seducedbythecurlys · 2 months
Landslide via shari.kv
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seducedbythecurlys · 10 months
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I swear we will never forget how the slow death of these babies was literally being televised.
The whole world knows now that these babies have had their oxygen cut off from them by israel and the whole world knows that the hospital they are in is being bombarded by israel and the whole world knows that the families of these babies were being held hostages at gunpoint by israel inside the Al Shifa hospital.
The whole world also knows three of these babies have died already as the NICU shuts down.
Those who are silent about Israel's atrocities have made a deliberate choice to go down in history as the most shameless cowards. This is a very avoidable tragedy that you have chosen to maintain with your silence.
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seducedbythecurlys · 10 months
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this is funny
like really, really funny
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
Growing up fat, you get made fun of for everything you do, even basic shit like eating and laughing and breathing are funny when you do it because youre fat! And its so hard to not carry that with you as you get older, like I’m still embarassed to eat or dance in front of people or smile in pictures and its ridiculous and I hate it and I wish I was treated with more humanity
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
Anti-honesty hour. Ask me anything and I will respond with blatant lies.
This actually sounds hilarious
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
"You act like I don't come back here, back to you and our bed, every fucking time."
TW! Grief, alcoholism, toxic relationship
When Harry hears the clicking sound of the front door opening, he rests his book aside. He takes a deep breath in, watching the blanket shift across his chest.
The bed is cold, empty on one side, always occupied on the other.
"Oh, you're up," Louis says instead of a greeting when he steps in the bedroom. It's merely an observation, uttered in an uninterested tone.
Harry glances to the side, his alarm clock displaying 01.32 am. "Yeah, I am."
Louis strips off his clothes, the air suddenly reeking of sweat and smoke. He doesn't dare look Harry in the eye as he mumbles "You shouldn't have waited."
Harry cracks a smile, displaying all the bitterness he feels. "Right. I always do, though." He's exhausted, from lack of sleep, from endless worries about where Louis is, who he is with.
Louis shrugs, sliding into the bed in just his boxers, and toppling Harry's book in the process. "That's your fault," he says, careless.
Harry snatches the book before Louis can squeeze it under his weight. He clutches it close to his heart, remembering the night Louis gifted it to him four years ago. Harry always loved poetry, but never as much as when Louis read it to him at night.
"It's always my fault, isn't it?"
Louis groans, rolling on his side so that his back is turned to Harry. "It's your fault you're always in a mood to fight," he counters. "I just wanna sleep."
Harry laughs bitterly. "Of course! 'Cause asking where my boyfriend is in the middle of the night is unreasonable!"
Louis exhales deeply, obviously annoyed. Harry is used to this; Louis becoming defensive at any sign of confrontation. He turns on his back again, dragging his hands down his face.
"What do you even want from me?" Louis snaps. His eyes are wild and red, dark circles lining them.
"What do I want?" Harry huffs, sitting up suddenly, book falling to the floor with a taunting thud. "I want to know where you go every night! It's been a year, Louis, a year since your mom passed, and you haven't stopped drinking."
At the mention of his mother, Louis' jaw tightens, and he's up in an instant. He's kneeling on the bed, tugging at his hair frantically.
"Don't you dare fucking talk about her!" he growls, pointing a warning finger at Harry.
Harry shakes his head, frustrated tears streaming down his cheeks. "I was there with you, Louis! I was with you the whole time, held your hand at the hospital, at the funeral! And the day after, you pushed me away like it was my fucking fault!" His voice is breaking over and over again, aching with the way he shouts.
Louis bites his lip, a single tear rolling down his cheek. "I don't know what you want from me," he whispers.
And, somehow this is worse. The emotionless look, the stone-cold face is so much worse than the yelling and the screaming.
It means Louis has given up.
Harry's shoulders shake as he sobs. "I want you to let me help you. You can't keep doing this. Every night I'm worried sick about where you are, if you're gonna find your way home."
Louis shakes his head incredulously. "You act like I don't come back here, back to you and our bed, every fucking time," he spits.
Harry throws his hands out. "'Till when? Till your friends drop you, and I find you dead on a ditch?" He closes his eyes, willing the thought away.
Louis is completely silent, and Harry is worried that once again he has passed out mid-fight. He blinks, only now taking in how small and exhausted Louis looks.
It's the first time their eyes meet, both swimming in tears.
"I don't know how to change," Louis whispers, broken.
