seishonagone · 3 years
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seishonagone · 3 years
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seishonagone · 3 years
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as usual, the fgo summer events remain a goldmine of out-of-context dialogue
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seishonagone · 3 years
Nero's character got ruined when she's not allowed to have any serious role like back at fate extra and reduced to cute umu waifu
I mean... yeah? Yeah. Pretty much.
To condense it in the best possible way- Most of my issues come from the fact that most of her appeal in Fate/Extra came along with her struggles to prove to both herself and her Master that she was capable of being a 'hero' despite having nothing heroic to her name, and the self-doubt and anxiety that came with her reputation- and Grand Order gets rid of those doubts and anxieties for the sake of her being more lovable.
Nero is a very 'Gilgamesh'-esque character, but unlike with Gil where they built more and more on his personality while keeping his arrogance, they stripped away the rougher parts of Nero's nature to make her more accessible and demure.
It's sort of like how people dumped all over Tamamo in Extella for being 'too mean' despite her both explaining why at the end of her route, and it also being a homage to the time she spent as the vile, murderous courtesan Da Ji and was actually a really good piece of characterization that got ignored because for once she wasn't demure, cutesy waifubait and they assumed that 'Casko ☆' was her real personality when in other materials it's pretty clear that she still has a pretty rotten personality but puts it to the side because she cares about Hakuno and wants to be the type of person that matches his 'beautiful soul' but that's a post for another time.
Ahem. Anyways.
I mean- Septem LITERALLY ignores the main idea that made 'Nero' herself- that while she loved the people, it was in a way so incomprehensible that nobody could truly love her back. So in Septem when literally every soldier and citizen is fawning over her, and loves her so much that they WARP INTO SOLOMON'S SINGULARITY BECAUSE THEY LOVE HER SO MUCH- it literally misses the biggest aspect of her character and why her relationship with Hakuno is so important.
Anyways that was just a sneak peek of the absolute rage I feel about GO!Nero.
...I didn't condense this at all, did I? No, I did- any talk about Nero would have ended up like... three times longer than this.
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seishonagone · 3 years
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seishonagone · 3 years
Character Opinion: Tamamo No Mae (Fate/Extra)
I just realized I haven’t written some good old Type-Moon meta in a while, but I think I’ve found a topic I really wanted to write about.
Hi I’m Shuttershocky, and I’m here to convince you that Fate/Extra’s Tamamo No Mae was the best thing to happen to the Nasuverse since Shiki Ryougi killed a building.
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I’ll admit, Tamamo wasn’t exactly my first choice of servant when I started Extra. All I knew of her was that she was a fan-favorite, fanservicey character well liked for her cheerful personality and ample bosom. A ready-made waifu complete with a ditzy personality and an obsession with getting a husband (but whether that husband is male or not is no concern of hers) was not something that sounded very appealing, since I usually dislike Manic Pixie Dream Girl characters in my media, and certainly don’t like ones dressed as furries. But then she was also the hardest servant to use, thus, liking challenge, I thought I’d have to tolerate what would be an annoying servant.
And then I was proven wrong. Dead wrong. Tamamo was a lovesick ditz, a weak fighter, obsessed with becoming a wife and being seen as helpful and adorable true, but she was also a character with a good amount of depth whose nuances were done so subtly (a lot of it hidden through her own actions) that she often walked a fine line between flat fanservice and having an actual character, deftly balancing herself on the right side. 
See the thing is, Tamamo wants to be seen as a mere waifu. She’s acts sickly sweet and adorable, constantly flirting with and complimenting Hakuno like so 
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She even constantly agrees with and validates anything Hakuno says or does, to the point where she’s less of a servant and more of yes-man, to the point where  Hakuno occasionally gets annoyed with her. She sometimes oversteps her bounds and becomes overbearing, and her need to always agree and validate her master tends to oppose constructive criticism that helps Hakuno grow as a person and a master (which the game is, thankfully, aware of. Hakuno’s inner narration often shows Hakuno is aware of Tamamo being a kiss-ass.)
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So how does Tamamo differ from all the bland waifus this trope is filled to the brim with? Well, she has a tendency to slip.
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For someone who’s supposedly a lovable airhead, she sure doesn’t like the insinuation that she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. It soon becomes clear that Tamamo is very touchy with criticism coming from Hakuno, quickly getting angry if her flightiness and poor fighting skills are pointed out. She would much rather receive compliments on how cute and helpful she is, occasionally even directly asking Hakuno to compliment her after battles. She also clams up as soon as the subject of conversation draws close to her real identity, claiming that its so other masters cannot read Hakuno’s mind, before later admitting its because she’s worried that Hakuno would no longer like her if they were aware of her true name.
As the player proceeds through the game, we get the picture of a character who, for some reason, has become obsessed with making her master’s image of her perfect, to the point where she can be caught contradicting herself. She wants to be seen as a cute ditz in one moment, but a crafty fox with a sophisticated vocabulary that will have you reaching for a thesaurus in the next.  Her master is perfect and makes no mistakes, but don’t worry about that mistake that almost got us killed master, Caster always loves you. She’s a slender, small, weak girl who needs a big and strong master to support her, but don’t worry about the enemy master, because Tamamo is invincible, the strongest on earth! 
At some points, she completely forgets she’s supposed to be putting on an act for Hakuno and instead makes it very clear that she is indeed only acting.
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So why? Why is she so taken with the idea of being seen as the perfect wife? 
Her answer is that she just wants someone to love and devote herself to. A weak otaku-bait answer that almost wrecks the amount of work put into her character…
…at first glance.
