secretnerdprincess · 2 years
Look at my two bunnies all super cute in the snow!!!
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Happy Holidays @ScrtNrdPrincess ! You gave the prompt of snow so I hope you like what I can up with! 💖
@garcysecretsanta 👀💖
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secretnerdprincess · 4 years
Mary: I heard that if you wanna kill a vampire, you have to stab them through the heart with a wooden stake.
Sherlock: Actually I think that would kill just about anyone.
Molly: As a stabbing expert, I can second that.
Sherlock: I’m sorry- as a what?
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secretnerdprincess · 4 years
Flynn: Don’t worry, I’ve got a few knives up my sleeve
Lucy: Um... I think you mean cards?
Flynn, pulling up his sleeve to reveal three knives: I do not
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secretnerdprincess · 4 years
Stereotyped vs Nuanced Characters and Audience Perception
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Writing with color receives many questions regarding the stereotypes Characters of Color and their story lines may possess.
There’s a difference between having a three-dimensional character with trait variance and flaws, versus one who walks the footsteps of a role people of their race/ethnicity are constantly put into. Let’s discuss this, as well as how sometimes, while there’s not much issue with the character, a biased audience will not allow the character to be dimensional.
But first: it’s crucial to consider the thinking behind your literary decisions.
Trace your Logic 
When it comes to the roles and traits you assign your characters, it’s important to ask yourself why you made them the way they are. This is especially true for your marginalized characters.
So you need an intimidating, scary character. What does intimidating look like on first brainstorm? Is it a Black man, large in size or presence? (aka a Scary Black Man) A Latino with trouble with the law? If so, why?
Really dig, even as it gets uncomfortable. You’ll likely find you’re conditioned to think of certain people in certain roles on the spot.
It’s a vicious cycle; we see a group of people represented a certain way in media, and in our own works depict them in the way we know. Whether you consciously believe it’s the truest depiction of them all or not, we’re conditioned to select them for these roles again and again. Actors of Color report on being told in auditions they’re not performing stereotypical enough and have been encouraged to act more “ethnic.” 
This ugly merry-go-round scarcely applies to (cis, straight) white people as they are allowed a multitude of roles in media. Well, then again, I do notice a funny trend of using white characters when stories need a leader, a hero, royalty, a love interest…
Today’s the day to break free from this preconditioned role-assigning.
Keep reading
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secretnerdprincess · 4 years
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are completely free courses posted online that you can take live or access at a later date. I used to work for the University of Iowa’s International Writing Program, and they conduct a bunch of fantastic creative writing MOOCs for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and playwriting.
They just started Power of the Pen: Identities and Social Issues in Fiction and Nonfiction today (18 May 2017), but you can still register for it!
If you’re looking to access past MOOCs by the IWP, they’ve archived most of it here, and even the ongoing courses are archived as each “class” is released. So Power of the Pen can still be accessed outside of the live version, cos the lessons will be posted on the same day.
Power of the Pen: Identities and Social Issues in Poetry and Plays begins on 17 July.
These courses are taught by writers from all around the world, and I highly recommend taking the live course as you will be able to get feedback on your writing. It doesn’t matter what time zone you are in — the writers and instructors log on at different times of day and night. You’re encouraged to work at your own pace and schedule.
Guys. Free writing courses from the U.S.’s #1 creative writing program.
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secretnerdprincess · 4 years
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Buffy Fanart!!
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secretnerdprincess · 5 years
I hope something good happens to you today. no matter how small or simple it may seem to someone else, I hope something contents you from the bottom of your heart and makes your worries feel lighter
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secretnerdprincess · 5 years
My heart...
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“Because... Because it’s true. Because it’s true, Sherlock. It’s always been true.”
- Molly Hooper
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secretnerdprincess · 5 years
Hey! I have been working on a quote blog that highlights quotes from Fanfics that people love! I recently read your 'The Assassination of Ulysses S. Grant' Garcy fic and highlighted my favourite quote on it! I just thought you'd like to know. You can find it at 'allthyheart' on Tumblr.
