secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
Missing the Point
Second looks up as the Vanarian ambassador, a prince by right of his people, approaches. The reptilian being looks the taller Annointed up and down. Satisfied with whatever assessment given, he displays a jagged toothed grin and leans to the side.Ā 
Ā "My dear Second, how wonderful to see you at this momentous occasion. Iā€™ve heard much of your people, including your focus on genetic superiority. Would you like to help me test my genetic predisposition towards... virility?"Ā 
Second blinks, "Oh no, I'm afraid I don't have any sort of true scientific training. Any assessment I could give to you would be flawed. If you are unsure of your fertility ratings I'm sure there is a doctor who could assist you!Ā 
ā€œI, myself, was proven in assessments to be highly fertile and capable of extensive reproduction. Ah, if you will excuse me I must go greet the Nireeean Councilman." Entirely missing the point, Second moves off to mingle with other guests.Ā 
Ā The Vanarian stands there in stunned silence. Returning to his group, he mutters, "I can't tell if I was turned down or not."
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
An individual with wholly unique genetics that survived billions of years? That makes Nebulous truly a wonderous anomaly!
Amazing! I would love to speak with you about your evolutionary divergence with the rest of your kind one day. If youā€™re willing, of course.
((optional interaction for @sweet-talkin-gladiator for the follow! Can just ignore if no interest.))
Second looks up from the indescribable mental agony of economic reports when his tablet dings. A small bright spot in his day: a follow on that social media he made! He wonders if its someone connected to-
Secondā€™s head tilts as he looks at the profile. Antenna twitch upwards. Interesting. He doesnā€™t think heā€™s ever encountered someone of this species before. Potentially not even a species any Annointed has encountered.
Thatā€™s enough to pique the rulerā€™s curiosity. Ā How to ask without sounding rudeā€¦Ā He decides to not think too hard about it. Be impulsive! Maybe this time it wonā€™t backfire?
He sends:
Hello!Ā I wished to thank you for the follow.Ā I must admit Iā€™ve never encountered anything quite like you. Would you perhaps be willing to have a call or chat to tell me a bit more about your people?
Maybe he can argue its for diplomatic relations rather than larvae-like wonder.
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
Second Posts:
I find it interesting there seems to be an entire day devoted to the wrongdoings of others!
Second may not understand whatĀ ā€˜sindayā€™ refers to.
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
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Annointed Fashion
The fashion of the Grand Annointed Empire varies wildly depending on where the species is in the universe, what galactic trends are popular, and who is in charge of The Collective. To label a certain style as distinctly Annointed would be a mistake as there is no true cultural fashion.
The only distinctive form exists in the presence of the First and Second. Theyā€™re never seen without full length clothing that obscures their form and face, adding to the mystery that is the rulers of the Annointed Empire.Ā 
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
The Annointed as a whole tend to not take part in holidays as we may know them. As a culture they donā€™t put much emphasis on parties and fun. The Collective would essentially turn a party of thousands into something of a small family gathering- since each caste shares one mind. Its near impossible to foster a giant wild party atmosphere amongst the Annointed.
There are some special events that take place in Annointed culture, though.
The Choosing
The Choosing is a special week long event in Annointed culture devoted to finding the genetics that will be used to create the next Second, eventually culminating in the current First stepping down and letting their heir take over.Ā 
It began as something of a barbaric kidnapping event. The Annointed would discover genetics they considered superior, steal away the most prominent member of that species, then take their genetics to use.
Itā€™s far more civilized now.Ā 
The Choosing has turned into a game show of sorts, pitting competitors against each other in trials to test their genetic viability for coveted traits: resilience, intelligence, and strength. Those who win get the honor of donating their genetics to an entire generation of Annointed!
Oh, they also receive fame, fortune, a life of luxury on the Annointedā€™s dollar, and potential key alliances for their peopleĀ but thatā€™s nothing compared to being a part of the empireā€™s future! Right?
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
Hm, interesting. Also a bit disappointing if it is indeed just opposite sides of the universe. Sucks all the fun out of it, does it not?
