I remained too much inside my head and ended up losing my mind.
Edgar Allan Poe (via fuckeverythingandsociety)
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Depression Is
- Depression is drowning in the shallow end because you can’t see the bottom. - It’s being suffocated. - It’s the feeling of death and being completely and utterly broken. - It feels like cracked roads and potholes that will never be filled, so you get used to them, but they hurt nonetheless. - It’s the walls closing in until you have no way out but you can’t possibly stay where you are. - It’s chewed fingernails and matted hair, because you can’t find the energy to care about things that still stress you out until you can’t think. - It feels like dark alleys, in the streets of the city that moves so much it seems impossible to make a dent in anyone’s lives.
- Depression is choking on air. - It’s driving down a dead end street and knowing that you’re going to crash into a tree at the end, but not being willing to stop. - It feels like dull eyes and dead smiles and being disgusted at your own existence. - It’s wishing for death and sometimes being willing to make sure that happens. - It feels like dark clouds and empty buckets, a prayer for rain, but receiving none.
- Depression is shattered bottles and bleeding fingers, painting your pain on the walls. - It’s scattered thoughts and whispers that keep you up at night. - It feels like cold fingers and wet faces; turning the heater up just a bit more, but never warm enough. - It feels like a train on impact; it shatters your heart and tears you apart without a care in the world. - It’s putting on a mask of glass and praying that it doesn’t break or crack, that it makes it through the questions and the blank stares as people don’t understand.
- Depression is tear marks on your pillow that have become more like keeping score; “At least I haven’t cried today” becomes more and more popular. - It’s feeling like wave after wave after wave is dragging you down and pulling you under until you don’t know which way is up and you’re not sure you want to know anymore. - It’s torn wrists and ripped thighs. - It’s screaming silence and loud cries. - It’s feeling alone even though you know that you’re not. - It’s wishing you could stop feeling this way but not knowing how to stop and not being sure if you want to stop, because sadness is familiar.
- Depression is knowing you should tell someone, but feeling ridiculous and fake every time you try. - It’s convincing yourself that other people won’t understand, or they don’t care, or eventually they’ll get tired of you. - It’s despair. - It feels like the emptiness following a tornado in its path, when the world seems upside down and like it will never be the same again.
- It’s knowing that while everyone else goes out and is successful, you’ll die alone. - It’s being terrified of alienating everyone around you, but not caring if you do because they’ll probably leave in you in the end regardless, and who wants to hang out with you anyway? - It’s the sound of smashing notes on a keyboard and hoping that it somehow becomes a melody that makes sense to someone, anyone. - It’s dying.
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