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batsbrat replied to your photo “Can I kick him out of the chat room”
us kick him into the sun
batsbrat replied to your photo “Can I kick him out of the chat room”
Zen will just say that he’ll still be the hottest one there ;D
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Meguro route part TWO LET'S GO catch an ayakashiii
That night they go to the hospital and successfully lure the nasty ayakasha to them. It tries to escape by opening a path to... idk, ayakashi-land I guess (I THINK? later Meguro says Tengenjibashi opened it so not actually sure), but Tengenjibashi seals the ayakashi. I think he also actually explains to Meguro how that works!? But I didn't catch all the details. The opening is still there, so Tengenjibashi tells Meguro he can go in and look for his sister, and he and Basara will stay behind to keep things safe so he can make it back.
Of course then nasty things show up or whatever and there must be an epic fight
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So Meguro... is kind of wandering around I guess, and he's psyching himself up to go look in someplace (?) when someone calls out warning him not to go.
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It's Asahi. She says she's happy he recognized her, because she looks like an old lady now and worried what she would do if he didn't. :C She sensed a something nostalgic and and she's glad she came to see what it was.
Meguro says she aged and she's all "You don't say that to girls, Nii-san" XD
Apparently she's been there for 30 years (it's been 5 for Meguro)
He tries to apologize for her ending up there, and she tells him that even though she was really upset at first  wanted to go home, she saw how desperately he tried to save her and never blamed him at all. "You even came and I got to see you today. You've been looking for me this whole time right? Thank you, Nii-san"
Meguro asks if she'll go home with him, and she's like "uhhhhhhh.... well. I have a husband and kid. And my husband is an ayakashi who lives here. He's not human"
So between this and her being all "hey, it's cool, I'm happy and have a life here, and now you can live for yourself too" I think it's kinda mini-identity crisis time for Meguro 'cause LIKE he's spent the last five years basically looking for her, killing ayakashi, drinking, and working (a job to look for her and kill ayakashi) (and really even before that, they lived together and he was working to put her through school so...) and the whole thing made him hate ayakashi meanwhile... she married one and had a kid. But he IS like "well it's been like 30 years for her, moving on is totally fair" and is really glad that she's happy 'cause that's the most important thing~
Eventually it gets kinda earthquake-y, and Asahi says something's probably happening in the real world and he should be getting back. They say their goodbyes and Meguro leaves.
Tengenjibashi is wrapping up the oni fight, and Meguro gets back shortly after that.
Tengenjibashi brings the ayakashi back to let Meguro kill it, since he knows that was originally part of his goal so he considers it part of the job, and Meguro DOES beat the shit out of it, but he goes to shoot it and is all ".........uhg, you can just seal it or whatever idc" (he claims it's 'cause he totally ran out of bullets but Tengenjibashi is like "yeah, sure it is")
They're all exhausted leaving the hospital, and Meguro's like "lol it's tough for us people in out 30s now" and Tengenjibashi says that HE'S NOT QUITE THIRTY YET DON'T LUMP ME IN WITH YOU. (Haha, he does this in the crossover drama cds, too, he's like I'M ONLY 29 SHUT UP)
Meguro offers to make breakfast but Tengenjibashi says he needs to go somewhere. I guess he's.... going to the daughter of the corpse they used as bait, 'cause his ghost asked him to apologize to her....? (I didn't completely follow this >.<;;)
Later, a mysterious person arrives in Shinjuku and heads towards Tengenjibashi's~~ who could it possibly beeeee
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Meguro route part one!!
Tengenjibashi wonders why Meguro wants to hire him anyway, since he seems like the works alone and doesn't trust people with important things type. Which at first he's kind of "oh I just felt like it" but basically I think it's like that, he thinks Tengenjibashi will take it seriously not get distracted (he's pretty committed once he take a job) and also he likes that he's proud and won't try to flatter him, and of course he's strong; Meguro couldn't fight the kasha on his own.
Tengenjibashi is says he'll accept that for now but he has a condition that Meguro stops hunting ayakashi (which he looks all surprised about but TO BE FAIR they practically already agreed to this anyway so?)
Anyway, he agrees and Tengenjibashi tells him to come back tomorrow 'cause already has another job scheduled for today.
Basara seems kind of worried about him working with Meguro. OH AND also apparently worried he likes him because Basara says Meguro is Tengenjibashi's type, haha. Of course Tengenjibashi is like "no no not at all"
So it sounds like a boy's mom called in this request 'cause he's been acting strange. They get to the house but no one answers, and eventually they go in anyway, and find the house a mess and presumably-their-client dead, and decide to look for the son in case he's still alive.
... they find blood and a giant creepy spider ayakashi. Great.
Tengenjibashi is like "Fuck, if we had just been a little earlier, would we have been able to stop this?" and then he thinks about Meguro, and I think is like "oh, is THAT the actual reason he goes around killing ayakashi" 'cause basically kill them first before they can do anything (like eat your sister)
but anyway he's distracting himself, and we have to guess which kind of ayakashi it is because you use different spells on them. I'm pretty sure there was a hint earlier but I wasn't paying enough attention this time! XD; As usual, guess wrong and Tengenjibashi is lunch for ayakashi.
Lots of flashy jutsu and Tengenjibashi seals the... whatever it was. Is upset 'cause dead mom and kid he couldn't save :C
Later, Meguro wakes up from a nightmare about his sister. He's just going to have some water and go back to sleep when he realizes that something is off... and oh hey there are like three ayashaki getting ready to attack him.
Aww yeah half naked Meguro waving guns around. Does he seriously sleep in the same shirt he's always wear what a fucking slob (I mean T-shirts yeah but a button down?)
Apparently he only has four bullets, oh dear.
Ahaha, he's remembering Tengenjibashi telling him to leave the ayakashi alone, it's like he can practically feel him judging him, Meguro's all "shut up Tengenjibashi, look they obviously came after me first"
He keeps trying to convince himself that "You know, I don't have to actually TELL HIM." He feels totally guilty haha.
AND THEN IT'S JUST LIKE "Meguro's finger was on the trigger----" aaand.... cuts off.... to Tengenjibashi the next day.
Who's having deep thoughts while finishing painting.
Meguro shows up and Tengenjibashi is immediately like "SO I'm sure you've managed to not do anything awful to any ayakashi between yesterday and today"
Meguro "... .....of course not >.>;;;;;;;;;"
He mentions that Basara told him about the job the other day, and Tengenjibashi is kinda pissed at him for talking to much, I think he assumes Meguro is gonna be an ass about it, but he's really just like, "that sucks, it's always tough when you can't save them."
But then he's all "So did you properly exterminate it then" and is pissssed when Tengenjibashi says he just sealed it, because it WAS EATING PEOPLE OMG. Tengenjibashi tells him that it upsets him too, but basically if he just killed it, it would still leave malice behind that would eventually get strong enough to hurt people again anyway.
and they have a bit of a discussion about it which seems to actually end on kind of an "ok I get your point" note?
then Tengenjibashi notices that Meguro seems to be in pain and when he looks closer he's kinda all beat up. When he asks what happens Meguro seriously tries to JUST SAY HE "FELL" omg please.
"You don't get injuries like that without being attacked by someone, just tell me already"
"Yeah, yeah, OJOUSAMA"
.... Tengenjibashi like, doesn't even bat an eye at being called ojousama omg.
anyway, I don't really follow his whole explanation but I think, they were really weak but he didn't want to kill them 'cause of Tengenjibashi but he was afraid of fighting them seriously 'cause he wouldn't be able to stop himself from killing them.... so he kinda just let himself get beaten up? And he's just like "lol I have ayakashi blood so I'll heal right away anyway, handy right?" and Tengenjibashi is like "UM NO WTF what if a broken bone heals wrong or something, also you're technically my client right now so I'm not just gonna let you wander around all beat up? Of course I don't really have any healing ability... I could call Kamioosaki..."
Meguro: omg anything but that ~_~;
Basara keeps calling Meguro Moguri-san (from earlier when they were talking about him, it's basically like "unlicensed"  or "unqualified" but I'd guess that they kind of mean more like that he's unaffiliated with a family or anything, since like, Kamioosaki and Tengenjibashi come from traditional onmyouji families and they're all old fashioned and gossipy about it) and Meguro's all I HAVE A NAME YOU KNOW, it's "Meguro Masato" which Tengenjibashi thinks is HILARIOUS because it's such a normal name, and is giving him shit, saying it like "Ma~sa~to~"
Also Basara is like yea ok MEGURO-SAMA BUT you keep calling me "talking paper" but my name is BA-SA-RA all right? And he's going to go get them more tea, but Meguro says he wants coffee, and Tengenjibashi is all omg this isn't a coffee shop you know?"
and Meguro says it's a shitty coffee shop that won't even let him smoke. (sorry Meguro but it's gross)
anyway so getting down to business, Meguro has a plan for how to get the nasty ayakashi, which involves luring it out with a corpse, and he's afraid that will make Tengenjibashi mad
"More importantly, where are you going to find a corpse?"
"well~ here and there, right?"
eventually Tengenjibashi says HE can take care of it, and calls up his brother to uh... ask for a corpse I guess.  Meguro's like "wtf is that the kind of conversation you usually have with your siblings?" and Tengenjibashi says that unlike him, he doesn't really get along with his brother.  
