secoluch · 1 year
Evidence Action: Final Campaign
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Sarah Coluccio
Evidence Action
The campaign I created is called “Evidence Action”, which is based off of a real charity that focuses on providing water sanitation to the Middle East and Northern Africa regions (MENA) through the installation of chlorine dispensers. The MENA region is one of the most water scarce regions in the world housing 6.3% of the world's population but only having access to 1.4% of the world’s renewable water supplies. The charity I’m referencing has successfully prevented an estimated 2.8 million deaths with just a cost of $1.50 per person per year. However to continue to help, Evidence Action needs to promote donations from those who feel they can. It is important for Evidence Action to have a brand that is recognizable, so that when a person does consider donating, Evidence Action is one of the first charities they think of.  
For the brochure, the goals were to one-present the problem, two-state the solution, three-who was most affected by this problem, four-who Evidence Action is, five-how Evidence Action is, and finally six-Where to learn more and how the viewer could personally help by donating to Evidence Action. Since this issue is not largely experienced by those in the United States or other regions, the reality of the situation is not felt at large. Many go there day to day life oblivious of the struggles of those in the MENA region. The statistics and the large font in both the brochure and on the poster attempts to quickly inform and concern the viewer about the problem at hand, and to raise awareness of this issue in general. The next thing the viewer sees when they open the pamphlet is who Evidence Action is and how they help through building a sanitation system in rural areas in MENA. This is to quickly make the link in their minds that Evidence Actions works on fixing this problem and that is what they do. When they open up the pamphlet itself, they will learn more about the MENA region in general and the problems it raises, as well as see a QR code that links to Evidence Actions website to learn more. Above the QR code it states the amount it takes per year to provide a person with fresh water, which will hopefully lead to the viewer looking into it, or at least bring awareness that this is a place that they could donate in the future and requires donations to function. Finally, the back page lists where Evidence Action has taken the program so far, and how they have helped in general. This is supposed to act as ETHOS, as it is proof that the charity is established and has helped before. 
The poster itself is treated like a smaller version of the brochure. The goals of it are to quickly inform the viewer of the problem (via statistics), and make a connection that Evidence Action is a charity that helps solve this problem. Then a QR code is given where the viewer can scan and learn more if they are interested, and potentially donate.
Visually, all the products of this campaign (brochure, poster, mug, tote-bag, t-shirt) all present a cohesive voice. The color palette used in each one is made up of muted blues and browns which are meant to reference dirty water. The texts are all serif fonts with footers at the end of each letter to present a formal tone to the piece, and a cohesiveness to all the lettering, even though four different fonts are used in total. The only text that is not a serif font is Evidence Action which is the font Wakaba. This difference is used to not only make Evidence Action’s name stand out, but also to loosely reference water with the form of the letters. Each item in the campaign contains mosaics and iconography that references the area Evidence Action intends to help. The mosaics lining the borders and being a background are meant to reference mosques and how the Middle East’s art often relates to the Muslim tradition which uses many ornate patterns next to each other. Also the women represented both in profile and walking away with a child are wearing traditional Hijabs, again referencing the region. The point of these regional references is to remind the viewer subconsciously as they go through the pamphlet or look at the poster of who Evidence Action helps and where they would be donating to without stating it at every point throughout the campaign.  
Throughout this process I struggled to balance my want to inform the audience while not overloading the materials with information. I also tried to make sure that every decision I made was made with the goal of the campaign in mind. My goal was not entirely to get people to donate right then and now, but instead begin to inform and build a connection in the audience's brain that this is a problem and that Evidence Action is one of the leading charities that helps solve it. Overall, I am pleased with the final product because I think it promotes itself as one finished, unified campaign. As the awareness of Evidence Action and the water sanitation problem in the Middle East and North Africa region grows, I can see Evidence Action creating a new campaign using both photos from their excursions as well as iconography that reference what they are doing to be the most successful. 
