secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Did I give up and avoid Tumblr for the last half.of the month,,, maybe
I might try to complete the prompts here and there or finish the ones I have half done but XD shhh
This was a super fun event and I want to thank the people who put it all together so much for letting me participate in the community!
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Me: I'm really going to try to post every day
Me one day later: listen,,,
I literally have them planned out but writing do be hard. :( Currently have no brain cells to actually make them, and what I do post I may go back in and edit because I know it isn't very well done but oh well. I might just post the idea concepts I had planned for it and go back to fill them in later but yeah.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
haunted house
a/n: im sorry for all the super short fics D:
Tubbo doesn’t know why he was so nervous about this. It’s fun.
Tommy, on the other hand, looks terrified. He’d been the one to suggest a haunted house, but he seems to be strongly regretting that decision. He shrieks at another jumpscare, making Tubbo laugh.
“Fuck you!” he whines.
They manage to get through the whole thing without Tommy having a heart attack, so Tubbo considers it a win. As they leave, Tommy walks ahead, which gives Tubbo an idea.
He creeps up behind him, then suddenly lunges and wraps his arm around him. Tommy yells, as expected.
“Oh, fuhuck off!” he grumbles.
Tubbo laughs again. “Come on, it’s funny.”
“To you, maybe.”
“Don’t be like that.” Tubbo curls his fingers into Tommy’s sides, feeling him stiffen. It gives him another idea. He’s having so many great ideas tonight. He crawls his fingers up Tommy’s sides, digging in between a few of his ribs and making his way up. Tommy giggles before slapping a hand over his mouth.
“See, you find it funny too!” Tubbo says, standing on his tiptoes and burying his head into the crook of Tommy’s neck. He knows from past experience with Ranboo that fluffy hair is a great tool for tickling. As expected, Tommy scrunches his shoulders up, using his free hand to try to shove Tubbo off of him.
“I do nohot,” Tommy protests, shutting up immediately afterwards to make sure no more giggles slip out.
“You’re so cute,” Tubbo says, both teasing and sincerely. Tommy squeaks, bringing both hands up to hide his face.
Tubbo takes the opportunity to scribble under his arms, smiling when his arms shoot back down to his sides as he finally starts laughing. “There we go! You have a nice laugh, y’know.”
Tommy shakes his head. “Shuhut the fuhuhuck uhup!”
Tubbo backs off not too long after that, immediately beginning to walk ahead. “Come on!” he calls, turning around to look at his giggly, blushy friend.
It’s… it’s a little endearing. Maybe more than a little.
Tubbo walks back, smiling down at him and ruffling his hair. Tommy looks like he’s going to say something, but he keeps interrupting himself with hiccups.
“Want me to carry you back?” Tubbo asks. Tommy nods. Tubbo turns around and bends down, letting Tommy climb onto his back.
He probably should have realised that that’s a perfect position for Tommy to get his revenge.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
a/n: idk what their duo is called but i love them :D
“So now we add the flour, and please try not to get it everywhere.”
Tubbo giggles at that, scooping out the flour from the bag and carefully dropping it in the bowl. Niki picks up the whisk, stirring it into the rest of the batter.
She’d invited him to make some things with her, and of course he had agreed. She wants to give having a bakery another shot after her last one burned down, and Tubbo is glad to help her get started. Plus, it’s probably good for her. She seemed happy when she had the old one.
“And now the chocolate, but don’t add too much,” she instructs. Tubbo measures some chocolate chips out and, after getting Niki’s approval, pours them in.
She begins forming circles with the dough and placing them on the cookie sheet to bake. Tubbo sneakily gets a bit of the mixture on his finger to taste while her back is turned. It’s good.
Once the cookies are in the oven, she looks around at the kitchen. “We should probably get this cleaned up.”
Tubbo groans. He’s been Secretary of State and the president, he’s been through multiple wars, he even has a child, but he draws the line at cleaning.
Niki laughs. “Come on, it’s not that much. We can save it for later if you want, but you’re still helping me.”
Well, that’s fair. He did help make them, after all. He nods in agreement.
She studies him closely. “You’ve got a bit of flour on your face. I don’t know how.” She reaches over, her nails gently scraping at his cheek to get it off.
He jumps back on instinct, a smile already forming. Niki’s expression is a mix between confused and worried, before something seems to click in her head and her eyes widen.
“Oh! Your cheeks are ticklish, I remember!”
Tubbo flushes. “Shut up,” he mumbles, lightheartedly.
Niki smiles. “I don’t know how I could forget something so cute.” She repeats the motion, eliciting a tiny giggle.
“Tubbo!” she mocks. “Here, I think you’ve got some on your shirt, too.” The gentle scratching is on his stomach now, making him really begin laughing. He backs up into the counter, batting lightly at Niki’s hands.
“Noho, I dohohon’t!” He shakes his head, facing the ground to try and hide his blush.
Her fingers spider up his sides. “You do! I’m just trying to get it off, I don’t see what’s so funny.” The comment only makes him laugh harder.
They’re interrupted by the oven beeping. Niki backs off, walking towards it. “I’m not done,” she tells him as she takes the cookies out. “I need to make up for lost time.”
Tubbo wonders if it’s too late to back out.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Prompt 14 of DSMP Tickletober!
Summary: Ranboo wants to help Tubbo bake, but he’s insistent on refusing his (platonic) husband’s help. When Ranboo steps in anyway, Tubbo finds a way of distracting him. (CLARIFYING AGAIN, THIS IS STRICTLY PLATONIC.)
[Canon] Switch!Tubbo, Switch!Ranboo
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: I know I said these wouldn’t be on time anymore, but I coincidentally finished it just now.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
a/n: the prompt hardly ties into this but i helped organise the event so i do what i want /j
“I’m his best friend!”
“I’m his husband!”
“I’ve known him for longer!”
Tubbo groans. They’ve been going at this all day, and it’s getting tiring. He knows it’s mostly light-hearted bantering, but he’s growing sick of it. He’s trying to take them on an adventure, alternatively known as a trip through the woods, and he’s wondering how much he’s going to regret this.
“Both of you, shut up,” he grumbles. Upon hearing his voice, they turn their attention to him.
“Who do you love more?” Tommy questions.
Tubbo blinks in surprise. “I— what?”
The blond boy huffs. “You heard me! If me and Ranboo were dying, who would you save?”
Tubbo shakes his head. “Both of you! I love you both!”
They’re quiet for a moment.
“He’s just lying to make you feel better,” Tommy mutters under his breath. Ranboo glares at him, and they start arguing again. Tubbo wants to sink into the ground.
He tunes them out, focusing instead on the snow and the trees and… whatever else. It’s very boring, but he’ll do anything to ignore his friends when they’re like this.
Something Tommy says grabs his attention, though.
“I bet you don’t even know where he’s ticklish!”
Tubbo glances over to them. There’s an excited sparkle in Ranboo’s eyes. “He’s ticklish?”
“Tommy,” Tubbo warns.
Tommy grins at him. “Yeah, he’s really ticklish. You want me to show you?”
Ranboo nods with a smile that would be sweet under any other circumstances. Tubbo tries to get away, but Tommy is fast and tackles him to the ground. He holds Tubbo’s hands above his head as Ranboo approaches.
“So, where is he ticklish?” he asks, kneeling down.
Tommy shrugs. “Find out for yourself.”
Tubbo meets his husband’s gaze, silently pleading with him. Either Ranboo doesn’t get the message, or he’s just an asshole.
Ranboo starts with his stomach, because of course Tubbo’s worst spot has to be the most common one. He pulls at his wrists, but laughter is already weakening him and Tommy is experienced in the art of keeping Tubbo pinned.
