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Imagine getting married with Jake in secret and revealing it during an interview with him after lots of hints and teasing from your friend, and costar, Ryan.
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“Hello. My name is (Y/n) (Y/l/n) and I’m here to read… your memes. The ones you’ve made for the movie “Life”. And comment on them.” you started saying looking at the camera before adding with a grin “Shoot this has to be the most weird and awkward intro you’ll ever have on this section, I swear. And you chose me to make the first video- oh wow it will be such a success you guys! Just wait for-”
“No, no! Nope, hold up! Just a minute! ‘Xcuse me! Excuse me, coming through! Coming. Right. Through. I’m-” you heard the familiar voice of the man you loved more than anyone in the world and no longer than a second later you saw Jake, holding a chair, quickly made his way towards you. Setting it next to yours he sat and smiled right back at the camera before he finally said “Here.”
“J what are you-” you started in surprise “You- you’re here to read memes too?”
“Yeah, I mean why not?” he looked at you with an adorable smile “It’s gonna be cool! Besides, they’re about the movie, aren’t they? We could have some fun!” he looked back at the camera but you gave him a funny look.
“You don’t even-” you started, blinking rapidly before shaking your head with a laugh “Jakey come on, do you even know what a meme is?”
“It’s- Uhm it’s- Something that should be-” he started stuttering, his smile fluttering a bit as he looked with the confusion that you were only able to find adorable; he then looked between you and the camera as if asking for help “Something that we… can read. And put on cards, sometimes- you know, big enough like these and- and we-” and then a small noise came from his throat that just made you burst in laughter.
“Ok, ok I’m old and totally clueless. This is not my thing ok? I just-” he shook his head “Bear with me please.”
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The Oscars - Jake Gyllenhaal x Reader
Prompt: Hi Can I have a imagine where The reader is married to Jake Gyllenhaal (4 years) and they go to the Oscars and she wins her 10th Oscars and she thanks him! (requested by @trueblue80s)
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“I don’t know where you’re going to put it.” Your husband shrugged, gazing at the award filled cabinet in the living room. “What are you talking about?” you asked as you ran around the house trying to find your missing earring. “The award you’re going to win tonight!” He put his hands on your shoulders, forcing you to stop running around. “Do you really think I could win?” you asked, “I mean I’m up against some pretty fantastic people.” “Of course you will,” he placed a delicate kiss on your forehead, “you’re putting too much pressure on yourself, and I know this is a big one for you – winner of ten Oscars is a prestigious group to be part of!” You took a deep breath, pausing for a moment. “I’m just so nervous!” you breathed. “I can tell,” Jake replied, with a concerned look on his face, “you just looked in the toilet for your earring.” “Yeah, I did do that” you buried your face in your hands. “Did you look on the dining room table?” You looked up, “Of course I did, I-” “Are you sure?” he cut you off, “I put it there myself.” You rushed into the dining room to fetch your earring; it was exactly where Jake said it would be. “This really speaks to how nervous I am” you whispered to yourself.
When you arrived at the huge theatre, there were hundreds of not thousands of people queueing up just to get a glimpse of their favourite celebrities. You walked up the red carpet hand in hand, stopping at various press points and chatting with the other nominees; signing autographs and taking selfies fans as you passed.
Then the time came to take your seats and wait for the ceremony to start. Your category was towards the middle of the night, which gave your butterflies plenty of time to double and make you even more nervous. Jake placed his hand on your lower back as he whispered into your ear. “Don’t worry, no matter what happens up there, I’m always going to love you.” “I know,” you replied throwing him a smile, “I love you too.”
Your category rolled around. They read out the names of the other nominees. “And the winner, of best actress 2017 is-” the pause taken seemed to last forever. “Y/F/N Y/L/N!”  There was an eruption of cheering from the crowd. You couldn’t quite believe it. “What did I tell you?” Jake stood up to pull you into a congratulatory hug as he spoke into your ear, just loud enough for only you to hear him over the sound of the crowd. You laughed; he was almost always right about these things. As he began to release you from his grasp, you gave him a quick kiss and ran up to the stage to collect your award.