We rank amongst the top galactic superpowers, spanning countless star systems. Though, admittedly, the universe is far more vast than our simple empire.
He has to blink. Something else said catches up with his thoughts.Ā 
A billion years? My, youā€™re quite experienced! Your kind must have evolved in such a glorious manner with genetics superb in resilience!
Perhaps this Nebulous would be interested in taking part in The Choosing when it eventually comes... Such genetics could enhance the Annointed in miraculous ways!
((optional interaction for @sweet-talkin-gladiator for the follow! Can just ignore if no interest.))
Second looks up from the indescribable mental agony of economic reports when his tablet dings. A small bright spot in his day: a follow on that social media he made! He wonders if its someone connected to-
Secondā€™s head tilts as he looks at the profile. Antenna twitch upwards. Interesting. He doesnā€™t think heā€™s ever encountered someone of this species before. Potentially not even a species any Annointed has encountered.
Thatā€™s enough to pique the rulerā€™s curiosity. Ā How to ask without sounding rudeā€¦Ā He decides to not think too hard about it. Be impulsive! Maybe this time it wonā€™t backfire?
He sends:
Hello!Ā I wished to thank you for the follow.Ā I must admit Iā€™ve never encountered anything quite like you. Would you perhaps be willing to have a call or chat to tell me a bit more about your people?
Maybe he can argue its for diplomatic relations rather than larvae-like wonder.
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
-Not sure if you'll get this transmission, but this is Thundercracker and Skywarp of Earth and New Cybertron; we were part of that tour group, you know, the one on that living planet that got super awkward really fast. We just.. we just wanted to know how things were going, and to offer our assistance if needed.- (forcybertron)
Second looks at the communication received. Ah. Another group that were hurt or traumatized by the events of Europa. Second bites back the urge to drag a hand down his face. How many more are going to come forward? Itā€™s never-ending!
He settles into a more professional position and sends a communication back.
I see. First may I sincerely apologize for the travesty that Europa became. It was never meant to rise on the backs of its natives and those involved will be receiving punishment befitting the crime.
Thank you for your offer of assistance but Iā€™m afraid in this case it should be up to my people to give compensation for all weā€™ve done. Is there anything I can help you with?
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
{fear meme} Ghost, Needles, Noise
[Fear Meme]
Ghosts: Has your muse ever seen something they couldnā€™t explain?
Yes but not in a paranormal sense. The strange things heā€™s seen come in the form of watching his creator actā€¦ erratically. The entirety of Annointed civilization is devoted to proceeding towards one goal: genetic perfection.Ā 
Second, on several occasions, has witnessed his creator doing things that are just unheard of within Annointed culture. One of the most prominent? Refusing to allow Second to be properly trained in galactic politics before throwing him to the metaphorical wolves. It makes no sense to anyone as its setting him up for failure but at the same time you donā€™t question the Firstā€™s decisions. Itā€™s gotta be something they just canā€™t see the long term goal of, right?
Needles: Does your muse have a strong stomach?
Yes, in both the literal and metaphorical sense. He can stomach both many different sources of nourishment and experiences that may turn the stomachs of others.Ā 
Noise: Name one sound your muse finds absolutely unbearable.
The sound of his creator convening with the entirety of the Collective. When The First channels their focus to allow all castes to communicate through the hive mind freely, their peopleā€™s antennas rise and rub together. This makes a sound not unlike millions of crickets or, more accurately, cicadas all singing at once.Ā 
He mainly finds it unbearable because, as one of the only beings separated from the collective, the communing grates against his mind and causes severe levels of instinctual distress.
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
Second Posts:
Galactic ad media is fascinating. Clickbait can take such creative forms. I have one question, however.
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What is aĀ ā€œRubber Bandā€?