Tubbo kicks his legs out, pleas spilling out in between giggles. “Noho! Stohohop ihit!”
He’s surprised when it works. Ranboo pauses, pulling his hand back a little.
Tommy rolls his eyes. “He’s fine, don’t listen to him.”
“A- are you sure?” Ranboo still seems hesitant.
Tommy lets go of Tubbo’s wrists, but his glare says that he’ll regret it if he tries to escape. So Tubbo stays still. For that reason only, of course. Not because he’s having fun. Definitely not.
“You hold onto them,” Tommy instructs Ranboo, who complies. Tommy moves to sit on Tubbo’s thighs, grinning down at him.
He starts off lightly, but it’s different than how it was with Ranboo. Ranboo had been gentle, too, but more in a scared-to-hurt-him way than a purposeful way like Tommy’s doing.
It doesn’t tickle as much, but it is more unbearable. Tubbo’s laughter rises in pitch and he arches his back up into Tommy’s hand. He’s never been able to take light tickles for very long, and Tommy knows that.
After a few minutes of tracing around his stomach, Tommy drags a finger up to his neck, scratching under his chin. Tubbo trails off into soft giggles, lifting his head up to get away. As he does that, though, he turns his face towards Ranboo and meets his eyes.
Ranboo looks… happy is the best word Tubbo can think of. His grin is wider than Tubbo has ever seen it, and there’s nothing but fondness in his eyes. His tail is wagging behind him.
Embarrassed, Tubbo turns to the side.
Tommy suddenly moves back down, digging in between Tubbo’s ribs. “You see, Ranboo,” he says, ignoring Tubbo’s cackles. “I can’t show you every spot he’s ticklish, because he’s just ticklish all over.” He leans down to place a quick raspberry on Tubbo’s ribs before he can protest. “I’ll just show you my favourites.”
It’s torture. Tommy knows exactly what gets to him, and it doesn’t help that Ranboo is watching, smiling and nodding and looking like this is the best moment of his life.
As soon as Tommy gets off of him, Tubbo yanks his wrists out of Ranboo’s grasp and curls up, burying his face in his knees.
“That was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” Ranboo says, and Tubbo hates that he can hear the smile in his voice.
“Fuhuhuck yohou,” he grumbles, earning a squeeze to the side from the tallest boy.
Tubbo is definitely going to get revenge.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Monsters Of a Different Kind
Prompts 11-13 of DSMP Tickletober!
Summary: Techno invites Ranboo to explore with him in an abandoned mineshaft, but Ranboo is a bit anxious. Techno helps calm his nerves.
[Canon] Lee!Ranboo, Ler!Techno
Prompts: Mineshaft, sneak attack, adventure
Word Count: 1k
A/N: I fricking forgot that I had finished the fic for the 7th and thought it was this one, so I ended up rushing to get it done. Now regretting that choice because I feel like I could have extended it. ALSO, THIS DUO PLS-
On another note, I will no longer be attempting to complete the prompts on time. I have other things I’d like to be doing with my time, such as cleaning up this blog, and as much as I enjoy writing fics, they take too long to write for me to maintain this constant posting. I’ll still be completing all the prompts, but I’ll almost certainly still be writing them through November.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
a/n: i said i wouldnt write too much lee ranboo bc i have multiple fics already but some of these prompts are too good LMAO sorry
Tubbo doesn’t get to go outside very much. Ranboo’s usually off on his mining trips, or doing whatever he does while he’s out, and someone has to take care of Michael while he’s gone. Tubbo doesn’t really mind it too much, though, because he loves spending time with his son. Still, he likes the times when he does get to leave the house.
For a baby, Michael sleeps for a long time, at least when Tubbo actually gets him to sleep. He figures it has something to do with how cold Snowchester is, but whatever the reason, he’s not complaining. He finally gets Michael to settle down for a nap and leaves the mansion as quietly as he can. He’ll have to be back fairly soon, but for now he figures he can take some time to himself.
He decides to just take a walk around the area, and he runs into Tommy on the way, which makes everything better. The two of them walk around the SMP, investigating tunnels and caves.
They’ve been exploring the same cave for a few minutes before they see a bit of light up ahead.
“Look.” Tubbo points. “Probably lava, we might be able to find some diamonds.”
Tommy nods, grabbing his pickaxe just in case. They run ahead, though not too fast in case there’s a sudden drop. Neither of them really feel like dying today.
The light, however, isn’t from lava. There’s a mineshaft, well-lit and very pretty. What catches Tubbo’s eye the most, however, is the tall hybrid mining off to the side.
He nudges Tommy and shushes him before he can speak, gesturing to his husband. He begins sneaking away towards him, and Tommy seems to catch on and joins him.
Ranboo puts down his pickaxe as they draw near, stretching his arms and taking a little break from what must have been hours of mining. Tubbo steps up behind him, jabbing his fingers into his sides.
Ranboo yells. It’s more of a squawk, really, but it’s loud either way, and the two of them are laughing as he spins around.
“Wh- what did you- why are you here?” he stammers, eyes wide.
Tubbo shrugs, still smiling as Tommy continues laughing behind him. “We were exploring. Why are you here is the better question,” he says, reaching to poke Ranboo’s sides again.
“Ihi- I was mining.”
Tommy steps forward, aiding Tubbo in the poking. “You should probably take a break, big man.”
Ranboo bats at both of their hands. “I’ll be dohone soon, I swear!”
Tubbo gives him the Pleading Eyes. “Ranboooooo.”
Tubbo and Tommy share a look. “Well, guess we’ll have to convince you.”
Laughter fills the air once again, but this time it belongs to Ranboo. They both start tickling him at the same time, Tommy skittering his nails from the enderman’s hips to his ribs while Tubbo scribbles at the sides of his stomach. Ranboo lets out a loud chirp before he bursts into laughter, doubling over and eventually collapsing to the ground. His friends follow him down, not relenting in their attack.
“Dohohon’t! N- nohoho—”
Tubbo coos at him. “Aww, someone’s a little ticklish!”
The tease causes Ranboo’s cheeks to heat up. He brings his hands up to hide it as his tail swishes happily behind him. “Shuhut uhup!”
“Just agree to take a break and we’ll stop!” Tommy says, then a smirk grows on his face. “Unless you don’t want us to?”
Ranboo shakes his head. “Noho!”
“No, you don’t want us to stop? Good to know,” the blond comments as he squeezes Ranboo’s thigh and knee with one hand.
“Nohot whahat I meheheant!”
Tubbo cuts in. “You aren’t telling us you want us to stop, though.” He’s right, but if the gentle tickles right below his ribcage don’t stop soon, that might change. Still, he tilts his head back and lets the nonstop giggles spill out, enjoying the sensation more than he’d like to admit.
“C’mon, Ranboo, you’ve gotta be quieter,” Tommy scolds him playfully.
“Yeah, what if there’s a zombie around? We can’t have anything hearing you,” Tubbo adds. “Maybe they feed on adorable laughter like yours.”
Ranboo shakes his head more, using both hands to cover his face and muffle any sound that might come out. It just makes Tubbo and Tommy coo at him more, though.
“Fihihine, Ihi’ll take a breheheak! Cuhut it ohohout!” he calls after a few more minutes. Normally he can handle more than this, but he’s exhausted already from mining.
They back off immediately, standing up and stretching as if nothing happened. “Great,” Tubbo says, “I should probably check in on Michael, it’s been a while.”
Ranboo, despite not having fully recovered, scrambles to his feet. “You leheft him at home?”
