sebcarlson · 7 years
“I’m not sure what you’re apologizing to. You came here, after my desperate text messages.  If anything I should be apologizing to you for interrupting you or “ He shakes his head, moving his free hand to the side of Seb’s face, “Stop” his tone his quiet, before he’s nuzzling into his neck, his fingers running through his hair at the back of his head.  He closes his eyes for a moment, his other hand latching onto his tightly.  His eyes reopen, as his lips run along his neck now, “I want you. I want all of you" his tone is low, but it’s loud enough for the other to hear him. His fingers squeeze as his before he’s literally whining  into the touch of his lips on his cheek, "You’re my hero after all” teasing tone, as he presses his body right into his, how perfect he fit against his.  It was all so intoxicating, his lips against his and how good he smelled.  He quietly hoped that every part of his body would smell nothing but him afterwards, so that the tiny built of guilt that had appeared would be completely drowned out by Sebastian. He lets a hand fall, moving along under Sebs shirt, his fingers digging into his skin, he needed so much more. 
“It doesn’t matter now.” God, despite the lingering smell of the other wolf, the heat pheromones really gave a Cam a scent so appealing it was almost like he could taste it. The closer her was to the omega, the more power it had over him, and like it was nothing, he let go of Cam for a moment and quickly pulled the shirt over his head and threw it aside. He pulled Camden closer once more, this time pressing their exposed chests together. The body contact and the words coming from Cam’s lips was enough to send him over the roof. As his hands were placed back on the omega’s waist, one of them moved further sound, taking a firm grip of the boxers, which was the only piece of clothing the wolf had been wearing. Sebastian felt severely overdressed, and with slow steps, he walked the two of them out of the doorway to the bathroom, and closer to the bed in Camden’s room. In a gentle, but swift movement, he then pushed Camden down on the bed, while he undid the zipper of his pants. “You’re such an idiot.” he said, as the pants fell down around his ankles. His tone was more playful, however, and completely affectionate. It didn’t take him long to lean down and crawl in between Cam’s legs so he hovered over him. 
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sebcarlson · 7 years
He didn’t understand. Or maybe his thoughts where just to clouded by how his entire body felt right now. And with Sebastian so very close, didn’t help matters much either.. “What?” he was confused, or maybe he wasn’t sure what the other was asking. Did he know who? Shaking his head, he leaned himself against the frame of the door “ No, you don’t” he finally answered, as he slowly put together the pieces in his head.  He didn’t just smell his heat, he smelled Gio.  His one night from the other night.  Though he hadn’t thought more on it himself, since he had been asked to leave the next morning, it hadn’t meant more than that. It had been simply that, a one night stand. “You smell him? he groans quietly, “That didn’t mean anything. I don’t know how that happened. But, I wasn’t going to text him about this.  I mean do I look okay, I’ve never dealt with this, with so many of you around. If I sound dramatic right now, then I don’t give a fuck. But I texted you, because I need your help. I want you” he wanted to say sorry, for the fact that he could smell him on him..  So instead, he pushed himself off the door frame, and closed the space between them, “Please, Sebastian,” his hand reached out for his, his fingers sliding through them. A small touch, but anything at this point. 
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He had no right to be mad, and to be honest, he wasn’t even that mad, maybe just.. sad. He wasn’t exactly sure, he just knew that he liked it best when all he could smell was the unmasked scent of the boy in front of him. “I-.. Never mind.” he was overreacting, of course he was. This wasn’t about him. This was about Camden, and helping him through his first heat surrounded by wolves like this. He couldn’t relate. He’d never been an omega, and for that he praised whatever god there was. “I’m sorry.” he grabbed onto the hand that was extended and instantly pulled Camden closer to him by wrapping his free hand around his waist. “Say you want me again.” he whispered, almost seductively as he closed the remaining space between their faces with a soft kiss to the omega’s cheek. “It means a lot that you trust me enough to do this, Cam. I shouldn’t react like that.” he pleaded, even if the smell of the other wolf still threw him off a little. He leaned in again and this time placed a kiss on his lips. Not the sweet puppy kiss he’d given him the last time they’d been together in this room, but with much more passion this time. He was going to make this easier for the suffering omega. He wanted to help him more than anything right now. His soft skin felt amazing on his hand as it slowly traversed upwards on his back. 
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sebcarlson · 7 years
“I only let that one go because you shut me up last time.” he answered with a sigh, knowing fully well that Evan wasn’t one to reveal a lot about himself or his motivations, which was probably the thing Sebastian found most annoying. Could he trust him if he knew nothing about him? Maybe something inside him hoped he had been the one to break his nose in the first place. “Hmm, it’s quite a hit, pretty boy. The guy who hit you must’ve hurt his hand pretty bad as well.” he sighed as he took a step closer, two fingers firmly on the bridge of his nose. “Hopefully the healing will kick in pretty quickly so your nose won’t get crooked. I don’t what you are, if not pretty.” he said as he forcefully snapped the nose back into a more straight position. The crack from the movement, sent a shiver up his spine. Readjusting bone’s weren’t exactly his favorite pass time. “Got any other patients you wanna drop off on my door step?”
