Create your muse as a dragon then tag however many   people   you’d    like   to   do   the   same! Remember to REPOST,        do NOT REBLOG.
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I think I enjoy this prompt far more than I should...but I love dragons Stolen From: @belluvoros Taggin: Anyone who read this phrase right here.
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The seer was hovering in the air in a laying down position, juggling three voidlings in the air as he hummed. “...It’s fairly quiet today. Kinda nice actually, it’s so rare that the voices that call to me are silent. ...I might actually be able to enjoy myself today~” He’d chime as he closed his eyes and continued his antics.
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“You know, I saw this one coming too. I honestly did, and yet I hoped, FOR ONCE I was wrong. Maybe, just maybe today would be the day I can kiss this burden designed as a boon goodbye. Yet here you are, and while I have at least...oh I’d say four different ways to get out of this, I’m just so disappointed that I’m going to lay here and pout. This is your fault. I hope you’re happy.”
Judgmental Squinting
“I knew this was going to happen, yet I’m still upset because I expected better from all of you. Showing off your -ahem- ‘assets’ are fine and dandy WHEN YOU’RE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS! Honestly, what point is there is ‘showing off’? Are you trying to attract mates? Have you all really gone backwards on this? If physical attraction is all that you crave then I don’t even need my Seer Powers to tell you, you’re headed down a dangerous path,” The Mage huffed with arms folded over his chest.
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Judgmental Squinting
“I knew this was going to happen, yet I’m still upset because I expected better from all of you. Showing off your -ahem- ‘assets’ are fine and dandy WHEN YOU’RE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS! Honestly, what point is there is ‘showing off’? Are you trying to attract mates? Have you all really gone backwards on this? If physical attraction is all that you crave then I don’t even need my Seer Powers to tell you, you’re headed down a dangerous path,” The Mage huffed with arms folded over his chest.
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“.....I can effectively fly, I can summon, literally THOUSANDS of voidlings to do my bidding.....” He’d pause and look to three specific ones playing off in the distance. “......Most of them anyway. If I truly wished, I could attempt to find an island and remove it’s greenery, provided that was all the island had. All I would need to do once ensuring said hypothetical island, is wait for you to sleep, carry you off into the night, using ropes to bind you, either hover you over to the island personally, or again, have the voidlings do me the favor and then all I need to do is wait. I’ll more likely than not need to make sure the voidlings keep on eye on you whenever I leave that island to go elsewhere.....should more than likely check you for weapons as well. Plus-” He paused again and looks over to Sarah.  “....Wait,why am I putting so much effort into this? Also, why are YOU so curious over such a thing as to ask such a question?! In all honesty, your consent is not wholly needed to be tossed into the void, so why did I even spend the time thinking of that whole plan?! BAH! Ever since that girl escaped from it, I’m not even sure that the void is that lethal a place anymore given THESE,” The seer holds up a voidling which just seems to wave at Miss Fortune and doesn’t appear even the least bit threatening. “And how a child  escaped from it and even GREW UP IN IT.” The seer dramatically drops to his hands and knees, crestfallen. 
"Well first I'd make sure the island you were trapped on was devoid of trees after making a deal with you for a lot of gold. Then I'd make sure the food we packed for the trip was rotten or on the verge of rotting, oh, and none of it would have seeds, can't have that pesky hope getting in the way. Then, as you're slowly going mad from hunger, I'd tell you about the void and make it out to be your only savior from starvation. That is how I would fuck you over." He didn't get it.
Anonymously tell my muse how you would fuck them over
“You’ve put far too much effort into this scenario, darlin’. If your goal was to drive me insane then listenin’ to you ramble on was a good first step. The question is how you’d even plan to get me to this island to trap me there in the first place. Last I heard you Shurimans ain’t the best sailors around, and I’ve got a full crew and ship over you. Well, that’s only one of the implausibilities in your little trap, but I digress. For a hypothetical scenario you’d devote far too many resources toward just driving lil’ old me insane.”