“He’s asleep, it’s fine—” Tubbo begins, but Ranboo is already rushing off, mumbling something about how irresponsible his husband is through his giggling.
He turns to Tommy and shrugs before following him out.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
sneak attack
a/n: this one is. so so short im so sorry
Tommy rushes into the eldest brother’s room, frantic and giggling. “Tech- Techno, hehelp me!”
Techno startles at the sudden presence of someone in his room, but otherwise he remains still. “Depends on what I’m helpin’ you with.”
“Wilbur’s gohonna kill me!” That explains the giggles, then.
Techno still doesn’t look up from his book. “Thank you for informin’ me,” he deadpans.
“I dunno what you need me for.” He turns the page.
Tommy whines. “Hihide me! Or protect mehe! I don’t know!”
“Let me think about it.” He’s not going to help him, of course. Whatever Tommy’s getting wrecked for, he probably deserves it. And besides, unbeknownst to Tommy, the middle child is standing in the doorway, creeping towards the youngest with a smirk on his face.
“I- I’ll steal something if you don’t help me,” Tommy threatens.
Techno snorts. “You’d do that even if I did somethin’.”
Tommy doesn’t seem to have an answer to that, but he tries to stutter one out anyway. He sees Wilbur struggling not to laugh at their interaction.
Techno shrugs, finally looking up. “Look around, then. See if there’s any place to hide.” He meets Wilbur’s gaze.
And Tommy, a fool, does. He turns, and Techno can see him stiffen when he sees Wilbur standing there.
Wilbur grins. “Hi there.”
He scoops Tommy up in his arms before he can run, holding him tightly as he squirms. “Thanks, Tech!” he calls over his shoulder as he carries Tommy away.
“Y- yohou’re a bitch!” Tommy cries.
Techno laughs to himself, and his smile only grows when he hears Tommy’s happy giggles from the next room.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Day 12: Sneak Attack
More lee ranboo because,,, why not. But the ler remained unknown so fill in whoever you want XD Is this me just being very indecisive? You can't prove that. But yeah. This is also the first one I hadn't done in advance so hopefully, it turns out okay. Definitely not super proud of it so I may have to revisit it or the concept again later, cause I really like the idea of it but that's enough rambling I will stop now
Ranboo was minding his own business for once, which one would think would mean that people leave him be, but no. No. Of course not. Instead, he was frantically reaching out in front of him with his back to a wall, not able to stop the anticipatory giggles that had worked up after the last who knows how long of being bullied oh so rudely by- well, by someone. He wasn’t sure who yet, but when he found out oh boy were they going to be in trouble.
How did he get here, one might ask. That was easy.
He’d just been sitting around in his base, happily setting up his crystals and doing a bit of decorating when he had felt a poke on his side. He jumped a bit, turning and expecting to see one of his friends come to beg for attention because he was very funny and entertaining, only to have no one there.
He hesitated for a moment, turning in a full circle before trying to go back to his work. He could have imagined it, he thought, or it may have just been some debris falling from the ceiling, he did live in a cave after all. He’d almost convinced himself when there was another poke under his arm just as he reached up to hang some leaves high on the ceiling.
The enderman let out a screech, arms slamming back down against his side and dropping his vines onto the floor.
There was no way he’d imagined that. He looked around suspiciously, keeping his arms tucked against himself protectively. The touch had felt electric, like a tiny zap that left tingles on his skin after. Still, no one was there.
It didn’t take long for him to realize just what was happening here.
“Ha ha,” He chided. “Very funny. Take off the jack o’lantern now, um- whoever you are.”
They didn’t listen, and Ranboo jumped forward with a chirp when a hand scribbled up his back. “AHaha! Wh- Stop it! I said to take it off!”
Ranboo stomped his foot, reaching behind him to rub away the phantom fingers on his skin, only to wiggle away again when the hands shot out to his stomach. “Noho! You arehen’t listenihing to mehe!” He whined, trying to wiggle away from hands he couldn’t see. Any time he tried to grab onto them they just darted away, making him swat at the air pitifully.
His eyes squinted shut as giggles and bubbled out of him, as well as an unexpected chirp that made him flush light purple. Whoever was going after him must have thought that was funny, cause he heard them chuckle lightly at it. Ranboo brought a hand up to cover his mouth, though it wasn’t very effective in stopping anymore of his laughter from slipping out.
The hands moved around, forming a claw and digging into the side of his ribs. He was being mauled! How was this fair, Ranboo thought, letting out a cackle and stumbling back against the wall of his home.
He reached out blindly a few more times before everything stopped. The hands were suddenly gone, and Ranboo was tripping over himself trying to figure out where they moved to. A sign was placed down on his wall, ‘don’t move or I’ll start again’ it read, and Ranboo allowed himself to fold his arms against his chest. “I don’t see how that’s fair, I’m meant to be redecorating! Can’t you see I was in the middle of something?”
A finger poked into his stomach making him push as far back against the cave walls as possible. “H-hey! Stop it! That’s not funny, and it’s actually rather inconsiderate of you, so if you don’t stop I’m going to- Ack! Noho, don’t! I’m trying to tell you that I- ihe am nohot someone you shouhould mess wihith.”
The fingers were back, and he thought this really wasn’t fair, he hadn’t been moving at all, he was just talking! They weren’t even following their own rules!
It was like little fireworks were going off anywhere they touched, and he batted his hands in front of him hoping to knock them away. They were everywhere until they weren’t again and Ranboo had to wait as another sign popped up. ‘Anytime you complain I’ll start back up again.’ Ranboo pouted, not able to stop himself from breaking it right away.
“But that’s not fair at- Noho! Whihihy.”
And so it went like that, back and forth with both of them testing the other’s patience and attention span. Ranboo couldn’t tell if they were there anymore, but if he tried to move it would just start up again.
After the last attack, he couldn’t get himself to stop giggling, feeling his skin itch even after it had stopped. He was leaning up against the wall, his legs feeling more jelly-like they played this game, and arms out in front of him to feel if anyone was coming, not that that had helped much so far. Ranboo wasn’t sure how long this would last, or if whoever was doing it would take off their jack o’lantern head, but he had a feeling he wasn’t going to be getting much more redecorating done today.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
day 11: Mineshaft
I'm starting to run out of ideas of what to type before fics so oof XD This one's more lee ranboo because,,, why not
Ranboo wasn’t doing well, anyone would be able to tell that just by looking at the hybrid. He wasn’t taking care of himself, had dirt and soot all over him from his nonstop mining, and bags beneath his eyes where he refused to take a break even to sleep. Phil knew he would have to step in eventually, though he had been holding on hope that Ranboo would know his own limits, so when he saw Ranboo come back to mend his pickaxe, he stopped him.
“Hey, Ranboo can I talk to you for a second?” He asked, trying to come off nonchalant, but Ranboo didn’t pay him much mind.
“Can it wait, I found a new cave I was wanting to explore but needed to just pop in real quick so my stuff didn’t break. If it’s important you can send me a message on our communicator and-”
Phil stopped him before he could brush him off entirely. “It’s actually, um, well you’ve been mining a lot and I wanted to know when the last time you slept was.”
Ranboo paused, turning to look at the birdman with a confused look in his eyes. “W-what?”
“That last time you slept or ate a meal somewhere other than underground?” He pushed, not dropping the topic even when Ranboo shifted uncomfortably on his feet and tried to stutter out an excuse.
“I-I haven’t been tired. And I’m fine to eat while mining, it doesn’t bother me.” He said, confirming exactly what Phil had already known.