They have some kind of lengthy discussion about where the corpse is coming from, and then their families. We pretty know about Tengenjibashi's already..... Meguro's dad was half ayakashi, something him and their mom disappearing (idk ???) when they were pretty young, I guess, and they were taken in by their grandparents on their mom's side. I think they stayed there 'till he was 23 and his sister was 18, then they moved out to the apartment he's in now, and was A NORMAL OFFICE WORKER (!? did he dress not like a slob haha...) because he wanted to send his sister to college, and even though it was just the two of them they were pretty happy. Until the ayakashi attacked, of course. And then I think, he started noticing missing people cases that could be from the same thing, and he thought that if someone just got rid of the ayakashi first then they wouldn't be able to hurt people.
Some stuff about the ayakashi
Then, I THINK, Meguro is basically trying to pay Tengenjibashi waaay more than he expected him to (30 MILLION YEN. WHY IS EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME SO MUCH YEN) Tengenjibashi's kinda like 'but what about all YOUR expenses, being an onmyouji is fuckin expensive?" and Meguro says that if they find his sister he won't need it because he'll quit, but in exchange he'll have to work with him to the end~
God these fuckin nerds, Tengenjibashi's all "unlike MOGURI, REAL onmyouji have an actual contract, so sign it" and Meguro's like "Ok, do a good job Onmyouji-sama~"
"Of course, leave it to me, Mr. Client~ you're really gonna pay me 30 million yen, right?"
"Believe it, pauper."
"Fufufu fufu...."
Basara is like... omg both of them smirking like that is terrifying. XD
Tengenjibashi says they'll probably get the corpse the day after tomorrow at the earliest, and gets Meguro's contact info. Meguro makes fun of him 'cause he says he's bad with technology and doesn't have a cell phone (it's Basara's) and is like "aren't you supposed to be younger than me? ...old man"
I think, for some reason, Tengenjibashi tells him he's going to send a test mail and DON'T DELETE IT.  
Meguro leaves, and it's interesting how regularly it seems like we're seeing his pov. He starts smoking as soon as he's outside ~_~;  Oh and then he goes to a bar and starts drinking. Much deep Meguro thoughts. Some stuff about his sister. He gets a weird message from Tengenjibashi that says there's a file on it but it won't open? Drinks more, goes home and goes to bed.  Wakes up again and like.... wtf??? there are these creepy eyes?
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and they're getting closer?
and then like, random jutsu out of Meguro's phone, that is loud and flashy, thanks Tengenjibashi?
Which, back to Tengenjibashi, who is looking quite tired. Wish I could undertand more of the explanation of the spell stuff. Sounds like he's been up all night waiting 'cause he figured Meguro would be attacked but didn't know when.
So he goes to bed, and Meguro shows up in the morning and is trying to wake him up. Barely-awake Tengenjibashi is like "You're safe, I'm glad" and falls back asleep, Meguro is kinda 'omg a guy with his personality can smile like this, is it GAP MOE' (he doesn't actually say moe but it makes me laugh and also I think it's pretty much what he meant xD;; )
He kind of tries to wake him up but he starts laughing when Tengenjibashi starts mumbling at him "Basara make me food..." and decides that they might as well let him sleep a while longer.
Meguro goes back to the living room where he tells Basara he was going to let Tengenjibashi sleep longer, and asks when he'll probably wake up. Basara says that since he was up all night it probably won't be 'till evening, and Meguro is basically like "I have a GREAT IDEA" and starts plotting with him...
Tengenjibashi eventually drags himself out of bed, still half asleep, and Basara tells him dinner's almost done so he should take a seat where the table is already set. Tengenjibashi is like "???? waht?" but also half asleep still, so whatever. And FREAKING MEGURO starts serving him, using some fakey nice voice all "here you go, Sensei~" and Tengenjibashi KEEPS TALKING TO HIM ASSUMING IT'S BASARA until he starts talking normally again and Tengenjibashi finally realizes
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So yeah Meguro made aaaalll this food for Tengenjibashi. And his just like "Hurry and eat or it'll get cold :D"
Tengenjibashi says it's good, and Meguro's like "I KNOW RIGHT? I did [blah blah cooking stuff] so of course it is!" and Basara says that he's jealous of how good Meguro is at cooking.
Meguro says that well yeah, he doesn't have a shikigami to make do chores for him, so he has to be able to cook for himself. (And when Tengenjibashi asks, he says he doesn't have one 'cause he doesn't like relying on other people, basically) He's been eating out a lot more lately but when he was a salaryman he cooked for him and his sister all the time.
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Tengenjibashi is terribly amused by the idea of Meguro being a normal salaryman. The salaryman discussion leads into when Meguro started to work as an onmyouji, I think, but I don't really understand a lot of it... also, Tengenjibashi asks if his sister didn't also study to be an onmyouji, and he says that no, she didn't really have the talent for it. Tengenjibashi says that maybe she had different kinds of power, and I think they say that she was better at stuff like sensing things? And Meguro says that it was too bad he didn't realize it as quickly as Tengenjibashi just did.  I think basically, she sensed that something was wrong that day with the ayakashi, she called Meguro and asked if he would come pick her up because she was scared. Which he did, but he says that what happened was his fault... which I don't really understand at all? But I think has something to do with like, the reason it actually attacked was 'cause Meguro was there?
Tengenjibashi asks if he regrets becoming an onmyouji, and Meguro... doesn't really answer? But he says that tomorrow it'll be all over and he'll save Asahi. Tengenjibashi tells him that he should make her dinner like this and she'll definitely be happy, and then is IMMEDIATELY TOTALLY EMBARRASSED that he said such a thing.
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Some silly shenanigans until the phone rings, it's Tengenjibashi's brother with the details with the corpse, it's going to be at a hospital at 1 PM the next day.
Now that that's figured out, apparently there is chocolate mouse for desert~ (and marmalade... together?)
Meguro says they can have the leftover marmalade on toast for breakfast. And he can make omelettes. Oh, but we're out of milk so we'll have to go to the store... and he and Basara just like, start planning a shopping trip.
Tengenjibashi: Uhhh, Meguro, are you planning on staying here?
Meguro: Yeah that was my plan?  Oh, Basara, I just came on my bike and left it out front, is that ok?
Tengenjibashi is like WHAT, that doesn't suit you at all. Or is it like, a racing bike or something?
Meguro: No, it's just a regular granny bike
Tengenjibashi: ...
Meguro: Hey, WHAT? Granny bikes are fuckin handy ok? They've even got a basket and you can carry things!
Basara: LOL Did you buy it yourself, Meguro-sama?
Apparently he got it from an old lady he did a job for xD;;
Tengenjibashi is all WTF EVER why don't you just go home already, and Meguro is like "Ouch harsh. Also, isn't it easier if you don't have to try and gaurd me through a cell phone?"
Tengenjibashi: HEY, why do you know that? Basara, you...
Meguro's like "UM you said it yourself when you were half asleep..." and that it'd be easier if he just stays there. Basara backs him and basically goes on about how great Meguro is haha, Tengenjibashi wants to know when they started getting along so well.
Eventually Tengenjibashi says OK but in the morning you have to make sausage with breakfast, too XD
Later, Meguro says he's finished cleaning up the kitchen, and finds Basara napping on Tengenjibashi.
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Tengenjibashi says he's probably worn out after helping him cook and go to the store and playing around all day.
They talk a bit about the job and Tengenjibashi protecting him. Tengenjibashi says that since he accepted the request, it's part of his job.
"But I didn't ask you to do that"
"It's written in the contract"
"What, seriously?"
hahaha, Meguro is all "will tomorrow go ok?" and Tengenjibashi just tells him that "I'm here so OF COURSE IT WILL" XD;;
and "It'll definitely be ok" aww.
Tengenjibashi picks up Basara and goes to put him to bed. Meguro picks up a phone that rings, thinking it's his but actually it's Basara's. Meguro apologizes when he comes back, and Tengenjibashi says it doesn't really matter, and he usually doesn't get anything but work mail on it anyway.
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Meguro's like "are you sure it didn't look like a work message?" (The title he happened to see was like "I want to see you" or something) and Meguro was basically assuming it was somebody Tengenjibashi is sleeping with.
I don't really understand the whole explanation but the very short of it is that it's someone who wants him to kill Meguro >.>
Eventually Tengenjibashi's like "you should go to bed, you can just sleep in my room" cause he doesn't have a futon or anything, and he says he'll sleep on the couch (but he's obviously not actually planning on sleeping any time soon anyway)  and they start arguing about who's gonna sleep where, and eventually Meguro's just like "fuck it" and gets up to.... make coffee.
Tengenjibashi tells him to make his tea instead, and when Meguro complains that he wouldn't make his other clients do that, he tells him that he wrote it into the contract, too XD  
In the morning, Basara finds them asleep on the couch and decides to let the rest a while longer~~
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Next time we'll be off to catch an ayakashi~~
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Can I kick him out of the chat room
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Apparently it's amazing gacha luck night for me tonight o_o
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Omg I spent a single ticket on a whim and?
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Megurooooo tiiiime
this is all the common route, whoo
Nothing new 'till we take the first Yakuza job, since there is where we meet Meguro, this time picking the other option when it comes up. Basically Tengenjibashi is (slightly, 'cause "well I did accept the job") more willing to go along with the whole "be flashy and entertain us" thing.
