sebastidan · 7 years
i hope the rest of july treats you well, august leaves you happy, september fills you with warmth, october gives you closure, november gives you new beginnings, december gives you A love of your life, and 2018 is fruitful and you love and are loved
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sebastidan · 7 years
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F1 Drivers suits half way undone are such a look.
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sebastidan · 7 years
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sebastidan · 7 years
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Daniel Ricciardo ─ Australian Grand-Prix 2017 // Qualifying   
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sebastidan · 7 years
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Sebastian and David talking about Seb’s car Gina | Fan Forum 2017
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sebastidan · 7 years
Reblog or like if it's okay to randomly message you
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sebastidan · 7 years
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sebastidan · 7 years
have you missed your teammate?
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sebastidan · 7 years
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sebastian vettel and daniel ricciardo as requested by @mrshornybadger
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sebastidan · 7 years
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sebastidan · 7 years
Rules: tag 20 followers you want to get to know better Tagged by: @human-ity-almost​ thank you! Name: Hannah  Nicknames: Han, Hans, Daisy Star Sign: Aquarius (My birthday is actually today!) Height: 175 cm Sexual Orientation: Just waiting for the right person regardless :) Hogwarts House: Slytherin! Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Animal: Cat! Time Right Now: 09.39 pm Cat or Dog Person: cats all the wayyyy! Got one of my own :) Favorite Fictional Character: Can I have two? Fred and George Weasley Favorite Singer/Band: McFly. I’m a Galaxy Defender all the way! Dream Trip: My dream is to travel to each of the 7 continents (Done Europe and Oceania so far!) Dream Job: Teaching :) When Was This Blog Created: Last month I think Current Number of Followers: About 50? Not been very active on this blog What Made You Decide to Make a Tumblr: Fandoms all the way Why Did You Pick Your URL: Sebastidan for life <3
Again, I tag anyone wants to answer
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sebastidan · 7 years
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sebastidan · 7 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @human-ity-almost Rules: You can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then tag 10 people. 1. Star Girl - Mcfly 2. Don’t Stop - 5SOS 3. You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift 4. Love Will Set You Free - Kodaline 5. No Worries - Mcfly 6. Unclear - Kodaline 7. Hit It - American Authors 8. Losing My Mind - Charlie Puth 9. Nothing - The Script 10. Nobody To Love - Sigma
I’m a bit late to do this so I tag anyone who hasn’t done it yet!
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sebastidan · 7 years
I was tagged by @human-ity-almost​ - thank you <3 Rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy! 1: Are you named after someone? My brother named me after his friend 2: When was the last time you cried? Last week 3: Do you like your handwriting? Nooo, far too messy! 4: What is your favourite lunch meat? Chicken <3 5: Do you have kids? Noooo but hopefully in QUITE a few years haha 6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Tbh no way! 7: Do you use sarcasm? Never.... 8: Do you still have your tonsils? Yes 9: Would you bungee jump? No way, wouldn’t trust the cord! 10: What is your favourite kind of cereal? Crunchy nut 11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? If I can kick em off, I will never untie 12: Do you think you’re a strong person? Not in the slightest 13: What is your favourite ice cream? Chocolate all the way! 14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Their smile :) 15: What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? Hmmm... Not sure I could name one thing I like!! 16: What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? Black jeans and black socks, no shoes! 17: What are you listening to right now? The latest Rooster Teeth podcast! 18: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? White - the one that no-one uses! 19: Favourite smell? My home :) 20: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mother 21: Favourite sport to watch? F1 all the way! 22: Hair color? Naturally brown but dyed red 23: Eye color? Blue 24: Do you wear contacts? No but I do wear glasses 25: Favourite food to eat? I love peanut butter! 26: Scary movies or comedy? I hate scary movies so comedy all the way! 27: Last movie you watched? Trainspotting (I thought it was actually about trains haha) 28: What colour of shirt are you wearing? A grey jumper 29: Summer or winter? Winter, I love having the excuse to get into bed early! 30: Hugs or kisses? Hugs <3 31: What book are you currently reading? After you by Jojo Moyes 32: Who do you miss right now? Who don't I miss? haha... 33: What is on your mouse pad? Don’t have one 34: What is the last TV program you watched? Brooklyn 99 35: What is the best sound? Someone laughing 36: Rolling stones or The Beatles? The Beatles 37: What is the furthest you have ever travelled? The otherside of the world! UK --> Australia 38: Do you have a special talent? Noooo 39: Where were you born? UK
I tag anyone who hasn't done this yet!