With a heavy sigh Phil made a decision he hadn’t wanted to need to. “You’re not going back out to the mines until you sleep in your bed for a full night and eat something in the house. You can’t push yourself like this, mate, it isn’t healthy.” He wasn’t surprised when Ranboo protested either, mumbling something about being independent and how he could take care of himself. Phil raised an eyebrow to that, “Like you have been? A strong wind could blow you over Ranboo. Come on, I’ll make you something and then you can go to bed.”
Ranboo didn’t follow Phil when he started to walk over to the house though, and the man had to do a double-take to realize that Ranboo was standing in the middle of the snow pouting at him.
With a sigh, he walked back over, grabbing Ranboo’s wrist and walking both of them to the door, only a little surprised with how Ranboo was whining and trying to pull his hand free. It was obvious he was tired, and that had been affecting his mood recently. Phil had been a parent to three kids, he knew all about how important naps and proper rest and meals were, so none of Ranboo’s complaints landed too hard. He had heard them a thousand times over when Tommy had gone through a phase of refusing to shower or brush out his tail.
They made it inside, and Ranboo had stopped talking or looking anywhere near Phil altogether. Oh, the silent treatment then.
Phil put on some soup to heat up, leaving Ranboo to sulk in the doorway. The fact he hadn’t tried to leave was a blessing in and of itself. He waited for it to heat up before setting the bowl on the table and giving Ranboo an expectant look.
The lanky hybrid just huffed, looking to the other side of the room.
Two could play that game then, Phil decided with a devious plan. He’d just start pulling out tactics he used on Wilbur and Tommy growing up, both of them had a stubborn streak a mile long, and he could get those two to cave then he was sure it would work on a fussy enderman.
“You know, I was thinking about going mining myself, but the longer you make us sit here the longer it’ll be before I can go.” He said, pretending to sound more annoyed than amused.
Ranboo’s head whipped around to look at him, his mouth opening and closing as he debated if staying so obstinate was worth it. Just as Phil expected, the hybrid let out a grumbled ‘vwoop’ and a string of frustrated chirps before mumbling out “Why do you get to go mining and I don’t! That’s not fair.”
“I get to mine because I come home and take care of myself,” he said, crossing his arms and waiting to see what Ranboo’s next move would be.
He shuffled on his feet, fidgeting a bit with his hands before shaking his head. “I take care of myself too, you’re just- you- that’s not fair.”
“Maybe I’ll just go mining now, then,” Phil said, another memory popping up in his head. Tommy had always needed an extra push before he caved in, and the memory stuck out in his mind. “And you’ll have to sit here while I go mine all by myself, and you won’t be able to leave until you can show me you’re taking care of yourself.
Ranboo huffed again, not looking at Phil as the man snuck closer and closer. “I know just what I want to mine, too. I can see it right in front of me.”
The hybrids ears twitched, and Phil watched confusion spread across his face. “What? That doesn’t even make sense, how can you see it if we’re in the house?” He looked over to Phil, who was standing in front of him now, “Phil?”
Mm,” The older hummed, raising his hands so he was ready to dig into Ranboo’s ribs any second, “Yep, I’m going to go mining right here, Maybe I’ll find some bullshit? Or where you got that attitude from.”
He sprung before Ranboo could make sense of his words, digging his fingers in between the bones and laughing when Ranboo immediately crumbled under his hands. “Ah! I- Wahait. Thahat’s not mihihining Phihil! Youhu’re tihickling me!”
Phil chuckled evilly, “Oh, does it? This is a serious mining mission, I don’t know why you would be laughing at me. Should I be mining for laughter instead if you think it tickles?”
Phil moved a bit higher up, listening carefully to the shifts in Ranboo’s laugh from cackles to higher-pitched giggles and chirps. “I see, here we have squeaky laughter. I think I’ll want to stock up on some of that.” He said, keeping at the spot just to watch Ranboo’s knees start to buckle under him. He wasn’t sure if it was because the enderman hybrid was just really ticklish, or if it was just another sign of how little he had been taking care of himself.
Ranboo, on the other hand, was going mad. The feelings were spreading all throughout his body, sending tingles and particles everywhere. He couldn’t even find the strength to push Phil’s hands away. When he realized how heavily he was leaning on the other just to say standing, he knew he was screwed, but he didn’t want to give up yet. He grabbed onto Phil’s wrists, though he couldn’t push them away. Just having them in his grasp felt comforting in a way, as if he had some control over the current situation.
Phil only stayed there until it seemed like Ranboo was getting used to the touch, his laugher getting more relaxed the longer it went on, then he moved them down to squeeze at his hips. It was a bad spot for both Tommy and Wilbur, and while it was a good one for Ranboo it wasn’t as intense as his ribs.
Ranboo folded in two, putting his head in the crook of Phil’s neck and trying to muffle his squeaky cackles. “This is a good spot too, then. Hmm, I’ll only need a little bit of these and I should be good to look for something else.” He said. He could feel how Ranboo was starting to fall and didn’t want to over do it.
He kept at it until Ranboo started shaking his head, before moving his hands upward once again, past his ribs and to the hybrids neck, making soft and sleepy giggles take over as he fluttered his fingers gently across the sensitive skin. “This is a nice spot though,” he said, more so to himself than with the intention to tease Ranboo anymore. He could feel the taller melting into him, and decided to wrap it up nicely with gentle back tickles that would turn into him just rubbing the enderman’s back.
He kept at it until Ranboo pulled away, a hand fisting at his eye sleepily.
Phil pulled him over to the table, sitting him down on shaky legs and pushing the now cooled soup closer to him. “That was a successful mining trip if I do say so myself. Eat, then go to bed, you can mine again tomorrow if you really have to, but don’t think I won’t go back for a second trip if you pull things like this again.”
Ranboo blushed, particles buzzing around his head as he picked up the spoon. “Fine,” he mumbled half-heartedly.
Phil stayed to make sure he got into bed, okay, not letting him crash on the couch, and practically carried him next door to his own house to get a proper night’s rest. He turned out the light, Ranboo having fallen asleep the moment his head hit the pillow, and smiled to himself. At least he knew that tactic would still work, though he might have to bring it back for Tommy and Wilbur at some point if they kept their nonsense up.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
a/n: what no this isn’t posted a day late you’re imagining things!! /nsrs
Ranboo does not have a costume.
Very uncharacteristic, yes. He’s always eager to dress up for things. But this time he forgot, because of course he did, and now he feels very out of place surrounded by his friends in their costumes.
“Ranboo!” calls Tubbo, rushing up to him with Tommy close behind. “You’re not dressed up as anything,” he observes.
Ranboo rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, I, uh, I forgot.”
He kinda wants to go home and find something to change into. He doesn’t have an actual outfit planned out, but he could probably find something.
Before he can say anything, Tubbo speaks up. “I have an idea!” He rushes off without another word.
Tommy meets Ranboo’s confused gaze and shrugs.
The two of them move off to another room, one that’s empty. Ranboo likes all the people there, but they’re very loud and it feels too crowded. They sit on the floor, talking and waiting for Tubbo to return.
“There you are!” is the only warning Ranboo gets before he can’t see anymore.
After a moment of panic, he realises that it’s just a bedsheet. Tubbo had thrown a sheet over his head.
“You’re a ghost now!”
Ranboo laughs, hearing his friends laughing as well. He feels around for the edge of the sheet to pull it off, but he can’t find it. Must be a pretty big sheet.
“Okahay, I genuinely can’t see, take it off,” he giggles.
“Actually, I have a better idea.”
Hands are digging into his stomach before he can process what that sentence could mean. Instantly, he breaks into loud laughter, grateful that the room they chose is decently far away from the main room. He doesn’t need anyone seeing him flailing around under a sheet while being tickled.
