seboconnell-blog · 8 years
brook-lynmoore :
True, It definitely is. What do you plan on doing for the weekend? I’m Brooklyn by the way.
Catching up on my soaps, sleeping, drinking beer etc. anything but doing work. Nice to meet you, I’m Sebastian. What do you study, then?
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
brook-lynmoore :
Well, that’s not me. I mostly drink tea and watch Friends on Netflix on the weekend. Plus, I asked for homework as practice since finals is coming up for me next week…
Each to their own. If you asked for it, then it’s not really ‘missed’ homework, is it? But, it’s definitely the sensible thing to do.
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
brook-lynmoore :
I can’t say the same, I have to cram in some missed homework this weekend.
See, whenever my students give me work to look over at the weekend I always tell them to not bother because the weekend was my time. I was the same when I was in college, always did stuff during the week so I could get drunk on the weekend.
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
Thank God it’s the weekend (because I’m too old to use the hashtag #TGIF).
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
jfcisaacbailey :
I mean it’s a big possibility that I might have, but I guess he just holds grudges I dunno. It’s a bit difficult yeah, but I think I’ve managed pretty well since I’ve really only missed one or two assignments. I have to give myself props for really being on top of it now with everything else I have to do. And I like showing what I can actually do and I like getting the feedback because I want to have a high grade degree, I didn’t come to college just to settle with a passing grade when I can do better than that. I mean, if I got a sticker that said “Awesome job!” or even “GREAT” I think that’d be a bit more special. Just a suggestion though.
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So, you don’t hold grudges? Your poor dog. Just let me know if you ever get really stuck or swamped by the work and need an extension. I can’t say I’ve ever been a parent, but I remember having to look after my five year old niece for a day and I ended up dropping her off at my parents’ house because I was getting stressed out, so I can’t imagine what it must be like for you. I’m glad you have that mentality, not many students actually feel that way and would rather just scrape a pass by doing as little work possible. Hey, don’t push your luck or you won’t be getting any stickers.
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
jfcisaacbailey :
Just me! I’ve been told he doesn’t hate me so many times but I’m starting to believe it’s just a big lie. I’m not going to purposely fuck it up, if I spend my time on it and actually do something I’m proud of I’m going to turn it in. It’d be really stupid to just throw away your work for no reason. Plus I like getting compliments about what work I do turn in.
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Maybe you’re looking into it far too much! I’m sure he doesn’t hate you, unless he has good reason to. Did you ever accidentally hurt him as a pup? Well, you better not because I’d be really disappointed. You just need to focus a little more, which I know must be hard to do considering your busy home life, but if you push yourself that extra bit then you’ll come out with a high grade degree. Yeah, I figured you enjoyed the compliments which is why I started giving you smiley face stickers. If that doesn’t make you feel special, I don’t know what will.
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
jfcisaacbailey :
Because he’s a little shit that’s how! I’m pretty sure he’s plotting my death, I think even a cat would like me a bit more than this dog. I mean I could but once it’s out and I’m tired I really can’t be bothered to mess with it anymore. I could get video evidence though, that won’t be a problem. 
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Does he hate everyone else, or is it just you? Because if it’s just you... well, there’s the problem. Just don’t purposely fuck up your work because there is only so many times I can try and bail you out and help you before I have to start giving you bad grades, and I really don’t want to do that considering you’re good at what you do when you actually hand work in.
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
jfcisaacbailey :
You obviously don’t know this dog, he literally hates me and wants to see me fail at life, okay? Oh? Well I’m definitely going to remember that for next time since I’m sure I’ll have another assignment or two that will get destroyed at some point.
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How can a dog hate you? Dogs are the most loving creatures and they love everybody! I’m sure he’s not plotting against you. If you said a cat? Yep, believable. Oh, like I’m going to accept that excuse now! If it ever does happen - which I hope it doesn’t - then I’m gonna need video evidence of the aftermath. Or, you know, you could just not leave your work lying around?
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
jfcisaacbailey :
You know I’d be shocked about this had I not used the excuse “My dog ate my homework” once before and didn’t get away with that either. Even though it definitely happened.
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Unless you purposely smothered your work in peanut butter, I honestly struggle to see how it was actually possible so forgive me for not believing you! If you’d blamed your child, then I’d have definitely believed you and wouldn’t have even questioned it.
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
jfcisaacbailey :
So Kaya and I have spent some time looking at cute animal videos for at least thirty minutes now. Can someone get me a koala?
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I am not letting you get away with the excuse, “But Sebastian, my koala ate my homework.”
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
ashleigh-slater :
Exactly! I mean I’m sue they’ll get the graphics all perfected sooner or later, but right now it’s kind of like ‘Are you sure you really want to do this Japan? Is this really a good idea?’ Coming from a bisexual man, I’m going to say no. I wouldn’t want fake tits attached to me, they look like balloons that are slowly deflating and that’s not something that’s going to get me off. They’re in front of you though, so it’s not like they’re on your chest so it’s like a woman is actually riding you, but still. I give them A for creativity, but it just seems like so much to deal with just to jerk off.
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I mean... that comment about the tits in front made me curious to what this thing looked like, because I couldn’t picture it, so I made the mistake of turning to Google and there’s a fucking video of it and I spat coffee all down my white shirt. It looks fucking ridiculous first of all, and the VR video of that anime girl is just... wow. Exactly, the creative aspect is rather impressive but they really need to go out and get laid by actual women.
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
ashleigh-slater :
Oh it gets better, you know rather than making it like a realistic experience literally what you’re “fucking” is some really botched cartoon character that looks like its come out of a 90s video game. I’m sure it does, I didn’t catch a look at the price, it showed up on this little “news broadcast” thing I watch from time to time and they were talking about it. 
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Oh Christ. You’d think that if they were to make this virtual reality fuck suit, you’d at least wait until you’ve perfected the graphics or devised a real-life situation before you launch it. I just think it’d be so fucking bizarre to have tits attached to you, like, is that what straight or bisexual men really want?
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
ashleigh-slater :
Yeah, you wear it. It’s like a white suit, the fleshlight is over your dick obviously, then it has this set of boobs you grab a hold of and you know do what you do with those, and the fleshlight pretty much moves on its own while you’re getting busy in virtual world. It’s wild.
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I just... what the fuck is it with the Japanese and their weird sexual inventions? They must do the most masturbating to even come up with these ideas. I bet it costs a fuck ton of money, right?
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
ashleigh-slater :
So apparently Japan is coming out with this new virtual sex suit with tits and a fleshlight attached. Um, I know what I want for Christmas now.
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Wait, what do you mean by “suit”? Do you wear it?
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
axeljoshuapendleton :
Keep reading
Sebastian couldn’t hide the little smirk on his face as he watched AJ’s back arch with his movements, and those little soft breathy moans caused him to stir a little. The Irishman had always been someone who found it easier to get off, knowing he was giving the other person involved pleasure. As he circled his fingertips around AJ’s entrance, Sebastian lightly flicked his tongue over the head of the man’s cock before taking him down once again just as he pushed his index finger against the muscle. Slowly, as he bobbed his head up and down, Sebastian began to gently pump his finger inside of the younger man, stretching him out sufficiently before adding in the second finger.
Paddy’s Day || Open Para
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seboconnell-blog · 8 years
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