secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
She felt a little self conscious at the way this other woman was looking at her, eyes almost unblinking. Maysun pulled her arms around herself a little, not really sure how she was meant to deal with this moment. Locked up with only her sister for company and monitored as a subject of her father’s investigations for most of her life, she had never really coped with a lot of situations. Her only real knowledge came from 100 years of books and movies about the real world.In those many years, she had never been looked at in the way she was now. Still, she smiled back and forced herself to feel more comfortable than she did in that moment. “Well, I think when I joined the ground, it might have felt the bump pretty hard, so I wouldn’t call it lucky.”
She stretched once more feeling a little protest in her legs but nothing so serious. Maysun had wanted to finish the last hill, but even she had to admit that she might need to feed before she took on that. It had been a week, at least, since she had tasted any blood, and she knew that her vampire side would be weakening by now. She could survive on human food alone, but it left her weak and feeling a little incomplete. “Maysun, and I think I might have it. My shoes, however, might be lost forever.” She pushed herself of the ground and stood up before gesturing at the shoes that were barely hanging off her feet. “Apparently falling at that speed doesn’t agree with sneakers that I bought from a slightly dodgy looking man in Chinatown but they did last this long.”
Focusing on the woman a little more, she grinned quickly. “What are you doing this far from the trails?”  
Shaking her head, trying to clear it, Bex tried to work through the new, ridiculously strong sensations that imprinting had sparked.  Last thing she needed to do was come on too strong, or come off as a creep and leave the girl wanting nothing to do with her for the rest of eternity.  She couldn’t even imagine how much that would suck.  Hell, it had been all of two minutes, and she could already barely fathom being away from her from long.  The girl whose name she still didn’t know.  “I dunno,” she gave the blonde a faux-skeptical look, before laughing lightly.  “You guys may be pretty durable, but I think the full vampires are the only ones who can fight the ground and win.” Hopefully the hint that she knew what the girl was wasn’t too panic inducing. “Maysun,” she repeated, trying to ignore the way just the name made her heart flutter. “Nice to meet you, despite the circumstances.” Arching a brow at the story behind the shoes, she couldn't help but chuckle as she saw just how bad a shape they were in. “Maybe just wait for a sale at a real store next time,” she teased lightly, shaking her head. “Pretty much the same as you, I'd imagine,” she answered after a moment, bouncing sightly on the balls of her feet. “Trying to get a good workout in --- the normal trails aren't really enough of a challenge.”
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
She glanced around at the floor around her analysing how hurt she was. She knew she would be healed the moment she stepped back up, but there was a moment of pain that swept through her body. Before she had heard someone walking up to her, she moved slightly so that she was laid on her back staring up at the sky and catching her breath once more. Her limbs felt a little tired from the run, so she’d achieved a part of her purpose. Being human, really human, was something she could never achieve, but here in Forks it felt like she might just gain some sense of normality. At least until she got bored and moved away again…
Her eyes slipped up to the girl who had appeared near her head and smiled. She should have really known that someone was there with her, but in her moment of enjoying the feeling of being tired she had lost any concentration on what was happening around her. She pulled herself up slowly, stretching her muscles as she came to sit and look at whoever was with her. The scent was not quite human, which could be expected this far up the trail, but it was not one that she had come across before. Her world had always been pretty limited to just vampires, hybrids and humans, but she was learning that in this town anything was possible. She didn’t know why the other girl had cut off what she was obviously about to ask, but Maysun figured that she could answer the question anyway.
      “the floor looked lonely. i figured i had to give it some company.”