When the pair have their backs against the wall, Caster reveals her true name. She is Tamamo-No-Mae, the original fox spirit of Japan and once a beloved courtesan and adviser to the Emperor. Her true nature as a fox spirit revealed by a fortune-teller, she was chased by the Emperor’s army and slaughtered screaming on a grassy plain far from home.
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Suddenly the player (through Hakuno) is invited to view her in a different light. Tamamo had no idea why she was chased away and killed mercilessly. Perhaps she blamed herself. Perhaps her overly eager efforts are her trying to make up for what she did wrong, for whatever she did wrong. Even if its obvious to everyone that she in fact, did no wrong. 
Still, this would not explain her nearly inhuman form of ass-kissing. There is after all, a difference between sucking up hard and straight up risking your life to do so. It often comes off as awkward, yet another Nasu-ism fans have long since learned to mentally filter, and then we find out Tamamo-No-Mae is not a heroic spirit, but a god. Specifically, an aspect of Amaterasu who became curious at the sight of people worshiping her, proclaiming they loved her. Attempting to learn more about what this “love” is, she descended to earth as Tamamo-No-Mae, and died at the hands of those who claimed to love her.
With that last piece, the picture becomes all too tragic. It wasn’t ass-kissing, it was worship. It’s all she knows, and thus its what she thinks she must do in order to show and receive affection. Her mania over her master’s image of her? She was put to death the last time simply because her true self with her ears and tail did not match the emperor’s image of her. The little slips she makes in her act and her sensitivity to criticism? She is a god, who is far older, wiser, and more powerful than any mortal soul. And yet, she gave herself a weakened body in an attempt to understand the love that was beyond the reach of divine beings, for it was the invention of mortal, fragile lives.
Just imagine; she’s been trying to navigate all that on her own, without access to most of her incredible powers and wisdom, while simultaneously trying to keep her hopeless master alive in a brutal war. And because she’s so afraid of the reputation she carries with her true name, she shuts out the only person who can help her, the person she claims she love more than anything else in the world, Hakuno. 
And the  Pièce De Résistance? Throughout all this, behind all the deception and comedy she brings to every scene, the game still builds a real, true relationship between her and Hakuno. Sometimes her words of encouragement end up lacking the tinge of a suck-up, instead being imbued with an air of honesty. Despite the lies she puts out and the airs she puts on, her heart was always in the right place and she truly cares.
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At the finale, when both Tamamo and Hakuno face the empty void, they face it hand in hand, having both reconciled Tamamo’s insecurities of her past existence and Hakuno’s lack of a current one, with Tamamo promising to stay right by Hakuno’s side until the very end.
It would be an understatement to say I found her characterization extremely impressive, especially since it involved walking such a tight line between real depth and waifu trash that a slight mistake (a common sight in Nasu’s works) could push her over the edge and ruin her character, but I think Tamamo was pulled off marvelously. Her motivations are clear, her behavior and methods all understandable and in-character, and, most of all, her characterization was brave.
What do I mean by that? Well Nasu is no stranger to writing strong female characters, but a lot of them are not traditionally feminine (is this the right word? Someone correct me if it isn’t) in their outward traits or behavior, such as the rude, crude Shiki Ryougi or the stone cold Saber. Tamamo on the other hand, is very outwardly feminine. She likes cooking and cute things and hot guys (and sometimes hot girls), she’s not a particularly capable fighter when every strong female character™ in fiction is apparently a black belt in 10 different combat arts, she really, really, really wants to be married off and be a housewife and thinks being a hero with demigod powers is a drag.
And she makes it work.
Tamamo also ticks off every box in the checklist for making a terribly flat manic pixie dream girl heroine. She’s unfocused but cute, revolves around the protagonist, is unbelievably kind and sweet but also reliant on the protagonist to get through the day. She’s also quite fond of sex, sometimes laying on the double entrende for Hakuno, sometimes telling them to straight up ravish her this instant (though they never agree to keep the ratings 15+, and, to my pleasant surprise, never show Tamamo in any compromising/sexy poses or anything. )
And she makes it work.
Tamamo defies the conventions of strong female characters (to be fair, anime in general does this way, WAY better than mainstream Hollywood), and that’s fucking great. Women can and should be allowed to be like that, to be whatever they feel like, and deserve to be seen as every bit as badass and valid as the sexless killbots and hypercompetent adventurers that dominate the discussion. And she does all this while being a side-splittingly funny character and a genuinely experienced, confident, quick-witted servant, whose tactical know-how and ability to get under her opponents’ skin proved a great help in winning the war. 
So when I see that the majority of the fanbase know her for her sexy outfits, squeaky voice, and comedic scenes, I can’t help but feel a little annoyed at the thought that they might be missing out on who I think is one of Nasu’s best written characters.
The ironic thing of course being that Tamamo herself would prefer it that way.
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seishonagone · 3 years
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seishonagone · 3 years
Thank you Coco!
Thank you for everything, Kaichou. Good luck with wherever the future takes you!
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seishonagone · 3 years
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In the end, it’s stronger than I know how to be
Hololive 4th Generation ホロライブ4期生 Kiryu Coco 桐生ココ
Yaman ヤマン (art)
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seishonagone · 3 years
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★ 【MAZEL】 「 天龍 」 ☆ ⊳ kiryu / amane (hololive) ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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seishonagone · 3 years
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seishonagone · 3 years
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★ 【tsuiru】 「 キセキ結び 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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seishonagone · 3 years
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Thanks for everything Kaichou. 
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seishonagone · 3 years
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ココ会長いつもみんなに喜びをもたらしてくれてありがとう!! | 𝗡𝗥ノワール
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seishonagone · 3 years
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Arigathanks for everything, Coco-kaichou :’^)
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seishonagone · 3 years
Parting Gift   置きみやげ
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seishonagone · 3 years
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