A second pair of hands, that Ranboo assumes belongs to Tommy, latches onto his sides.
“Noho, guhuhuys!” he squeals. “Come ohon, cuhuhut it ohout!”
He wriggles around, but no matter what direction he goes, he only ends up leaning either into the tickles, which makes it worse, or into Tubbo, which is just flustering.
Unfortunately, his squirming is only getting him more tangled in the sheet, which means his best option is to just sit there and take it. Ranboo does not like that option. He tries it anyway.
“Awww, look at him!” Tommy coos. “He’s not even trying to get away anymore.”
“I think he likes this,” Tubbo says as he continues scratching lightly at Ranboo’s stomach.
Ranboo shakes his head. “N- nohoho!” His face is probably bright red. Hiding it is the one thing this sheet is good for.
Through all his moving around, he finally manages to find the edge of the sheet. He grabs it and pulls it off of him.
He realises immediately afterwards that it was a mistake.
Tommy slips his hands under Ranboo’s shirt to continue tickling him without any layers of fabric in the way, while Tubbo moves up to his ribs, fingers dancing over them as if he was playing a piano. For a second, Ranboo thinks that maybe leaning into Tubbo’s chest wouldn’t be so bad, but his friend uses it as an opportunity to place a raspberry on his neck, so scratch that option.
“Guhuhuhuys!” he cries out as Tommy massages circles into his hips. He brings his hands up to cover his face, slamming them back down when Tubbo digs into his underarms. He can’t tell if he loves or hates this. On one hand, he can’t deny that he enjoys being tickled. It’s fun, he likes being able to just laugh for a bit. But no matter what he does, he can’t escape the feeling, and it doesn’t help that they keep switching spots before he can get used to it.
Eventually he gives up. He collapses back into Tubbo, squirming on instinct but not with a real intent to get away. He turns to hide every time they tease him which really just makes them tease more.
After a while longer, they back off, letting Ranboo curl up and rub away the tingles. “Yohou suhuhuck,” he mumbles. “I hahate you.”
Tommy wraps his arms around his middle, causing Ranboo to squeak before he realises he’s not going to do anything. “You always say that. It’s never true.”
“It could behe!”
The last part is interrupted by a giggle as Tommy presses a tiny raspberry to his neck.
“You don’t mean that,” Tubbo says, reaching up to play with his hair.
Ranboo leans his head back. “I’m starting to reconsider.”
He really does love them, though, even if they are assholes. At least they make up for it with cuddles.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Day 10: Tickle Games
enderboo my beloved XD This one is just a little short thing, nothing too major but I really liked the idea. XD
Ranboo had been in his enderwalk state all day, it wasn’t a bad thing, he got stuck in it sometimes and Tubbo didn’t mind watching over him. He thought that it was cute seeing his husband chirp and purr, tilting his head to the side when he didn’t understand something, or how he would grab random items and blocks around the house to carry with him when he followed Tubbo from room to room.
Right now, Enderboo was confused about why the touch Tubbo had given him had made him flinch away, chirping and tilting his head curiously at his husband.
“Oh, it’s nothing Boo. Just tickled probably,” He explained, not really expecting the enderman to understand what he meant but take the explanation anyway. Ranboo just tilted his head to the other side with another ‘Vrromp’.
Tubbo turned to look at him straight on, before sighing and sitting down on the couch. He gave the cushion next to him a pat, Enderboo knew that meant he should sit down with him.
“Here,” Tubbo continued after Ranboo had taken his seat. “I’ll show you.”
He reached out again, fluttering his fingers under Ranboo’s neck, not surprised when the hybrid squeaked and tried to bring his chin down. Ranboo reacted the same way every time he did it. “See, ticklish.”
Tubbo went to pull his hand away, but Enderboo tilted his head and reached out to bring his hand back with a chirp. Tubbo felt unsure, but repeated the action, watching as he curled his chin down again with a set of high pitch chirps and squeaks. He kept at it, not stoping like he had before, and after a few seconds, Ranboo’s tails began to thump against the back of the couch.
He waited until Ranboo shook his head to stop, knowing from experience that his neck, while not a bad spot, was still very sensitive, but Enderboo looked at him with big wide eyes and Tubbo couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Do you want to see other ticklish spots too?” He asked sweetly, not that he was expecting an answer, and moved his hands down to touch on Ranboo’s waist. “Here, put your arms up like this,” He said, moving Ranboo’s arms so they were above his head instead of tucked in against his sides. This was going to be fun.
Slowly Tubbo began to move his fingers, watching carefully for Enderboo’s reaction. His sides weren’t a super bad spot either, and he was keeping it light for now, but he knew that his husband must have noticed the ticklish feelings spreading out because he looked down with a wobbly coo, before glancing back up to Tubbo. He didn’t move his arms, but his tails went back to thumping on the cushions behind him.
Tubbo slowly worked his way from Ranboo’s sides, to the front of his belly, slowly spidering his fingers overtop of the thin dress shirt he always wore. Enderboo curled in, little purrs starting to slip out from his closed mouth.
It was adorable to watch his confusion, but willingness to accept the feelings. He knew that he didn’t mind, Tubbo had tickled Ranboo before and the hybrid had been confused why Tubbo had stopped after a few minutes, saying the feeling was nice and he liked how it made him laugh because that was meant to be happy. He loved how Ranboo hadn’t pretended to dislike the feeling even after he had listened to Tommy complain after he’d been getting on Tubbo’s nerves all day.
Tubbo moved up, keeping his touches light as he danced along Ranboo’s ribs, and kept an eye on Enderboo’s arms. Ranboo was never able to keep his arms up long when Tubbo got close to his underarms, no matter how light the touch was. Keeping his arms up was one of their favorite games Tubbo had tried out for him, and if Ranboo were in a particularly bad mood it was one of the first they tried to get him out of it.
Just like he thought, the higher he got the more Enderboo’s arms shook until they came crashing down with a high-pitched screech.
Tubbo put his hands down against Ranboo more firmly, rubbing away the leftover tingles in a way that he knew helped, and let the hybrid calm down before smiling up at him.
He waited a few minutes until Enderboo’s arms loosened and he could pull them away entirely, watching carefully as Enderboo’s eyes followed his hands. “That’s called being ticklish. It feels funny, doesn’t it?” Tubbo asked, receiving a happy chirp in response.
He was getting ready to stand back up when Enderboo put his hands back in the air, looking at Tubbo’s hands with innocent and excited eyes. He looked just like a puppy, Tubbo thought, waiting to be pet. “You want more?” He asked, already knowing the answer, but happy to get another chirp from him.
Who was Tubbo to say no when he asked so politely?
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Day 9: Costume
Day 9 is here! We're almost a third the way through the month already, what? It's going by so fast XD This one has a lot of people, it's another irl fic but yeah.
“Welcome! Come in,” Phil said, opening the door wide. “It’s about time you got here Wil, everyone else is already in the living room.”
Wilbur shuffled through the door, smiling at the older man who was clad in fake wings, a bathrobe, and his iconic hat. It was Halloween, and he had invited everyone over for a little party amongst their friends, so of course, they all had to dress up as one of their characters. “Sorry, got stuck in traffic, but made it here in one piece.”
They talked and walked at the same time until Wilbur could finally see everyone else. Tommy was just wearing his usual, and it seemed like he was being bullied for it by Jack who had gone all out for his main Minecraft skin costume. Niki was playing mediator of course, though he ould see her giggling more than peacemaking as the two bickered. She was dressed up with a mermaid theme and looked amazing.