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Meguro is SO enjoying himself though, and Tengenjibashi is obviously totally pleased with himself by the end of their little fight, too xD
Already onto the weekend, but we don't know Meguro well enough to soend it with him so, same old day with Basara and onto the next week~
Includes the second job for the Yakuza dudes but nothing is different this time...
Back to the job that was something like, the dude wanted to build over an old house or something? They realize there's an ayakashi there guarding a kekkai or something, last time when he wanted them to get rid of it, we had Tengenjibashi scare the shit out of the dude by showing it to him, this time he's kind of like "sure whatever, it's the job." Kamioosaki accuses him of being like Meguro, but of course Tengenjibashi isn't ACTUALLY gonna do that. He talks to the ayakashi, and is like "sooo this dude wants to get rid of you and doesn't really give a shit about the house" and the ayakashi is pretty much like "wow fuck him I guess I'll just do whatever then" haha. And Tengenjibashi muses on Meguro a bit.
Whoo! Weekend!
Basara is cooking in the kitchen, Tengenjibashi seems to be doing some research into half-ayakashi 'cause he's gotten interested in Meguro.
And then he starts thinking about THAT TIME
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(yeah this one)
then he's basically like "maybe he's into being a tease?" andddd decides that some day he will figure out his weak point and bully him, fufufufufu.
...... that was about it, we didn't... actually... see him... xD;;
WEEK THREE. I wish I could feel productive but it's just thanks to the skip button.
For the job where the goldfish shop owner's tattoo is messed up, we let Kamioosaki investigate the painting instead so Tengenjibashi doesn't get hurt and there's no scene with Kamioosaki patching him up. (Tengenjibashi does pretty much end up having to save him from the painting, though xD; )
A new! Job! That appears to be from an ayakashi... who is worried about Meguro trying to kill everyone... >.>;;
Yah he killed the ayakashi's friend so he wants Tengenjibashi to kill him.
Which obviously isn't gonna happen but Basara's like YEAH HE IS A PROBLEM and Tengenjibashi is going to try to talk to him. Which of course Kamioosaki isn't going to let him do on his own.
I think they've tracked him down somehow and they're just going to POP UP ON HIS DOORSTEP. Tengenjibashi is all "I can't WAIT to see his face :D" hahaha
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........ WHY IS THE COUCH POINTED AT THE SHELF FULL OF BOOZE AND NOT THE TV? For that matter, why does his place look like a fuckin fancy karaoke room or something? Meguro what the fuck?
So they're like "hey stop killing Ayakashi"
and Meguro is like "make me"
and if you pick the wrong option there's some rape scene bad end that I'm like 90% sure is there just 'cause they know people like/expect them because I genuinely don't think it makes much sense. I mean, Meguro's a shithead and all but. ANYWAY I'll probably post it separately later.
So there's a pretty involved fight before they get the better of Meguro and he surrenders. He says that he'd stop killing ayakashi if they helped him with something, and Tengenjibashi says he will (be we don't know what? THAT SEEMS LIKE A BAD PLAN FIND OUT FIRST?) Kamioosaki is seriously like "I'd like to just kill you if I could" omg... Kamioosaki... you kind of worry me sometimes.
Tengenjibashi tells him just be happy they got to trash his room haha.
After they leave there's some Meguro pov musing about Tengenjibashi or whatever. Think it's some "can't believe he hasn't run away/is even willing to still deal with me, maybe he'd actually listen if I told him shit?" type stuff.
Aaaaaand another weekend
Basara takes of to go shopping.
Weird thumpy noises and dramatic music.
Tengenjibashi goes outside aaand... I think something is chasing Meguro down the street. Which means OF COURSE means he's gotta grab Tengenjibashi and hide like this in the building entryway.
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'cause that's just how this works, right? Are all their CGs gonna be like this xD;
uhg idk what he's talking about. He's got like, just enough of some kind of accent/speach pattern or whatever that it's a pain to understand. Oh hey his suit is totally trashed, isn't it.
There's kind of some what's going on/not telling type conversation but mostly... they're... just... flirting... like. I don't even mean "haha they're basically flirting" like. ok, it's very snarky and we-barely-like-each-other but I mean it's shit like referencing THAT TIME YOU KNOW THE ONE AND ALSO
"I don't mind being pushed around but you're not very gentle"
"Oh so you'd prefer that?"
"Yes so you should remember it"
anyway Meguro goes home pretty soon after this since like, it's getting late and he looks like shit haha
Weeeeeeek Fooooour
Umm got a job request that is at a hospital and corpses are disappearing?
Basara can't stay in his own damn route and wants Tengenjibashi to come home quick so they can spend time together~~
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(this is actually a really cute CG though why didn't we see it on our way to his ending?)
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WAIT NO SERIOUSLY WHY WASN'T THIS IN HIS ROUTE?? Barely anything happened here, they could have gotten waaay more use outta this cg
Anyway Tengenjibashi is like "this is fun and all but I GOTTA GO WORK"
Oh hey, Kamioosaki is here too.
Tengenjibashi points out that the kinds of ayakashi that are into dead bodies are probably Not Good before they go inside.
And listen it's all creepy like, it's the same hospital hallway from Basara's omake but the lights are all barely and and the picture is like, slowly zooming in on this door at the end of the hallway.
I was actually kind of afraid something would jump out or something. WTF. >_<;;
Meguro does show up shortly though which isn't really surprising anymore haha.
Kamioosaki seriously needs to caaalm dooown, every time he shows up he's immediately SO ANGRY omg. (He's just jealous we're not on his route I guess... :C)
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....this ayakashi shows up which Meguro recognizes. He's even like DUDE BE CAREFUL GUYS THIS THING'S DANGEROUS
Oh. shit.
So Tengenjibashi is like, you know a lot about this ayakashi, have you dealt with it before?
And Meguro says that. Yeah, he has. IT ATE HIS LITTLE SISTER.
Yeaaaah. So it attacks, and there's a choice that I guess is pretty much follow Meguro's advice or not? And if you fuck up Tengenjibashi gets eaten.
If you don't it still gets away which super pisses Meguro off, of course.
So I don't really understand much of his explanation, but basically he was with his sister, and this ayakashi was actually going to eat something else but it got her at the same time. Then some info that I really didn't get about trying to save her and stuff? But he thinks that she might somehow be alive somewhere, because she has ayakashi blood too, so she wouldn't die so easily.
OOooh yeah time for our favorite job at the mayors place. ~_~  This time when they're in his office, that yakuza-ayakashi dude shows up and picks a fight
mayor over here is seriously still going "this is all fake blah blah" while Meguro is shooting away at ayakashi. ok dude
Oh, looks like Meguro's nasty ayakashi has showed up too. NOW HE'S SCARED haha. And then Yotsuya just lays it on even more like "YUP THAT THING IS GOING TO EAT YOU AND CHEW UP YOUR BONES" till he freaks out and says he'll cancel the project or whatever, and Yotsuya just tells all the ayakashi they got what they wanted so they can leave now.
Meguro's like "yea but don't relax 'cause THAT THING is still here"
(Oh yeah, it's a kasha, apparently)
aaaand he just runs off after it on his own like "I'm gonna kill it" and Tengenjibashi goes after him because CALM DOWN YOU'RE GONNA GET YOURSELF KILLED
... ya apparently it ate them alive and now they're in? it? AND CAN'T USE ANY SPELLS well that's just great
oh and then Meguro sees his sister?
And the thing spits them back out and basically it was just FUCKING WITH MEGURO TO AMUSE ITSELF uuhhghgg it's seriously saying the nastiest shit like "lol your face is so great I could come just from that" and I seriously WISH I was exaggerating but. no, it's literally saying that. gross. And then just... disappears?
MEGURO IS CRYING and Tengenjibashi doesn't know what to doooo ;_; He starts to say something to him but I think he's afraid of hurting his pride by trying to comfort him since they don't know each other that well yet.  Eventually Meguro leaves without saying anything?
Later Meguro shows up at Tengenjibashi's and asks him to help find his sister...
and we're officially on his route~
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Oh boy it's time for BASARA'S OMAKE
Tengenjibashi goes to the doctor's to get a checkup. With Basara.
..... you can probably guess where this is going.
Basara thinks Tengenjibashi would look good in a nurse outfit. Are these omake all gonna be weird cosplay things or is it just my luck? XD; Eventually he gets bored and whiny, and Tengenjibashi is like "YOU CAN LEAVE? Just go home." So he dooooes.... until he shows up again
in a doctor's outfit...
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on top of finding himself an outfit, he has, of course, also found a nurse outfit and convenient empty room!
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Oh, also while Tengenjibashi was changing, Basara was thirsty and snooped around, and found some "juice" that he couldn't read what it was because the label was in english. And because it's Basara, he just drinks it, and because we're apparently in some fuckin ridiculous porno hospital it gets him all hot and bothered.
He wants to give it to Tengenjibashi who responds like a SORT OF reasonable individual and is like "NO I'M NOT DRINKING YOUR WEIRD MYSTERY MEDICINE"
Well he's gonna end up drinking it anyway, of course....
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again with the nipples. Always the nipples with Basara.
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Basara totally trying to do the cheesy "want my injection?" type line and Tengejibashi is like NO I HATE INJECTIONS xD ... and then makes him beg for it anyway >.>
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BASARA IS SUCH A LITTLE SHIT OMG he's taking pictures
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.......... yup.