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
Fear-Themed Headcanon Questions
Send one (or a few) to my muse and theyā€™ll answer:Ā 
Spiders: Does your muse squish bugs or put them outside? The Dark: Did your muse sleep with a nightlight as a child? Snakes: Would your muse ever keep an unusual/exotic pet? Blood: Whatā€™s the worst injury your muse has ever had? Clowns: Does your muse prefer comedy? Or horror? Mirrors: What is your museā€™s least favorite thing about their appearance? Tight Space: Does your muse ever feel that theyā€™re not living up to their own potential? Closet Monsters: Does your muse hide any aspects of their personality/life from others? Crowds: What does your muse think of big cities? Death: Name one thing your muse has lost that they wish they could get back. Ghosts: Has your muse ever seen something they couldnā€™t explain? Needles: Does your muse have a strong stomach? Curses: Does your muse believe in good/bad luck? How about karma? Heights: Is your muse a risk-taker? Solitude: Name 3 things your muse couldnā€™t live without. Fire: Would your muse rather be very cold, or very hot? Failure: Has your muse ever given up on an important dream? Abandonment: How would your muse win back someone who left them? The Unknown: Is your muse a philosophical person? Boogeyman: What position does your muse sleep in? Falling: What does your muse think about falling in love or commitment?Ā  Change: What was a turning point in your museā€™s life? Disease: What does your muse do on a sick day? Number 13: Does your muse believe any superstitions?Ā  Noise: Name one sound your muse finds absolutely unbearable. Insects: Name something your muse finds gross or annoying.Ā  Dolls: Has your muse ever collected something? Getting Old: Would your muse rather live 50 years loved, or 200 years alone? Social Phobia: Does your muse consider themselves an outgoing person?
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
The Grand Annointed Empire
The Collective
As they are a hive minded race, the Annointed hold a philosophy that no one being is more important than another in the long run. Everyone is a cog in the overarching machine. Everyone is connected, everyone is important.
If any Annointed is separated from The Collective, through some form of deformity or through injury to their antenna, they are considered ā€œCorruptedā€ and then are Culled.
Many outsiders are infinitely confused about the terminology, as Culled can mean vastly different things depending on The First that is currently in power.
There is only one Annointed who is naturally separated from The Collective. That is The Second, heir to the empire.
This is a natural evolution meant to keep them from overtaking or straining the current Firstā€™s hold over the hive mind. When The First steps down and relinquishes power to The Second, they cut themselves off from the hive mind and allow The Second to take over and become the new First.
Inheritance of Power
In the Annointed Empire, there is no such thing as a chosen or elected ruler. Due to their hive minded biology and millions of years of selective breeding, a hierarchy is coded into their DNA.Ā 
Itā€™s so ingrained that itā€™s impossible for any leader aside from the First or Second to take power. Theyā€™re the only ones genetically capable of becoming the center of The Collective and keeping their people alive.Ā 
A First has never died while still in control of the Collective. Theyā€™ve always been protected and taken care of to avoid illness or injury. It can only be assumed that the effect of a Firstā€™s death would be devastating for the entire species.Ā 
Suddenly having their hive mind, one of the most important aspects of their biology, cut off from them could have an unimaginable toll on the population.Ā 
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
Second Posts:
I was asked by another diplomat if Ietep is my son, how silly is that? He has my genetic material but he is certainly not my son!
Though a genetic donor could be considered a father...Ā 
Would... Would he be considered my son? He was born in a clone converter but would that nullify paternal responsibility?
Second turns to stare at his caretaker.Ā 
Ietep, already sensing his Secondā€™s confliction, tells him,Ā ā€œWhatever it is, youā€™re overthinking it.ā€
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
The Grand Annointed Empire
The Collective
Evolved from insectoid beings, the population is made up of swaths of cloned beings mentally connected due to The Collective.Ā 
The speciesā€™ internal hive mind is broken up by ā€œCastesā€.Ā The different castes are genetically engineered in both mind and body to fulfill certain societal roles. Each exists on its own level inside the Collective, where they can share one mind with those within their own category but are separated from those outside their caste.
As an example: every Doctor is connected to every other Doctor, but a Doctor isnā€™t connected to a Soldier.Ā 
Itā€™s evolved like this to lessen the mental strain on their ruler, The First, who acts as a sort of router that links them all together.Ā  Itā€™s the Firstā€™s mind that influences the entirety of their civilization- their morals becomes the morals of a generation.