On the other side of the room were Tubbo and Ranboo who seemed to be in a similar argument, only Tubbo was holding a Jack o’lantern in front of his face and Ranboo was explaining that “It doesn’t work like that, I can still see you Tubbo.”
“No, you can’t! You’re an enderman. Get into character Boo.” Tubbo teased. “Ooh, I’m spooky- HEY! You can’t hit me, you aren’t meant to be able to see me.”
Ranboo was dressed as a full enderman, mostly just in a suit, but he had made little ender eyes out of paper and cardboard he could throw at people. Tubbo was currently being subjected to that, one of them knocking against the fairy wings he was wearing, and another hitting his bee headband.
“Alright, all you calm the fuck down,” Phil chastised from the doorway. Everyone turned to look at the elytrian at once, their debates fizzling out.
Tommy was the first to react, “Wil! You made it.”
Wilbur chuckled when the younger ran up to hug him, “Yeah, party can start now that I’m here I guess.”
Tommy pulled back, looking at Wil’s costume before pointing out, “See, look! Wil’s just gone as himself too so you can’t be all pissy to me for it!” Which wasn’t true.
“No,” Wilbur said, stopping it before Tommy could get too ahead of himself. “I’m a phantom, don’t get it confused. See, look, I put on make-up to make myself paler.” Which he had, he had even gone out to buy it earlier that week to make sure he’d be ready.
Everyone laughed when Tommy let out a frustrated whine, and the party started back as it had been, people mingling and making their way through the snacks Kristen, who was dressed up as her Goddess of Death, had made for them.
It wasn’t long until the debate over superpowers was brought over to him. Tommy decided to make Niki carry around a glass of water, and whenever Ranboo wanted to walk anywhere he had to throw a pearl in the general area. Tubbo had to jump if he wanted to walk, and Phil had started to chirp in the middle of conversation. It was all good-natured fun, but Jack had pointed out that Wil wasn’t taking on his characters traits.
“What do you want me to do,” He asked, “Turn invisible?”
Jack mumbled something to himself, and Phil turned to look at him, “Yes. We’ll check every once in a while.” He said before reaching out to poke Wil’s side.
Wil squeaked, jumping away from the jab that had sent a shock up his spine, and Phil laughed at him. “Sorry mate, forgot you’re too ticklish for that. Maybe we’ll have to find a different way to test.”
Jack’s eyes lit up though, “No, no, no. That’s perfect. Here, let me try,” He said through a smile that stretched across his whole face before reaching out to tase both of Wilbur’s sides at the same time, only getting more excited when Wil jumped back again with a giggle and tried to rub away the leftover tingles. “Hm, it isn’t working for me either Phil.”
“It’s not going to work you idiot, I can’t go intangible,” Wilbur said, hands coming to lay over his stomach. The others were all distracted in their own conversations, but he didn’t want to risk putting ideas in anyone’s head. Tommy would be poking him nonstop if he saw what was going on. Jack laughed, putting his hands up and looking mischievous.
“Alright, alright. Just checking.”
And Wilbur thought that was going to be the end of it. They chatted for a while longer before everyone joined other groups and walked around. It wasn’t until Wilbur felt hands on either of his sides that he was reminded once again. He squealed, trying to curl up and twist away all at once to face Niki who was giggling excitedly. “Still not intangible then, sorry, just checking.”
Oh, that bastard, Wil thought. He knew Jack had to have been the one to tell her. Tubbo and Kristen just laughed it off, both of them delivering their own few pokes making Wil spin back around to look at them. By the time he had rubbed away the leftover tingles, Niki was gone, and Tubbo was grinning up at him like the cat that got the cream, or more like the bee that got the honey he guessed. “Is that how we’re testing you then? That makes sense. I think that’ll make it fun, I was going to say that you weren’t allowed to stand on the floor but this is so much better.”
Wilbur blushed, giving Tubbo’s face a well-intentioned shove. “Oh, hop-off Bee Boy. We aren’t testing anything unless you think you’ll actually be able to reach through me tonight.”
Tubbo just laughed along, sticking his tongue out at the older. “We’ll see then I guess.” He said, but then decided he was going to go see about getting another one of Kristen’s spider cookies, praising her for her delicious work, and Kristen and Wil were left to talk on their own for a bit. She kept Wil on his toes though, every few minutes she would reach out with her nails, evil nails he decided, and scribble over his side or stomach until Wilbur wiggled away.
Wil pouted at her and whined that he was going to go hang out with Tommy and Ranboo instead, god knows what they were getting into left to their own devices.
He went across the room, finding the duo sitting on either end of the couch, and plopped himself down right in the middle.
“And then I of course I’m going to put fake worms in his bed because, well, who do you take me for. And- Wilbur! My man, come to join the cool kids then?” Tommy said, interrupting himself. Wilbur didn’t think he wanted to know what Tommy was talking about.
“Sure, though I think this is more of the gremlin corner.”
Ranboo laughed while Tommy whined, leaning into Wil’s side and complaining into his ear until he was pushed off. “You’re so loud, going to blow out my eardrum.”
Tommy continued to mope, but Ranboo turned to look at him. “So, I could see everyone’s been testing your power too.” He mentioned casually, and Wil felt his cheeks go a bit pink.
“Don’t you even think about it Ender Boy.”
Tommy perked up though, “Wait, what? I didn’t see anyone doing anything, what’re they making you do?”
Wilbur sent Ranboo a look that said ‘don’t you dare or I will make you pay,’ but the boy must have been feeling bold because he turned to look at Tommy over Wilbur. “They’ve been touching him to see if he’s on the same physical realm as us, it’s really funny. Try it.”
Tommy smacked Wilbur on the side of his head, and Ranboo was sent into a bought of cackly laughter. Wilbur turned to glare at the blonde, While Ranboo stuttered through an explanation of, “N-nohot like thahat! I- Oh my god,” before he reached down and squeezed Wilbur’s side.
The man in the middle jumped, crashing into Tommy, and letting out a stream of giggles when Ranboo didn’t stop at just one. Weakly, he tried to push away the slightly taller teen’s hand, but after the entire night of being tickled every few minutes he couldn’t muster up enough strength to do much.”Ah- Nahaha, Ranhanboo! I-ihihe.”
Tommy’s eyes lit up, and Wilbur could feel laugher rumble through his chest. “Oh ho ho, I see. Here, let me try.”
And then Tommy grabbed his other side, squeezing much faster and with less of a pattern than Ranboo’s steady pace. “TOHohomehehey! NOho- thihis isn’t faihair!”
Wilbur was stuck wiggling between the two boys, not sure which was worse. If it were only one he thought it wouldn’t be as bad, but both of their styles were so different than one another. Tommy dug in more, and Ranboo’s were lighter. Tommy was being fast and rough, as opposed to Ranboo who was lighter and more teasy about it. It really wasn’t fair, he decided.
It only lasted a few minutes before Phil called out from the other side of the room. “Alright, you’re going to kill him at this rate and then he really will be a ghost.” And begrudgingly the two came to a stop. Wil hadn’t realized that everyone was looking at the trio fondly and with content smiles on their faces until he looked to Phil with pink cheeks and saw they had formed one big group. “I think that is enough of testing if Wil can go ghost or not for tonight, besides it’s time to start the movie.”
Wil found he was still in a giggly mood all throughout the rest of the night, but no one else poked or prodded at him, just looking over with a knowing glance and maybe wiggling their fingers in the air every once in a while. He found he didn’t mind, not really, though the teasing gestures never failed to turn him bright red. He could have just agreed with Tommy at the beginning of the night and pretended he was just going as himself, but if he had he wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
a/n: this one is also p short oops
Tubbo doesn’t normally like being short. Asking someone else to reach the top shelf is always embarrassing, and it doesn’t help that his two best friends are so much taller than him. They never let him forget it, either.
