the environment. If you're new to sustainability or looking for simple ways to make a difference, you're in the right place. In this post, we'll explore ten easy steps you can take right now to kickstart your sustainable living journey.
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1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:
The classic mantra holds true. Start by properly recycling items like paper, glass, and plastics. Before tossing something out, consider if it can be repurposed or upcycled. Reducing waste begins with conscious choices.
2. Conserve Energy:
Switch off lights and unplug devices when not in use. Opt for energy-efficient LED bulbs and appliances. Even adjusting your thermostat by a degree or two can make a difference.
3. Ditch Single-Use Plastics:
Invest in reusable shopping bags, water bottles, and coffee cups. Say goodbye to disposable utensils and straws. These small changes can significantly reduce plastic waste.
4. Choose Sustainable Transportation:
Whenever possible, opt for walking, biking, or using public transportation. Consider carpooling or investing in an electric or hybrid vehicle if it aligns with your needs.
5. Support Local and Sustainable Food:
Frequent local farmers' markets, and choose seasonal, locally sourced produce. Reducing food miles and supporting sustainable farming practices benefit both you and the planet.
6. Unplug and Disconnect:
Set aside tech-free time to reduce screen time and energy consumption. Encourage family or friends to join you in reconnecting with nature and each other.
7. Practice Mindful Consumption:
Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it's a necessity. Invest in high-quality, durable items that will last. Choose brands with a commitment to sustainability.
8. Compost Your Kitchen Waste:
Turn food scraps and yard waste into nutrient-rich compost for your garden. It's a fantastic way to reduce landfill waste and enrich your soil naturally.
9. Educate Yourself and Others:
Stay informed about environmental issues and solutions. Share your knowledge with friends and family to inspire collective action.
10. Get Involved Locally:
Engage with local environmental groups and community initiatives. Participate in clean-up events, tree planting, or sustainability workshops. Your active involvement can create positive change at the grassroots level.
Remember, sustainability is a journey, not a destination. Each step you take, no matter how small, contributes to a brighter, greener future. So, start today, and together, we can make a meaningful impact. Stay tuned for more insights and tips on sustainable living from GreenLife Insights!
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seawitchsuggestions · 1 month
hi everyone!
Thank you all so much for sticking around after all this time. I know many of you started following me for my creative writing posts but between grad school and living my life, my inspiration has fallen off the face of the earth lol. I'm going to start posting things about conservation efforts and beautiful art that still sticks with my sea witch vibe.
peace and blessings to all ✌️
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seawitchsuggestions · 1 month
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Powerful Photos by Naja Bertolt Jensen
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seawitchsuggestions · 1 month
Take the memory, leave the shell! Watch what happens when we return seashells to the beach & marine hermit crabs!
Seashells are so important to beaches for a whole host of reasons.
🐚Over-shelling can affect hermit crabs because it reduces the availability of suitable shells for them to inhabit. Hermit crabs rely on empty shells of other creatures for protection and shelter. When there are too few shells available, hermit crabs may be forced to inhabit inadequate shells & pollution as homes, which can hinder their growth and make them more vulnerable to predators and environmental stressors. This can ultimately impact their survival and reproductive success.
🐚Shells provide homes or attachment surfaces for algae, sea grass, sponges, coral and a host of other microorganisms.
🐚Animals such as decorator crabs and octopus use shells as camouflage and many fish use shells as hiding places to avoid predators.
🐚Shells help to stabilize beaches and anchor seagrass.
🐚Shells are used by shorebirds to build nests.
🐚When shells break down, they provide nutrients for the organisms living in the sand or for those that build their own shells. (Shells are a major source of calcium.) I’m a firm believer in when we know better, we do better. I once shelled, and then when I learned all of this, I returned all shells that were not sprayed with a clear varnish to the beach & watched the marine hermit crabs go wild changing shells that were so needed!
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seawitchsuggestions · 7 months
you actually don't have to go on dating apps to find girlfriends. many beautiful women are waiting for you on rocks out at sea
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seawitchsuggestions · 11 months
Wish I was here...
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seawitchsuggestions · 11 months
“the sea doesn’t care about you!!” ok well just because the ocean is unspeakably powerful and can’t stop the rhythm she’s held for uncountable eons just for one person doesn’t mean she can’t love you. loving and changing are two different things. we wouldn’t have life without the ocean…. and yeah, if you don’t respect her and treat her cavalierly, you’ll perish. but how can anyone say the sea doesn’t mourn when she holds so much life and beautiful secrets in her belly? why are we putting atheism on the ocean that loves us?
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The canvases of our exploration
Interstellar - Christopher Nolan // A Ship in a Stormy Sea - Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky // The ISS - NASA // Address at Rice University, 12 Sep. 1962 - John F. Kennedy // Cosmic Web and Dark Matter in Outer Space - Stephen Dalton // Rough sea, Morestil - John Russell // Rocket Man - Elton John // Olin Ivory // @eighthxjune // Space Mirror Memorial, Kennedy Space Center via reddit //OP: @smoooothbrain
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watch this [walks into the ocean and the saltwater fills the hole in my chest cavity]
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“I had a very rich inner world since I was a child. The first thing I remember was wanting to be a mermaid.” — Florence Welch
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now draw him lost at sea and succumbing to the madness
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Monaco's actual sea wall
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hey we left your boyfriend at the beach for like five minutes and now he is fully adapted for ocean life. yeah if he leaves the water he'll be crushed under his own body weight and he doesn't have legs anymore anyway. sorry.
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