Work Cited:
“Home.” Evidence Action, 3 Apr. 2023, www.evidenceaction.org/. 
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secoluch · 1 year
Iconography and Wireframe Sketches
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The campaign I am creating is called “Evidence Action” based off of a real charity that focuses on water sanitation. The way the charity promotes itself is by not only creating awareness of the situation, but also describe exactly how the money is used and how the individual is helping by donating.To create a campaign for this topic I wanted to not only focus on the water sanitation issue in the art, but also make references to the art of the area. The MENA region is traditionally correlated with the Muslim religion, and the arts that go with it. Traditionally, art within this tradition uses fewer figures, as that can be seen as worshiping false idols and focuses on complicated and intricate mosaics as well as beautiful calligraphy from the quran. I want to create a couple of different tiles of mosaics to create a pattern to reference the historic art of the region. I also want to have a figural iconography of a woman wearing a hijab, to both reference the traditions of the area but also to make a small reference to the fact that women in these cultures are the ones to go out of their way for hours everyday to gather the water for their families. 
The logo of the campaign will be a woman with a basket on her head holding the hand of a child to represent the journey and the importance obtaining water is in the people’s daily lives. This will be placed on each of the brochures, shirts, tote bags, and cups to connect it.  
The typography in this project is meant to present the elements and parts in a formal tone. I am using perpetua, century schoolbook, centaur, which are all serif fonts with footings on each letter to add to the formality. 
Each of these posters will be jointed by the repetition of the iconography and patterns in the posters, brochures, and the merchandise. The color palette will be made of mostly different blues and browns to reference both water and the sanitation issue, which will be repeated in each of the components. I hope to use some of the statistics that I referenced above to alarm the readers and promote the funding of this issue. 
The audience I am trying to reach is people who are willing to donate to causes within communities that know very little about water scarcity and sanitation. The goal is to inform them of the problem and to inspire them to help by using statistics and art that is both representative of the area that is being helped and who needs their help the most.
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secoluch · 1 year
Mood board & Style board: Early Inspiration and form
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secoluch · 1 year
This is my research for my water sanitation and scarcity project
Research: MENA (Middle East and North Africa) Water Sanitation
* Note the first half is the raw research- I have it condensed down below if you’d like to read what I am actually planning on using for the project. It starts with the title “What is the Problem”
Key: Red- Stats that I may want to include
        Green- Methods I may want to include
         Yellow- Impact
         This color- The Why
Development Media International
Uses the radio and short form advertisements to inform the public about water sanitation and the importance of it. 
Currently the most cost effective way to conquer and inform people about drinking water, and saving the most lives possible. 
Evidence Action- Charity I would like to focus on
Over 2 billion people lack access to water that is safe to drink. The problem is particularly acute in poor rural areas, where a lack of infrastructure leaves people to rely on open springs and shallow wells that are easily contaminated by human and animal waste.
Unsafe water is responsible for more than 1.2 million deaths each year. It’s a leading risk factor for infectious diseases, exacerbates malnutrition, and is the most common cause of diarrhea. Diarrhea is, in turn, the world’s second-leading cause of child mortality, claiming the lives of an estimated 525,000 children under five every year.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Evidence Action focuses on providing Chlorination through dispensers and individually packaged Chlorine 
Chlorine is effective at killing pathogens and provides protection for up to three days, ensuring water isn’t recontaminated when stored at home. For $1.50 per person per year, this gives people a reliable access to safe water.
Proof of it working:
“Our network of over 39,000 chlorine dispensers provides over 6.8 million people, including over 900,000 children under five, with access to safe water. Across rural Kenya, Uganda, and Malawi, we consistently provide water treatment in areas that aren’t reached by municipal systems – and at no cost to users or their communities. We leverage human-centric design, behavioral economics, community partnerships (including over 75,000 volunteers!) and an efficient last-mile network to achieve an average adoption rate of over 60%. We estimate that between 2015-2021, the program averted over 2.8 million cases of diarrhea among children under five.”