She swallowed hard, her head spinning.  Everything felt different all of a sudden --- the very instant she’d seen the other woman’s face --- everything had changed.  It felt like she couldn’t breathe, there was this tightness in her chest that she’d never felt before, and the world was spinning around her, fading in and out, but all she could focus on was this girl.  This girl --- she didn’t even know her name --- someone she’d never seen before, and yet... She sank to her knees, staring at the other girl with a sense of pure awe.  She’d heard stories about this, of course, but after having been a wolf for nearly twelve years, and one of the few in the packs who hadn’t imprinted...she had kind of assumed it would never happen.  She had been happy to assume it would never happen. She was so incredibly wrong. “ yeah? ” her reply was slow, and a bit breathless --- but could she really be blamed, when her whole world had just been rearranged?  When everything she was, everything she’d ever be, suddenly revolved around this stranger?  “ the ground’s pretty lucky, then, ” she offered up a quick grin.  What the hell was she supposed to say, here?  What was she supposed to do?  Most of the pack imprinted on members of the Tribe --- people who knew the stories, the legends, knew what all of this meant.  This girl...well...at least she wasn’t human.  A hybrid, she’d realized, once she was closer, like Nessie.   “ I’m Elizabeth, ” she offered, still seeming in a bit of a daze.  “ --- Bex. ”  a beat, and then: “ d’you need a hand up? ”
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
freshly shifted was literally the worst time to hear unexpected footsteps behind you --- Bex had been counting herself lucky for not having ever been discovered in such a state...but it seemed like her luck was about to run out. she had two choices, now, more or less. she could shift back, take on wolf form and bolt, then pray whoever had been around hadn't seen her...or she could stay human, and find another way to deal with the situation. neither option sounded particularly appealing. cursing under her breath, the shifter shook her head, deciding that phasing now would carry too great a risk. she was crouched down, digging through her duffelbag when the steps finally stopped -- thus far, she'd only managed to pull on a pair of boxers. great. “ hello...? anyone there...? ”
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
Plotting call~
So, exactly what it says on the tin, this is a plotting call for Bex Blackwell! She’s a shifter, one of the first generation, and one of the first to phase after the Cullens returned! The only catch there was that she was away at college when it happened, so she went through it alone, much like Sam. She’s been a lifelong resident of La Push, except for her brief stint away at school, so it’s pretty likely that she’ll know most of the people from the Rez, and a handful of people from Forks, too! She’s pretty laid back and down to earth, though she takes her duties as part of the packs very seriously, and would lay down her life without a second thought if it meant saving or protecting someone important to her! Bex is a part of the Black pack, so other members, let’s talk! They’re obviously going to be excruciatingly familiar with each other, what with all that time in each other’s heads! This also means she’s a former member of the Sam’s pack, so she knows all of your deep dark secrets, too ;) As far as age goes, she’s roughly three to four years older than the primary cast (Bella, etc), though she looks about 22, since that’s her physical peak. She’s hella gay, so I’d love to plot out an ex-girlfriend relationship or two, if any ladies out there are interested! She’s going to be imprinting soon, so future romance is a no go – sorry! But unrequited feelings are always super fun, so if you’re interested, hit me up! If any of you lovely people have any other ideas, feel free to hit me up, or like/reply to this post and I’ll come to you to plot!
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
Her breath was even, despite the steep incline she was running up.  It was a mixed blessing and a curse, this part of being a werewolf (or shifter as everyone else called them now).  It was damn near impossible to feel like you got a really good workout in.  After phasing, they were built to run, to have almost endless stamina, to have crazy superhuman strength, and, well, honestly it was pretty cool in a lot of ways...but on the other hand, it made certain parts of life just kind of frustrating.  If she wanted to feel like she’d really worked, pushed herself to her limits...she’d have to run all day.  Literally.  So instead of going for distance, she’d taken to running the toughest paths she could find.  Something that would probably kill a normal human if they’d tried it, and running them hard.  Because of that, it was incredibly rare for her to run into anyone else when she was out running.  Which was why, when she heard someone curse from up ahead, she was so thoroughly taken by surprise.  It took her a few moments to respond, her brow furrowing as her mind attempted to catch up --- admittedly she’d been allowing herself to zone out a bit while she ran, as the paths had become familiar to her already --- before she took of at a quick jog towards the source of the sound.  A few yards ahead lay a blonde girl --- but that was really all Bex could tell at the moment.  Frowning, she slowed her approach, walking over to kneel beside her. 
 “ hey, are you --- oh. ”
Her legs were aching under her, but she pushed on. Maysun had always liked feeling pain in her joints, it made her feel more human and less of a monster who had killed her own mother when she was born. The air in her lungs felt heavy, leaving her wheezing slightly as she pushed herself to keep running up the hiking track. This was her third hill of the day. With the unlikely sunshine and her own will to keep going, to find what exhausted her, she set out on a run that was aimed to test her endurance. She would need to feed after this, but the pain of the run was worth it. Her foot, however, seemed to find a loose stone and set itself down with an unfounded confidence. Her body slid to the floor, falling with an almost a practised grace, but still leaving her slammed on the floor. 
            “motherfucker.” she exclaimed as she hit the floor.
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
Plotting call~
So, exactly what it says on the tin, this is a plotting call for Bex Blackwell! She's a shifter, one of the first generation, and one of the first to phase after the Cullens returned! The only catch there was that she was away at college when it happened, so she went through it alone, much like Sam. She's been a lifelong resident of La Push, except for her brief stint away at school, so it's pretty likely that she'll know most of the people from the Rez, and a handful of people from Forks, too! She's pretty laid back and down to earth, though she takes her duties as part of the packs very seriously, and would lay down her life without a second thought if it meant saving or protecting someone important to her! Bex is a part of the Black pack, so other members, let's talk! They're obviously going to be excruciatingly familiar with each other, what with all that time in each other's heads! This also means she's a former member of the Sam's pack, so she knows all of your deep dark secrets, too ;) As far as age goes, she's roughly three to four years older than the primary cast (Bella, etc), though she looks about 22, since that's her physical peak. She's hella gay, so I'd love to plot out an ex-girlfriend relationship or two, if any ladies out there are interested! She's going to be imprinting soon, so future romance is a no go -- sorry! But unrequited feelings are always super fun, so if you're interested, hit me up! If any of you lovely people have any other ideas, feel free to hit me up, or like/reply to this post and I'll come to you to plot!