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Let's finish up Basara’s route...it's mostly just porn but anyway
It's the job at the mayor or whoever it was' building before. Meguro showing up is a little different since Kamioosaki hasn't met him yet and Tengenjibashi's only seen him the one other time.
Aaaand, I hit skip so I'm not sure exactly where we are, hahaoops, but we're in his office talking to him and the dialogue is a bit different...
this time Basara wants to help us take care of all the ayakashi (he says if he releases him he can take care of them...)
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(this is another animated cg btw~)
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aww yea giant Basara (he calls Tengenjibashi "Rei", just... btw...)
so they take care of everything in one hit and then are exhausted 'cause that takes a lot of power
and uhh defnitely not understanding all of this, but somehow something about it becomes a big news story and now the media is all over them? It's not really relevant but it's interesting I guess.
Look basically Basara asks if he likes normal him or BIG HIM better, and whichever one you pick you get a different H-scene and that... is about it. I have mixed feelings about Basara in general, tbh, but I feel bad he doesn't really get a real route?  I guess just having a bunch of porn is pretty Basara-ish though
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normal Basara they go and take a bath
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....Basara kept mentioning it a lot in the soapland scene too but he REALLY likes Tengenjibashi's nipples >.>
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Basara's face.............
yup that's it now it's time for other version Basara
(who as far as I can tell, has the same voice actor?? I honestly like assumed it was someone else but there's no one else listed anywhere that I see, sooo.)
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Tengenjibashi's like "is it really ok for you to change into this and he says it should be fine if he's not doing any jutsu
"with this appearance you can't really pat my head can you?"
"well your personality hasn't changed at all has it ~_~"
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listen. I thought for an embarassingly long time that Basara was like, floating over Tengenjibashi OH MY GOD but they're next to a wall that makes so much more sense.
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also it mentions a lot how VERY LARGE Basara is >.>;;;;
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Basara himself also feeling the need to remind everyone that he is VERY BIG
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..........and the next day Tengenjibashi is very sore >.>;;  
so. Next is Omake that I'm pretty sure is entirely more porn! And then... Meguro, probably?
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Weeks three AND four, ‘cause I’M SORRY I’M SO SLOW this was sitting half done but then I got busy >_<; I’m going to try and get the rest up tonight too, because Basara's route is kind of... not much of a route tbh, so I might as well just finish it.
And listen, I no longer trust any word that Basara says when it's followed by "play".
ANYWAY he's a damn perv and the soapland job and other stuff is in here so :D
This first job seems to be from a freelance writer who thinks they've found a big scoop about ayakashi?
We're hanging out downtown at night, waiting for him.
..what is he wearing?
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He wants help collecting data for an article...
omg why does this dude talk so fucking fast
Tengenjibashi compares it to a machine gun IT'S NOT JUST ME OK he talks way too fast
uuhg... so basically there's some rumor, like there's a building with strange noises and people disappear when they go to check it out? and doesn't really care if it's true or not (since I guess he'll be able to bs a story out of it either way) but if it WAS true it'd be great 'cause maybe he'd get it on TV or soemthing, and he wants Tengenjibashi to go see first in case it is true. (Too much of a wimp to look himself...)
So Tengenjibashi says he'll check out the building and call him, and then after he leaves...
"So did you catch all that, Yotsuya?"
"Oh, I got found out?"
So Yotsuya wants to go along for some reason, and asks if he doesn't mind. Tengenjibashi just calls it a date.
They get to this huge old looking building and there's some weird windy noises and they're both like "yup something is going on here" and head inside (looks like the same backgrounds as when they were doing the TV show on Kamioosaki's route but they reuse them a lot so that doesn't really mean anything...)
after a bit something attacks but misses and... dang this place is full of ayakashi
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They ask if they're there to try and kick them out, too We won't let you, we're here for a reason etc etc.
Tengenjibashi asks what the reason is, then, but they're all "we don't have to tell you" and attack.
Yotsuya is like "lol. You're all small fry"
Well, between him and Tengenjibashi they're pretty screwed. They STILL WON'T EXPLAIN THOUGH. But they're also all "we can't leave or something terrible will happen" and sound really upset
So we'll let them stay I guess. Tengenjibashi is like "well my job WAS only to come check it out, not to actually do anything about it so..."
Tengenjibashi also gives them a "hide your presence and don't eat humans just cause they wander in here" condition before they leave.
He meets back up with Freelance guy and tells him that it was totally true and you should stay out of there, they were SO STRONG even an onmyouji couldn't get rid of them. You'll DEFINITELY GET EATEN and there's NO WAY you could put it on TV XD
And when he asks if he can still write an article or something, right? Tengenjibashi's basically like "oooh, yeah, sure. Of course if you do then other people will try to look into it (when people get eaten), and then I'll probably get called in, and have to tell them about you, and then you'll have to deal with the blame for sending them there but like, you know, you can if want?"
And then after they leave, uh... Yotsuya get flirty and... fade to black.... XD
Hm, this looks like it's from the goldfish shop, but the name is crossed out?
Uhh. Tengenjibashi is pleased with something he bought at the goldfish shop, (new ofuda?) and then some rude ayakashi dude bumps into him and wrecks them?
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LISTEN OK. This guys is actually Koshiro, from an older BL game called Beniiro Tenjou Ayakashi Kitan, which I was reaaaally into for a while, I loved the art so much. If I recall, Koshiro was actually my least favorite love interest though, 'cause I thought he was kind of a creep XD;
And Tengenjibashi is totally picking a fight with him...
ok but Koshiro actually STARTS A FIGHT. And Tengenjibashi is just like "I make ayakashi like you cry all the time"
Ukyou and Sakyou show up and run him off for being in their territory, and then kind of scold Tengenjibashi like "he's SUPER DANGEROUS and Yotsuya-sama will be worried about you"
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Tengenjibashi is mostly just still pissed about the tens of thousands of yen worth of fuda he lost though >.>
Onto the weekend I guess
Tengenjibashi's hanging around after dinner and has some ice cream with Basara, who comments that he hasn't been going out at night much lately. (apparently he just hasn't been in the mood lately but) Basara BASICALLY ASKS IF IT'S CAUSE HE CAN'T GET IT UP. ~_~ But Tengenjibashi is just like "Ha, you don't have to worry about that. It' ME we're talking about after all"
Basara says that HE SHOULD CHECK AND MAKE SURE, but it's not his usual ridiculous flirting, he looks SO WORRIED omg
Now Basara thinks Tengenjibashi should try crossdressing. (Someone involved in this game is really into cosplay, aren't they?)
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So, Tengenjibashi decides he needs so punishment for acting so ridiculous lately, and I was GOING to be like 'dang Tengenjibashi, that's  mean' but THE SHIT BASARA IS 'APOLOGIZING' FOR is crap like smelling his underwear when he does the laundry and drugging his tea SO LIKE you know what let the fax go, I guess.
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...well. I guess you have to send the fax somewhere, might as well freak out Kamioosaki while you're at it, I guess.
Week four
But thiiiiiis tiiiiime don't stop as soon as the guy shows up for... whatever excuse they have haha. The girls catch him while they're distracted, and go to call the police.  Tengenjibashi says they should go home, but of course Basara is super disappointed!  
So you can chose to stop orrrr tell Basara to do whatever he wants as long as he stops if anyone shows up.  Obviously we're going with the second one this time.
Also, Basara found some... toys... so... gotta try them out while he has the chance, right?
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So yeah look there is no plot this time, it's just porn and I don't have the confidence to translate it without it sounding really stupid, so
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Well, now that we're all refreshed. Maybe we can get some actual work done. I think this should be the last job before Basara's route. Sounds like we're looking for a missing ayakashi?
Yeah, Yotsuya wants Tengenjibashi's help looking for someone who's gone missing. It sound like there's been issues with ayakashi from other areas so he's worried they didn't just run off on their own or something?
Basara: Be careful, Sensei
Yotsuya: I'll be with him so it'll be fine
Basara: Yeah that's why I'm worried
You know what Basara you're just as bad so...
Our missing ayakashi, doesn't seem like the type to run off on his own...
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They run into another ayakashi who says he saw him a couple of days ago. There was someone with him, but he disappeared when he tried to talk to him.
Then there's so gunshot noises.... hey Meguro, we haven't seen you since Kamioosaki's route. Leave the poor ayakashi alone.
He PICKS A FIGHT WITH YOTSUYA... I think pretty much he's just doing it to be obnoxious too 'cause then he's all "btw I actually know where the ayakashi you're looking for is, whatcha gonna do about it?"
If you don't listen, there's a bad end where Tengenjibashi gets in the way of their fight and dies so let's NOT DO THAT~
sooooooooo. Meguro is saying he killed him, apparently, he was in love with Yotsuya and figured that at least if he pissed him off by running away, Yotsuya would chase after him and kill him so then he'd be thinking about him or... whatever... ~_~;;Meguro just killed him ‘cause its “his job” or whatever and also he has ISSUES.
Yotsuya is NOT HAPPY with Meguro and is pretty much about to kill him, but I think he basically reminds him that since the ayakashi was technically a traitor Yotsuya can't kill him in retaliation? 'cause rules and things.
Tengenjibashi pretty much drags Yotsuya away before he can flip out on Meguro anyway.