The only thought going through your head as you made your way up the stairs was ‘oh my god, I hope I don’t fall’. Once you had made it to the podium, you were handed your award. The presenter hosting your category then hugged and congratulated you before making their way to the side, indicating that you were going to give your speech. “Wow, I really wasn’t expecting this,” you laughed as you looked down at the statue next to your hand, “there were so many amazing women in this category. I’m truly honoured to be stood up here right now.” Your eyes began to scan the crowd for Jake, who was looking on proudly. “Yeah, so I’d like to thank everyone who worked on this film, the cast, the crew, the hair and make-up team!” You paused for a moment, feeling yourself choke up.  “Without any of you we wouldn’t have created the amazing film we did and I am so thankful that I got to work with you all. There is also one other person I’d like to thank, my husband Jake, thank you for always believing in me even when I don’t believe in myself, you’re my best friend and I love you.” thank you for always believing in me even when I don’t believe in myself, you’re my best friend and I love you.” You stopped to wipe the tears from your eyes. “Thank you everybody!” you shouted, raising the award above your head, “Here’s to ten more!”
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Oscars ~ Jake Gyllenhaal
Word count: 505 •○• Author’s note: it’s a short, fluffy imagine about this awesome man called Jake, hope you like it. • ● •
We arrived back at the hotel late at night - or should I say early in the morning? It was nearly 3 a.m, which means that the party was still going on full speed, but I couldn’t stay longer ‘cause I got tired easily those days. It’s not so suprising, knowing the fact that I was 5 months pregnant that time. I quickly kicked off my high heels, and breathed out a deep, satisfied sigh. “Hey, babe, can you help me taking off my dress?” I asked my husband who was changing in the bathroom at the time. “Of course, I’m coming.” He shouted back, then I immediately saw him jogging towards me only in his boxers. I looked him up and down, especially his six packs. He paused in his tracks, looking at me with a weird face, making me look away and blush a little. I still couldn’t get used to his body after 4 years of marriage. Even if I was carrying his child, and I have seen him like this millions of times before, it was still something which seemed to make me a blushing, surprised mess in a simple second. Jake stepped twice more in my direction, and I turned around to let him have an access to my back. He quickly succeeded with pulling the dress down, then stepped away to grab my pyjamas and give them to me. When I finished changing, I realised that he still didn’t move. He was standing there, admiring me with an adorable smile spreading across his face. “What?” I smirked at him, climbing into the bed. “I’m just really proud of my beautiful girl.” He turned the lights off, and climbed after me. “Really?” “Of course. It’s not even a question. You are a perfect actress, and to prove that, you got an Oscar today. And somehow I think that you are even more pretty and sexy with this cute little baby in your stomach.” He laughed quietly. Suddenly you saw a memory in your head, about something that happened only hours ago. You felt the same excitement as you replayed the scene in your head like what you felt then, and then the astonishment and happiness as you heard your name. Then you remembered looking at Jake and the proud smile that was on his face while his eyes were shining like the sky on the sunniest day ever. I have never been more happy then that time, seeing that on his face. Then we went to the party to celebrate this event, but not wanting to disturb anyone with my pregnancy and that I didn’t drink or eat almost anything, just a little cake with a glass of water, we left earlier than the people celebrating there. “I love you.” He whispered in my ear placing his forehead against mine, making me go back to the present from the memory when he scooted closer and placed one of his arms tightly around me, caressing my stomach with the other. “I love you too.” I whispered back, slowly kissing him.
• ● •
Requested by @trueblue80s
I hope this is something like the one you imagined in your head. I had to change some things for making it more realistic and I think I didn’t write everything exactly as you wanted, but tbh I’m not capable of writing about partying or stuff like that rn. Thank you for your request.
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America’s ass - Chris Evans x Reader
Title: America’s ass
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: You paired with your husband, Chris Evans, and friend and costar Chris Hemsworth during interviews for Avengers Endgame. You have a lot of fun but it all gets better when you play a game where you have to guess your costars’ body parts. As expected Chris knows yours right off the bat and once you instantly recognize his, which happens to be one of your favorites, you let everyone know just what you think and feel about his wonderful ass.