It sounds like a cry for help, a vulnerability Harry hasn't seen in him in a year.
"Let me help you."
Send me a line, and I'll write a snippet!
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
so i hear defenceless will put down all her fics wednesday, so i wanted to let you guys know in xase you want to download her fics :(
We downloaded them all! They can be found here. 😊
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
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We’ll Be Alright by shatteredglasshouse ( @larryislove )
Words: 36,494 // Rating: Explicit
"Lou, I know this-"
"Not plan? Of course, this wasn't planned. Harry, this can't be happening. We can't have a kid. We are not even supposed to be sleeping together."
Harry flinched at Louis' words. He was right, but Louis didn't need to be blunt about it.
"I'm not ready to have kids. I said that when we started this… Relationship," Louis stuttered the last word, trying to find the proper wording.
"Do you think I am? I'm not even twenty-four. You are almost twenty-nine! You're at the age where most people start a family."
"Doesn't mean I want to have one!" Louis snapped.
"Well, it's happening," Harry said, trying to keep his voice calm.
"Be serious, Harry. We can't have a baby. If people find out, you'll be fired."
Harry subconsciously wrapped his arms around his middle. He suddenly felt small. He didn't expect Louis to be excited. This wasn't the best news for their situation, but he thought he'd be happy.
"I know, Louis."
Or Louis is the Captian of Liverpool FC and Harry is one of the team's physiotherapists. They have a secret relationship going but things become complicated when Harry finds out he's pregnant.
Read now on Ao3.
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
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BETTER MISTAKES by lovelarry10 (@chloehl10)
Now complete!
Word Count: 117,078 Rating: Explicit Trope: Hate to love, enemies to lovers, mpreg Louis, chaptered.
“Look, this doesn’t have to be the end of the world-”
“Oh but it fucking is,” Louis said, shaking his head. “How the fuck am I going to tell Matt I’m pregnant with a baby when we’ve not had sex in months? He might be a bit thick sometimes, but he is gonna know there’s no chance this baby is his.”
“You don’t have to, uh, tell him it’s mine, right?”
Louis scoffed. “Why, are you scared he’s gonna come and kick the shit out of you?”
“He wishes,” Harry laughed, looking back down at the test. “Shit, I … I can’t believe this. Louis, I didn’t mean for this. Honestly. It was just sex for me. We have great sex, and I didn’t see why I should have to turn that down, not when you clearly wanted it as much as I did. I didn’t want this to end in a baby.”
»。 ∾・⁙・ ღ ➵ ⁘ ➵ ღ ・⁙・∾ 。«
Louis knows he shouldn’t be sleeping with his boyfriend’s enemy. He knows that. But there’s something that draws him back to Harry over and over again. Falling in love wasn’t part of the plan...
Chapter 20: The Epilogue is out now!
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 // Chapter 4 // Chapter 5 // Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 8 // Chapter 9 // Chapter 10 // Chapter 11 // Chapter 12 // Chapter 13 // Chapter 14 // Chapter 15 // Chapter 16 // Chapter 17 // Chapter 18 // Chapter 19 // Chapter 20: Epilogue
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
you got my heartbeat
read here
explicit | chapter: 3 | 2.3k
"We have to do it now! Otherwise, they won't ever meet again."
"But, how?"
"I have a plan."
or The Parent Trap AU but with a series of twists that enter with modernity
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
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Like Rabbits In Cigar Smoke
Los Angeles 1975
The rules to being a Playboy Bunny are very clear. Keep the clients happy while still protecting the brand. Bunny Louis tries very hard to keep to that, and no amount of longing stares or soft touches from world-wide famous rock star Harry Styles is going to change that. He's not that kind of Bunny, right?
BLFF Prompt 262 @bottomlouisficfest
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
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Light, Spark and Fire by @greenfeelings
Pairings: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne 
Summary: Life’s pretty ordinary for Harry. He lives with his best friend, got into university just like he’s planned, and manages to support himself just fine for an unbonded omega. If he sustains that lifestyle by getting paid to help alphas through their rut every now and then, that’s nothing to be hung up on. Until he’s hired by an alpha that turns everything upside down.
Or, Louis and Zayn run a music label, Liam is Britain’s up-and-coming pop star, Harry’s working on taking Louis’ walls down until he builds his own up, and Niall holds them all together without realising he does.