They get back to Tengenjibashi's and Yotsuya acts like he's gonna leave, so Tengenjibashi's all "just come inside, you always come in and bug me after we go out so it's too weird if you don't" and says he'll make him tea. Yotsuya is like "I heard there's this thing called 'coffee ole', make me that. and talks to him. It's actually pretty cute. Yotsuya keeps acting all "no big deal I'm not that upset"
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Tengenjibashi: I'm the only one here... you don't need to act all tough.
Yotsuya: You don't get it do you, it's because you're here that I don't want to look weak.
Yotsuya: Tengenjibashi, what are you doing?
Tengenjibashi: I won't be able to see your face like this.  You'll feel better if I can't see you looking weak, right?
Yotsuya: ......
Tengenjibashi: Let's just stay like this for a bit...
Yotsuya: The coffee ole will get cold...?
Tengenjibashi: It's fine. I'll make it again.
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Yotsuya: ... I see. Then, I will borrow your chest for a moment.
stop bein so sweet I'm not on your route aaaaaaaaaaargh
One more job before the weekend
Apparently it's to look after a box. Hmm. Tengenjibashi is like "IDK I'd really like to know what's in it" Basara's like "well it's a secret but that's probably why they're offering 3,000,000 yen so" (DID I READ THAT RIGHT?) from someone called Kasane (Tengenjibashi is totally ashamed that Basara could read the kanji and he couldn't. It's ok Tengenjibashi, I can barely read ANY OF THE KANJI EVER)
Tengenjibashi is like "OH WELL IN THAT CASE :D" because MONEY
suddenly hello random ayakashi popping out of nowhere? Like they just came right in through Tengenjibashi's kekkai like it was nothing, Tengenjibashi and Basara are both like WTF JUST HAPPENED?
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well. Apparently this is Kasane.
(actually I'm pretty sure... they(?) were a side character in Beniten, also...)
Well, Kasane is very busy so here's the box, sorry I have to bother you.
Tengenjibashi (soooo obviously thinking about the money haha) is like "no problem! We just have to hold onto it"
aaand of course we get some kind of "yeah, that'd be good" type answer and "see you tomorrow" before Kasane disappears again. So obviously something is gonna happen.
Tengenjibashi and Basara discuss the box a bit, before deciding to put it away, and then it starts shaking. Of course it does.
Tengenjibashi tries to get it to stop, but like, things are breaking and shit. And eventually he's so annoyed (that he wasn't powerful enough to stop it) he's just all "you know what else would work, we could just ignore it and go to bed" haha
So he... went in the box...??? IDKKKKK
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aaaahhhhh Idunno and I doubt it's important. They’re talking kind of old fashionedy and polite so idkkkkso.  I guess he kind of cheers her up? And then Kasane comes back and picks it up and explains stuff but I'm tired sorry >_<;;;; ThAT’S IT ALMOST DONE ~_~
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WEEK TWO! Goes faster when I’ve already read half of them...
Oops I didn't read the description of this one, either. Hopefully it'll go better than last time.
Tengenjibashi and Basara are out and about for whatever reason I was too lazy to read, and get caught in the rain, so they run to the goldfish shop
somehow their conversation comes around to asking the shopkeepers age (it's mentioned before that apparently he's way older than he looks). He whispers in Tengenjibashi's ear and when Basara asks how old he is, Tengenjibashi is just like "Basara, there are some things in the world it's just better to not know" ...seriously how old.
Shopkeeper asks how their work schedule is, and Tengenjibashi asks if he has "another troublesome request"
Yes of course he does!
Something about.... this guy who really like antique clocks, and collected a lot of them. But then he got sick and died even though he was pretty young still, but now something weird is happening in the house full of clocks he left behind?
Sooo let's go visit clock guy's nephew and check it out
apparently there's strange noises but there are clocks everywhere and it's hard to tell where they're coming from.
...Basara stop hitting on Tengenjibashi while you're supposed to be working omg
anyway, I think it basically ended up being that... this guy's favorite pocket watch was lonely when he died. HE JUST WANTS TO TELL PEOPLE THE TIME, OK? :C 
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So the nephew thinks a talking pocket watch is too creepy, and it doesn't want to go to Yotsuya's so they take it to the goldfish shop and the shopkeeper seems to think it's pretty cool!?
omg no wait, haha. So the shopkeeper is basically going on about what a sweet antique this is, from blah blah period etc, and it's like "YES YOU ARE CORRECT!" and scares the shit out of him XD and of course Tengenjibashi is just all "Ah, yes, well various things happened..." Shopkeeper says his watch did just break and it's SO HAPPY! THAT HE WANTS TO USE HIM! awww
ohhh are we gonna help with a murder investigation yessssss
It's at a Love Hotel again oh boy
Mr. Detective is unimpressed with us
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... he's probably right to be since Basara's reaction to the crime scene is "OOOH SENSEI IT'S DRENCHED IN BLOOD HOW SCAAAARY :D" and use it as an excuse to cling on Tengenjibashi. (ps if he's this entertained by a murder scene, how fucked up was that first kid's house? I imagine part of the creepiness was the atmosphere from the spirits but still?)
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Get the typical "don't mess with the scene, why did my stupid superiors call in an onmyouji blah blah."
"I'll explain the case" he says, and then I get a FUCKING TEXT SUMMARY aaaaargh:
A couple checked in for the night, but the next day when they didn't make their 10 AM checkout time, the staff got suspicious and checked on the room?
Which is a pretty common story, says our Detective Sakurai. What's weird is that when the police looked at the security cameras, but they could't find the man. (The wording was weird, if not sure if he's saying the assumed they'd see the man running and he wasn't there, or that they can't find where he went in general?)
So, Tengenjibashi's supposed to find him, I guess.  They talk about how he could have gotten out and stuff. It sounds like the cameras didn't really catch much of anything useful.
Sakurai notices him looking at the corpse and is all "What, is it bothering you? I don't really care if you need to leave" (Really he just wants to get closer to it 'cause it'd be easier to investigate, especially if he had some blood >.>)
But it's Tengenjibashi so "No, I deal with corpses often... Something like this isn't particularly bad. Oh, well, ones that are rotting are a bit..."
Anyway, he wants to do a spell to confirm something about the corpse? And Sakurai's basically like well "I GUESS but don't move it" and everything. Tengenjibashi tells him that HE won't be the one moving it...
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"Aah, I knew it. ...Detective-san, this isn't dead" (SO IN THAT CASE DID IT EAT THE DUDE? And that's why he's not on the security camera footage?)
Mr Detective says if she's alive they should call an ambulance, and Tengenjibashi just responds that "Well. It's not alive"
It runs off and Basara chases after. Mr Detective wants to know WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?
I think Tengenjibashi likes Detective-san, if in an "I want to tease and make fun of him" kind of way, haha. I kind of like him too, I hope he shows up in more jobs we haven't seen yet.
... hmm judging by the large amount of discussion and stuff (That I DON'T UNDERSTAND... sigh) with them even though the case is solved, I'm guessing we will. Also Mr Detective seems to have some kind of interesting gun or something, which makes me wonder if he ties in with Meguro somehow...
Basara comes back (in paper form this time... I guess I tend to not really mention which but if they're out and about he's usually looking human-ish in his suit) and poor Mr Detective is like WTF WHY IS THE PAPER TALKING WHERE IS THE GUY FROM BEFORE????
"The bishounen from before was me, see~"
Basara's all "oh since he's human I guess we should all take the stairs together" and he's just like "Well excuse me for being human"
I think before he leaves, Tengenjibashi tells Mr Detective that the kind of ayakashi they found usually like to consider themselves like judges so if they look into the guy who got nommed they might be able to link him to an old case or something.
Later there's something about butterflies that I don't... understand... again... uhhhhg, maybe it'll come up again and start to make more sense?
Tengenjibashi got up all on his own, I'm so proud
Basara's been taking advantage of the day off to clean (in paper form cause... for some reason this is easier? He can stretch and reach tall places, I guess), but then he spills water on himself so Tengenjibashi takes him up to the roof and hangs him out to dry xD;;
Good thing it's nice weather I guess
until the birds come xD  And Tengenjibashi just laughs.
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"SENSEI Stop laughing and SAVE ME! T_T"
"Aw but it seems like they like you"
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New game time! Time to make use of that skip button and make our way to Basara’s route~
Which is dangerously close to the quick-load button. I was expecting goldfish shop and suddenly got a possessed Kamioosaki laughing at me T_T
First job that is different: oops, I didn't pay attention to the description before I chose to accept it. It'll be a surprise.
So, Tengenjibashi finishes up a painting, and asks Basara what the job for the day is, and he says there isn't any so they can spend the day making out. >.>  Tengenjibashi is like "yeah but also I'm tired" and of course Basara is just all "You don't have to move Sensei, I'll service you, ok~~"
But then the doorbell rings ("with a timing like it's on purpose" haha) and oh hey it's Kamioosaki.
Basara is so annoyed, he serves him water instead of tea because "we don't have tea for nuisances" xD;;
I think Kamioosaki basically wants to pass of some job that he doesn't have time for, and Tengenjibashi's like "I never said I'd do it"
"But it seemed like you have a lot of free time."
"Unlike some people, I LIKE having free time." TENGENJIBASHI UNDERSTANDS THIS
Kamioosaki and Basara whine at each other, Yotsuya randomly shows up. Tengenjibashi asks why and he's just like "I felt like seeing you. So I came over"
Kamioosaki starts fighting with YOTSUYA TOO (that seems like a bad plan but...)'cause he's kinda all over Tengenjibashi, Yotsuya's just like "well let's hear about your request or whatever. Also why don't I have tea yet" so now Kamioosaki also gets to be jealous that Basara is being more polite to Yotsuya than him.
