selena000fang · 3 years
Photo Manipulation
  According to the Code of Ethics: Photographic and video images can reveal great truths, expose wrongdoing and neglect, inspire hope and understanding and connect people around the globe through the language of visual understanding (NPPA). The distinction and use of artistic and journalistic photography are very important. The main difference between art and press photography is to define the boundary between the two fields of photography. Art photos and press photos are both photos taken by artists at certain moments. But in terms of purpose, content, meaning, and requirement, art photography is completely different from press photography.
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                              Art Photograph - Sarah Ann Loreth 
  First, press photography is mostly captured for publication on news, magazine, television, and media channels (Staff, 2016). It includes daily events, life issues, and society. On the other hand, art photography has the pure purpose of capturing moments. It is a souvenir and documentary about people, animals, or nature.
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                        Press Photograph - Eastern Daily Press
  Second, press photography is highly documentary. Newspapers are updated with new information every day, timely and accurate. Photographers are photographers. The photos they take are not for personal needs but for providing documents. "A photo is more than a thousand words" - just by looking at the photo that the journalist took, we can understand the whole story behind it without having to read any more lines in the article. Press photography is static, but what we see in the photos is accuracy and honesty. Articles can add or remove details to suit the tendency of readers. When looking at the images, there is only one thought, a single content, which can not be understood otherwise. Therefore, a press photo must not be interfered with by software or adding or removing. They only record moments that are sometimes only seen by the photographer. Art photography is different from Press photography. The art photography is the arrangement, the artistic image. If the power of journalism is news, then the power of artistic photography is emotion. There is no limit to the composition of art photography. It only limits on the artist's abilities. "Art photography focuses on specific concepts that mean something special to their creators" (Dara & Taya, 2021). Reality is just an excuse for artists to simulate, exaggerate and add fiction with magic tools - photoshop. Collages can use the photo editing tools to compose in all forms from the most classical to the most modern as long as the author's ideological intentions are fully expressed.
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                                 Art Photograph - Carolyn Hampton
  As analyzed above, the press photos do not allow detailed editing by software such as adding scenes, deleting scenes. Press photography can only use simple techniques such as brightening, or adding a little color for a clearer picture, but must have clear captions, but do not use software to add or edit. "Editing should maintain the integrity of the photographic images' content and context. Do not manipulate images or add or alter the sound in any way that can mislead viewers or misrepresent subjects" (NPPA, 2021). Because, if you cut or add a small detail in the image, the content and meaning of the photo may be misunderstood. Quite the contrary, artistic photography is allowed to choreograph. This means that the author can use props and software to make it look like the event that happened or the idea and then capture it. It is not the photographer who was present at the event or the photo completely depicts the scene at the time of the shoot. That is why collages contain less information and do not need to be as authentic as photojournalism. Photographers spoil for creativity according to their ideas. Besides, there is no law that art and press photography may or may not modify, add or remove details. But editing magazine photography with the help of other software to edit or crop and add in images is a matter of morality. Editing may cause the public to misunderstand the content. Example: Gould (2005) also emphasizes the need to follow standard journalistic ethics in the age of digital manipulation, because media “Causes distrust among consumers and must come to an end immediately” (Icevska, 2021)
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 Press Photograph -  Paul Hansen
     In short, press photography and art photography differ in the purpose of serving the viewer. Artistic photography is a photographer's creativity, brand, and artistic style. Press photography is a true reflection of life through the "evidence" of reporters. Art and press photography need to have a clear distinction. Although there are times when the boundary between photojournalism and artwork is quite fragile, they are still in two distinct areas. Press photography celebrates truth, is rich in information. Artistic photography celebrates creativity, emotions, and imagination.
                                          My Pictures
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                                          Original Photograph 
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                                              Edited Photograph
     I added a white border and tweaked the lighting to the photo. Then I added a shadow effect. I adjusted the light for the original photography to become brighter to give the feeling of more sunlight shining on the wings. The shadow effect also adds a sense of mystery to the picture or further emphasizes the photo's meaning - freedom and move forward. I edit the photo to make it more impressive to the viewer. Besides, when changing the lighting and adding shadows, the photo content is also bold. When looking at the second photo, the content will not change or be misunderstood compared to the first photo. Both pictures cannot post in the media because they unpublished and edited photos. They are just for the sake of art and my creative ideas. These photos are not the fickle documentary nature of social life at all.
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                                          Original Photograph
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                                                   Edited Photograph 
     In this photo, I just adjusted the brightness of the bowl of Ramen noodles. I make the ingredients in the noodle bowl, such as meat, eggs, green onions, to have a brighter color. When I edit the lighting, the food looks eye-catching and more delicious. The edited photo did not make viewers misunderstand the meaning compared to looking at the unmodified photograph. Both pictures can use for food articles or food information sites. They have real food implications - Japanese Ramen.
 Staff. February 24, 2016. A Brief History of Photojournalism. Retrieved from  https://www.photography-schools.com/photojournalismhistory.htm
 Gordana S. Icevska. 2021. HOW PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE MEDIA BETRAY US. Retrieved from  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yxRcnaDQuvHXMyk15IYqIBNjYwbpHM-J/view
NPPA. 2021. Code of Ethics. Retrieved from https://nppa.org/code-ethics .
 Taya & Dara. 2021. 22 Best Fine Art Photographers You Should Know. Retrieved from https://expertphotography.com/best-fine-art-photographers/  
Image: Art Photograph - Sarah Ann Loreth. Retrieved from
Image:  Press Photograph - Eastern Daily Press. Retrieved from https://www.blanc-creative.com/what-is-press-photography/
Image: Art Photograph - Carolyn Hampton. Retrieved from
Image:  Press Photograph -  Paul Hansen. Retrieved from: https://www.google.com/search?q=press+photo&rlz=1C1GCEA_enCA800CA800&sxsrf=ALeKk00M1kga6gwIoYKYRKRzeYOOrFqOXg:1615340165844&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZ25qGy6TvAhUETKwKHaidCGMQ_AUoAXoECA0QAw&biw=1242&bih=545#imgrc=tzoXFenWjtTGLM.
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