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“IT’S NOT THAT SIMPLE! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO MAKE ANYTHING WITH VOIDLINGS?! THEY EAT IT’S ESSENCE FIRST AND THEN THEY EAT THE THING!” He’d sob more in defeat as he clenched his fist and pounded the ground with it. However, he’d pause for a second and look up at the archer. “....Wait a minute.....you can buy cookies like that here in Shurima?” He rise up to his feet, new hope in his glowing blue eyes. “....Hey...” He sounded much more agitated. “Wait a minute.....HOW IN THE VOID’S NAME DID YOU GET INTO MY HOUSE?!”
“It’s all my fault…" The mage spoke quietly, bringing his fist to his covered mouth as he closed his eyes. "I knew.....I knew leaving them alone was risky but.....but I never expected this to happen. How could I have been so foolish?" He would proceed to drop from his hovering state, onto his feet and then his knees. He would be on all fours before long as he remains in front of them. "Damn it.... DAMN IT! WHY DID I LEAVE THE COOKIE TRAY WHERE THE VOIDLINGS COULD GET THEM?!" He'd sob quietly.
The arclight blinked in confusion, he had expected something truly tragic yet this had Varus rather confused.”Euuhhh…can you like buy or bake them again ?”inquired the archer as he crossed his arms and tilted his head.
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Send me “✒︎” for a random, dumb, pointless fact about my muse.
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  “I feel terrible for you….just so awful that you could no see the what my followers and I do. That’d you, DARED take away someone that is trying to break free from this tedious cycle of pain and spite. Using your honeyed words to turn a believer of the true path back into a zealot and make them suffer. You utterly disfusting, SELFISH, ARROGANT, piece of trash trying to ruin another’s life. I will not stand for it, and you will be the example to all else who try to coax those on this beautiful path.” Cheers were heard as Malzahar continued to scold the yordle while they lay on a stone slab. The Seer would let out a small sigh as he looks at the creature, placing a hand on the yordle’s exposed stomach. “I’m going to have make an example out of you….and this places a burden on my heart because in you I saw such great potential….if you had only followed the right path. ….Well there is no use dwelling on the future that no longer exists, for now, I will free you from this cycle! Rejoice my followers! WE GIVE A GIFT TO ICATHIA AND AS I SEND THE YORDLE TO THE HOLY NOTHINGNESS, SO TOO WILL YOU SEE THAT EVEN A FLITHY NON-BELIEVER CAN BE SAVED!” 
Malzahar pulled his ritual dagger out from it’s sheath and plunged it into the belly of the yordle. The crowd behind him cheered, calling for salvation for the yordle and themselves. “Worry not! You all will be saved too! I will send you into the Void as a whole and you will welcomed by the abyss!”  With that, Malzahar opened a portal in mid-air, as numerous creatures let out their small screes and rushed out of the portal. The mage retrieved his dagger and looked at the Yordle, pulling down his mask to give a smile. To the seer, it was a warm one….to the yordle, it was sinister and vile, a look of a mad, shattered man who was broken and took far too much pleasure in the suffering of others.   Once he was turned away, he sheathed his dagger as the followers of the Icathian Prophet cheered. They watched as the mage hovered away from the yordle and as the small chittering voidlings surrounded him before leaping onto him. Using the fresh and bleeding wound, they reached in and pulled out piece after piece of the small furred creature’s organs. One by one the purple creatures were stained red as they picked and pulled apart the yordle, the screams being drowned out from the cheers of the crowd.   As the last bits of life and color drained away from Advol, the last thing he could see was the portal that remained open and every last member of the audience rushing to enter the portal. Even after seeing what was happening to him, the very person he wished to save from this fate, threw themselves right into the Void, all because one insane man told her too.  “I will save you all from your suffering….this cycle of pain will no longer bind you and I will show you true peace and happiness. The void has chosen me and I’m more than willing to be it’s messenger. Farewell Yordle, and be at peace my followers. More will join you soon.”