At this point Tengenjibashi is understandably like "(Give me a fucking break...)"
SO I GUESS we got an explanation that I was too lazy to read, 'cause now it's night and we're out in some suburbs-looking place checking out a house? They go inside and OH BOY I've sure missed these creepy ayakashi noises.
I'm too lazy to pick apart the description but it's using "blood" A LOT. Basara is pretty grossed out.
Tengenjibashi says that it makes you not want to eat hamburger for a while. Oh. kay.
Yotsuya doesn't seem to give a shit AT ALL and just says that if Tengenjibashi is scared he can hide behind him.
Tengenjibashi uh... works (I mean, I don't know what the problem is other than 'gross' so it's hard to figure out exactly what he's doing >.>) and Yotsuya acts all impressed. Tengenjibashi is like "You could actually help or something."
"Help? Me? Why? I just came to kill time" ...thanks Yotsuya
oh and that his face when he's fighting earnestly is so beautiful you'll fall in love. ...thanks, Yotsuya?
creepy noises come back and they decide they're coming from a children's bedroom the floor above them.
there's a kid and creepy ghost things? Tengenjibashi asks "what did you do?" but he's just kinda groaning
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...stuff happens? Eventually the atmosphere gets so bad, Tengenjibashi's like "crap I can't exorcise this on my own"
he sees a picture of the kid and his family at a beach barbecue, but it gets covered in a gross black aura.  Tengenjibashi's all "oh I see..." BUT Whaaat do you see please explain the this dummy with terrible Japanese ;_;
They're the ghosts of people who died in the sea? (in the picture I assume?)
Tengenjibashi says that he'll seal them all and take them home (there's another option that I think is to ask Yotsuya to take care of them, I assume that's for his route~)
Basara questions that wouldn't it be easier to just exterminate them, and Tengenjibashi's like YEAH, but it would upset the kid(?)
WELL WHATEVER it works out fine and Tengenjibashi paints another painting, and Basara's like "you're too nice" but Yotsuya says that's why he's interesting.
And actually this felt more like a Yotsuya chapter since then it ends with him saying that that's why he likes him. (But hey at least Basara didn't outright get left at home this time, I guess)
Next job also looks like a new one!  Someone having nightmares?
I think it's (another) job Kamioosaki didn't have time to do on his own. He's in the middle of getting filmed or a photo shoot or something, and Tengenjibashi is totally giving him shit. "Oooh, the popular onmyouji-sama is sooo busy~" XD
God, the staff finds out that he's another onmyouji friend of Kamioosaki's so they're like, trying to get him to do an interview but Tengenjibashi just acts like a creepy asshole to them, and tells them he doesn't have any interesting stories but that they should be careful the way the keep taking pictures like that 'cause the ghosts will show up in them... "like that one next to your right now" XD
"Ahahahaha.  .... haha.... that was a joke, right?"
Anyway. I don't think any of that was actually important, time for Kamioosaki to explain the job...
I think the one having nightmares is the client's 8 year old daughter, Nozomi. Something big chases her and eats her?  And they're worried she'll get sick from trying to not sleep every night 'cause she's scared and want to solve it quickly so he called Tengenjibashi since he couldn't do it.
They don't even get into the apartment before they hear crashing noises, and the mom comes to the door upset. They get attacked pretty quickly.
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Apparently with Basara we get all the creepy kid cases. GREAT.  They try to do the usual talking to them and figure out why are you possessing an eight year old girl, and they're kind of just like "Why?"
Basara says "Because you're doing something bad!"
"Huhhh... you're an ayakashi, right? What am I doing wrong? I think you doing what a human tells you to is more wrong."
"No, I'm not an ayakashi..."
"Then what are you?"
They get shouty at each other for a bit, then suddenly Nozomi is apologizing, and saying they (the ayakashi) wouldn't go home.
Tengenjibashi tells Basara to go look for something in her room annnndd yea, it's kokkurisan (basically like a ouji board type thing)
Wow that actually kind of made sense and got solved somewhat easily!?
Also, Basara decides he really deserves a reward for being sooo helpful earlier~~
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...unfortunately for him, Kamioosaki continues to have IMPECCABLE TIMING. Damn that got shut down fast.
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Basara tries to wake up Tengenjibashi and go out on a walk or something, but of course he just wants to go back to sleep, and Basara asks if he's still tired because he was too enthusiastic last night. And listen, if this was any other game I would assume they were pulling one of those "it sounds like we're talking about something dirty but really it's totally innocent~" gags but given that it's the two of them. I'm pretty sure they're really just discussing all the crazy sex they had last night.  (Seriously Tengenjibashi is like "I appreciate the thought but my body is still human you know" so now he's tired and sore and has a hoarse voice. yup.
He doesn't even end up getting out of bed they just are flirty and take a nap together haha.
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This is 100% a shameless bullshit excuse to get them into a fake wedding haha
and it dumps us directly into the middle of the ceremony before even giving an explanation flashback
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which is some nonsense thing about a girl who's being stalked so clearly the best way to catch him is at her wedding. So they’re IN DISGUISE  xD;
Tengenjibashi asks why doesn't Kamioosaki be the bride, which he says is because he's taller... and Tengenjibashi is like "I DON'T THINK TWO CENTIMETERS MAKES A DIFFERENCE"
Kamioosaki uses the whiniest sad voice ever on him omg, and finishes up with that he really wanted to see him in the dress haha.
And tbh his only argument still seems to be that he's too tall so it'll be suspicious. But apparently it'll be fine because the bride is a model. They seriously have an excuse for everything XD
But he still says no and also who the hell came up with such a weird idea?
Kamioosaki's dad.  It was his idea. Oh and also the bride is his second cousin.
So now Tengenjibashi's like "....................................... ........................ yeah ok"
So anyway back to the wedding where Tengenjibashi is whining about the wig. Actually, it's not all that exciting, they catch the guy, I wish we could have seen the action of Tengenjibashi going after him in the dress. XD
So that's all done, Tengenjibashi takes the wig off as soon as he can and is like "well that was freaking exhausting, let's relax on the sofa~"
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and then he says that dressing up like this was so embarassing he could die, and Kamioosaki is just
"Don't say that you'll die"
"Oh, will you be lonely?"
"Well of course. I don't want to be unable to see you again"
So then Kamioosaki gives him this bouquet (that he "picked up" at the chapel. haha) because "A bride needs a bouquet"
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Tengenjibashi is like "What do you mean a bride.... OH"
Yeah Kamioosaki basically proposes with a bouquet, ok.
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They're huge freakin saps, Tengejibashi is like omg, aren't you embarrassed but of course Kamioosaki is noooot at all.  And tells him a loves him, and (with considerable prompting because he's embarrassed) Tengenjibashi tells Kamioosaki he loves him too.
and they continue being sappy some more
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... I'm actually still missing one Kamioosaki cg somewhere though, so he'll probably show up in some of the jobs that we didn't see this time around?
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Too bad that ranking will be down to 6000 by the time I wake up
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Kamioosaki EPILOGUE!
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"Kamioosaki's Omiai" (aka RIP Tengenjibashi's plans to seduce Kamioosaki tonight haha ;_; )
(Btw his main route totally had a title card too, but I missed the screencap 'cause I didn't know it would fade away >.>; )
Basara flails around in the incredibly awkward atmosphere, until Tengenjibashi asks if Kamioosaki reaaaally didn't have any idea what was going on, and he better not have been hiding things.
Kamioosaki says he wasn't and if he'd known why would he plan for them to leave today? And in the first place, he loves Tengenjibashi so there's no point in meeting someone else, why the heck would he plan to go to an omiai? (which makes Tengenjibashi blush~)
"I know how you feel, but right now the fact is we're talking about an omiai anyway aren't we?"
"I don't really get it, he just called like "go to the omiai!" and then hung up..."
"Well, why don't you call your father back and see?"
"I've tried like three times! But he won't answer. He probably thought it'd be a hassle and turned off his phone or something"
Kamioosaki starts getting really frustrated, and finally he's like "OK Rei, we're already-"
"I haven't said anything yet!?"
"No that was enough, you were obviously gonna come up with something stupid like "Since we're already in a relationship,  an omia is impossible" weren't you? Sorry, but I don't have any plans to meet your parents yet." and besides they probably won't give up that easily, anyway.
So Kamioosaki runs off to try and deal with his dad.
There's a weird noise that Tengenjibashi is like "wtf was that?" and Basara says it's probably construction on the floor above them, they were talking about doing renovations. (It... didn't sound like construction noises though it sounded like exposions or something xD;; ) He thinks his family owns the whole building, so he should have asked his brother about it.
Kamioosaki goes to meet his dad and OMG LOOK AT HIM
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Anyway, apparently it's like, 4PM by now 'cause he was kept waiting around 'till the end of office hours ~_~
Also why is everyone in the game's family so obnoxious?
"Why wouldn't you answer the phone?"
"I didn't need to. I already said everything I needed to the first time."
omgggggg it wasn't even supposed to be his omiai in the first place, it was his older brother's (Koji) who has made himself conspicuously absent. (Kamioosaki's like 'what again' so apparently THIS IS A THING HE DOES?)