Awwwwwww, this is awesome! What a lovely thing to do! I couldn't find the post you were talking about, but even just knowing you thought enough of it to have a favorite line makes me incredibly happy. ☺
Thanks so much!
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secretnerdprincess · 5 years
I will be writing #DoctorWho/Tesla fanfic because of this scene between them.
The Doctor & Tesla besties Forever.
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Changing the world takes time. You have to be patient.
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secretnerdprincess · 5 years
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Garcy October - Fanart Prompt - Ghosts
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secretnerdprincess · 5 years
I'm having far too much fun with this quiz.
Today's mood, apparently
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What Timeless “Miracle of Christmas” plot hole are you?
Take the Quiz
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secretnerdprincess · 5 years
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I tried to share these gifs like a week or two ago, but apparently my originals were too big for Tumblr, so here they are a bit smaller. There are gifs from this scene out there, but I hadn't seen any single gif that featured both Garcia and Lucy in it, so I tried to do it on my own 😊 Enjoy!
Also... look at these two baby turtles, how they are looking at each other!!! They're so in love with each other at this point, I just... 😭❤😭❤😭❤😭
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secretnerdprincess · 5 years
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Hello, lovers of Timeless, Garcy, Goran Visnjic, or animals. (I think I got everybody with that last one, yeah?) ♥
In February, Žarkovica Animal Shelter in Dubrovnik, Croatia suffered major storm damage. They’re trying to rebuild, but they run on donations. This no-kill shelter provides care to over 300 dogs and 200 cats, and these poor babies need their home repaired before the winter comes!
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In honor of Goran Visnjic’s birthday and because of his passion for animal welfare, fans have created a donation page for the shelter. (Link below.) 
Please give any amount you can. Even $1 can add up if there’s enough of them! Fund raising will be going on until October 11, 2019.
If you do not want to donate through the fundraising page but still want to help, please feel free to donate directly to the shelter. Link here. Or you can send food for the animals, something they could always use (instructions below on “More Information” site).
And if you can’t donate at all, PLEASE REBLOG OR SHARE! ♥
Thank you for reading!
More Information
Donation Page
Shelter’s Website
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secretnerdprincess · 5 years
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secretnerdprincess · 5 years
Headcanon accepted.
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secretnerdprincess · 5 years
Help is Needed: A girl needs a van for her road trip to freedom.
Hi everyone! My name is Rhonda but you, of course, all know me as that weird writing person who can’t stick with a fandom  (but that’s not important)
Who is important is my darling girl, Luna. 
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(this is us when we first got together, the cutest pair, right?)
She’s been with me through a whole lot of life’s “fuck you’s” and is my source of comfort. She keeps me grounded and in the early years, taking care of her meant I couldn’t commit suicide and leave her on her own. 
She’s been with me through an emotionally abusive marriage, divorce, living in shacks and trailers and houses with no running water, finding love, losing love, through depression and healing, and I can’t imagine not being with her through her final years.
She’s about 13 years old now and while she’s been joined by a cuddly dachshund and a giant cat, she’s still my baby.
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(Luna and I, 11 years later)
I need to leave Alaska for my mental health and emotional stability, I can’t stay in this cold and dark climate (both literally and figuratively) and so, I need to pack my stuff and leave. The plan is to drive and for that plan to happen, I need a way to take my furry family with me. Here is where the van comes in. Luna is a medium-sized dog and she doesn’t particularly like car rides (I own a Prius and I think she feels trapped in there). She DOES do better in large vehicles so I thought LET’S GET A VAN! Easier said than done.
I am asking for help from the internet (please help) to purchase a large passenger or conversion van that I can use to pack Luna (and Simi and Hannibal) and myself away from Alaska and into a better life.  Please help if you can, spread the word, and of course, let me know if you have questions! I also have a ko-fi account if you’d rather donate that way.
TLDR: I need a van to keep my old companion dog (plus two other furry babes) comfortable on a move away from a toxic environment. I am planning on driving out of Alaska in Sept of 2020. Fundly Account
Ko-fi Account
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