Cholera is an illness that affected 100s of thousands and killed several thousand. 
Method: In locations where women and children draw water directly from the river they created simple dispensers that release measured doses of chlorine solution. 
Method: “Healthy wells” , climate change has caused the rivers in this area to overflow and go into the drinking water. This has resulted in the need to develop methods to prevent that from happening. 
Tackling water shortages 
The Life You Can Save:
 Charity Website
2.2 billion people still don’t have access to a safely managed water source — and there are 2 billion people with no basic sanitation facilities such as toilets or latrines.
over 829,000 people die from diarrhea caused by unsafe drinking water, sanitation, and hand hygiene. Over a third of those deaths are children under five.
Some good news: In the past 25 years, the global community has made great strides to bring clean water to 2.6 billion people and sanitation facilities to another 2.1 billion. When you donate to effective water charities, you’re helping make universal clean water a reality.
Research: World Health Organization
Over 2 billion people live in water-stressed countries, which is expected to be exacerbated in some regions as a result of climate change and population growth.
Globally, at least 2 billion people use a drinking water source contaminated with feces. Microbial contamination of drinking-water as a result of contamination with feces poses the greatest risk to drinking-water safety.
While the most important chemical risks in drinking water arise from arsenic, fluoride or nitrate, emerging contaminants such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) and microplastics generate public concern.
Safe and sufficient water facilitates the practice of hygiene, which is a key measure to prevent not only diarrhoeal diseases, but acute respiratory infections and numerous neglected tropical diseases.
Microbiologically contaminated drinking water can transmit diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid and polio and is estimated to cause 485 000 diarrhoeal deaths each year.
In 2020, 74% of the global population (5.8 billion people) used a safely managed drinking-water service – that is, one located on premises, available when needed, and free from contamination.
The Middle East and North Africa are the most water scarce regions in the world. 12/15 water stressed areas lie within this area. 
¾ of the areas water lay within Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Bahrain, Jordan Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen are below 250 cubic meters per person. 
The problem only gets worse with a growing population, as the population is expected to double within the next 50 years.  This is also that ⅓ of the population is below the age of 15, and many young women are reaching a reproductive age. High population growth causes additional pressures. Agricultural, industrial, and domestic
(water stressed when lies between 1000 cubic meters and 1700 cubic meters per person per year, water scarce less than 1000 cubic meters of renewable fresh water per person)
3% of the world's water is salt-free, with 70% locked away in icebergs
Qanants and Rainwater Harvesting- chain wells
Sequential Water use- Water used in the household, then in industry, then in agriculture. “Brown water” is treated from cities and used in fields to be used in crops.
Desalination- Extracting salt from seawater, extremely expensive and uses lots of heat, and negative environmental effects. Also other harmful things may be in the water
Policies and Programs
Water relocation- away from agriculture and towards domestic and industrial. Threaten food security and livelihood of farmers
Less Water- Intensive Crops (away from cereal crops). 
Efficient Technologies-  drip irrigation cuts water use by 30-70 percent and increases yield by 20-90 percent. This delivers water directly to the plant's roots.
Public Education- Increase local acceptance of new water methods. 
Conservation- Voluntary conservation, integrate this message in schools
Economic Considerations- 3-5% of their income for access to clean water. Increase pricing.
884 million people lack access to safe drinking water according to WHO
Countries with the largest impact: Lebanon -drought in the ME, Economic crisis, poorly managed water systems” Pakistan
Diarrhea kills 2,195 children every day—more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined—and can be caused by lack of access to clean water and sanitation services
United Nations 2023 Water Conference:
“Without increasing health facilities' access to water, sanitation and hygiene, it is not possible to reduce the use of antibiotics to treat avoidable infections.”