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sebastidan · 7 years
300 words or less
Mission: Either pick a starter (or 2 or 3 or 1500) or have people ask you to write a small thing in 300 words or less in response.  You (or your followers) can pick whether you make it angsty or fluffy or smutty or whatever and who you’re writing about. Feel free to add starters!
Starters: “I can’t sleep without you here…” “I’m fine.” “It’s fine.” “I’m not okay.” “I’m okay.” “I’m leaving…and I’m not coming back.” “I never meant to hurt you.” “I never meant for it to go this far.” “This wasn’t supposed to happen.” “I’m never going to leave you.” “Shh, you’re safe now.” “I can’t remember the last time I was happy.” “I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.” “Great, how are we supposed to get home now?” “I hope you like scary movies!” “You’re not gonna cry, are you?” “I got the call last night…” “Wow, I guess you really are that ticklish.” “I tried to surprise you, but I spilled your coffee on the way over…” “Do you wanna get out of here?” “Did you hear something?” “Shh, I think I hear something.” “You smell really nice.” “I wish you would talk to me.” “I need you to talk to me.” “Can you hear me?” “Please don’t do this…” “You won’t miss me.” “I wish I never met you.” “I wish I met you sooner.” “You wanna go back to my place?” “You should think about what you’ve done.”
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sebastidan · 7 years
We Were Perfect
Description: While drinking, Max remembers the good and the bad of his relationship with Carlos
Relationship: Carlos/Max
Word Count: 1392
Based off @damsindistress Versainz edit - I’ve had it stuck in my head! (http://damsindistress.tumblr.com/image/155883748252)
With a heavy sigh, Max lifted the bottle to his lips. The glass was cool against his fingertips, damp with a layer of sticky condensation. He let the amber liquid spill into his mouth, coating his tongue with a bitter taste. It burned at his throat and warmed his chest. But Max didn’t care. Tonight, Max was drinking to forget.
Dragging his tongue over the exposed skin before him, Max sucked gently at the sensitive spot on Carlos’ neck. He felt the other man’s head fall back against the pillow and heard the strangled moan that escaped his parted lips. As he pulled back, he watched the pale skin darken in colour until a red bruise protruded proudly. Max smiled wickedly as he lunged forwards, this time pressing his lips to Carlos’. It was hungry, messy. They moved too quickly and too desperately but neither man minded. It was a moment of passion. Max took Carlos’ bottom lip between his teeth, tugging gently. With a moan, Carlos parted his lips and Max took the opportunity to slip his tongue past, exploring each corner and every curve of his mouth. He could still taste the coffee Carlos had drunk.
He could feel Carlos’ chest rising and falling erratically beneath his, hear his heart pounding quickly, see the lust in his half-lidded eyes.
This was bliss. This was euphoria. Max had never been happier.
Everything had been easier with Carlos by his side, everything had been better. The time spent as teammates, racing alongside each other had been the best days of his life. They were best friends and lovers, spending every minute possible wrapped in each other’s arms. Lying late at night, Max missed the warmth of another body, the safety Carlos’ arms brought. It was lying alone in a bed built for two that brought the overwhelming loneliness. Max almost feared going to sleep at night now.
Max took another swig of his drink, wincing at the taste. He remembered the late nights spent in Carlos’ hotel room, working away the tension and stress of every race day or every press event. Max had always longed for the evenings when he could run his hands over Carlos’ body, through his hair, taste his lips. It was hard in the public’s eye to keep their hands away from each other, reverting instead to longing glances when the other wasn’t looking. Oh how Max missed those days… He drank from the bottle, letting the liquid begin to swirl the four walls around him.
------ Max squinted into the dimly lit hallway, checking his surroundings. Once sure no-one was around, he lifted his hand and gently knocked against the wooden door. For a moment, Max was left alone in the silent corridor, picking at the hem of his hoodie as he waited with nervous anticipation. The door finally swung open to reveal Carlos barechested and damp, a fluffy white towel slung low around his waist. The corners of Max’s mouth tugged up in a slow smile,
“Hey…” He murmured softly, using his tongue to wet his lips.
