self-love-is-power · 2 days
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Bell, Book and Candle (Richard Quine, 1958)
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self-love-is-power · 2 days
You hold yourself so well, people would never suspect you're going through hell.
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self-love-is-power · 2 days
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In the right spaces, you will be heard without shouting. You will be seen without showing your wounds. You will be understood without changing who you are.
You can be yourself without any need to alter your identity.
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self-love-is-power · 2 days
The older you get, the more you choose calmness over drama and distance over disrespect. You prioritize your peace, mental health, and happiness - over everything.
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self-love-is-power · 2 days
Better to admit you walked through the wrong door than spend your life in the wrong room.
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self-love-is-power · 13 days
Made to love, but not to be loved; made to understand, but not to be understood; always the poet, never the poetry.
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self-love-is-power · 13 days
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Savannah Brown, from Closer Baby Closer; “Recorded talismans of intimacy”
[Text ID: “My baby my baby / I will know you well enough / to find you again / in the place where none of this is”]
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self-love-is-power · 13 days
“I like how sleeping next to someone means more than sex sometimes, the body’s way of saying ‘I trust you to be by my side at my most vulnerable time,’ you have no defenses when you are asleep, you tell no lies”
— Eric Shaw
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self-love-is-power · 13 days
“we can fix it together” & “talk to me, what’s wrong?” type of person >>>
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self-love-is-power · 14 days
this blog is an open love letter
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self-love-is-power · 17 days
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"how do you like your coffee? "with you
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self-love-is-power · 17 days
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self-love-is-power · 17 days
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self-love-is-power · 17 days
Talking to those who understand you is valuable; perhaps that's why I've spent half my life talking to myself.
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self-love-is-power · 18 days
Look at you, Wiping your own tears With the same hands That long to be held
Ayesha Zahra
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self-love-is-power · 29 days
The waves pulse like hearts. Beached under the spumy blooms, we lie sea-sick and fever-dry.
Sylvia Plath, from "Whitsun" in The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath
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self-love-is-power · 30 days
“and at some point I thought to myself: ‘no person deserves this,’ and I realized that includes even me.”
— Unknown
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