self-loving-vampire · 3 hours
I was going to say, I don't think he even spends enough time with any of his children to have the slightest idea what they are like, even beyond the usual "rapid onset parents finding out" thing so many parents get.
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self-loving-vampire · 4 hours
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[FANBOX]https://infinote.fanbox.cc/posts/8064310    [Fantia]https://fantia.jp/posts/2776604
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self-loving-vampire · 5 hours
Okay, you need to make sure you play this game at some point. Maybe not today or anything, because you’ll need about thirty minutes and a serious willingness to understand how it works, but - it’s so worth it. It’s basically an answer to our occasional frustration - why do assholes always come out on top? - and the beautiful thing about it is that not only does it explain how that happens, but also how we can change it.
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“In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it’s us players who define the game.”
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self-loving-vampire · 5 hours
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エレンジョー by Aile/エル [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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self-loving-vampire · 7 hours
Remember when people seriously thought wearing a kimono was supposed to be a “closed cultural practice”
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self-loving-vampire · 7 hours
female character who isnt even gender nonconforming but isnt considered attractive by the lowest common denominator: *exists*
people, inevitably: umm, actually i think this is a step backwards for feminism? youre saying a woman cant be pretty and also capable, youre saying that a woman has to be mannish to be important. i think it would be more feminist if she was prettier and wore makeup and a skimpier outfit
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self-loving-vampire · 7 hours
use firefox with ublock origin to get ad-free youtube on your computer
use firefox mobile with ublock origin and the video background play fix addon to get ad-free youtube on your phone
use newpipe on android for a full ad-free youtube app on the phone (requires you to first install f-droid)
use smarttube next on android tv for ad-free youtube and also it has sponsorblock built in lol 👈 this last one is a minor pain in the ass to set up; i use localsend to get the apk from my phone to the tv
there really is no reason to watch adverts on youtube in 2024
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self-loving-vampire · 7 hours
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おはようエレン by Qiandai以宇 [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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self-loving-vampire · 7 hours
People really underestimate the power of just telling someone you like them. romantically obviously but hell even just platonically too. You can admit you enjoy peoples presence it doesn’t have to be mind games it’s okay to just be sincere and true with your thoughts and intentions btw
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self-loving-vampire · 7 hours
every other year a minority or any weird or autistic person gets so many eyes on them that it restarts a "lolcow" movement where there is heavy documentation of that person as if they were an animal and I honestly think that's the ultimate form of dehumanization. yeah some of them you can argue are "bad people" but tbh in my opinion nobody deserves that.
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self-loving-vampire · 15 hours
Average Manhwa about Female Bullying: You will never fully understand why this happened. Those who hurt you will never fully grasp why they did it. They might take your place at the bottom one day, but that temporary schadenfreude won't change the scars left from the knife they dragged through your brain every day. They might feel guilt and regret, but you'll never be privy to that. Violence will not save you; anyone who says otherwise won't stop once it's over. There will be no catharsis. The only peace for you is the one you build after escaping this nightmare called adolescence.
Average Manhwa about Male Bullying: In a sick society called South Korea, where powerless teachers have been banned from caning their thug students, one man says enough is enough. It's time.... to beat up teenagers. Read Bully Concusser now!
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self-loving-vampire · 15 hours
NPD Girl who is too proud to ever use more than 30% of her power.
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self-loving-vampire · 16 hours
rpg where during a crucial moment in the final boss fight, you have to do something specific to avoid falling into the boss's trap in order to defeat him and get the good ending. however, if you fall into the trap, allowing him to gain the upper hand and defeat you, you will get the bad end. upon getting the bad end, you'll be given the options "continue" and "load". if you choose "continue", the hero will pick themselves back up, now faced with a new journey to defeat the final boss that had managed to bring the world to heel. it will be a significantly harder journey, but it's actually crucial to getting the true ending, because it's only in this path that you start to unlock truths about the world you wouldn't have otherwise discovered if you got the good ending instead
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self-loving-vampire · 16 hours
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do you think remilia still loses sleep over this interaction? over how marisa just immediately shut her down?
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self-loving-vampire · 16 hours
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self-loving-vampire · 16 hours
Do you think Tsukihime would have been better if it had autistic maids in it?
But it does.
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self-loving-vampire · 16 hours
azmaya’s reimari tulpa doujin save me
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