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He sighs before shaking his head. “No..” Pushing off the door and moving over towards Sebastian, “Can you let that one go? That and this are to irrelevant things entirely” though, honestly, not really. But the other didn’t need to know that. “You think I care about that?” He looks around, before moving to sit down, “Nah, that won’t be necessary, just do it” he’s looking at him again, hoping the other wasn’t going to get into this right now. Or even asked how it happened. Because he was more than sure he wouldn’t him the truth. The two of them had this weird understanding and he didn’t want to fuck it up. “Alright come on” he was ready to get this over with.
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sebcarlson · 7 years
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When he was younger, Benjamin was put off being asked to undress by other wolves - especially ones that weren’t Omegas - but nudity wasn’t something that bothered him. Not only was he a wolf, but he was a Marine, so he was used to men of all genders - and species - seeing him nude, so taking off his shirt was no big deal for him. The nearly seven foot tall Omega moved to remove his shirt, revealing the hard, chiseled physique that lied underneath and he tossed his shirt aside as he moved to take a seat. “First Sergeant Benjamin Noel Massey of the United States Marine Corps, Third Battalion, First Marines, and I’m thirty seven years old. And no, your nose isn’t fooling you - I’m an Omega.”
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As the man removed his shirt, Seb might have just let his eyes linger for a moment too long, but at last looked back down into the paper in his hand. He took a second to gather himself before speaking once more. “So you’re a Massey? I didn’t know Jett and Jess had more family in town. Interesting.” he scribbled down the name. “You have an impressive physique, Benjamin. I’m sure this check up will be done before you know it. Anything, apart being an omega, I need to know? Any illness or pain I should be aware of?” He asked as he was done writing down the information. He put the paper on the table beside him and stepped over to the chair, only to adjust it a little to allow the wolf to sit back a little more and hopefully relax a little. “I’m just going to start with a bit of a feel up. If you feel any pain or discomfort, just let me know.”
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sebcarlson · 7 years
He hadn’t told the other to hurry. Honestly, he hadn’t given him more than just the whole ‘can you come over’ though he had left it opened for him to say no.  I mean, he didn’t have any obligation to just show up without intent, right? The last time they had talked, had been back in this very same place.  It was because of that, their conversation in his room that had had him texting him.  He trusted him. He was sure it was him, not by the footsteps out the door, but his smell. It was so familiar, calming. He grabbed the side of the tub, literally in nothing but his briefs, as he tried to pull himself free from the tub. Finally unlocking the door, with such  desperation, which embarrassed him. Which only added red flush along his already flustered skin .  “This with everyone..all of them,  you” he couldn’t even continue in a coherent sentence. 
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He luckily didn’t have to wait long for the door was opened. He’d hurried, perhaps a little to much, but there was few people in the town that mattered as much to him as Camden did. The smell that met him wasn’t the one he had caught down from the street, or the one he’d familiarized himself with over the last few weeks. It was cloaked by someone else and the smile he had on his face instantly fell. He wasn’t sure how to respond. It was obvious that he wasn’t the first one Cam had reached out to after entering his heat. Sure, Sebastian wasn’t one to get possessive, but the last time the two of them had been together, he had felt something. Maybe Cam hadn’t. “I-..” he couldn’t continue. A million different thoughts were whirling around his head. “Are you okay, Camden? I- Who is it I can smell on you? I don’t know his scent, but.. do I know him?” He was conflicted. What had he even been called over here to do? Had the guy Cam was reeking of, not been enough to satisfy his heat? “Are you sure you need my help?”
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sebcarlson · 7 years
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sebcarlson · 7 years
The text he had received was troubling, to say the least. He wasn’t sure how to react, but the calm tone of the reply was enough to let him know that nothing serious was wrong. He wasn’t dying at least, was he? His thoughts were confirmed as he arrived at the Massey Mansion. He could smell him from down on the street. It was almost overwhelming. He hurried to the room of his friend and placed a few knocks on the bathroom connected to it. “Camden, you in there?” he asked, even if it was obvious that this was where the scent of heat was coming from. “Come on, let me in, big guy.”
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sebcarlson · 7 years
Text + hero
Camden: hey
Camden: so
Camden: are you just right now?
Sebastian: Cam what's up?
Sebastian: Where are you?
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sebcarlson · 7 years
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sebcarlson · 7 years
Though Benjamin had just came back from being overseas, the Omega still found himself needing a physical - at least for professional reasons. While he knew that he was in tip-top shape, because he worked hard to put himself there, his position at the fire station was dependent on a clean bill of health. That was why he found himself at a clinic and as the doctor - or so he assumed - greeted him he gave a nod. “I need a physical,” the burly Omega stated as he sat the paper in front of him. “Also a drug test, but I don’t know if you do those.”
