selindogn · 6 days
Selin: You believe you're a better liar than you are. Selin: You wanted a child with me, didn't you? I know you're not foolish enough to make such a big decision with someone you dislike. @borawinters
Bora: You think you're that good, do you? Bora: There is nothing I like about you. If you genuinely think otherwise, you're more detached from reality than I thought. @selindogn
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selindogn · 6 days
"That's a robbery." She said with a shake of her head as she grimaced at the bottle and label. While she'd consumed numerous cheap and disgusting alcohols while attending different events with mutual friends, she wouldn't willingly spend money on something that sounded so grotesque. "It does sound like it would encourage you to procrastinate more. What do you intend on doing with that?" / @laceyxpierce
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"Let's see...looks like a good thirty-four dollars not including taxes." She said as she looked away from the price to look back at the other with a smile and chuckled. It was wild and she was curious who would even buy such a drink and the question is for why. "Environmental science, I mean it's easy but procrastination is my passion."
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selindogn · 6 days
"I wouldn't take offense to that. I can be self-centered but I wouldn't expect people to remember me from years ago." Selin felt like she was a realist in those situation. It would have been different had they met a few months ago or had a significant part of each others life but she could hardly remember who she attended school with. "The weather is great. That's a positive." Though she couldn't think of any other positives compared to other places. "You want to spend the rest of your life here? That may not be so bad if you travel as well" / @ford-tamblyn
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“ oh? Okay, that makes sense. I just didn’t want to feel like I’d been some sort of jerk and had seen you in school or something and had been ignorant about it. “ he admitted he’d been a little swept up in his own life for a few years but it was because his own father had gotten himself and his mother arrested while destroying the Tamblyn family fortune. He was a little scattered for a long time. “ I probably did. Most people try to leave places like this but I wanted nothing more than to come back to it.” He noted before letting out a small sigh. “ somewhere low key still. I love California so I don’t think I’d leave the state but maybe Carmel? “ @selindogn
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selindogn · 7 days
"Don't test me, Bora." Selin calls out to him as she follows along the shore, heels dangling from one hand with her drink is in the other hand.
Her fourth or fifth drink now, but one she was leisurely consuming during their heated conversation because she needed it to last.
"If you're not going to play fair with the house, then you'll come home to it trashed. I'll make sure it's worth a fraction of the price you've been quoted."
Money didn't matter as long as she was screwing him over.
"Oh, and the bleach I accidentally poured in your laundry. Not an accident." She drunkenly admits. "I'm only regretful that your expensive suits weren't in there." If they weren't dry cleaned, she wouldn't have hesitated to ruin them as well. / @borawinters
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selindogn · 11 days
eavesdrop + bo!
Selin walks into her home with the interior designer she's hired to appraise the pieces she has within the home. The last thing she wants is to be caught sitting on her hands without information should Bora prepare some documents with an official offer for the house.
He'd lowball her, there was no question, but the least she could figure out was by how much.
"He isn't here but we should get throught this rapidly in case he arrives. My mental wellbeing can only deal with so many interactions a day and I've already reached my quota."
Selin explains as she begins to show the woman around. "Many of these pieces are mine. The uglier ones belong to him but I'll point them out along the way."
She walks by a large picture frame of the two. No surprise that they were conceited enough to have it hanging for all to see. It was a favorite of hers and she'd yet to go through with her promise of burning it in the backyard.
Her manicured brow perks when she catches the interior designer look over at Bo. He's an attractive man, there isn't denying that, though his ugliness lays beneath the surface.
"He was married to another woman." Selin begins in case the interior designer has any ideas of reaching out to him now that he's clearly unattached. It wouldn't be the first a woman has tried to set her claws into what belonged to her.
"When we got married, he was actually married and he never told me that ours wasn't valid. Can you imagine looking into someone's eyes and lying to them during the most important day of their lives? He's a sociopath."
Selin had done her own variation of that. They'd both went back and forth on which betrayal was worse for months. It no longer mattered.
"If I don't succeed in ruining his life, I want to take him for as much as I can. So, I need you to quote me the highest value for the art and furniture. Let's head to the dinning room. The chandelier is breathtaking." / @borawinters
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selindogn · 11 days
😍 does your muse believe in true love? why or why not?
"Maybe when I was a little girl. Throughout the years, that idea has gotten more muddled with each and every heartbreak or break up. I don't believe in the notion that you can find someone who is your perfect complete half. Relationships take work and wanting to be with someone, every day, sometimes every minute. It's ugly at times, impossible at others, and the concept of a true love just seems too easy. "
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selindogn · 12 days
[ 💍 ] does your muse have a “type” of people that they prefer to enter relationships with? is their type generally compatible with them, or does the dynamic tend to be toxic?
"I tend to go for people who are determined in one way or another. While I do have a preference towards individual who have their lives put together and need no hand-holding, I don't mind someone who's in the middle of a shift as long as there's a clear and determined plan. I wouldn't date someone who has a deluded dream of being a rockstar. But if they're in the middle of wanting to start their own business and their business plan does seem feasible, then I wouldn't be opposed. Outside of success, I do lean towards individuals who can keep up with me. I'm quite vocal, I won't coddle, and I can be dominant. I'm attracted to those who can handle that and have similar traits."
