selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
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Battle intro:"Just because you are a woman do not think I'll show mercy."
Victory:"Its just a difference in skill of course, I being the skillful one."
Defeat:"H-how could you...."
Assist:"Just stand back and I'll handle this!"
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
Send ☭ for a vs. battle quote to your muse
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Battle intro:
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
♍ ♐ and ♎ !
♍:What brought you to PP?
Oh this was brought on when I was debating on joining a group and I saw the promo for it or it was the affiliation and checked it out, I really really liked what I found, but couldn't decide on a character to play since a lot of the ones I was good at/had a muse for had been apped in or reserved already XD
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♐:What's your favorite past time besides roleplaying?
♎:Someone you want to roleplay but haven't gotten the chance to yet?
Hmmmm this cutie here:
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Or maybe this one?
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Senri Shiki~
Or Toru from Shiki :D [I dun have any icons for him yet XD]
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
♈:How long have you been roleplaying?
That would be 5-7 years completely I started off really really really bad and its embarrassing to think about how bad I was, I would regret it, but it did bring me to now~
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♐:What's your favorite past time besides roleplaying?
Its a tie between watching anime, playing some video games, or archery. I really really like archery a bunch.
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
Send a sign to learn more about the mun!
♈: How long have you been roleplaying?
♊: Who was your first muse?
♌: Who has been your favorite muse?
♎: Someone you want to roleplay but haven't gotten the chance to yet?
♐: What's your favorite past time besides roleplaying?
♒: Who are your top three favorite characters (whether you muse them or not)?
♉: What's your favorite series (from any media form)?
♋: What type of music helps you gain the most muse for this character and others?
♍: What brought you to PP?
♏: What are you looking forward to roleplaying here?
♑: If you could roleplay one thing that you've always wanted to, what would it be?
♓: Tell us 1-3 random facts of your choice!
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
[ text ] Yeah, it was all fun and games until I realized that it wasn’t my tent, and I had no idea who those people were
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to: Lady Momoifrom: Wolfram
[text]: You too!?[text]: Is this some strange human ritual that I've not been made aware of?[text]: Is it required that you climb into the tent of someone you don't know while camping?
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
pioveta replied to your post:[ text ] come over. we are watching hoarders and playing i spy.
oh ym god.. i’d totally thread a movie marathon or a game night or something with you/wolfram *-*
[I completely approve of this right here 100% like so very much yes :D LOL that sounds like super fun!]
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
AHa had to fix my theme I just realized you can't see the italics or bold print D:
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
[ text ] come over. we are watching hoarders and playing i spy.
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to: Yamamoto from: Wolfram
[text]: I spy?[text]: Espionage? [text]: Hoarding?[text]: I'm not sure how that and the other tie into each other, but count me in.
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
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"If the world is made of light and darkness… We’ll be the darkness."
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He’s both simultaneously impressed and embarrassed at the rather dramatic line.
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
Send me a ✖ to have my muse attempt imitating yours!
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
[ text ] Yeah, it was all fun and games until I realized that it wasn’t my tent, and I had no idea who those people were
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to: Kanofrom: Wolfram
[text]: Tent? Like the thing you go camping with?[text]: I’m still not familiar with many of these terms you humans use.[text]: Let me guess. Did they throw your ass out on the ground? [text]: Hit you? Yell at you?[text]: Chase you around like you were a common thief? [text]: Please do tell I could use a good laugh.
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
Send ☭ for a vs. battle quote to your muse
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Battle intro:
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
TFLN meme - take two!
[ text ] I thidmdmk you’gre a special person [ text ] I lost my phone so I put sticky notes all over my roommates body asking them to wake me up at 7:00 AM. [ text ] dude, I’m watching paul blart mall cop. I have better things to do than listen to you whine. [ text ] forecast for tonight- shitshow with a chance of tbell [ text ] Yeah, it was all fun and games until I realized that it wasn’t my tent, and I had no idea who those people were [ text ] I dont know, my roommate got arrested but I’m gunna get some tacos no matter what [ text ] I watched the entire movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall before I realized it was in Spanish.  [ text ] if the best thing you can say about them is “they probably wont kill me” you may want to rethink hanging out with them [ text ] when i first looked at you, you weren’t wearing any pants. but then i realized you had them around your neck as a cape. [ text ] Admit it. It’s a brilliant plan with hundreds of possible repercutions. [ text ] Eating a popsicle in the shower was the best idea I’ve had in ages. [ text ]  COME GET ME FR THE HOSPIGAL’!!!!! [ text ] Me and this 7 year old almost finished a large pizza. And when I say me and this 7 year old I really mean me. [ text ] they basically told me that her vine videos last longer that I do [ text ] There’s a stripper banging on the door demanding to see you. [ text ] You are hereby uninvited from future Turnt Tuesdays until further notice. [ text ] come over. we are watching hoarders and playing i spy.
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
Eyyyy almost done with my para starters :D I'mma do some short mini threads next if anyone wants one, you can like this there's no cap :D 
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selfishlordwolfram · 10 years
Fitting in. [Momoi and Wolfram]
Wolfram's attempts to return to his own world had so far completely blown up in his face. In some cases that was almost literally as he found his powers were no longer able to be used. He blamed the lack of marykou in this human inhabited area, luckily he still had his blade at his side so he wasn't defenseless. That didn't particularly help in his current situation, but it was nice to know he could defend himself should he have to. As he has come to learn about Earth though, is that he would normally not have to defend himself in such away. Again this didn't help him figure out how to leave this place.... if there was a way to leave this place. Now he wasn't one to just give up so easily on something, but as it stood he wasn't like Gunter as his abilities with the elements were very limited and in this completely human world it was next to impossible for him to do anything about it.
The next option he had was one he would have rather not considered to begin with. Fitting in with all of the humans as he was going to be here for quite sometime. His current garb would be considered to be much too flashy in this other world and would be out of place among the regular people. He'd more than likely be well suited to the part of the park that was labeled as Julia's Kingdom. A place he would much rather avoid for its name alone as it doesn't sit well with him.
Though he needs to blend into the human crowd Wolfram doesn't know where to begin when it comes to their sense of fashion. His solution to this particular problem was to watch the people walking around the park to see if he could find anything he could even remotely stand to wear. The clothing he had seen thus far was.... it was far to hideous and not even the least bit practical. Shirts in bizarre colors and pants that seemed far too tight for a normal person to be comfortable in. This was and will always be undeniably hopeless.
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Or perhaps not? What was that one thing that he had been told about human fashion... Oh! Human girls were supposed to be good when it came to fashion? Where was he going to find a human girl who wouldn't mind helping a complete stranger pick out clothes? He could just take a chance, perhaps he won't be denied the help he would swallow his pride and ask for from the human's he had despised for so long.
"Hey!" he began to call out to the young woman with this vibrant pink hair.
Manners Wolfram he chastised himself, it would do him no good to be rude when asking for help.
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"I mean, excuse me. Miss? Can you spare a moment of your time?"
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