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Sebastian took a closer look at the man in front of him. He was definitely built and a big man. Mildly impressed, he gestured towards the medical chair by one of the walls. “Start by removing your shirt and take a seat then. It’s nice to see a new face. I’ll hook you up with a drug test as well, but lets get to the physical first.” He grabbed a piece of paper from one of the drawers and flashed a light smile. “I’m Sebastian, the doctor in this practice. I’m going to need your full name and age, and then we can get started.”
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sebcarlson · 7 years
He wasn’t even sure why he had showed up. He had no intentions of getting his face looked at.  But, fuck, he couldn’t deal with it anymore.  It was more his nose than anything, the other’s where fine.  They where already forming into bruises along his face.  He also knew that Seb would be one or two ways seeing him like this. Pissed off so much upon seeing him, or willing to help.  He was hoping for the latter, “Actually no –” he says now, leaning at the door frame, with a small sigh. Like a sigh in defeat because he had caved and ended up here. “I don’t know, I think I broke my nose” 
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It was a face he hadn’t thought he’d see. He knew how proud or disillusioned the boy was, so having him seek out help was definitely not something he’d expected. Maybe if he had been here for something else, but that didn’t seem to be the case with his slightly askew nose bridge. “Did the stabbed guy do this? I mean, you probably deserve it.” he said as he took half a step closer to take a look at how bad the fracture was. “I should be able to click it back into place. It’ll probably hurt more than when you got hit though. I can sedate it, if you’d like?” Sure, Evan wasn’t his favorite person, but this was his job, so no matter how mad he was at the man, he had to help.
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sebcarlson · 7 years
It felt nice being back in his clinic for once. The only reason he hadn’t been here during the attack, had been for his own safety, and luckily, he made it out of the attack with minimal damages. He was happy to be back at work though. It meant he didn’t have to live with the scent of blood anymore, and that he actually had the tools he needed for his job. The sound of someone by the door had him snap out of thought, however and he turned around with a light smile. “If you’re here to thank me for saving your life, get in line.” he greeted, in a much more cheery tone than he had used the last week’s time. “If it’s not that, then how can I be of assistance?”
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sebcarlson · 7 years
“Doesn’t seem to bother you that I am though, does it? Because look here you are” though now he couldn’t help but match the others smile with his own. It felt really good to actually feel Seb not feel as he did when he had first entered his room. Any kind of panic or worry was completely erased by the other. The kiss had been small, but it had been so meaningful. Placing both of his hands on his cheeks, he kissed him back slow. “I do, and I don’t want you to. Okay?  Can you promise me that you wont worry because everything is going to be okay. I promise.” he leaned into his hand, before giving him a gentle nudge with his nose. “I think so. And If I have to hope that for the both of us, you know I will” 
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The feeling of Camden’s lips as he kissed him back. He hadn’t worried that the other wouldn’t but that didn’t mean that he wasn’t enjoying it once it happened. If not for his words, then this certainly removed all the ill thoughts he had running around his head. “I’ll hold you to that, idiot.” he made sure his last word was said as endearing as possible. He felt his phone vibrate softly in his pocket, and he knew that he needed to go back to the Olcan house. Instead of getting up immediately he pressed another soft kiss onto Camden’s lips, before getting up into a crouch. “I’m needed. I have to go, but uh.. thank you.” he said, slowly letting go of the hand he had been holding ever since he got here. “I really needed this Cam. I feel a lot better.”
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sebcarlson · 7 years
⁇ for a worried text
[ text ; bother boy ] How’s your head, kid? Remember to drink loads of water, alright? I don’t want to pick you up from the forest ground again.
0 notes
sebcarlson · 7 years
♠ , ✘
♠ for a drunk text 
[ text ; aaron’s pecs ] so like do you evr think ab t how the univers bruoght the two of us tgether? were like literal solmates.
✘ for a text that should never have been sent
[ text ; aaron’s pecs ] do you think maybe like, just maybe?? we should just drop this? isn’t it too complicated?
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sebcarlson · 7 years
♣ for a text not meant for you
[ text ; alpha bear ] i mean, when you’re in a pack with so many alphas, it’s hard to not want to jump on them all the time, you feel? You’ve only got one in yours, right? Poor soul.
[ text ; alpha bear ] fuck.. that wasn’t me writing! Sorry Henrik, that wasn’t for you!
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sebcarlson · 7 years
✆♠ ⁇☢
✆ for a morning text
[ text ; idiot ❤️ ] Are you up yet? I’ll be dropping by the Massey house in a minute and I’d like to see you before I have to go to the clinic.
♠ for a drunk text
[ text ; idiot ❤️ ] dd i ever tell you that you have like rlly nice arms? like they can just hold you and kep you safe? ad dont even egt me started on youre lips.
⁇ for a worried text
[ text ; idiot ❤️ ] One of the hunter prisoners said they beat up one of the omegas and it’s not you is it? Please tell me it’s not you. You promised me you wouldn’t get hurt.
☢ for a desperate text
[ text ; idiot ❤️ ] It feels like I can’t breathe. where are you????
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