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Send me ‘✂’ and my muse will kill yours. Right now. Brutally, horribly, bloody. Just do it.
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narcisisto started following you
“No, no no no, NO, aboSOLutely NOT,” The seer continues to chant while throwing voidlings at the other. “Stay.-voidling toss- Away. -voidling toss- From. -voidling toss- This. -voidling toss- HOUSE. -Voidling toss-” He’d order as he gathered a small collection of about ten voidlings before chucking the whole thing at the executioner. “I don’t need my ability to predict the out-come of your visit here, BECAUSE I KNOW WITH COMMON SENSE IT’S NOT GOING TO BE PLEASANT! I’ve heard about you, and I swear when I first did, I was convinced that the whispers of madness took inspiration from your voice. I don’t know HOW you found this shack, I don’t know HOW you survived in the desert this long, but what I do know is you stay around here and annoy me, I’m throwing you into the void. And I don’t believe that you have a suit that’ll protect you from the things that go bump there,” He fumed as the voidlings that were tossed fell to the ground and rolled onto their claws before scuttling away.
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Oki Doki
//Sooooo I saw the lore changes. While I’m happy he got more to his lore, I’m also sad cause they didn’t give as much breathing room in terms of roleplay.  That being said, I’m more than willing to roleplay using the new lore, but I’ll ask you request it. So this is also kinda a Tagging post as well. Past Madness for the current ideas and such I had with old Malz and  Embrace the Void for the new lore.
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Malzahar let out a small sigh and shook his head. “I’m not trying to hide from anyone. I live out here because I must, and even if you know where I am, do you honestly think you can truly kill me? I am able to foresee events, use magic, summon a limitless supplies of void creatures, and on top of all that, I know how to open the rift between worlds.” He would slowly begin to hover again, pulling up his mask and turning his back to her. “Simply knowing where I am will do nothing. Knowing where the snake is will give you knowledge on where it lives, but not how it continues to survive. Attacking one before knowing that will result in you getting bit, and it’s venom able to eat away at your being.”
“I did what I must.”
“What you must?”
The words echoed in her head again and again, fist clenching tighter with each repetition. How she loathed those words. How she wished those words would never be strung together again.
“You will never know exactly what you did, but you will soon learn.”
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“And yet here you are, out in the desert, before my home, almost as if you were drawn to this place. If you seek neither an explanation or an apology, why are you here? Why come all the way out to Shurima, and even more, why come here where there are numerous cities and villages you can visit? Don’t tell me you came here for my services,” He’d question as he folds his arms in front of his chest. Kai’sa was not the first person to make a quip regarding his sanity, she would not be the last either. Though for her to come all the way over here was strange. If she was out for his life or to seek his aid, then she was doing a poor job of gaining his favor. Just why was she here?
“I did what I must.”
“What you must?”
The words echoed in her head again and again, fist clenching tighter with each repetition. How she loathed those words. How she wished those words would never be strung together again.
“You will never know exactly what you did, but you will soon learn.”
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“.....I knew exactly what I did and why I did it. I knew that doing that would earn me not one, but two enemies.” He would pause and stop hovering, standing face to face with the woman. “I knew that you would survive, I knew that you would come back. I have no regrets for what I have don’t to you, and I will not regret doing so.” He would pull down his mask so she could see him speak. “You were there, and though without sight, without sound, without the means to defend yourself...you thrived and did what many could not. That creature you wear as a suit is already proof that what I have done was a success. If you came here looking for an apology, for some comfort or clarity, you’ll not find it here. Not now. Time will tell and explain. For now you should leave. I do not wish to fight your combined power and I doubt the first thing you’d wish to do is face the man who sent you into the nightmare to begin with.”
“I did what I must.”
“What you must?”
The words echoed in her head again and again, fist clenching tighter with each repetition. How she loathed those words. How she wished those words would never be strung together again.
“You will never know exactly what you did, but you will soon learn.”
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Storm’s Coming?