“Alarming increase in cholera cases, with over 1500 lives lost since the outbreaks” The water sanitation problems came due to a tropical cyclone named Freddy, which caused floods and led to the loss of over 1000 lives. The population is now vulnerable as they are limited to clean water and sanitation. ``6 million Malawians did not have access to clean water before the cyclone, this number has significantly increased since then. THis means more people are going to be at a greater risk of suffering waterborne diseases”  
Lost of mention and emphasis on the troubles of water sanitation for displaced people
Promotion and raising the importance for “WASH Systems of Health” to reinforce water sanitation and hygiene institutions. 
Uganda is where WASH, a United Nations healthcare program is located. The focus of this is to limit infections. This is done through both sanitizing the water and teaching health care professionals about the infections.
This site also goes into the fact that water diseases and sanitation is under researched in this area in the past decade, and how during Covid the need for this program was highlighted.
Healing Waters International
850,000 people die due to water sanitation problems
The WHO has given an estimated 2.6 billion people access to improved drinking water since 1990, so this is a problem currently being worked on and has solutions that are feasible.
Safe and affordable drinking water
End open defecation and provide access to sanitation and hygiene reuse
Improve water quality, wastewater treatment, and safe reuse
Increase water-use efficiency and ensure freshwater supplies
Implement integrated water resources management
Protect and restore water-related ecosystems
Expand water and sanitation support to developing countries
Support local engagement in water and sanitation management
Good cite that goes more in depth about the technology and methods they use for sanitation: specific chemicals, clean bottles, sustainability, etc. 
What is the Problem?
Over 2 billion people lack access to water that is safe to drink. The problem is particularly acute in poor rural areas, where a lack of infrastructure leaves people to rely on open springs and shallow wells that are easily contaminated by human and animal waste.
Unsafe water is responsible for more than 1.2 million deaths each year. It’s a leading risk factor for infectious diseases, exacerbates malnutrition, and is the most common cause of diarrhea. Diarrhea is, in turn, the world’s second-leading cause of child mortality, claiming the lives of an estimated 525,000 children under five every year.
Who and what does it impact?
My focus for the project will be the MENA region: also known as the Middle east and North Africa. This is one of the most water scarce regions in the world. 
I am also focusing on the fact that it is the world's second leading cause of child mortality, estimating 525,000 children under five every year.
I also want to reference the fact through my artwork that women and children are those who gather the water and it becomes their lives when they have trouble accessing water. 
Who are you targeting with your campaign?
I am targeting those who know very little and may be inclined to donate and know very little about the area or situation
What can your audience do to help?
They can donate to one of the charities I will list and allow them to contact through a QR code. 
Mission statement
Clean Water. Healthy Living.
No water no life
 Polluted Water is Poison
Life without water is impossible. Save a life. 
$1.50 can allow a person for a year access to safe water
Who and what does it impact?
My focus for the project will be the MENA region: also known as the Middle east and North Africa. This is one of the most water scarce regions in the world. 
I am also focusing on the fact that it is the world's second leading cause of child mortality, estimating 525,000 children under five every year.
I also want to reference the fact through my artwork that women and children are those who gather the water and it becomes their lives when they have trouble accessing water. 
Who are you targeting with your campaign?
I am targeting those who know very little and may be inclined to donate and know very little about the area or situation
What can your audience do to help?
They can donate to one of the charities I will list and allow them to contact through a QR code. 
Mission statement
Clean Water. Healthy Living.
No water no life
 Polluted Water is Poison
Life without water is impossible. Save a life. 
$1.50 can allow a person for a year access to safe water
Works Cited:
“10 Countries with Water Stress and Scarcity - and How We're Helping.” Concern Worldwide, 15 Apr. 2022, https://www.concernusa.org/story/countries-with-water-stress-and-scarcity/.
“Dispensers for Safe Water.” Evidence Action, 19 Apr. 2023, https://www.evidenceaction.org/dispensersforsafewater/.
“Drinking-Water.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization, https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/drinking-water.