Right now, though, as he hides in the small space between the couch and the wall, he has to admit that there are some advantages to being his size.
He curls up tighter as he hears footsteps approaching, biting his lip to hold back any sounds.
“Tubbo~!” calls Ranboo. “Come on, don’t hide!”
The teasing tone only makes Tubbo more desperate to keep hidden. He puts a hand over his mouth and squeezes his eyes shut.
“It’s okay, I’m only going to tickle you! Nothing to be afraid of.”
That is absolutely something to be afraid of. Ranboo is evil when he wants to be, and Tubbo is terrified of him when he gets into one of these moods.
He knows he’s just digging himself a deeper hole by hiding. Any mercy that Ranboo might have given him is definitely gone now, but it’s too late to reveal himself. Ranboo’s going to catch him eventually, he knows that, but he wants to put off his demise for as long as he can.
“I know you’re in here somewhere,” comes the hybrid’s voice. “I’m going to find you anyway, why not just make it easier?”
Tubbo wants to say something, to taunt him, maybe. He doesn’t, though. He won’t get found so soon. He refuses.
The footsteps are closer now. “I’m gonna get you~! C’mon, Bee, the tickle monster just wants to play!”
Okay, that’s mean. Tubbo squirms a little in place, trying his hardest to ignore the swarm of butterflies fluttering around in his tummy. His face feels very warm.
Tubbo likes to pride himself on how he doesn’t get flustered very easily. There are two exceptions to this fact, though. The first one is these moods he gets, and the second one is Ranboo.
So when Ranboo begins making a tktktktk noise, Tubbo lets out a soft squeak. He can’t help it; he already feels tingly, and the anticipation and teasing is only making it worse. He hopes Ranboo doesn’t hear it.
A second passes, and then another.
“Found you.”
Tubbo looks up, eyes wide with panic, to see the smug look on Ranboo’s face. He scrambles to get away, but Ranboo is fast and grabs him before he can run away.
“You only made this worse for yourself,” he coos into Tubbo’s ear. “I was going to be nice, but you decided to make things difficult.” Ranboo’s wiggling fingers move closer and closer to his torso. Tubbo lets out a muffled whine as he turns his head away.
“J- just do it!”
Ranboo’s hand is too close, and it’s moving too slow. “Oh? So you want me to tickle you, hm?”
Tubbo arches forward desperately. “Plehease!”
Ranboo giggles. “Fine, okay!” His claw-shaped hand meets Tubbo’s stomach, vibrating quickly into the sensitive skin.
“Noho!” Tubbo squeals. “No, yohou- you sahahaid you’d be nihice!”
“I said I was going to,” Ranboo reminds him. “If you hadn’t hidden from me, maybe I would be.”
“I’m sohohorry!”
There’s a (very evil, honestly) chuckle next to his ear. “Oh, you will be.”
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Day 8: Hiding
hehehe, the return of day 2's truth or dare >:D I was really excited for this one, I wrote it right after finishing day 2's so we're thriving. There isn't even any actual tickling in this one, it's all just anticipation and Ranboo hiding. I might finish this entire concept later and put them together to make a longer fic, but yeah!
Ranboo snuck away while Tommy was still going after Tubbo. He could already feel tingles in his stomach spreading out and he wasn’t even the one being tickled. Yet, he reminded himself. They were both going to come after him soon.
He shut the door behind him with a silent click, Tubbo still giggling like a madman covering the sound.
He didn’t know why he was running away from it, it was going to happen no matter what, but he couldn’t bear to be in the room any longer. His face already felt warm the moment he was forced to tell Tommy, but he hadn’t thought it would turn back around on him. And Tubbo was already threatening to get him back, then Tommy-
Tommy was going to give him hell. He had done something to get on both of their bad sides. He had spilled the secret on Tubbo but hadn’t given all the information to Tommy. There was simply no way to win.
And so Ranboo snuck away.
He knew he had to hide. It would only prolong the inevitable but he couldn’t just sit there waiting for it to happen either. Where the heck was he meant to hide though? Tommy and Tubbo were in the bedroom and living area, so all he really had was the kitchen, bathroom, and outside if he wanted. He peeked out the door. Rain, well not outside then. His options really were limited.
He stalled for a moment, the faint sounds of Tubbo reminding him of his own fate and urging him forward.
He peeked into the bathroom. There was nowhere to hide in there at all. The shower wouldn’t be good, though he could lock himself in. He dismissed the thought after a few seconds, that would just make Tommy and Tubbo more hyped and trap him in one place.
It wasn’t like he could fit himself into one of the kitchen cabinets either, even if he wasn’t as tall as he was he wouldn’t object himself to that.
His eyes trailed around the room. It was too late to try to sneak back into the main house, Tubbo’s family would all be asleep and he didn’t want to wake them up. He doubted the door was even unlocked and their keys were in the bedroom. Instead, his eyes landed on a hall closet. It wasn’t good, but it was the best he was going to get.
Ranboo glanced back at the door before taking his first few steps towards his hiding spot. He opened the door, there was enough space for him to fit alright, only a handful of spare blankets and random equipment in boxes were on the top shelves. He would have to hunch over a little so he didn’t hit his head, or- he thought- he could just sit on the floor.
“Ranboo? Oh, that bitch! Come on Tubbo, get up, up, up! He’s escaped. Oh ho ho, he’s so in for it now. Oh Ran-boo, we’re coming for you!”
Ranboo startled and scrambled to get in the closet, hitting his head in the rush.
Just as he closed the door behind him he heard the bedroom door open. “Ran- wait, where did he go?” Tommy said, Ranboo could picture the look on his face. He probably was just assuming that Ranboo was in the kitchen. “Tubbo, come on get up, it wasn’t that bad. We have to find Ranboo. Oh Mr. Boober, you can’t hide from us.”
Ranboo sunk down to the floor, covering his mouth with a hand to make sure no noise escaped. The butterflies in his stomach were sent fluttering around once more. Oh god.
“I’m coming, jeez, give me a second. Is he not in the kitchen then? Check the bathroom, make sure he didn��t lock the door or something. If he did we have a key.”
Footsteps stomped across the room right past where Ranboo was hidden. His heart was pounding in his chest in anticipation, he was sure it was going to burst.
“No, he’s not in here. What the fuck?” Tommy whined, Tubbo slowly trailing behind him.
“Mhm,” Tubbo hummed. “I think I know what’s going on. Hey, do you want to know something I thought was really funny about Ranboo? I’ve tickled him before, and it’s always super fun to fake him out about it, like, y’know, pretend to do it or wiggle your fingers above a bad spot. It always makes him super giggly and wiggly. He’s told me himself that that part is almost worse than the actual tickling!”
Ranboo shook his head, though it wasn’t like either of them could see him. Oh god. Oh god, oh goodness, oh no. No, no, no. He could already see where this was going, and he didn’t think he could handle it. He had to sit through Tommy tickling Tubbo knowing he was going to be next, that was already too much, he couldn’t take it if they deliberately started to tease him now.
“Oh really? So Ranboo might be affected if I said,” Tommy paused for a moment, thinking over all his options. Ranboo curled into a ball at the bottom of the closet and closed his eyes, pretending that would be any help. “That I was going to find all his worst spots, starting from up by his neck, and moving down to try each and every rib? You think that might work?”
Oh, Ranboo was so incredibly screwed.