So dad's like "it's giving me a headache, go in his place" and Kamioosaki tells him "What no, I'm not gonna be his replacement, can't you just cancel it?"
But of course there's some kinda bullshit obligation the dad is from such-and-such company blahblah can't just cancel garbage because that's how this trope works, right?
"Oh and also..." there’s something about the girl’s family decedents and some evil spirit? I don't know >_<;; And something is making her family want her to marry an onmyouji. So after all this is explained... Dad's just like "Get it? Ok if you're satisfied then go"
Kamioosaki says he's definitely only going temporarily to represent him, and Dad's all "Yeah until he comes back" which Kamioosaki immediately picks up on 'cause "(so if he never comes back I'll end up having to get married at this rate)"
Apparently she totally doesn't care who it is ~_~
On his way out, Kamioosaki asks him "So hey, if I said there was someone I liked, what would you do?"
"Why would I do anything. Just get married when it's appropriate."
"You're saying this when you send me off to an omiai..."
"That's why I said WHEN IT'S APPROPRIATE"
So Kamioosaki reports back to a very unimpressed-with-the-situation Tengenjibashi, who's like "Yeah, I guess I can be understanding... FOR NOW."
"So. Are Koji-san's disappearances a regular thing?"
"Well, maybe not regular but... yeah, he's done it for a pretty long time. It was like this during the poisoning case, too, actually."
"Oh... speaking of which, who was targeted during that case?"
"Hmm... how much should I say.  I happened six years ago at the company founding party... the who died was Father's older brother, from the head of a branch family. Apparently there was poison in the glass next to him." [I THINK. I'M LIKE 75% sure on this but]
"And the culprit?"
"We don't know the culprit"
I think he says, his dad was suspicious of someone, but there wasn't any proof. And it all became a big scandal.
"Ok, so then how is Koji-san being there related to it?"
Originally, he was supposed to be the one sitting there, but since he didn't show up, his uncle end up sitting there.
I think basically they say the whole scandal would have been way worse in that case, as Koji is most likely to be the next family head, he'd be dead, their dad would be disgraced, it'd be easy to pick off anyone they wanted from there.
Kamioosaki says he doubts his brother knew the whole plan, but probably knew he was being targeted, since he's always had a good sense for things like that.
Some more stuff about his brother and the omiai and I'm sorry I'm just... so lazy... I think, discussing if they think he's disappeared 'cause he's in danger again, and if they should be more concerned about him or the omiai?  It gives us ANOTHER CHOICE, OH BOY! [I was too lazy to go back and see the bad end ‘cause I’m pretty sure it’s just a generic ‘you mess up and die’ one but I might later]
So, Tengenjibashi decides he's gonna track down Koji-san, 'cause he's not the sitting around a waiting while his boyfriend goes to a sketchy omiai type. Kamioosaki worries that it's too dangerous, and he's like "OH REALLY what am I supposed to do, if he doesn't come back are you just going to obediently get married???"
Kamioosaki keeps insisting he "has an idea" for what to do if it gets that far, but keeps avoiding saying what it is, which pisses of Tengenjibashi who's like ARE YOU KEEPING SECRETS. SO he finally spits it out and it's just... that they could run away together omfggggggggg hahahahahahahaha
And there it is, the expecting "are you a fucking idiot" reaction
"Seee, I knew you'd be like that, that's why I didn't want to say anything" SO REALIZE IT'S A STUPID IDEA OMG XD
"Okay, then from now on I'll tell you everything ... is there anything else you want to know?"
"anything... I want to know?
...no of course not" ooooh suuuuure. I bet I know EXACTLY what you were wondering about haha.
Tengenjibashi says he'll call if he figures out where his brother is, and Kamioosaki will call when the stupid omiai is over and Kamioosaki heads home.
Yup, Tengenjibashi is thinking about the "you can ask me anything" question and is like "why won't you lay a hand on me" and the tells himself "you can't just ask the actual person that, stupid" and gets annoyed with himself.
So he goes out and... whoa long time no see, goldfish shop! Tengenjibashi is looking for SOMETHING I CAN'T FIND wtf it is even when I look up the kanji so maybe we'll figure it out later! But he has one, whatever the hell it is, and Tengenjibashi perks up a lot, which the store owner points out. Tengenjibashi says he's been TOTALLY NORMAL and he's like "lol no, I could feel your grumpy atmosphere before you even came in the store" and if he wants to talk about it he can.
and the guy. just "Oh, you have friends, Tengenjibashi-kun?" damn.
"Right okay, I understand XD"
so they talk about his "friend" and Tengenjibashi has deep thoughts on his way home, I guess.
The next day, Basara is like 'you're too gloomy please cheer up!!' while Tengenjibashi mopes around, and it's pretty cute.
Then Kamioosaki calls, and Tengenjibashi complains that aren't you supposed to call AFTER the omiai, but he just had to call to tell Tengenjibashi that he ~*~*~*~LOVES HIM~*~*~*~ blahblah. It's terribly cheesy and cute. After he hangs up, Basra's just like "SENSEI~ YOUR FACE IS TOTALLY RED~"
Oh, Tengenjibashi notices the pictures Kamioosaki brought over the other day and starts going through them, and is like 'omg take pictures of something other than me, you can't even tell where we went' ;;;;;;;;
But he finds a nice picture of Kamioosaki, I think he's thinking keeping it in the living room :D  BUT THEN SUDDENLY... a red spot like blood appears on the picture's face? And then all of Kamioosaki in the picture is covered in red... and Tengenjibashi is understandably OH SHIT, and I think he sends some kind of shiki flying off after him.
over with Kamioosaki
waiting for his not-date to show, and drinking something he totally chokes on as soon as he sees her cause well
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Apparently this is Shirogane Takako and she's seriously ready to get married, Kamioosaki is like "ummm noooo sorry I'm just here for my rude brother" and she's just. "I don't really care, anyone's fine" there's something she wants to do but Kamioosaki is ALSO CONFUSED by wtf she means so hey.
He wonders if since she insists that "anyone's fine" she really only wants to get married to get that thing exorcised, but she gets REALLY mad and defensive about it and says she just wants to get married.
And then.. it's a bit confusing, but basically the spirit thing attacks him, and whatever Tengenjibashi sent off takes the blow. The scene switches back to Tengenjibashi going "owww" so he got hit pretty hard by it.
Kamioosaki calls him and is like "So the omiai is... basically over?"
Tengenjibashi asks how it went, you weren't hurt were you?
He says that he was attacked but is fine, and basically that it was weird, something is up and he thinks she was hiding something.
Tengenjibashi says that's good...  [he really does sound pretty in pain, though.] and asks when Kamioosaki is coming over.  He says that there's something he wants to investigate and is it okay if he's over kind of late.
Tengejibashi agrees that he has things to look into, too, so they can report back to his place later that night and they hang up.
Basara is worried about Tengenjibashi's injury, and tells him that since he can barely do any healing, make sure that Kamioosaki does when he comes back. Tengenjibashi asks if he can't be healed before then, and Basara's like "um no your ARM IS ALL TORN UP? Of course not"
"I guess not... it'll be a pain if he sees it."
Basara's kind of like WELL YEAH, prepare for him to be worried at least, since it was intended for him.
Anyway, he patches Tengenjibashi up, who is like "sweet now I can send off MORE SHIKI" But this time he's looking for Koji. Seems like he's unexpectedly close, and he goes off to find him.
... at the same hotel the omiai was at. Hmm.
So we found big bro, and god, if anyone in this game looks like they belong on the cover of a trashy BL manga it's this guy.
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He's got this "smarmy soft I'm so smooth" voice, too, ahhhh.
Seriously, I'm wondering if his voice is reminding me of someone in particular cause I kind of want someone to punch him. I wonder who does his voice.
WHY IS HE SO QUIET AND WHISPERY (I don't remember him sounding like this in the drama cd but maybe I just wasn’t paying attention?)
"So, do you have some business with me today? Despite how it may look, I'm actually quite busy you know."
"Busy enough to skip out on an omiai?"
"Wha~t, you came about that? I thought for sure you were going to confess that "Suguru and I finally got together" though."
"Oh, is that wrong? I heard that Suguru has been in a really good mood recently, wasn't that because you started dating?"
"I will leave that up to your imagination."
"Ok, I will. So, have you done it yet?" [THIS GUY GOD]
Tengenjibashi is done being polite now, and pretty much goes 'don't be that concerned with your little brother's love life, why don't you fuck off and go get married or whatever already' and Koji's like "aaaawww I don't wanna"
"I thought I should hear a cute girl's request. But hiding ended up being the right choice after all.
But who would have thought Suguru would end up being next. It's pretty harsh of the old man, to force him into it."
Tengenjibashi scoffs at him "...what are you talking about? You were hiding here to see how it was going, right? You were just here peeping on the omiai, weren't you?"
...this is where I give up trying too hard to understand this asshole and his whispery voice, sorry.
he says something about the spirit thing with the girl, and Tengenjibashi's like 'oh were you scared and ran away' haha
"no, but there are various reasons" uh huh sure
"and those various reasons are?"
"If you do 'something good' for me I'll tell you~" waht.