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“We’re gonna name that Avenger. Let’s see how well you know the bodies of your fellow Avengers. We’ll show you some extreme-”
“Extreme? Well, that won’t end well.” you muttered, making the interviewer laugh “Are you sure you want to play this game while I am with these two guys?” you motioned to both Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth, who were already grinning and sharing looks that terrified you.
“We-well ye-yeah, I mean I guess? I-it’s gonna be fun. We’ll show you some photos and you’ll have to guess, wh-what could go wrong?”
“Alright, don’t say I didn’t warn you!” you pointed at him with a grin “Plus, man I really should be with the rest of the girls or at least Scar for this, so that I can express myself freely!”
“Why? Can’t you express yourself when we’re around?” Chris, your husband, asked with a small frown and you looked at him with a grin.
“Oh hon, I sure can. But for one, there are some things you better not know yet and for another, I’m just scared that the things that come out of my mouth after this might cause you a heart attack. Especially given your age, oh you know the effect that can have on someo-”
“Alright, that’s just mean now!” he cut you off, trying to look offended but unable to hide his smile anyway “You’re barely 9 years younger than me, I’m not that old!”
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Imagine talking with your husband, Chris, about his last scene in the Avengers during an interview and finding a way to tell him he’s going to be a dad.
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“Hi, I would like to ask Chris if you can tell us about your last scene and/or the last line you said on the final day of shooting for you. Do you remember it and if you do, can you tell us what it was?”
“Oh wow that’s a good one.” the actor spoke into his microphone as the entire audience and you as well paid close attention to him “My last line uhm- oh man, I can’t even remember I think? But- but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t even something that big, you know? It wasn’t any important, o-or extraordinary scene for me to easily remember.” he shrugged a bit shyly and innocently, chuckling softly.
“Excuse me?” you cut him off with wide eyes, placing a hand over your chest and faking shocked you gasped “Not important or big? Tell that to my crying-for-thirty-minutes-straight self!”
Knowing the tone in your voice at that moment he knew it wasn’t his costar or wife talking, but rather the huge fangirland supporter you always were of his, above all, and Captain America, he couldn’t help but burst into laughter “I feel so bad about laughing now because I honestly felt so sad, got scared even, when you wouldn’t stop crying during my last scene! But that didn’t even have to do with the scene itself, did it?”
“No, not really. But we were lucky we weren’t together on that scene because I would have never been able to pull it off. I’d just lose it all the time. But I was definitely behind the cameras watching him and everyone else or at least-” you shrugged “Tried to, through all that blury vision and tears. The only good thing about it was how he spoiled me with all my favorite sweets, movies and the most beautiful fort you’d ever see! He’s totally the best! That and cuddles, but don’t tell RDJ cause the shipping will never end after that! The man already posts more photos of the two of us than anything relevant to his life!”
“Can’t say I blame him!” Chris shrugged this time not-so-innocently before laughing softly “But yeah, it was maybe a big scene after all, if we put it in other words. A scene which I vaguely remember. And I know that even if I did remember the last line, I wouldn’t really be able to say. But- but it’s a really- I think there are some really far more emotional scenes there that stand out than that. Some that I do remember my lines in at least!”
“Alright, thank you!” the fan said with a smile, nodding her head.
“Thank you.” Chris said with a smile of his own. He barely had the time to say the words and glance in your direction that his smile fluttered and he gave you an adorably perplexed look.
“Seriously?” you said dead serious, eyebrows raised “Is that all you’re gonna give ‘em? She asked a question and all you say is ‘Don’t know. Don’t remember. Can’t know. Can’t remember. Scene and movie must stay a secret. No spoilers, sorry.’ Seriously? No. Spoilers? And you’re say that while sitting next to me, Evans?” you emphasized before shaking your head and turning back to the fans, scoffing “Can you believe I married this guy?” you asked, pointing to him as he threw his head back in laughter.
