selfmxdeman · 8 years
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[John’s brow furrows as he nods looking around. Apparently he’s exactly where he needs to be. That’s....convenient.]
                    ‘----Well then, there will be no need for letters or telephones.                     It seems that I’m not far from where I wish to be. I appreciate                     your help, Sam. May God bless you.’
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“Lebanon, Kansas-”
He swallows the knot in his throat and slips his hands inside the pockets of his jacket, holding his phone tightly in his hand. 
“Post office is about four blocks south,  but I am not sure if they’re open just yet  Why- why don’t you come with me for a   while and I’ll bring you back once they’ve  opened?.”
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selfmxdeman · 8 years
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                    ‘----Yes, like the gun but I’m afraid that’s                     where all similarities stop.’
John smiles as he shakes the other’s hand but he’s a bit concerned by the look in the other’s eyes but decides not to question it.
‘                     ----A phone? No, those things are finicky and I wouldn’t                     know where to place the call. I just need to get a letter to                     some...friends of mine and I’ll be right as rain. Would you                      mind telling me what state we’re in? I need to get my time                     straight.’
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“Like the gun? I am Sam. Just- Sam.”
He gives the other man a firm handshake,  but there’s shock still evident in his eyes. 
“You know… I am sure there’s a phone  and phonebook nearby if you wish to  reach someone, probably much faster   than a letter too. Is there anyone in  particular you’re looking for?”
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selfmxdeman · 8 years
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                    ‘----Oh! I apologize. How rude of me. I’m John,                     John Winchester. A lot of people refer to me as                     Jack. And you are?’
[John holds out his hand for the other to shake with a polite smile.]
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“Yes, it it does.” 
His brows furrow and he begins to consider reaching for the flask of holy water in his back pocket. Everything about this was was just- odd.
“What did you say your name was?”
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selfmxdeman · 8 years
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                    ‘----It’s the what? I’m sorry, I don’t understand.                     I can just...walk. I wouldn’t want to inconvenience                     you or your box in any way. Mother Mary, does                     that even function?’
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You’re worse than Henry
      “Just… Don’t worry about it.          It’s the impala over here. Get in.”
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selfmxdeman · 8 years
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                    ‘----You have a car? Where is your driver?’
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“Post office? I could drive you there if you want?”                    
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selfmxdeman · 8 years
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                    ‘----I....thank you for your time. I believe                     I...well, if I could trouble you for one more                     thing? Where would I find your nearest post                     office?’  
“Oh, no I am sorry I think I got the year a little wrong, I am so busy lately I can barely keep my head straight.”
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“Who was the last president again?”
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selfmxdeman · 8 years
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                    ‘----Beg pardon? I must’ve misheard                     you. 2016? Is that what you’ve said?’
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“…March 29 2016. Why?”
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selfmxdeman · 8 years
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                     ‘----Pardon me if this seems...odd but,                     perchance, would you happen to know                     the date?’
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“Uhm-yeah, yeah sure. How can I help you?”
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selfmxdeman · 8 years
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                     ‘----Excuse me, sir? Sorry to trouble you                     but could I inquire a moment of your time?’
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selfmxdeman · 10 years
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"If there is ultimate Good, then, there must be ultimate evil….
▸independent supenatural oc ▸sam and dean’s great-great grandfather ▸8+ years experience. 4+ years on tumblr ▸icons,gifcons, paras, icon para, icon chat etc.
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selfmxdeman · 10 years
I think what intrigues me about John (my bby) is how similar yet different he is to Henry, Sam, Dean and John. He and Sam share the puppy dog eyes. He and Dean share a compassionate nature. His namesake a fierce determination and Henry, a love for family above all.  But still...if Michael came to John and he knew what Dean did....I still think he'd say yes because of how fiercely religious he is. He also believes in balance. To a scary extent. All old things must pass away so that new things may grow. If half the planet must burn to create a planet that is unified and whole...then so be it.
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selfmxdeman · 10 years
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         "A—- bus station?”
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selfmxdeman · 10 years
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                 ❝——A what?❞
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          “Railroad? I don’t know about that,            dude, but I think there’s a bus station            a few blocks outside of the edge of            town, or something. Like, couple miles            south, I think.”
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selfmxdeman · 10 years
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          [john isn't sure if he should trust her but he's a man built on faith.           faith that he's heading down a path that will lead him where God           wants him. if death greets him at the end then he goes willingly.            besides, she's the only navigation he's got and the things he's            already seen baffle him.
          he follows close behind her not wanting to get lost. the path their going           seems normal, safe unlike the roaring machines he'd nearly been accosted           by earlier that day. nothing in his years of factory work could have prepared           him for the fear of immediate death that struck at that moment. perhaps she           can explain all that as well.]           
                              ❝——For myself? 1898.❞
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"No way. You’re sticking with me." Because there’s no way she’s going to let this guy out on his own. Not when Lucy isn’t sure where he’ll end up. She isn’t sure he’s going to be able to make it passed traffic alive, much less finagle his way through a hotel. "I’ve got a trailer. It isn’t very fancy, but it’s good enough, and it’ll allow me to get you up to date. At least… as much as I can. Uh… what year is it for you?” She needs a place to start at least. Somewhere she can dig in, place this unfamiliar familiarity (dear God her head is spinning). She starts towards her trailer (just a few blocks away), taking the scenic route for once. Fields and a railroad track, she thinks,  will be better than the view of the streets.
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selfmxdeman · 10 years
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           ❝——Oh, thank Father.           I'd begun to lose hope.❞ 
          [he pulls out a pocket watch that has the Men of Letter's           symbol on the back and shows it to the other.]
           ❝——Perhaps you can              help me.❞
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"Uh, Yeah, yeah I do," his eyes narrowed in suspicion, restraining himself from reaching for the gun tucked away in his waistband. He had to be sure the man wasn’t a threat first.
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selfmxdeman · 10 years
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                   ❝——I see. Could you then,                            perhaps, direct me to your                            nearest railroad? ❞
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            "That’s what I said, yeah.              S’been like that for…month              and a half now? Somethin’              like that.”
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selfmxdeman · 10 years
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            ❝——I'm sorry to disturb you,               pardon, but I must ask, how did               you get in there?❞
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