selfshippy-bun · 2 months
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
「 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅/𝐎 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐝. 」
𝘗𝘳𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵.
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
hi i love being nosy and asking questions so,
[ im referring to the name given to the pairing between your s/i and an f/o in case the wordings weird! ]
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
okay this is a question i just have to ask
pr*ship do not
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
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"This selfshipper is not comfortable with sharing their F/Os" userbox, requested by 🎴anon
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
Honestly just imagine your f/o giving you a plushie of your favorite animal/creature
Pro/com.ship dni
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
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imagine watching kids shows with your f/o(s)!! make a whole tent fort and everything!
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pro/com shippers do not interact with or steal my posts.
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
❤️ Villain F/Os who are regal and stern.
❤️ Villain F/Os who are violent and unpredictable.
❤️ Villain F/Os who are well mannered and genial.
❤️ Villain F/Os who demanding and possessive.
❤️ Villain F/Os who are furious and ruthless.
❤️ Villain F/Os!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
Your f/o is okay with the fact that you might not be in a good mood. They don't expect you to be lighthearted all the time, or respond to jokes as much. They'll sit with you and wait out your bad mood with you.
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
imagine yearning for your f/o before getting into a relationship with them
normal interactions with them run through your mind. when you put your playlist on shuffle, a song comes up that reminds you of them. you now have that song on repeat for a few days.
when you see your f/o genuinely laugh for the first time, you can’t help the warm feeling in your heart. in that moment, they didn’t have a care in the world. you want to preserve their happiness. and you hope you’ll be the cause of that laughter one day. with them around, there’s one more reason to get out of bed.
and they don’t even know. they don’t know how they’ve enhanced your life. you don’t know how you managed to keep these feelings inside. maybe bits of affection slipped through the cracks. your feelings are all consuming, but confessing is a hurdle too tall. maybe not today, but someday
pro.ship dni
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
lost in the ‘thinking about what my f/o’s wear to bed’ sauce <3
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
hii. your uncaring or cold f/o does in fact care quite a lot. especially in moments of weakness.
yes they care whenever you feel tired, burnt out and maybe they won't say anything. maybe it comes off like they don't care, but that would be ignoring how they find themselves taking up whatever work there might've been to do so you can rest a while longer without complaint. any 'oh you don't have to-'s get brushed off with a little 'go lay back down' or something similar. the shortness isn't because they're irritated, no, it's just because it's a little silly to them- yes, obviously they don't have to, but they're going to because they love you. maybe that's a little too sappy for them to voice, maybe they do reveal that, either way they'll find their way back to you whenever everything's set away and done. whether they're laying down with you or just sitting nearby and working on their own thing, they keep themself within arm's reach should you need anything.
yes they care whenever you're feeling sick or riding out any nasty symptoms. they'll go make any trips out for things you want or need without question, maybe making a quick promise that they'll be right back. maybe it's a little silly to think you're going to keel over in the handful of minutes they're at the store for, but they just don't want you to feel like you're suffering alone. they might not be feeling out whatever it is you are, but they still want to keep you company through it. maybe they hover just a little, if only just to monitor your symptoms, but rest assured they really don't mind doing whatever it is that makes you feel better. if you want a specific food or drink they'll be running through the rain if they have to to get it to you. if you wanna shower or take a bath but don't have the energy to set it all up or to really take care of yourself they're meticulous with it, setting out whatever they can remember you liking and what might help you feel better and keeping any touches gentle and delicate. if you just wanna lay down and have them nearby, they're happy to just stick around, so long as you can spare them the glances they're sneaking at you every now and then while you rest, relishing in the comfort and safety of the moment.
proship / adj dni
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
for a while, i ran two selfship imagines blogs: one strictly against proship and one that caters to proship to see how the two communities actually treat each other. I posted similar imagines on both blogs, none specifying the f/o's age, gender, etc, and nothing nsfw.
the proship blog's notifications were disgusting. people talking about the things they want to do to underaged characters, people fantasizing about feral animals, and one guy who pretended the imagines were about his irl sister he wanted to bang. I received the occasional "you need help" anon, but no threats or anything like that.
the no-proship blog? I received constant threats from the proship side. death threats. rape threats. one person made it a point to describe how he would "ruin" me every single day. another tried to doxx me (but ended up sending the address of a TJ Maxx halfway across the country). people talking about how I was "censoring the internet" and I need to "try reading some noncon to lighten up".
both blogs were deleted after a month, and I will never trust a proship person saying they're the ones being treated badly.
Dear god
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
Imagine forcing your f/o to play LPS with you
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
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"This selfshipper always fall asleep next to their F/O" userbox, requested by 🎴 anon
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selfshippy-bun · 2 months
Thinking of f/o face. So cute. Mwah mwah mwah mwah
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