Word count: ~220k 
Rating: Explicit
the beautiful fic cover was made by the amazingly talented @wesninskey
Part 1 - A Distant Hazy Light: Prologue /// Day One /// Day Two /// Day Three /// Day Four /// Day Five /// Day Six /// Day Seven  === ~77k
Part 2 - A Dim and Airy Spark: Prologue /// First Memory /// Second Memory /// Third Memory /// Fourth Memory /// Fifth Memory   === ~50k
Part 3 - A Vibrant Golden Fire: Prologue /// Night One /// Night Two /// Night Three /// Night Four /// Night Five /// Night Six /// Night Seven /// Epilogue === ~90k
Epilogue - A Bright and Blazing Flame: Oneshot ~ 23k 
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
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Upon request, today we have a rec list of BL fics where Harry is a bit of a fuckboy. If you enjoy our rec lists, please be sure to like and reblog the post to spread the word.
Happy reading!
1) Every Time That You Get Undressed (I Hear Symphonies In My Head) | Explicit | 12009 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH.
An AU in which Harry is the typical frat boy who doesn’t believe in love but falls for the insecure mess that is Louis. 
2) Deflower Me | Explicit | 20154 words
Louis is a proud virgin, and no matter how much society tries to make him feel like a freak for not acting on his natural urges, he doesn’t suffer from his lack of experience. He has never felt drawn to someone in a way that made him want to get involved sexually with them, and he isn’t planning on rushing himself so he can get some because people think it’s what he should do.
In walks Fratboy, the Serial Haunter of His (wet) Dreams, who thankfully has a little business going on that might be just what Louis needs.
3) The Way The Storm Blows | Explicit | 21649 words
Louis doesn’t have a habit of thinking about Harry’s dick.
That would be weird, seeing as they’re best mates, and they share a flat, and they’ve spent holidays at each other’s family homes. Their friendship hasn’t ever risen to a point where Louis should want to see his mate’s dick, and he’s happy to keep it that way.
Except, all that Louis can think about is exactly that. The size of it. The shape. The amount of people it’s been in.
Maybe it’s the tequila talking, or the fact that Louis’ just recently walked in to an eyeful of Harry taking turns on some slags that he’s never seen before, but. Louis’ mind can’t stop obsessing over the idea.
Keep reading
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seducedbythecurlys · 1 year
Your Ink, My Skin
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Explicit ~ 6.2K
When Louis comes home with new finger tattoos, Harry can't wait to see Louis' hand doing dirty things to him. Louis comes up with an idea to make the moment last even longer.
Read it on AO3
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seducedbythecurlys · 2 years
Did you post your own top ten fics of 2022? I’d love to see one of my favorite author’s top pics. 😀
i did not! but here they are, in abc order because why not:
Ace of Spades by @allwaswell16 what can i say? it's anitra and it's pirates and it's alpha louis/omega harry AND i have an in with nic @louandhazaf. she betas for anitra so i get to hear about how excited nic is about the fic and how good it is. hypes me up :D
baby, you're the end of june by @disgruntledkittenface hello, it's maggie with accidental courting alpha harry! what's not to love? and again, nic betas for maggie, so i'm pre-hyped for the fic before it posts
Counteract by YesIsAWorld @louandhazaf ok so i wanted this pov switch from the second i read the original scene in Counterbalance and it exceeded all expectations. Louis with that tattoo?? AND it was for @wankersday so twice as nice!
Darling, so it goes by @disgruntledkittenface GRACE KELLY AU!!!! i waited for this fic and it sooooooo delivered. not to rub it in lol but nic betaed this fic and THE PRAISE i heard throughout that process, plus the snippets on tumblr had me so excited for it to post. and istg i wasn't ready! it's so so so good.
Down To Be a Distraction by QuickedWeen @becomeawendybird horny model harry and footie louis? tbh i don't need to say more because it's molly and all of her fics are amazing
For the Right Reasons by @juliusschmidt a bachelor au! i've never even watched the show but i loved reading this as a wip
I Want You (Won’t You Say So) by LadyLondonderry @londonfoginacup emmu's annual fic for @wankersday NEVER disappoints. so so creative and funny and re-re-readable.
Of Mates and Men by @bananaheathen the longest fic i've ever read, and i loved every second. so much good communication! so much love!
Remember Me Before You by me. i know i know i know. BUT i lived inside this fic for like half the year and 1/3 of last year. x
Mr. Tuesday by @jaerie i just loved harry and louis in this fic and they live on inside my head
this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks. sorry for the wait, anon!
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