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
It was apparent by the wolf-y growl vibrating from the beast, that it wasn’t particularly keen to Claire’s humor. Though, she was VERY aware of her imprint status, this one had to be a part of their pack ora pack… — or else she was about to be mauled by a wild wolf. As she knelt on the hard, muddy forest floor she held her hand out again. “ oh, come on, i was only joking. “ she said with a sigh, “are you going to change or are you just going to make me look like an idiot for talking to some fur ?? ”
She exhaled in a huff, still less than amused, but she couldn’t be too mean.  Not without risking the wrath of a very angry shifter.  She shook her head when the girl knelt down, giving a very put-upon sigh as she reached out a hand again.  After a long moment in which the wolf gave the girl the flattest look she could muster, she leaned forward a bit, bumping Claire’s hand with her forehead.  The request that she change, however, was met with a whine.  She didn’t have any clothes around, and while she didn’t mind nudity...she also didn’t relish the prospect of standing outside in the middle of the fucking woods...naked. 
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
color-coded starter call!
want me to write you up a starter? inbox me a color for a specific theme/mood!
red for a violent starter orange for an urgent starter yellow for a scary starter green for a friendly starter blue for an angsty starter purple for a silly starter pink for a romantic starter
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
“ --- yeah, except for the fact that we only turn into one thing -- giant wolves. ”
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
↖ is now accepting curious anons.
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
Every fiber of her being, every instinct that she had screamed at her to pull away, to get the hell out of there, that this was wrong, wrong, wrong. She was patient, though, and she was strong --- even if it was more in spirit than in body at the moment --- and she forced herself to remain calm, to take deep, slow breaths. Focusing on one limb at a time, the shifter relaxed her stance, muscle by muscle, systematically draining the tension from her taut frame, keeping the wolf at bay. It seemed like this was going on an eternity already...but she'd yet to begin feeling light-headed, so she bit back any response that otherwise might have escaped her. For the time being, at least, she chose to trust Corin. In the end, it seemed her faith in the vampire was well founded. She pulled away on her own, not needing Bex to push her off, or tell her to stop. She was a little impressed, honestly...but now wasn't the time to get distracted; not while she was bleeding around a hungry vampire. She hadn't quite thought her plan through in its entirety -- if she had, she'd have realized that her stunted healing meant she'd need some sort of bandage for her self-inflicted wound...and as it was, she didn't have anything of the sort on her. Exhaling a string of quiet profanities, the wolf pulled off the thin tank-top she wore, hurriedly twisting it around her forearm. She stood, barefoot and clad only in basketball shorts and a sports bra, before a vampire who probably had more years to her life than Elizabeth did months...and yet... Somehow she wasn't afraid. She wasn't even nervous anymore. “ really ?? ” she questioned, surprise and skepticism equally present in her tone. “ I'd have thought we'd taste gross --- considering how your lot are always complaining about how we smell. ” a lopsided grin fell into place over her features, just briefly, before she shook her head --- as if to clear it of unwanted thoughts.
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
“ --- okay, but at least WE turn into actual wolves. Besides, they're called 'children of the moon' or whatever, so technically they don't have any more claim on the term werewolf than we do. I say we keep it. ”
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
“ ... I'm pretty sure that even if you did slip on one, your reflexes would be in pretty good shape to keep you from falling. You're kind of a werewolf, remember??? ”
“I’d like to thank video games and cartoons for giving me the fear of slipping random banana peels at any given moment.”
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
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La Push Shapeshifters ft. Uley & Black Packs
 jacob- holder of the heel; katie- pure; colin- young dog; maria- rebellion;                                           quil-hazel tree;  elizabeth- oath of god; leah- weary/mistress;
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
as requested by anonymous, beneath the cut, you will find three hundred ( #300 ) full hq gifs of kawennáhere devery jacobs in her award-winning role as alia in rhymes for young ghouls. all gifs were created, cropped, and coloured by me, using the full film as sourcing material. to ensure that she wasn’t whitewashed, I did my best to only brighten too dark of scenes to see, so know that none of these gifs whitewash her true skin tone. please like or reblog if you plan on using or if you’re an rph / etc. – x kcller.
WARNING: due to the sensitive nature of the film, please be aware that in these gifs, there are some depictions of violence ( against natives ), abuse, and blood.
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secondwclfgirl-blog · 8 years
she narrowed her eyes, just faintly, as the vampire stepped closer still.  that wasn’t what she’d had in mind, and she wasn’t entirely comfortable with the sudden closeness.  she was tempted to growl, having to force herself to bite back the sound, keep it from rising from her chest.  “Well,” she breathed, fingers tightening around their prize, a faint smile ghosting across her lips. “ I guess I can only hope what little you do have is enough. ” with a quick motion -- no time for hesitation or second thoughts -- she drew the pocketknife, flicking it open and cutting into her forearm, more than deep enough to draw blood. “ your eyes are pitch-fucking-black ---- it's obvious you need to feed so ------ drink. ” she offered up her arm, keeping her gaze on the vampire. “ but if I feel teeth, I will kill you. ”
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