“Finding the Balance: Population and Water Scarcity in the Middle East and North Africa.” PRB, PRB Org, https://www.prb.org/resources/finding-the-balance-population-and-water-scarcity-in-the-middle-east-and-north-africa/.
“Oxfam’s Work with Water.” Oxfam, Oxfam, https://s3.amazonaws.com/oxfam-us/www/static/media/files/oxfams-work-with-water.pdf.
“Water Charities.” The Life You Can Save, 1 Dec. 2019, https://www.thelifeyoucansave.org/causes-to-support/water-charities/.
“Water Treatment Solutions.” Healing Waters, 20 Dec. 2022, https://healingwaters.org/solutions/.
“Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) in Healthcare Facilities.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 13 Dec. 2022, https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/global/healthcare-facilities/overview.html.
“Water, Sanitation, Hygiene 'a Human Right', Crucial for Health, Prosperity Worldwide, Speakers Stress at Conference's First Interactive Dialogue | UN Press.” United Nations, United Nations, https://press.un.org/en/2023/envdev2052.doc.htm.
“What We Do: Development Media International.” DMI, https://www.developmentmedia.net/what-we-do/. 
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secoluch · 1 year
Human Rights Poster
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The poster I created to advocate an article in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights was about Article 25, and everyone’s right to a standard of living. Specifically I made the poster about refugees and displaced people and how the United nations set up refugee camps to help locate and house these people.
I had a couple of options I was debating between when initially setting out to create this design. At first I was going to have civilians escaping a town/city, then trying to escape their country and or city, and then finally I settled on having them arriving at one of the camps set up to house them. 
My design is fairly simple overall, with a group of 7 people walking on a path and upon rows upon rows of tents that will help house them and place them for some time. Additionally they are walking towards the sun, representing hope and new beginnings. The image is inherently balanced as it is almost symmetrical down the center.
Part of the goal of this poster is to have it be able to be read by anyone, even those who are not native english speakers. I think the artwork on the piece is fairly clear about the fact that a group of people are arriving at an area with tents, with their only objects being carried with them. They are walking towards the sun, which is symbolic of hope and new beginnings. 
The color choice was very important to me as this is a fairly clean and 
Simple design, so I did not want to overload the design with too many colors and wanted a limited color palette. I looked at various national park posters which I was inspired by for the design, and I eventually came upon an old fan made star wars poster with this color palette that I really liked so I used the palette in my own poster. 
The progress critique was evaluated my overall design, and did not suggest a change with the artwork, however it was stated that my text was difficult to read due to the United Nations symbol cutting off the words in the center. I played around with the text and several different layouts before landing on the final product. The final result is a bit less dramatic than my initial design, but it is much more readable. I solved the problem by instead of separating my initial line of text, I conjoined it over the symbol and then had the following text read as if it was on a page. Then in the following critique I added line separation and had the text read as very simple two lines of text.
“Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” United Nations, United Nations, https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights. 
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secoluch · 1 year
Human Rights Poster Sketches
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For the poster I designed, I wanted to represent Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations. The article goes
"Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control."
I had several different design ideas, but I ended up deciding to do the one where people are walking together outwards towards the horizon in a refugee camp. The purpose of the poster was to illustrate the help that people do receive, and need to receive when the are displaced due to war or other government issues.
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secoluch · 2 years
Reproduction Assignment
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The first image is the original Foto Qualitat by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and the second image is my recreation. I started this project by trying to gather the media and components necessary for it. I started with taking a picture of my own hand, and then treating it like a photogram made it completely black. I then went to openverse, an online website to look for free, public commons media. I found a photo of a Soviet Camera taken by Yunost that I believe best fit the time period and design for the piece. I also found a textured image called "old paper grunge" by Brandie Minchew to give the background some more grain and "Texture of grainy smoked protective wall" by Horia Varlan to give the hand shadows more texture. I the used the pen tool to select and adjust/ overlay these images together to give the best and closest effect to the original. The lines in the background were made using the line tool. The foto Qualitat lettering was done by ben took and the eye picker to match the colors. The warp tool was used to manipulate the camera to being closer to the original camera, as well as some adjustment layers to get the image closer. Overall, this project was fun to do, and required a lot of playing around with selections and overlays to get a result I was happy with.
