seekerchargeburst · 2 years
"Who wants to drink? I have plenty of high grade."
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
Burst is a tad overcharged and stumbling while patting inanimate objects and whispering sorry. It's been a long cycle.
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
- ; phrases that really hit you where it hurts
“ did you really have to be that honest? ” “ every time i see you i just feel more alone. ” “ you changed me. ” “ was this all just a joke to you? ” “ i don’t want to know. ” “ can we start over? ” “ you make me feel so insecure. ” “ i don’t know if i can love you. ” “ every time i wake up i’m reaching for you … but you’re never there. ” “ of course it meant something! ” “ stop yelling! ” “ i gave up on you a long time ago. ” “ you think i care about you? cute. ” “ did you just forget about me or something? ” “ i still need you. ” “ i wanna say that there’s still hope but sometimes things just don’t go your way. ” “ you said you would keep trying! ” “ no, you ARE strong. ” “ you promised me! ” “ fine. you’ll never see me again, okay? ” “ i gave you everything i had. ” “ your eyes can be so cruel … ” “ i can never do anything right can i !? ” “ i want my life back. ” “ stop crying. ” “ you should go. ” “ don’t come back. ” “ does hurting me make you feel good or something? ” “ just stop it. ” “ i was never in love with you now leave me alone! ”
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
Send '🎀' to surprise my muse with a Valentine's day gift from yours.
the choice of the gift could be left up to the one receiving the gift, unless specified.
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
"Mama, why are you blushing?" Burst giggled and poked at her cheeks, wings fluttering against his back. "Silly mama!"
"Mama? My tummy hurts," Burst whined quietly, wings drawn low and trembling.
she looked concerned and knelt down "cmere baby" she opened her arms for him
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
Burst has the worst helm ache and simply wishes for the throbbing to stop. Perhaps a good swat to the helm?
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
"Things explode?" He hummed, helm tipped to the side. "Is it big explosions or little ones? Does he really lose an arm sometimes?"
"Mama? My tummy hurts," Burst whined quietly, wings drawn low and trembling.
she looked concerned and knelt down "cmere baby" she opened her arms for him
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
He needs a good grooming, or at least an oil bath soak. Burst was itchy and stiff. Especially in the wings.
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
Burst chattered happily at this, little wings bobbing and fluttering.
"He seems like fun."
"Mama? My tummy hurts," Burst whined quietly, wings drawn low and trembling.
she looked concerned and knelt down "cmere baby" she opened her arms for him
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
Intriguing Impression Starters
“You don’t look like… much…”
“So nice to finally put a face to someone I’ve heard so much about.”
“You aren’t what I expected, but I hope to be surprised.”
“Well… this is awkward… uhhh hello.”
“I’m failing to remember what I expected when I signed up for this.”
“Not gonna lie, you were incredibly intimidating at first… still kind of are.”
“We seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot.”
“Seems that the rumors and reputation are indeed being lived up to.”
“So I’ve heard some things…”
“You were the LAST person I expected.”
“Sparring partner huh? I think I can take you.”
“Me? I’m not anyone particularly special.”
“Haven’t heard of you whatsoever.”
“I’ve known you for five minutes and I think we’re already friends.”
“You and me are gonna get along great.”
“This is absolutely not working out.”
“Clearly there needs to be some ground rules established.”
“You’re going to be my sparring partner?”
“You know what? I like you.”
“Not working out. Nope.”
“I’m sorry but looking at you doesn’t scream ‘fighter’ to me.”
“I really hope you can make a better second impression.”
“You get one more shot. I hope it will change my mind.”
“I’m here to apologize about before… can we try again?”
“Well this is certainly… incredibly interesting. Nice to meet you.”
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
"Wheeljack has the funny fins fight?" Burst hummed, crawling up to sit on her shoulder.
Being high up felt great!
"Mama? My tummy hurts," Burst whined quietly, wings drawn low and trembling.
she looked concerned and knelt down "cmere baby" she opened her arms for him
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
The seeker yelped, ducking his helm, receiving at least a good whack.
Frag no, he’s not equipped for zoomies.
Tumblr media
He is an unstoppable force.
When he is close enough, he snatches the newspapers so he can whack Burst back with them.
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
"Mm can we do something fun? What is there to do?" Burst chirped, lifting his arms to be picked up. "When can I fly?"
"Mama? My tummy hurts," Burst whined quietly, wings drawn low and trembling.
she looked concerned and knelt down "cmere baby" she opened her arms for him
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
Frag no, he's not equipped for zoomies.
*swats with newspaper*
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
random headcanon q’s 
1. is your muse able to keep a secret?
2. is your muse skilled at using technology?
3. how skilled is your muse at communication? 
4. who would your muse consider their best friend?
5. are there any fears your muse still holds from childhood? 
6. what is something that ticks your muse off, no matter what?
7. what clothes does your muse feel most comfortable in? why?
8. how many fights has your muse been a part of? how did they fare?
9. does your muse have any nervous habits? (biting lip, fidgeting, etc.)
10. how often does your muse find themselves daydreaming? what about?
11. how often does your muse cry? do they cry silently, privately, or out in the open?
12. what is a lesson your muse’s parent(s)/guardian taught them that they still hold onto?
13. is your muse proficient at any musical instruments? how long did it take them to learn?
14. does your muse prefer cooler or warmer weather? how does the heat/cold affect them?
15. does your muse know how to cook? what is the most complicated dish they’re able to make?
16. is your muse argumentative? if not, what is a topic they feel strongly enough about to argue for?
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
Staring at the rust sticks, Burst took them slowly and nibbled on one before handing both back.
"Can I have them later?" He asked, blinking up at his carrier.
"Mama? My tummy hurts," Burst whined quietly, wings drawn low and trembling.
she looked concerned and knelt down "cmere baby" she opened her arms for him
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seekerchargeburst · 2 years
Ah. Humor that Burst wasn't exactly knowledgeable of, though now it made sense with Blaze having explained it.
"Right, sorry," he smiled sheepishly, wings drooping with the realization of his blunder once more. "Sometimes my frame moves before I can really think about the actions."
That was seriously pretty cool to watch. All Burst could do was sharpen his claws whenever they got too dull.
The joke however was lost on Burst as he stared at Blaze with obvious confusion.
“Uh, what?”
This is how good jokes die. They get dissected and Blaze is the one holding the scalpel.
“You took a hold of my hand before even asking my name. Now that we know both designations, we can go on a date, you know? ‘Cuz hand holding is reserved for friends and dates and such.”
“It was a joke. I didn’t mean it sincerely of course.”
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