 The seer let out a small sigh as he closed his book and checked outside his window. “....It’s not happening yet....and of course the screaming started right after I’d just finished examining the coming storm. I don’t think Rek’sai would be paying me a visit and I’m almost certain none of the the other are looking for me..... Perhaps today will be a nice and quiet day,” He mused to himself as a voidling crawled up his back to rest on the mage’s shoulder. “Now Chips, I need you and the rest of the voidlings to go and grab wooden planks. We need to reinforce the windows and doors.”   As the command was given, the small creature would give a salute with it’s claw before leaping off the male’s shoulders and scurrying off to go and collect the planks and it’s kin. It would take long for the voidlings to come to Malzahar with the item he requested, nails, a hammer, and a nice book. “Hm....good time Chips, however strive to go faster. We are on a time limit here.” The creature would nod once more before the seer got to work on fortifying his house.   “.....Hm......I feel like what was blocked off by The Calling has prevented me from seeing something. This is rather annoying because despite knowing that my ‘regulars’ are not going to come knocking....someone else might...It would also be VERY annoying if that someone was important....or a paying customer. What do you all think?” He’d question the creatures behind him as he finished up one of the windows. In unity, all the voidlings gave a tilt of their head and the mage let out a sigh. “Course.”   A few minutes before the storm, Malzahar had finished his preparations and slowly made his way to his seat. “With time to spare....now then I’ll just-”
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"I've heard about this Void before. Old sailors tales about monsters from the deep, mostly, but there's links. Just tell me Bilgewater ain't going to be seeing ANOTHER threat washing up on its shores anytime soon."
“Well first off, Hello Miss Fortune! Why yes I do have my schedule free to do a reading! I wasn’t heading anywhere important and do enjoy taking my time to tell the same thing I’ve told before to ANOTHER person.” The sarcasim dripped from his mouth as the most forced and fake smile of all time could be seen behind his mask. “The Void is a place of darkness where nothing but the cold and pitch black can be seen. From what I know, their is no sound. Greater creatures like Cho’Gath are able to adapt to this quickly, however voidlings will make a small noise for a while to help them adapt to their new environment when here.”Malzahar would fold his arms over his chest and let out a small sigh. “Step inside and watch out for the voidlings, I’ll see what I can seer of your home. I hope you brought some sort of payment as even though the voidlings consume essence, I’m still mortal and require food and water,” the mage would request as he moves aside, hand holding the door open for the bounty hunter. 
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If it wasn’t the tremor, it was certainly the retort that made him exit his home, only...with several additions. The door opened, and the male hovered in the frame, arms crossed and folded over his chest. Slowly, he would make his way out of his home, careful to close the door behind him, and over towards the female. Once in better view, the additions were now clearly seen as three individual voidlings, each one slightly customized and located on his upper torso. Resting on his head was a small voidling with small red bands on it’s claws and it’s head. Another was on his left shoulder, decorated with a small purple cape. Finally, there was the one of his right shoulder, this one had one a small garment similar to Malzahar. All three were completely visible as the Seer now hovered slightly above Taliyah to look down at her. Though the voidlings were all on the mage, they didn’t give off even the slightest air of hostility, one even raised a claw in a waving motion. “Listen here Rock Surfer, if one sees a home in the middle of no-where why would you go right to it? Are tales not told of curious children meeting their untimely DOOM due to visiting such houses? I figured the combination of a strange house in the middle of the desert, followed by those tales would be MORE than enough to stop curious wanders from visiting, so forgive me if I’m a tad annoyed by someone ignoring the warning signs and stopping by,” He would huff shaking his head. “Oh, and what I said earlier was a warning for any future encounters. It’s a very long trip to any city to gather materials to fix my home and I’d rather you have the warning so you know to be careful.”
littledesertsparrow started following you
“You throw ANY rocks anywhere NEAR my home, and I won’t NEED Seer-Sight to see what’ll happen to you,” The mage borderline hissed before slamming his door shut. Muffled from the inside “How do these people find a single home IN THE DESERT?!”
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