"Yunost, Soviet Camera" by Darice is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
"old paper grunge" by Brandie Minchew is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
"Texture of grainy smoked protective wall" by Horia Varlan is licensed under CC BY 2.0. 
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secoluch · 2 years
Reproduction: Project 1 Research
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For my first project in Intro to Graphic Design I was assigned to recreate the “Foto Qualitat” created by Laszlo Maholy-Nagy. Laszlo Maholy-Nagy was one of the earliest artists that helped create and develop what graphic design is today. Laszlo first set out to study law, but was later interrupted in his studies due to World War 1 and joined the Austro-Hungarian army. Around the age of 20, when he was wounded due to the war, he began his first sketches. These sketches mostly were of portraits and it would take some time before he ventured out into the world of photography and typography. Once the war had finished he finished his law degree, and then decided to pursue being a painter/artist full time. His art was made with a purpose, often having political meaning behind a lot of the work he created. As he explored, he eventually started experimenting making photograms. Photograms are similar to photography, as both produce representations of objects in real life. However, photograms are not taken with a camera, but are taken by putting objects on light sensitive paper, then exposing the paper to light to get the image. Laszlo Maholy-Nagy used gelatin silver prints for his methodology for taking photograms. Once Laszlo Maholy-Nagy started combining typography and photography was when he became known as one of the founders of what graphic design is today. The magazine cover I am producing is representing this new found media, of combining both images and type with the combination of the camera and type on the cover of the magazine.
“Moholy-Nagy at 121.” Unframed, 20 July 2016, https://unframed.lacma.org/2016/07/20/moholy-nagy-121.
“Nagy Foundation: Biography.” MOHOLY, https://www.moholy-nagy.org/biography/.
Passuth, Krisztina. “ LÁSZLÓ MOHOLY-NAGY.” ICONOFGRAPHICS, http://www.iconofgraphics.com/Laszlo-Moholy-Nagy/.
“What Is a Photogram?” YouTube, YouTube, 18 Mar. 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH9UBeHAgSs.
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secoluch · 2 years
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This is the first photoshop assignment I made in Intro to Graphic Design. The assignment was made with the intention to get a person who is relatively new to photoshop familiar with the tools and layout of the software. While making this project the tools I found the most useful were the select subject tool and using the layer masks to help refine my selections. I also found downloading photoshop on my iPad quite a fun experience because it made it easier to add loud graphic elements by drawing them in photoshop rather than having to make them in another program and importing the images in. I am looking forward to seeing how I can pair an iPad and computer together to better use this program and make the most of my abilities. The biggest obstacle I need to overcome is making sure I continue to learn more about the tools and elements within photoshop that will continue to expand my creativity. I tend to become comfortable with what I know and figure out how to make an image from there, rather than continuing to explore and experiment with my process.
Overall, I had fun with this assignment and making my friends look silly.
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secoluch · 2 years
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Hello everyone! My name is Sarah and I am a double major in both Marketing and Graphic Design at SUNY Brockport. I choose these two majors as I feel that they compliment each other well, and I will get a deeper understanding for each major due to the other. I am also in the women's rugby club here on campus. I have been fortunate enough to travel to Paris, France and have seen a lot of the churches we have talked about so far. I was able to visit both the Musee d'Orsay and the Louvre where I got to take a selfie with the Mona Lisa. My favorite part of the whole trip however had to be visiting the Giverny gardens where Monet painted many of his most famous paintings.  I have worked at the Corning Museum of Glass and have learned a good amount on the history of glass and glass art. I have also worked with the artists in Corning to create murals and promote the importance of public art.
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