secondhandgangster · 5 years
Alex was, to be delicate about it, utterly smashed. It wasn’t often that he let himself get like this with the guys from the gang but, on occasion, a few drinks with Bones and Kong ended up with a bemused Ash sending his second home to get some sleep before he got as rowdy as his reputation. Trouble was, he had absolutely no desire to settle down just yet. The night was young and he was feeling pretty good about it. 
[Text: Frank] u up? headed home. u should bring food
He sent the text with barely a second thought as he ambled along down the streets toward his apartment. He was absolutely not going to think about how his drunk ass thought it would be nice to invite Arthur in again.
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
  “I have been told that sometimes, it even sweetens the following reward.”, the demon mused, allowing the hint of a crooked smile to remain on his lips while his eyes scanned the surrounding crowd. Oh, that Noah was going to pay. And if he came crying and begging and crawling on his knees, he would pay. Asmodeus did not take kindly to being stood up like that. Wasting his precious time was a privilege reserved for people like Amduscias and Asmodeus himself alone.
  Sixtyfour… Sixtyfive… Sixtysix… Asmodeus decided at once to end this undignified farce of playing a lost puppy in search for its owner and downed the rest of his drink in one go. Without minding the stray droplet of water running down his chin and throat, he turned towards his flirty company.
  “Well, nevermind that. Hello there.” He smiled, in all the wonderful ways the grand prince Asmodeus knew how to smile, warm and open and just a little mischievious, white teeth shining in a face full of freckles. “I believe I did not catch your name the first time around?”
Oh my god, this guy was unbelievable. What an air of mystery and confidence, even though it really looked like this stranger wasn’t trying at all. It was honestly mindblowing that someone existed out there that was this effortlessly alluring. Hell, Alex had to put some work into himself to pull in anything but drunkards and fellow needy sluts. Which could be good enough, don’t get him wrong, but it didn’t really fill the void and could often end up messy. He had a hard time with clinginess. It wasn’t exactly safe to have one night stands trying to wiggle into his life, seeing as how girlfriends went missing or were mistreated all the time as weapons in ongoing wars.
The sudden return of the stranger’s interest on him caught him by surprise but he couldn’t mind when his heart skipped at that absolutely, amazingly bright smile. It was nearly blinding. All those freckles and that warmth just blew him away. Shit, he couldn’t remember being this smitten in a while. Maybe not in years.
“Why don’t we start over, then? I’m Alex.” He grinned as he held out his hand, dragging his eyes up from the water running down the inviting throat exposed by the open shirt. “And you?”
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
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23K notes · View notes
secondhandgangster · 5 years
i’d follow him to hell and back but i wish he’d just stop going there
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
still healing from things I don’t speak about
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
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Rest in Ravioli, Frogerick Arthur
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
“Is this it then? How far we get, Alex?” Lips explore the familiar path of Alex’s  collarbone, resting on his pulse again as his hands roll down his sides; nails dragging against the pale skin and leaving redness in their wake ( but not hard enough to hurt. ) “Is this all I get of you? I dont get to take you home with me?  I am just destined to share you with whoever can entertain you for a night?”
“Give it time and care, Frankie. Just— mhh.” He sighed heavily as he arched into the fingernails sending warmth down his spine. “I’d leave the city with you, if we walked away from it all; the violence and the scheming. But right now, this is where we are.”
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
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it them, the gayest gang
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
You cannot build a life around another person. People come when they are ready, and they leave when it is their time. Nothing in life is permanent except yourself.
Venus de Roux
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
“Hmph.” The blond snarks before reaching up and nimbling peeling the others shirt off his shoulders, “You know it makes me crazy.” Blue eyes flick up to meet Alex’s. “You say you love me but then sleep with everyone. If you love me why don’t you want to be with me?” His jaw sets tightly. “I have kept my promise, you havent kept yours.”
He didn’t resist when his shirt was being pulled up over his head. This was just how Arthur tended to work. “I’m keeping my promise. I’m giving you a chance again, even when you undermine me in front of my own gang. That isn’t holding up my end?”
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
Lao: Catching Alex on the street in a group of boys; theres no denying his dumb smirk as he hands off his wallet. "Uh.. You forgot this at the bar last night." It definitely wasn't at the bar.
Shit. He wasn’t exactly used to one night stands tracking him down afterwards but this was a little more awkward. Thank god the guys that happened to be around him right now weren’t sharp. “... Chinatown has good bars. Don’t be jealous.” He waved off the others, nodding off in the opposite direction for Lao to walk with him.
Once they were far enough away, Alex sidestepped into an alley. “That wasn’t smooth, pendejo. I have a reputation that makes jumping to conclusions pretty easy. If you wanted to keep this down low, you should have been more sneaky about it.” He sighed.
