seiyarei · 3 years
There’s a user by the name of @thatspottedowl / @thatspottedowlwrites on Tumblr, goes by thespottedowl on Archive of our Own, that stole my entire fic and tried reposting it. It was taken down by the Ao3 abuse team. There may be more stolen works or this user may attempt to steal something again. From a quick glance at their works I can see a couple inconsistencies in formatting (using double hyphens in one fic, then singles in another, different spacing/paragraph formation, etc.) Since I was tipped off anonymously, I figured I’d pass it along.
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seiyarei · 3 years
Person A: You have a sweet lookin' ass.
Person B: What was that?
Person A: You have very nice eyes.
Person B: I liked the first one better.
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seiyarei · 3 years
Imagine your OTP
Person A: Hey, B, can you do the thing?
Person B: What thing?
Person A: The thing that never fails to make me happy.
Person B: Oh.
Person B: [Smiles]
Person A: Thank you.
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seiyarei · 3 years
Person A: Are you ok? You're tearing up a lot.
Person B, crying out of A's pureness: Oh, I'm just allergic to angels.
Person A: How are you alive if you're allergic to yourself?
Person B: *wheezes*
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seiyarei · 3 years
Early morning - Corpse x male!reader
Just a little fluffy moment. 315 words Corpse Husband x male!reader ---- Y/N woke up with first sunbeams, cuddled in his arms. It surprised him for a second, he still wasn't used to it, but he immediately calmed down again and buried himself back into blankets. Corpse was warm, radiating not only heat, but also feeling of safety. He carefully wrapped his arms around his neck, tangled their legs and pressed his face into Corpse's neck. Y/N waited a little bit, making sure he didn't wake up his partner, and then proceeded to inhale his scent. He didn't do it very often, because Corpse always point it out and embarrassed him a little, but when he have chance he cannot stop himself. Corpse was like a drug. Whenever he was sleeping or focussing on something else, he sneaked inconspicuously near him just to smell him. Corpse's smelled like a freshly toasted bread, hint of mint and something what he couldn't describe with words. Just purely Corpse, his specific scent. He loved it, it makes him feel home, little dizzy, but safe and loved. Y/N caught himself making low noise coming out from his throat, almost like he was purring. He looked up to make sure Corpse is still sleeping, only to meet his deep hazel eyes and loving smile. "Don't stop, it's pleasant." Corpse's morning voice was even lower than usually, but wasn't as raspy as always, because his vocal cords was rested. Y/N still shivered, how much feelings it evoked in him. Corpse carefully picked up his arm and slowly began to stroke Y/N's hair, playing with ends of them. When Y/N didn't do anything for a minute, too lost in his thoughts, he gently push side of his head to press Y/N's nose to his neck again. Smaller man let out quiet chuckle and leaned more toward him. "Good morning." He whispered and started to breathe his scent again shamelessly. He cannot be happier. //English is my second languange, sorry for mistakes. Hope you like it.
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seiyarei · 3 years
Corpse: *carrying all the groceries*
Sykkuno: *reaches out to help*
Corpse: *adjusts to hold Sykkuno's hand*
Sykkuno: That's not what I- okay.
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seiyarei · 3 years
Toast: Sykkuno, do you know what an orgasm is?
Corpse: *spits out water* What the fuck-
Sykkuno, completely serious: When you fold paper to look like birds and stuff.
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seiyarei · 4 years
Person A & B: *Playing Among Us*
Person A: *In chat* Vote for B’s Color.
Person B: What?? Why me??
Person A: You’re pretty sus for stealing my heart.
Person B: *B Was Not the Impostor* I hate you.
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seiyarei · 4 years
Today (October 10th) is World Mental Health Day so here are some things that a character can say to another character who is struggling with mental illness:
“you can talk to me about anything”
“I don’t understand but I believe you”
“I’ll stay with you as long as you need me to”
“take a deep breath”
“do you want me to give you advice or do you just want me to listen?”
“you don’t have to go through this alone”
“I’ll check on you again tomorrow”
“you’re not broken”
“let’s take a five minute break”
“I love you no matter what your brain tells you”
“I’m always here if you need anything”
“please don’t talk that way about yourself”
“let me know if you ever need a ride to therapy”
“don’t forget to take your medication”
“it’s okay to ask for help”
“I’ll go with you for moral support”
“I don’t know how to help you but I can help you find someone who does”
“do you want to talk about it or would you like a distraction?”
“you’re safe”
“there is always hope”
(NOTE: Please be respectful and considerate when including mental illnesses in your writing. If you or anyone you know is struggling with mental illness, don’t be afraid to ask for help.)
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seiyarei · 4 years
Pansy: why is Potter so good at everything?
Goyle: maybe he’s a bad kisser?
Draco: no, he’s good at that too
Pansy: ...
Goyle: wait a minute-
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seiyarei · 8 years
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hug  :)
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seiyarei · 8 years
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Furries reblog this!
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seiyarei · 9 years
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seiyarei · 9 years
I promise I’ll find better things to do on a Saturday morning. by TheRunnerSam
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seiyarei · 9 years
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Well, it did happen
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seiyarei · 9 years
Gay Community: Bisexuals will never understand what it truly means to be oppressed!
Bisexuals: *are rejected from the straight community*
Bisexuals: *are rejected by the Lesbian and Gay community*
Bisexuals: *have their sexuality undermined every time they talk about it*
Bisexuals: *are told that their own definitions of their sexuality are wrong*
Bisexuals: *are accused of being cheaters or disloyal*
Bisexuals: *are accused of being inherently transphobic*
Bisexuals: *are told they aren't welcome at Pride if they are in "het" relationships*
Bisexuals: *are asked when they turned gay if they are in "gay" relationships*
Bisexuals: *literally have the same slurs thrown at them and experience the same hatred from straight people as gay people do*
Gay Community: Yep. All of that bisexual privilege.
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seiyarei · 9 years
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Deadpool’s official movie twitter follows only one other account
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