Carlos smirked, “About time, I nearly got bored of waiting for you…” He teased, gesturing towards his towel. He stepped forwards, taking the cords of Max’s hoodie between his fingers and gently pulling him into the room, “Come on then…”
Max listened. He step forwards, wrapping his arms around Carlos’ torso, not caring about the damp patch spreading across the front of his hoodie. Behind him, he kicked the door closed before pressing his lips to Carlos’ like he’d longed to all day.
------ Max wobbled on his chair as he reached towards his drink on the bar. He didn’t know how long he’d been sitting on the stool, resting his arms against the slightly sticky wood. He hadn’t spoken to anyone since arriving, he had simply been drowning his sorrows. He had come out for one reason and one reason only: to forget. And he knew he was on the right path. He lifted the bottle to his lips and swallowed.
When Max arrived in the Hospitality Suite, he couldn’t help the small smirk spreading across his cheeks. There, sitting at a table by himself was Carlos nursing what Max knew to be a very strong, black coffee. Max could see the purplish shadows swooping under his eyes, the effect of very little sleep the previous night. And Max knew exactly why...
Max took a bowl of cereal from the counter and sat down in the seat next to Carlos, dipping his hand beneath the table to brush his fingertips against Carlos’ leg. The other man turned to look at Max, smiling softly. Max watched as a warm blush crept over Carlos’ cheek, colouring them red. He gently squeezed Carlos’ thigh, chuckling slightly as the Spaniard jumped slightly at his touch.
Max couldn’t wait for a repeat performance that evening… It was the only thing getting him through the long day of media commitments...
By this point, the world through Max’s eyes had blurred. But he wasn’t ready to stop. Not yet at least. He picked up the new bottle and took a sip. There was still something he wanted to forget, the day everything changed. He knew alcohol wasn’t a permanent solution but he knew it would give him just a little temporary relief from the ache in his heart. And that was all he needed tonight.
---- Race suit tied around his waist, sticky with rosewater, Max headed back to the hotel. It was late, the sun beginning to set as orange shadows were cast over the track. Team debrief and celebrations had gone on for longer than Max had expected and now, with the cool metal of his winner’s trophy in hand he was walking back to celebrate in the only way he wanted. Before the race begun, Carlos had messaged Max the number of his hotel room, just like old times.
Max knocked on the wooden door, waiting as he had done just months before. It took a while before it opened and Max was facing Carlos. The Spaniard, dressed in a thin t-shirt and boxer shorts stood blinking blearily, an unhappy scowl residing on his face.
“Max.” He muttered, the annoyance evident in his voice, “What are you doing?”
“You said to come…” Max answered, running his fingers through his hair in confusion, he was sure this is what Carlos had asked from him. So why was he not being let in?
Carlos sighed, “That was hours ago Max. It’s late and I have to be up early for my flight tomorrow.”
And with that, Carlos shut the door on Max and their relationship. It was as Max slid down the wall to pull his knees to his chest that the tears began to fall. He knew this day would come, he had been watching the two of them drift apart for a while now. Ever since he’d been promoted to Red Bull, Max’s evenings and weekends had been committed to his new team. He had been so busy working that there had barely been any time to spend together. They no longer had the team events, the race days, even the meet-and-greets. They had no longer had time together. They had nothing.
Max lifted the bottle to his lips, his tongue desperately seeking the last few drops that spilled into his mouth. He shook the glass, getting everything from the bottle before slamming it down against the bar. He knew it was a bad idea, even through the cloud of alcohol. But Max took his phone from his pocket and dialled the number he knew off by heart. The phone began to ring, sounding a few times before a very familiar and very tired sounding voice answered,
“Max?” Carlos asked, his voice thick with sleep, “It’s late, are you alright?”
Max shook his head, not realising that Carlos wouldn’t be able to see. He took his bottom lip between his teeth, biting down on the sensitive skin in an attempt to stop the tears forming in his eyes. As a few fell down his cheek, he used the pad of thumb to carelessly brush them away.
“Max?” Carlos tried again, the concern evident in his voice.
“You and me Carlos.” Max slurred, cradling his phone to his ear, “You and me, we were perfect…”
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sebastidan · 7 years
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Hungarian Grand Prix 2015
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