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
“Seeing you like this hurts me.” The blond admits willingly,  scarred hands smoothing up the others shirt to allow the pads of his fingers to appreciate the sway of his back. “Dont ya know that? hearin’ about you doing that shit hurts me.” His jaw tightens. “You expect me not to react to that? You say you love me then you do this?!” His voice raises a bit before he retreats back and pulls Alex’s hand away from his face. “You’re lying to me. Aren’t you? You like hurting me, you wanna give someone an excuse to kill me. Ain’t that what you want?” 
His expression morphed into one of surprise and disbelief at his sudden train of thought. “What?! Frankie, I stuck my neck out for you when I took you home with me after you threw knives at Eiji. I’ve defended you to Ash. I’ve never once tried to hurt you. Why would you even think that I want you to die?”
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
“Why should I do that anymore?” Despite desperately wanting the boy in his lap Arthur knew more than anything that it was only temporary, “You only end up breaking my heart over and over…” A sigh passes through his lips as he rests back against the armchair. “You prove over and over that I am not enough for you. Why is that?”
“Frankie...” He breathed, his tone nearly a whine as he brought his hands up to cup Arthur’s face. Hearing this accusation just tore at his heart. “Don’t talk like that. I love you, I’ve told you over and over. You know that it’s just... I don’t know if we can be together like that yet. I don’t want to put either of us in a position to get hurt again.”
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
He sighed into the kiss, shifting a little against the hand that teased him so familiarly. No matter what blood flavored their kiss or what insults stung between them, it always ended up being cast aside for their hunger for each other. “Then give me you...” He muttered as he wrapped his arms around Arthur’s shoulders.
As always, Arthur’s touch and honeyed voice sucked him right in. It was maddening how easy it was for himself to lean into the touch, to bare his neck for the very same mouth that had insulted him not so long before. He was so easy. “Frankie, I… I said no.” Alex softly refused, although his voice wavered.
For how frustrating Alex was, he was addicting tenfold and it wasn’t something that Arthur was willing to remedy in truth. The sandy blond in his lap truly did wonders for the ruthless boy who was currently indulging in the sweet kiss of the familiar. “Stubborn..” The taste of iron of evident as their lips finally meet; scarred fingers dipping between willing legs to trace the lattice of his lovers zipper. “Forget them…You only need me baby.”
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
As always, Arthur’s touch and honeyed voice sucked him right in. It was maddening how easy it was for himself to lean into the touch, to bare his neck for the very same mouth that had insulted him not so long before. He was so easy. “Frankie, I... I said no.” Alex softly refused, although his voice wavered.
Alex inhales slowly, trying to calm himself as he moved to slip into Arthur’s lap. He didn’t make himself too comfortable, not quite able to tell himself that whatever was to come wasn’t going to hurt too much. “Okay…” He said slowly, looking down at his hands instead of at Arthur.
“Do you want to tell me now?” He finally chimes ; his palms strongly resting on his lovers lap, massaging the soft muscle of his thigh gingerly as bloody lips move agaisnt the curve of Alex’s jaw. “Who touched whats mine?” Unlike before his voice was like velvet against the pulse of the others neck, “Don’t keep these dirty little secrets, Alex. I will always find out.”
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
Alex inhales slowly, trying to calm himself as he moved to slip into Arthur’s lap. He didn’t make himself too comfortable, not quite able to tell himself that whatever was to come wasn’t going to hurt too much. “Okay...” He said slowly, looking down at his hands instead of at Arthur.
It didn’t make Alex feel any better that Arthur was smiling at him around the cigarette kissing his lips briefly. Still, this wasn’t someone that he could threaten like that. Even if his heart continued to race, he had to lower his gun and set it aside, locking the door behind him. Hesitantly, he took a few steps closer as his eyes flickered from the blood and back up to Arthur’s face. “What should we talk about?”
“Come here.” His tone even but more stern this time as he takes the cigarette from his lips and pinches the ember out.  “Don’t make me wait any longer.. Alex.”  Arthur’s eyes meet Alex’s as he flicks the butt of the cigarette away and pats his lap once more. “Don’t test me right now.”
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secondhandgangster · 5 years
It didn’t make Alex feel any better that Arthur was smiling at him around the cigarette kissing his lips briefly. Still, this wasn’t someone that he could threaten like that. Even if his heart continued to race, he had to lower his gun and set it aside, locking the door behind him. Hesitantly, he took a few steps closer as his eyes flickered from the blood and back up to Arthur’s face. “What should we talk about?”
Alex returned home late, as usual, having been doing his best to keep the gang productive and keep his mind off the constant emotional distress that he had been under. He cursed himself quietly when his key turned uselessly in the lock but moved inside to hit the lights, drawing his gun when he saw a form in his chair just a second before the room lit up. What he saw didn’t calm his racing heart. “Fr—Frankie?”
When Alex pulls out his gun, Arthur doesn’t flinch, although after a moment his smile widens in amusement. Alex with a gun was always laughable to him considering the boy he knew who he truly was deep down. “Alex.” He muses before patting the flat of his lap as if to entice the boy closer. “Come here.” It wasn’t up for debate. “I think we should talk.”
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