selene-ness · 3 years
Elliot was always pleased to see his mistress, to see a smile on her face when he did something right, or when he said the right things.  He’s really grown in the time since being in the Ness’s house.  It was a different kind of fancy living with them than it was with Gio.  He just felt better.  Healthier.  He didn’t realize how much confidence could come from just looks.  Elliot never thought he was bad looking, but he was just so shy.  This is why he liked Selene so much, too - she could make him feel any other emotion that he wanted!  And he was so sick of being sad, and grieving.  Sometimes he even bothered her before he went to sleep, to song him into being happy and tired.  He shrugged at her question.  “I did okay.  Met someone I used to know in Vegas.  Got cake for my birthday!”  His nose crinkled, then.  “I didn’t like the costumes.”  
Elliot leaned into the touch after he sat down, smiling.  He thought he had more to say, but with her lips on his skin, anything else disappeared from his now one-track mind.  His jaw went lightly slack and he turned himself more to her, the woman holding his full attention now.  “I get to feed?” he said, a bright smile on his face as he leaned down and started to kiss her, sweetly at first, steadily growing in intensity as his hand cupped her face.  He never realized how easy it was to let it all go and just sink into someone else - no thanks to a siren song.
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“Is that so?” Selene said with a small raise of her brow. Selene hadn’t thought too much about her claim in the last week, and really, why should she? There were so many other toys to play with, and really she’d given the boy far more than was generous—he probably had a good time anyways. Or at least, these were the things that Selene thought in the moment with a small shrug. “Your birthday? Oh darling, how could we have missed that, my dear you should have told me.” Selene clicked her tongue, as if it was entirely Elliot’s fault and she hadn’t just forgotten. “No matter, we can do something extra special this afternoon, hmm? How does that sound? Some afternoon delight first for us, fill you up here before we go get a bite to eat somewhere?” Selene knew enough by now that food was something the young incubus enjoyed.
“Of course you do, dear boy. I don’t feel like teasing much today.” Selene hummed as her fingers carded affectionately through his hair. She really only liked to withhold feeding from him when she wanted to tease, or make him desperate. She thought fondly of the time she’d forbidden him from eating for a period before his unbound day, just curious to see how desperate he would be for her—the results had been incredibly enjoyable if she did say so herself. Selene kissed the incubus back, her tongue swiping across his bottom lip as her fingers tangled in his hair. She shifted, moving quickly to straddle his lap, pressing her body against his bare chest while she kissed him.
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selene-ness · 3 years
The woman was a sight for sore eyes, and Dmitri never hid his opinion on her. Praise was given where it was earned after all and she earned every bit of it, even if it would probably piss off his brother. “Thank you, darling, I know, and I have missed you as well. Glad to know now where you two have been staying. This is an amazing place and honestly I wish I had known about this way sooner.” He chuckled as she slipped her arm through his, walking out of the classroom and through the hallway like they owned the place. 
“I’ll gladly join you for lunch. Oh yes he did, and I accepted, though I have a suite but it’s a little cramped for my liking. It’s so.. basic, you know?” Their families didn’t do basic, just not their style so he knew she’d understand. “Oh also, I’m gonna need your expertise of course, when I have my own place. You know I’m not that great when it comes to decorating a home, but you are great at it, so if you don’t mind, I could use your help then.” He said before listening to her speak of her experiences here. “You’re brilliant, you should be the Professor instead of the student, though I’ll gladly help you with any.. homework.” Dmitri smirked, unable to help himself adding a double meaning. “True, but since I don’t want kids, I can be a kickers Uncle.” Though he probably end up corrupting any children of his brothers. “You keep Paris in line? Bravo to you. I can’t deny us Ness men sometimes do need that. Maybe one day I’ll find someone as we’ll who won’t bore me to death.” Which was his issue in relationships and one of the many reasons why they never lasted, he got bored easily. “You’re a tough lady.” He mused, again he thought his brother was a damn lucky bastard to have been paired up with the woman that was right now on his arm as  they walked alongside her to the Ness couple property for the lunch that had been offered. “So what shall be for lunch then?” He asked as they approached the property. 
“Of course you have,” Selene said giving his arm a squeeze. “My presence is delightful and you clearly need more of it.” Humble, she was not. “Oh wonderful. It was dreadful having to stay there the first two weeks, and the idiots in administration gave us two separate suites!” She complained loudly. “Though, it was probably for the best. Have you seen some of the yummy slaves around here? So of course now we have our own wings, and a beautiful guest house, which of course is where you will be staying—do be sure to tell the help your meal requests and anything else you may need. I’ve seen to it that you’ll have a lovely young maid, Annette is her name, that is set to personally attend to your every need.” The siren smiled wickedly at her brother-in-law. “And of course, my dear Dmitri. We will have to set up a meeting to go over colours, themes, aesthetics and what not. We will make sure your place is fit for a king.” Selene always loved a good project and having her fingers dipped in a bit of everyone’s business.
Selene swatted Dmitri’s arm playfully with a small shake of her head. “You will find someone darling, love is truly a spectacular thing. Don’t deprive yourself of it, darling.” She hummed and nodded sagely. “But of course always make sure you keep your options open for some fun on the side.” Her eyes sparkled. “I thought perhaps I would bring you back to the estate, we have the most excellent private chefs and I thought perhaps you would enjoy a tour, I’ve got the most gorgeous chandelier in my bedroom that I am positive you’ll just love.” She said with a playful smile, knowing very well neither of them cared much about a chandelier.
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selene-ness · 3 years
kinda wanna tie a boy up just so I can look him.
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selene-ness · 3 years
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selene-ness · 3 years
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selene-ness · 3 years
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“Dance with me.”
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selene-ness · 3 years
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selene-ness · 3 years
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selene-ness · 3 years
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selene-ness · 3 years
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selene-ness · 3 years
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Emma Rigby >> The Sleeping Beauty
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selene-ness · 3 years
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I don’t know if I’m turned on at the idea of a threesome with the Nesses, or scared.
@selene-ness  @dark-sirenparis
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selene-ness · 3 years
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selene-ness · 3 years
Describe what qualities you look for in a person
“In what capacity?  I need to look no further than Selene for any of my personal desires, but malleability is a nice trait to have in other ventures.”
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selene-ness · 3 years
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modern goddess : Aphrodite i/æfrəˈdaɪti/:Ἀφροδίτη goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation.
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selene-ness · 3 years
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selene-ness · 3 years
description of your crush?
“My crush?  How juvenile, I’ve been married for over five hundred years... but if I play the game, in one word - ethereal.”
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