selenophiliaa · 2 months
bro, does this party have perfectly ripe summer heirloom tomatoes or do we need to pregame?
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
In the club
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
bored out of my mind so i'll be outside hitting concrete with my longsword for a while
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
money beyond ypur wildist dreams
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
at the start of every month everyone reblogs some insane poetry that’s like “august has arrived and again I swallow my bones in the burning sun” and every time I’m like damn that makes no sense. but kind of true.
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
Something that I have noticed is I know almost nobody my age that goes to a food pantry. I know people who regularly run out of money for food and in general have to eat an unsuitable diet because that’s what they can afford and they still don’t go to a food bank, im not sure if it’s because they’re embarrassed or maybe if you didn’t grow up going you don’t know much about it but if you’re financially struggling I really recommend it. And look into other options for food assistance too like community fridges and gardens and other programs that can assist you, where I live Salvation Army pays for an allotted amount of grocery delivery for low income people every month, in the summer farmers take excess produce to the library to be taken by anyone who needs it, etc. There are a LOT of resources for free food that you can look into especially if you are literally not eating because of your financial situation
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
studio ghibli movies are like if someone took all of your fondest, softest childhood dreams and put them into a film
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
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*sitting most fabulously*
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
man with excellent self restraint dismayed to realize that not wanting anything is more likely a depression symptom than a carefully honed skill that atones for other aspects of his character
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
ok i slept and ate food and now i will walk around
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
controversial opinion but unfortunately you are your actions and what you say. if you are mean to people, it doesn’t matter if you sometimes have secret kind thoughts. fortunately you are your actions and what you say. if you are kind in your actions and your words, it doesn’t matter if you sometimes have mean thoughts. the power is in working against inner negative thoughts and being a better person despite it. you have the ability to cultivate the person you want to be.
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
lemon is so so so fucking good in sweet food and savory food and spicy food and salty food and drinks. she has it all
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
can u give me a moment i'm being tormented by my chemically imbalanced brain
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
I don't want a Career I want to Fuck Around
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selenophiliaa · 2 months
brb going outside to wistfully observe the reflections of the shop lights in the wet streets
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