seirenqxx · 2 years
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She's a empress, he's a criminal. She wants peace, he brings disaster. She's a serious one, he's a player. What will happen when these two meet?
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"The white villagers have complained several times about the bandits attacking them. Sacks of rice and vegetables were stolen. What action shall we take, Your Majesty?" Apollo asked as he stood in front of us.
The emperor took a deep breath then looked at me so I expected him to ask me but I was wrong.
"What do you think is the best solution for this, Cassandra?" I bit my lower lip and sighed.
"Me? I don’t know if my opinion will work." Cassandra said modestly and the emperor laughed as he looked at her.
"I fixed the problem in spain because of you so I'm sure the solution you thought of will work. Right, my empress?" He looked at me so I smiled a little.
"ahehe. Thank you, your majesty." I resumed my meal while listening to Cassandra’s suggestions.
I wanted to talk about the problem but I chose to remain silent because he had the emperor’s attention. I'm right here, his wife and queen of the empire but he preferred the opinion of the woman he had just met.
"Mama," I looked at Leander when he called me. His small palm rested on my thigh.
"You have sauce on the side of your lip." I said while smiling then wiped the edge of his lip with a white paper towel.
"Why is papa always with that woman? You're his wife, right?" He asked using his small cute voice.
I was surprised by his question but I smiled and held his head. "His Majesty acknowledged her skills so they fixed the problem in the empire together."
"Hmm? But you should be the one doing it and not her." My eyes blinked a few times before I laughed softly.
"You're still young so you shouldn't be bothering with things like that, Leander." I turned to Eros who was sitting at the end of the table and he was busy listening to Cassandra.
"I know I’m young but I can already understand the things going on around me, mama." I bit my lower lip because I didn’t know what to answer to my son.
He's smart, isn't he? He's only five years old but his brain is advanced.
"Leandro, I'm going to the white village with aunt Cassandra, do you want to come?" Eros asked his son while smiling but Leander shook his head.
"No, I will stay with mom." He replied then stood up in the chair. He bowed his head slightly to Eros before he walked away.
"Prince Leander is as serious as ever." Said Apollo while laughing.
I wiped my lips with tissue paper before I stood up to follow my son. "Excuse me, your majesty." I said politely before walking away.
Even though I didn't admit it to myself, I was jealous of that woman. A week ago, the emperor returned from spain with a woman. Since then, I have always heard the servants talking about them.
They're always together. I didn’t pay attention to that thing but my chest aches when I hear about them. Since she arrived, the emperor has not asked me about the possible solution to the empire's problem as he always did.
It's as if I'm useless to him and I'm hurt because of that. I did everything to be a crown princess and then I could easily be replaced by a woman like her.
I was walking down the hallway to Leander’s room when I saw Lily running towards me. "Your highness, Lady Charlotte is here. She's in the garden." She said while panting.
"Please find Leander, Lily. Send him to the garden when you see him." I commanded and she nodded immediately.
I walked again into the garden. I don't know what that woman needs but it's good that she came here, I need someone to talk to. There are a lot of things on my mind right now.
I immediately saw Charlotte sitting on the bench when I got to the garden. "Why every time I see you you always look stressed?" I sighed and sat down next to her. "Is it because of that woman?"
I shook my head. "I can't do anything even if I don't like her, Eros wants to keep Cassandra in the palace."
"You two are married, act like husband and wife."
"What will I do? Even though we are both rulers of the empire, he will still be obeyed."
Charlotte leaned back on the bench and took a deep breath. "I have a reason why I came here."
"Hmm? What reason?" she turned to me and her face was serious. "I'm scared of how you look, Charlotte. I have a lot of problems so please don't add more." I said jokingly.
"This is serious, Gaia. I came here because I was worried."
"What kind of problem is that, then?" I asked and she stared at me for a moment before answering.
"2 days ago, Sanzu went to my house." I averted my eyes when I heard his name.
"Oh? Good and no police go to your house because you have a connection with a known criminal."
"I thought for a few days if I should tell you about that. He's looking for your son, Gaia." It was as if a lot of ice water had been poured on me because of what I had heard.
I immediately turned to Charlotte in shock and nervousness. "How did he know that?"
"I don't know, but one thing is for sure. He's ready to destroy everything just to get your child."
"You're kidding, right?" I tried to smile but my lips trembled with fear.
"I know sometimes I'm crazy but I don't joke about things like that. Leander is the next king of the empire so I'm worried for him and for you, not because of Sanzu but because of Eros." She said seriously. "You know what I mean, Gaia."
My whole body trembled even more because of what she said. I'm scared. My son, he can't be involved in the problem I'm in. When Eros finds out that Leander is not his real son, he will definitely kill him.
"I need to find a way to fix it. Leander can't be involved in this mess."
Charlotte left immediately after we talked but my brain was still floating even a few hours ago when she left. It became even more chaotic, when Eros finds out that Sanzu is Leander's father, he will kill my son.
That can't happen.
I sat on the garden bench while looking up at the sky. I need to breathe fresh air so I can think clearly, if I can't solve it, I will lose what I have worked for.
"I forgot you for a long time, why do you have to come back and bother me again?" I sighed but immediately frowned when I saw Leander running towards the back of the mansion.
I immediately stood up on the bench to follow him. Dark woods are behind the mansion so why is he going there? I was near the back of the mansion when I heard his voice.
"I want to make a way for that woman to stay away from papa."
"Hmm? Why? What did that woman do and why are you so mad at her?"
"She was always with dad. Ever since she came, mama has always been hurting."
My forehead furrowed when I heard a man's voice. I’m sure it wasn’t from Leander because it was too deep.
"You don't want to see your mom hurt?"
"Of course! She's my mom, and you told me not to let papa make her cry, didn't you?"
"Oh yeah? It's good that you remember what I told you."
"Baby, who are you talking to?" I peeked at him behind the wall but my eyes widened when I saw who the man was with him. "What the fuck.."
"It's good to see you again, my queen." The man with the scar on the side of his lip grinned so fear enveloped my whole body.
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