“How dare you Evans!” you still couldn’t fight your grin, not when you heard that beautiful laugh of his that you fell in love with from the first moment, ten years ago “You say something like when your wife’s next to you? Me, the Queen of teasing and subtle hints? Torture the fans the right way!? I thought after all these years that you had learned a thing or two but oh Odin help me, you weren’t even paying attention!”
“What can I say. Guilty-” he raised his hands in surrender, shrugging “I was too busy falling in love with you all over again, every ingle time, to care about anything else.”
And of course as soon as he uttered those words, which you could see were 1000% true just by taking a look at him, he had the entire audience awing and gushing at the two of you. Your teasing mood dropped and you couldn’t help but go soft at his words as well, maybe even felt your face heat up a bit.
“Alright, stop-” you hid your face behind your hand “This is not how it’s supposed to work! You shouldn’t make me melt on the inside. I’m supposed to tease you until you break and reveal something and not blush because you’re literally the world’s best husband ever!”
A deep warm laugh came from him as he threw an arm over your shoulders and hugged you closer to himself, kissing your temple and practically making the entire audience melt at the sight “Well, I’m just saying the truth here!” he shrugged so innocently “Besides, honey, I seriously don’t remember it at all!
“Oh my gosh.” you gasped “I can’t believe you’re saying this. Really? You really mean this? Chris! I remember each and every word of that final line! I remember everything you did, every move and expression. How can you not?”
“Because you’re also a fangirl and that equals to some serious superhero powers there!”
“More importantly I’m Cap’s number one fan!” you pointed out “I mean, really, I even remember the first lines you said when you got the role as well as the first scene you filmed, back in CA:The First Avenger! How could I not remember your last ones as well? Every single detail!”
“Really? How?”
“Don’t you remember? It was the first scene we also had together.” you turned to look at the fans “It wasn’t so much about the scene we had being special. But it was the fact that for us as people, for Chris and (Y/n), that it was special. We had met not long ago and we were still getting used to each other and uhm it was the first time that we saw each other in our roles so uhm- I remember my character did something that really left Steve speechless. You guys remember?”
You got a lot of yeses and nods at your question before you continued “So yeah, we saw Steve Rogers was pretty much shook. But what I will never forget is that that was all Chris’s reaction. Like, we expected him to say his line but he seemed to forget everything o-or somehow shut down that when he realized it, he said the things you ended up seeing in the movie. It was all improvised, and they liked it so much we kept it that way. The beautiful thing was how embarrased, if I may, he was after that and how he apologized non-stop! So yeah, honestly, I will never forget just how he looked at me and how that scene ended up coming to life because of him. Plus, I may or may have not had a big soft spot for that military suit you know!”
“I’ll tell you what, I probably never said it before but it was cause I had not realized it. It only dawned on me a couple years ago. I was unable to form any words because I was too shocked by having realized you were going to be the love of my life and hopefully my future wife.” he said with an adorable grin and you were sure he pretty much killed every fan in the room in just half a second afterwards. However you couldn’t help but hide your face in the crook of his neck and grin like an idiot while the man smiled with pride at you, kissing the top of your head.
“Alright-” you also brough the mic close to your lips “You wanna play dirty, Evans? Fine.” you looked at the fans “The reason why I really remember his last scene, about a month ago, was because I was crying so much and that was because I was a hormonal mess already. Wait till we get on the sixth month or something.” you turned to him only to be met by his wide blue eyes “How’s about that, honey?”
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Selena Gomez getting ready for the Cannes Film Festival, May 14
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Loft Inspiration | Loft is all you need
The Definitive Source for Interior Designers
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Red Shorts - Florian Munteanu x Reader
This just came into my head when I was working on something else (Viktor fic). This is so rough and rubbish - but if I don't get it out of my head I won't be able to finish the other two Viktor pieces I have.
Pairing: Florian Munteanu x Reader
Warnings: None really, Florian being a flirt.
Inspo: Those mf red shorts (am I right)
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You were sat at the hotel bedroom vanity, in one of the fluffy hotel robes, prepping you face to do your make-up. You were only half dressed in your black lacey bodysuit, still wondering what jeans or skirt to wear.
