feel your feelings!!!! tap into them into your body and let them grow!!! grow!! grow!!! release it in whatever way that it looks like!! whether you cry or scream or dance or shake !! whatever it looks like!! please allow yourself to feel it all. it is okay.
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I want to travel the world, I want to have my own apartment and I want to decorate it nicely and I seriously hate having to work
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summer 2023!!!!
take every opportunity to swim
read every single day
be crushingly vulnerable
open up your heart
dance forever
go to the beach
find yourself in everything
say what you want
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When a woman is consistently spoken to softly & treated gently, she becomes a new woman. You're helping her heal her nervous system, you're helping her heal generational trauma, you're allowing her feminine energy to flourish, you're helping her to remember who she is.
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i am a different person than who i was last year. my hair is longer and i cry less and i am stronger. i am a different person than who i was six months ago. i am free and different and am embracing change. i am a different person than who i was a month ago. i sit in the sunlight without worry and i don’t let things stick and i look up and smile. i am a different person than who i was last week. i explore more and look at the sky and laugh more. i am a different person than who i was yesterday. i let go and breathe. i am whole.
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life is just humiliating yourself over and over and learning to live with the inherent shame of being alive !! do what makes you happy !! it is impossible to live life without embarrassment, so why bother trying !!
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"the time will pass anyways" has truly rocked me to my core since reading it and changed my life.
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I’m gonna sparkle on this wednesday if it fucking kills me
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this is going to be difficult -> i am capable of doing difficult things -> i have done everything prior to this moment -> this difficulty will soon be proof of capability
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Every single time something has fallen apart in my life, I’ve looked back with gratitude eventually.
I might spend a whole year crying and sleeping and working a part-time job and that’s okay if it’s what I need.
Your body will force you to take a break if you don’t listen to it asking for one. I saw this coming 2 years ago and ignored it. Now I’m 2 years older and realize I just prolonged it.
It’s okay. Really.
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turns out that being compassionate towards myself during moments of uncertainty and stress is the best thing i can do for myself
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Accepting that all you can do is work on yourself and you will never ever be able to change other people is simultaneously the most freeing/scary thing in the world. Also you will think you’ve accepted this and then realize you haven’t when you lose someone over and over again until you actually do. Btw
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sometimes life is overwhelming and sometimes a girl needs to wade through her books and swim deeper into her books and submerge herself in her books because they're breadcrumbs guiding the way back to land
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Realizing you can never get your time back literally reframes everything. You can waste your time in a relationship that’s doomed to fail / scared to make moves for that one opportunity / obsessing over a crush you don’t have the guts to approach / waiting for someone who might never be what you want them to be, but by the time it’s all said and done there genuinely is nothing that could be done to rewind the clock. Nothing. It’s just done
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"do it for the plot" genuinely motivates me to put myself out there even if i'm scared. like if i was a character would my story be interesting?? or would it be bland bc i'm sheltering myself all the time instead of going out of my comfort zone?? these thoughts incentivize me to apply myself to things even at the risk of them not going my way
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there’s sooo much beauty in slowing down and understanding yourself btw
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