HE TAKES HIS HAND [THis fuckin guy omg]
"I'm a man" LOOOOLLLLL OF ALL THE CHARACTERS that TENGENJIBASHI ends up being the ones saying this HAHAHA. like I get he really means it more like 'back off' but. And HE ALREADY KNOWS YOU'RE DATING HIS BROTHER SO LIKE it’s not that effective anyway xD;;
"That's okay, I'm good with either. ...Oh, I'll keep it a secret from Suguru, ok?" I'm seriously getting back to wanting someone to punch this guy ok
"....." Tengenjibashi gets his EVIL SMIRK and slaps his hand away.
"Haha, so mean~"
"Please think yourself lucky I left it at that. If you weren't Kamioosaki's brother, what's between your legs would have been made useless by now" XDDDDDDDDDD
"Oooh, that's scary. How lucky to be Suguru's brother.  But that's a change, you weren't that kind of child. Is it---- because of Suguru?"
"We've gotten off  the subject."
"Well... treat him well. The time after you disappeared, Suguru really was in a terrible state."
"So anyway, putting the jokes aside, if we don't decide what to do about the girl, it really is going to become a big problem"
"What do you mean?"
"You're not going to hear it from me~ I'm going to disappear again, so don't you and Suguru go doing anything unnecessary"
"I refuse"
"... your whole body might become like that arm, you know?"
anyway bro fucks off and Tengenjibashi is like "MY HEAD HURTS" Same, Tengenjibashi, same.
And we're back at Tengenjibashi's with a worried Kamioosaki
apparently Koji emailed him and told him Tengenjibashi was hurt (he's like "he makes no contact and then emails about this? THAT TATTLETALE")
Tengenjibashi tries to bullshit him that it's just some little thing that will heal right away but Basara immediately calls him out on it, haha. And he has to fess up that he got it protecting Kamioosaki, who is pissed he didn't let him know right away since he can heal it.
And then he's like, why would you do that for me anyway, if it went wrong YOU COULD HAVE DIED,
and Tengenjibashi is piiiiissed because Kamioosaki could have died, too, and "just as worried as you are about me, I'M WORRIED ABOUT YOU, TOO!
Are you saying I shouldn't do anything!? Am I supposed to be satisfied to just sit by patiently and wait!?"
Kamioosaki's response basically boils down to "Yes I do!" and oooohhh shiiiiit... Tengenjibashi gives him crap for not being able to turn down the omiai, and Kamioosaki pretty much tells him that he doesn't want to hear that from someone who sleeps around with random guys.
Tengenjibashi's all "OOOoooooooooohhhhh I knew it, I'm not good enough for you 'cause I'm used!!" >:C
Kamioosaki's like "WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT?" but they're seriously screaming at each other by this point >.>
and Tengenjibashi (finally!) just blurts out with "THEN WHY DON'T YOU EVER WANT TO TOUCH ME" which stops up Kamioosaki who is just "..........waht"
So he finally fesses up that like "hey I've been wanting to have sex with you this whole time, and then like, we go on these trips and I feel like a TOTAL IDIOT getting all worked up by myself" And when Kamioosaki finally fucking gets it, Tengenjibashi is so embarrassed he just like... books it for his room and hides... under the bed, I think -_-;
"Come out, Rei... let me see your face. I'm sorry for getting mad. I was wrong, and I'm sorry so... let's talk.  And then, let me heal your arm...?"
Tengenjibashi comes out, and says that he's been wondering what is wrong with him. Kamioosaki says it's not his fault, it's his own problem, but then he changes the subject and heals Tengenjibashi's arm, and then thanks him for protecting him.
omg. So.
Kamioosaki is a like 'yeah I totally want to have sex with you too, I'm just scared' and Tengenjibashi ruuuuuuns with the 'virgin' idea and is all "it's okay, I'll be gentle~" and Kamioosaki's like WTF THAT'S NOT IT!?
and Tengenjibashi's kinda "Awww, I was totally wrong"
Though, apparently he hasn't done anything since they met again.
Anyway. He's afraid of hurting Tengenjibashi again. (which don't get me wrong I totally get but I was under the impression that they HAVE TALKED ABOUT THIS ALREADY????)
Tengejibashi says he hasn't worried about it once, and Kamioosaki says that he knows, but still can't forgive himself.
it's all very sweet
and Kamioosaki is like "so wait 'till I have a bit more confidence"
and Tengenjibaji responds that "no I'm not waiting" with his smirky face.
he pushes him onto the bed, and ties his hands with Kamioosaki's own necktie, (They've REALLY gotten use out of this poor tie omg) because that way he shouldn't be afraid of hurting Tengenjibashi.
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Tengenjibashi totally embarrasses Kamioosaki by commenting on how BIG HE IS (and he’s totally pleased about it of course) >.>
Tengenjibashi is soooo enjoying himself. I'll just post every possible cg variation to make up for my wimpy translations.
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I guess I wouldn't know but it seems like it'd be hard to talk so clearly with that thing in your mouth.
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Anyway, Kamioosaki says he's going to come, and of course Tengenjibashi is like "Then come... and I'll drink it all up~"
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Kamioosaki's all "omg rinse out your mouth" and Tengenjibashi is just like "lol why? It tastes like you"
And then he asks if Tengenjibashi's going to untie him now but, of course he replies that WE ARE NOT DONE YET and gets some lube from the bedside table to prep himself
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at this point Kamioosaki is still saying he's scared to touch Tengenjibashi on his own sooo
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... ok I didn't notice this earlier but the tie is in a perfect, cute bow, wow
"How does it feel inside me, scaredy-cat-Suguru?"
"Even like this.... do you still not want to touch me?"
"It doesn't scare you, Rei? I could hurt you again."
"Not being touched, not being able to be touched by you, is more stressful for me. ...because I love you"
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They talk a bit more, and also Tengenjibashi admits that not matter the circumstances, of course he was upset and worried about the omiai and that the idea that Kamioosaki could end up having to get married made him really anxious.
Kamioosaki asks Tengenjibashi to untie his arms so he can hold him
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Tengenjibashi is worried about if it left bruises and Kamioosaki is seriously just like "even if it did they'd be a good memory" type of answer.
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So ANYWAY They're mostly done chitchatting and get on with it haha
And afterwards Tengenjibashi's just like "one more time!" xD;;
aaaand that's about as much as I can handle of that for now so,
they finally come back to the living room.... three hours later...
Basara is like "(good for you, Sensei.  ... I'm still gonna be a nuisance sometimes, though >D)"
Looks like our lovely break is over and it's back to business. I thiiiink Kamioosaki found out that the girl from the omiai and his brother graduated from the same school, which means they probably know each other? And Tengenjibashi also got that feeling when he was talking to him. "So then why did they bother planning an omiai?"
Also, Kamioosaki thinks that she is trying to get over someone she liked, she was engaged to someone three years ago, but they were killed?
UHG I understand less and less of this chapter as it goes on.
But they decide Kamioosaki should meet her again 'cause it's the easiest way to figure everything out.
I think Kamioosaki is getting ready to leave, and with terrible timing, his brother calls... and you can decide to answer or not, the walkthrough says to not answer (it doesn't look like it actually makes a difference but I'm all for ignoring him for now, so!) It jumps over to him for a moment to be like "uuuhg he's not answering, I guess I'll have to actually show up"
Kamioosaki goes to meet Shirogane, and I think Tengenjibashi is just lurking around watching them.
Oh yeah, he is, and he's pissed 'cause to draw the spirit thing haunting her or whatever, out, Kamioosaki HITS ON HER TO FREAK HER OUT
and while he's yelling at Kamioosaki, it tries to attack but he's just like " SHUT UP THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT ANYWAY!!!"  catches the thing (with some help from Basara), and threatens it to explain itself 'cause he's in a really bad mood and might just exterminate it instead.
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Shirogane yells at them to leave him (Miko...something?) alone, and they're like "ummm why does she know it's NAME?"
And Koji fuckin pops up all "Shirogane you might as well just explain it to them already? You're in love with him, no you're in love with each other, aren't you...?" (OK no wonder he got pissed and attacked but also he LEGIT TRIED TO KILL KAMIOOSAKI ALREADY SO?)
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Kamioosaki lets out a magnificent "EEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeh?" screech and Basara is just "Well, that's an unexpected development. What should we do, Sensei?" So Tengenjibashi says to let him go and they'll listen to what they have to say.
Well, I don't really understand the explanation at all, but there is one.  Then Tengenjibashi asks what they're planning on doing ("oh but I won't accept 'getting married to Suguru'" he adds)
The spirit asks Tengenjibashi to exorcise him so Shirogane can have normal happiness, she cries and says no, she wants to be together
I thiiiink Tengenjibashi says that there is a spell to make him have a human form (but it'll take a while and is dangerous and stuff but that's good enough for them)
well, I think that's done.
So later they're at Tengenjibashi's, I think just generally talking about like, vacations and how everything turned out and stuff, and Tengenjibashi gets all flirty and then (TOTALLY STILL DOESN'T SOUND LIKE CONSTRUCTION) construction noises start up, and he's all "oh yeah that renovation or whatever" and Kaimoosaki's like
"wtf I didn't hear anything about this"
"Yeah I didn't tell you. I wanted it to be surprise" ~_~
Tengenjibashi wonders how his dad will feel about him moving and he's just. like "Oh yeah, I already told him we're dating, don't worry about it"
and there’s some more dumb flirty stuff but  it pretty much wraps up here~~~
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WHOO WE MADE IT.... except now it unlocked an omake story, haha
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