As a race of clones, they reproduce asexually except for two specific beings: The First and The Second. They're the only naturally born Annointed, conceived of the rulers before them using DNA collected from various other species.
They reproduce in such a way to be the first step in a process of genetic alterations for the next generation of cloned Annointed. A First gives birth to the Second, who (if they survive with viable DNA stability) will give their stable but mutated DNA to be implemented into the next generation when they eventually take over the mantle of The First.
It is in this manner the Annointed Empire chases its ultimate goal: Genetic perfection.
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
Second Posts:
After nearly a week of diplomatic meetings with ambassadors of all kinds of dangerous species, it is in the process of cooking that I finally injure myself. I have been shuffled to the Oonai to treat the cut and burn I received.Ā 
Second very purposefully doesnā€™t mention said cut was administered while trying to open a bottle. Not does he mention the burn was received when he forgot hot pans are indeed a thing that exists.Ā 
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
The Grand Annointed Empire
A race unified by a hive mind known as The Collective, the Grand Annointed Empire stands as one of the most powerful civilizations in the Galaxy. Holding heavy influence over trade and politics alike, thereā€™s seldom a sector Ā of space where an Annointed Embassy canā€™t be found.
Itā€™s ruled by a being known only as The First, the one mind that binds the many. Due to their vital role amongst the Annointed, The First is often an unknown entity to the rest of the universe. Never seen or heard but holding influence in all that the empire does.
There is one other (lesser) leader aside from The First. Their child and future heir: The Second.
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
Oh thank the Grand Creators. They definitely donā€™t seem to have taken insult to the casual tone of his message.Ā 
They arenā€™t only a member of that species but their ruler? How much should he trust someone over the internet? Then again most would have the same suspicions of Second. Thereā€™s also the question if Monarch means the same thing to them as it does other species.
He sends back:
I am TheĀ Second of the Grand Annointed Empire
Iā€™m not sure my galaxy has anything akin to a race called the Andromedians. I wonder if this may be one of thoseĀ ā€œmultiverseā€ things Iā€™ve been hearing of.
How exciting if it IS one of those situations!
((optional interaction for @sweet-talkin-gladiator for the follow! Can just ignore if no interest.))
Second looks up from the indescribable mental agony of economic reports when his tablet dings. A small bright spot in his day: a follow on that social media he made! He wonders if its someone connected to-
Secondā€™s head tilts as he looks at the profile. Antenna twitch upwards. Interesting. He doesnā€™t think heā€™s ever encountered someone of this species before. Potentially not even a species any Annointed has encountered.
Thatā€™s enough to pique the rulerā€™s curiosity. Ā How to ask without sounding rudeā€¦Ā He decides to not think too hard about it. Be impulsive! Maybe this time it wonā€™t backfire?
He sends:
Hello!Ā I wished to thank you for the follow.Ā I must admit Iā€™ve never encountered anything quite like you. Would you perhaps be willing to have a call or chat to tell me a bit more about your people?
Maybe he can argue its for diplomatic relations rather than larvae-like wonder.
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secondofmany-blog1 Ā· 4 years
((optional interaction for @sweet-talkin-gladiator for the follow! Can just ignore if no interest.))
Second looks up from the indescribable mental agony of economic reports when his tablet dings. A small bright spot in his day: a follow on that social media he made! He wonders if its someone connected to-
Secondā€™s head tilts as he looks at the profile. Antenna twitch upwards. Interesting. He doesnā€™t think he's ever encountered someone of this species before. Potentially not even a species any Annointed has encountered.
Thatā€™s enough to pique the rulerā€™s curiosity. Ā How to ask without sounding rude...Ā He decides to not think too hard about it. Be impulsive! Maybe this time it wonā€™t backfire?
He sends:
Hello!Ā I wished to thank you for the follow.Ā I must admit Iā€™ve never encountered anything quite like you. Would you perhaps be willing to have a call or chat to tell me a bit more about your people?
Maybe he can argue its for diplomatic relations rather than larvae-like wonder.
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