You were both getting ready to go out with Florian to celebrate Sandro's birthday. First would be lunch (because God knows ths boys all liked to eat) and then into and onto the night.
You were under the impression Florian was almost ready until you caught his passing reflection in the mirror as you rubbed the primer into your cheeks. He appeared far from dressed. "Florian?" you called, turning away from the mirror. After a few minutes when he didn't reply, you called out to him again. After a few seconds he appeared in the bedroom doorway.
He raised his eyes brows in response to your calling. But you just stared at him, as he stood there, phone pressed against his ear, in nothing but red Calvin Klein boxers. You had so many questions. None of which actually came out.
He was talking into the phone in German, and after a few seconds he wondered into the bedroom and to the wardrobe, to the side of you, opening it. You carried on starring at him, which he seemed oblivious to.
You just stared. At everything. His ass. His thighs. The way his V seemed to stand out more, begging you to touch it. Even the curve of his ass was begging to be touched. The way his V disappeared into the front of his boxers... You close your eyes, pretending your not staring. But you are, so you open your eyes and keep staring.
Florian hungs up, placing his phone next to your laid out make-up. "What do you think of this?" he asks holding up a t-shirt against his chest. When you don't reply, he pulls out another t-shirt. "This one?" "Are you serious?" you snap, getting up. "What?" Florian looks so confused, looking at the t-shirt and then back at you. "You think you can just stand here, in those fucking boxers, like it's nothing" your quickly undoing the belt of the hotel robe. Quickly shrugging it off, letting it drop onto the floor. Your fingers fumble with the fastening of the bodysuit, desperately trying to get it off. Florian just watches you, a huge smirk on his plastered across his face. "We're gonna be late" he laughed. "Oh, I'm sure we are" you pull the bodysuit over your head and throw it to the floor. Your hands meet Florian's bare chest as you push him back towards the bed.
As you enter the restaurant you're hoping no one quite notices the late arrival of you and Florian. "You two are late" Sandro slightly scolds, as he stands up from the table to greet you with a hug. "That's not my fault, that's Florian's" you state, handing Sandro his present in the gift bag. "Excuse me?" Florian exclaims, sitting down at the table at one of the two empty seats, after hugging Sandro. You sit in the one next to him, which has Masias on your other side, you greet Masias with a kiss on the cheek. "I was almost ready, and then you caused the delay" Florian didn't reply, worried what you were about to say.
After you put in your late ordered, you fall into conversation with some other people at the table. "I love your make up" a girl across the table comments. "Its nice a glowy" she smiles. "Thanks" you smile back - remembering you didn't even get to do your make-up properly. "What's the color?" she asked, you felt Florian turn beside you. "Hmmmm, I'm not sure... D something..." you think out loud. You feel Florian jab you under the table. You pretend to think some more, then give up. "Sorry, I never remember all these makeup names" you laugh.
Apologies for whatever the format is, I literally typed into into Tumblr in two goes. If it's really unreadable message me and I'll sort it out when I get home.
Tags (from memory (again)) : @beaminglife @endless00paradise @honeychicana @jojolu @designerwriterchic @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @amelatonin @dc41896 @mimigemrose @queen-of-the-jabari @v-writings @forbeautyandlife @blackinkfics @leah_lucas @profoundlynerdywolf @lovelymari4
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Under the Table
Florian Munteanu x Black Female Reader
Request: @blowmymbackout asked if I could write a fic for her birthday based off a dream she had!
You make the mistake of teasing Florian and he lets you think you can get away with it before he flips the whole thing around on you.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you like it! 💛
Warnings: rough sex, daddy kink, slapping, choking, orgasm denial
Word Count: 3,431
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It all started at dinner. All it took was one too many lustful looks and for you start creeping your fingertips up Florian’s thigh for him to get hard. 
He was always ready for you in that way, never too far away from being aroused by you and he couldn’t pretend that the way you touched him didn’t ignite a hundred different feelings. 
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