“No, no, no. You have to do it more like this. You can hear us, right Ranboo? So pay attention. When we find you we’re going to tickle you- you have to use the word tickle because it makes him go all blushy- and the first thing I’ll show Tommy is how you cackle when someone goes for your ribs, I’ll go in between each and every one. Those are one of your more ticklish spots, but not your worst, I’ll save that one for last. I bet he can probably already feel ghost tickles too, hm? Does it tickle already Ranboo?”
Yes, Ranboo wanted to scream. Yes, it does, very much so thank you for asking. He was barely managing to keep it together as it was, he didn’t need to be personally attacked like that. It was completely unnecessarily mean, to be honest.
“Oh, he’s being quiet.” Tubbo continued, “That means he must be trying really hard. He’d normally a mess at just the implication he’s going to get tickled. That’s why you left the room, right? You couldn’t watch me being tickled knowing you were going to be next.”
Ranboo hated how accurate Tubbo was. He could feel his laughter building up in his chest no matter how much he tried to swallow it down. The butterflies danced around restlessly and without respite in his stomach, he could practically feel Tubbo and Tommy’s hands-on him too.
“Well, if he’s trying to be quiet and we can’t find him then I think we need to make him start giggling so we can. What do you say Tubs?”
“A great idea Toms.”
And so the game started, one that Ranboo knew he was going to lose and going to lose fast. Both Tommy and Tubbo had different teasing styles but put together it kept Ranboo constantly on edge. Tommy would make threats while Tubbo described how it would feel like, and Ranboo quickly felt his willpower deteriorating.
It wasn’t that big of a surprise then when, with them already having migrated to right outside the closet door, Ranboo’s giggles finally overtook him and spilled out.
The door opened and Ranboo was face to face with both of his attackers who had yet to touch him, but he was a mess. It was impossible to stop the stream of giggles at this point, he couldn’t even look at them when they crouched down to get on his level.
“And there he is. Oh look at him, he’s bright red already! You were right Tubbo, awe, that’s so cute. Are you ready to be tickled Ranboo?”
Ranboo didn’t bother to answer, hiding his face in his knees and waiting for his friends to put him out of his misery. His entire body already felt hypersensitive, his skin buzzing. Something physically being there would make it more bearable at this rate.
“Of course he is, he loves it. Didn’t I tell you that? It’s adorable, isn’t it.?”
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Tag! You’re it!
October 8th, 10th, and 12th.
Summary: Young Tommy and Tubbo play a game of hide and seek, with a twist.
Tommy crept silently behind Tubbo. The smaller boy was crouched behind a corner, looking for Tommy on the other side. Little did he know, Tommy was one step ahead of him.
Tommy took another step, glad this part of the floor wasn’t creaky. The 10 year old took one final step before deciding the distance was enough to ambush Tubbo on, and took a small leap.
He landed right behind Tubbo, quickly grabbing him by the sides and squeezing them with unskilled hands.
Tubbo burst into high and surprised giggles, a shriek tearing from his throat.
“WHAAHAhaha- TohohomMY!”
Tommy giggled along with him. “Yes?”
Tubbo jerked away from him, “You won’t win that easily!” He laughed more at the shocked look on Tommy’s face before running down the hall.
Even though Tommy was the bigger out of the pair, Tubbo had always been the fastest. Because of this, he was quickly able to outrun Tommy and pick a new hiding spot. He ran and hid behind the couch in the living room, hearing Tommy bounding down the hall towards the room Tubbo was hidden in.
Ducking down and holding a hand over his mouth to muffle his giggles, Tubbo was completely out of sight.
“Tubbo~” Tommy called. “Where’d you go?” He walked around the room, checking various hiding places.
He started with the curtains. “Are you here?” He asked, ripping back the curtains and huffing when all he found was empty space.
He moved on to check under the coffee table, quickly whipping his head underneath to surprise Tubbo. It would’ve worked, had Tubbo actually been there.
He checked under the blankets and pillows piled high on the couch, sorting through them methodically. He groaned.
Tubbo was stifling his laughter from behind the couch. Watching his best friend search for him was filling his stomach with nervous butterflies.
Tommy finally gave up after checking a small closet. He walked over to the door.
Tubbo, seeing this as his chance, began sliding out from behind the couch as quietly as he could. Unfortunately for him, Tommy spared one last look behind him, catching Tubbo red handed.
“Ah ha!” Tommy shouted, running over to Tubbo. “I thought you were in here!”
Tubbo tumbled to the ground as Tommy practically tackled him to the carpet. Tommy took both of Tubbo’s hands in his, leaning over the other with mischief across his face.
“So, where should I start your punishment?” Tommy asked teasingly, not really asking for an opinion.
“I could go here-“ He dangled a hand over Tubbo’s stomach, wiggling his fingers.
Tubbo, who had been giggling uncontrollably since Tommy spotted him, tried to turn onto his back to hide the sensitive spot.
Tommy had other plans.
He planted both of his knees on each side of the boy, effectively trapping him in place. He freed Tubbo’s hand and began searching again.
“Or here-“ He scratched lightly at his sides. “This place always makes you squeak. It’s pretty funny.”
Tubbo squirmed away for the torturously light tickling on his side. He brought his hands to cover his mouth instead of trying to bay away Tommy’s offending hands. He was obviously enjoying his predicament.
“Come on, Tubs. You’ve got to tell me a spot or I’m going to go for your belly.” Tommy demanded with all the strength a 10 year old could manage. He actually managed to look slightly threatening if you were able to get past the giddy smile on his face.
Tubbo shook his head, “Tohohoms, I cahan’t.”
“Sure you can!” Tommy encouraged. “Maybe I can help you decide.”
Tommy proceeded to go on a rant about Tubbo’s spots, successfully flustering Tubbo into eventually picking a spot.
“Fine! Uh…” Tubbo thought long and hard. “Hips?” He said, questioning his own judgement.
Tommy grinned feraly. “Hips it is.” He dug into Tubbo’s hips with scary precision. Despite the spot not being one of Tubbo’s worst, he was almost immediately thrown into hysterical laughter.
Tommy laughed, “That’s my name.” He said sassily.
Tubbo squirmed away from the sensations swirling in his hips. It felt like what Tubbo imagined mini lighting bolts would feel like. “GO AWAHAHAY!” Tubbo shouted, pushing gently and rather uncoordinated at Tommy’s hands.
Tommy stopped the movement of his hands, giving Tubbo a break. “Okay, where next?”
Tubbo gawked. Was Tommy really going to make him ask again?
Apparently, the answer was yes. Tubbo figured this out when Tommy’s hands started crawling up to his stomach. “Neck!” He yelled out.
Tommy skittered his hands around Tubbo’s neck. He paid special attention to Tubbo's ears, a spot that made him squeal and giggle high pitched.
While this was very cute, Tommy quickly grew impatient. “Alright, time for the finale.”
Before Tubbo could protest, Tommy had hiked up his shirt and blew a sloppy raspberry on his tummy.
Tubbo absolutely lost it. He nearly screamed, falling into laughter. His hysterics were only heightened when Tommy blew yet another raspberry, this time just beneath his belly button.
“ENOHOHOUGH! TOHOHOMS PLEHEHEHEASE!” Tubbo said, pushing gently at Tommy’s head.
Tommy pulled away. Leaving Tubbo a pile of giggles on the floor.
Tommy patten Tubbo’s shoulder, laughing when Tubbo flinched and curled up. “I’m done, I promise.”
Tommy gasped, “Tag!” He tapped Tubbo again. “You’re it!” He ran off back down the hall.
Tubbo recovered quickly, running after Tommy. “Get back here, Tommy! I’m going to get you back for that!”
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