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selindogn · 18 days
"Excuse me?" Selin had heard of many different food and liquor combination in her past but the acrid taste of vodka with the distinct taste of fish made her turn her nose up in disgust. "How much do they charge for that?" Whatever price they had it going for was highway robbery but somewhat genious if they managed to sell and make money with the odd combination. People were curious by nature and they'd likely want to try the odd combination. "What homework do you have to do?" / @laceyxpierce
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open: @aurorabaystarter
 “Can you believe they have Salmon vodka?” Lacey turned to the other to hold up one of the bottles before setting it back on the shelf, figuring to waste some time by browsing at the store when she knew she probably should have been grocery shopping and alcohol technically wasn’t food, she picked up another bottle to look at. “Makes you wonder what type of person drinks these absurd alcohol choices and before you ask, yes I am procrastinating on doing homework."
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selindogn · 20 days
Selin was meant to meet a friend and her child at the aquarium. The idea had been fun during brunch with a few mimosas in her system but now she was dreading the whole thing. While children were something she once wanted, her past with her ex had soured that dream.
"I heard something about this." Selin had read an article many months ago amidst an argument with Bo. Her attention had been half on the article she was skimming to try and ignore him and half on what he was saying. "They're ugly little creatures, aren't they?" They resembled more like a plastic bag than anything else. / @cloverdisclosed
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status: open, @aurorabaystarter location: aquatica
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Clover observed the countless jellyfish pumping up in their bassin. They couldn't be bigger than the palm of her hand, giving off a radiant glow in the dark water. Her feest were kinda hurting at this point for staying at the same spot all of the time, but she couldn't seem to move away.
"Did you know there's a type of UFO sighting named after these little guys? Space jellyfish. When it's twilight and a rocket gets launched, the sunlight reflects of the big plume and you're put in total darkness. Except for this luminous stripe of light, y'know, like a jellyfish. Freaks people out." Her eyes aren't moving away from the water as she talks, if possible her nose moves even further towards the glass.
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selindogn · 20 days
Selin: That's a smart decision. I wouldn't of needed dirty tactics but I also wouldn't be above it, you're right. Selin: We both know you still do but you'd rather bathe with a toaster than admit it. It must drive you crazy. @borawinters
Bora: Fighting you in court is pointless for me. That's your dominion and I have no doubt you'd pull out some dirty tactics. Bora: You always were lacking morals. I used to like that about you. @selindogn
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selindogn · 24 days
"She's the type who fights on YELP." The one who would dispute every claim made and had an excuse prepared for every accusation that clients made about their past experience. Given the flashing open sign on the door, Selin assumed that it didn't deter some people from giving her a chance.
"I didn't know that you could decide not to bring one in." Excuse or not, Selin was under the impression that once a car was meant to be towed or fined, there was no changing to be done.
At least now she knew should the situation present itself again.
"You haven't. Are you certain I can't buy you a coffee or cookie as a thank you?"
"I can only imagine how taxing your job is with dealing with different personalities - so I'd rather be happy to set you up on a good foot. I won't take no for an answer." / @caleb-majhi
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"Doesn't YELP do that all the time? Through customers, of course, but eventually it gets out." Caleb rolls his shoulders back and lets his hands land on his hips, stretching slightly while he looks over to the nail salon.
He finally looks away from the building to "So it wasn't you?"
"Guess she needs to find someone to blame." He waves a hand toward the building as if to dismiss the owner's pettiness. "Nope. It's fine. I mostly just like to see so I can know what to tell the boss if he asks why I didn't bring a car back." And also because if she'd been lying, Caleb's attitude on this whole thing would change.
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"Hope this didn't disrupt your day too much."
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selindogn · 24 days
does your muse like being hugged?
"I'm not an affectionate person. I'll hug people who are close to me, more out of politeness, but outside of a partner - I tend to avoid physical touch altogether if I can."
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selindogn · 27 days
Selin: If anything, I learnt it from you. Selin: We both own and live in the home. You can always serve me an eviction notice and you can test your luck in court. But we both know how that would go. Selin: A house. It hasn't been a home in years. @borawinters
Bora: You're know all about egocentric, you wrote the book on it. Bora: What you're owed? You are completely delusional, it's almost impressive. Bora: You should go be delusional anywhere but my home. @selindogn
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selindogn · 1 month
"The owner wants to make my life miserable because I made her unhygienic practice public."
There were ways she could have made people aware but Selin didn't regret it because as long as it helped one person avoid the trauma of the infection then she believed it was worth the trouble she having now.
"She's got it out for me and believes I've sabotaged her." Her eyes rolled at the absurdity.
Her brow raised at the refusal of money. It wasn't everything someone would turn down the chance at free money. "That easy? I've got..." A hand patted down her pockets until she felt her phone, pulling it out to open the banking notification. "Is this enough or do you require a paper version of the receipt?" /@caleb-majhi
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What is Paronychia? Disgust crosses Caleb's face with a deep frown and his eyes wincing. It doesn't sound fun. If it involves hands and feet, it's probably something he doesn't want to Google.
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"So you were getting lunch?" he asks. The parking spot is just as much open for patrons of any of these establishments. Caleb deems it so, anyway. Besides, this woman isn't threatening him or throwing a fit. Maybe this can be resolved more peacefully.
Caleb waves a hand. "No, money isn't necessary. You can just confirm you were getting lunch, I'll tell my boss who dispatched me that it was a mistake. No bribes, just..." Saying the right thing.
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selindogn · 1 month
"No. We wouldn't have met." Selin said with a shake of her head. Not because she felt like she would have been memorable, but outside of not being here, she was quite good with faces and would have remembered him. He didn't look like the typical guy in this town in the most flattering way. "Doesn't that make you wonder if you've missed the memo?" Maybe there was bigger and better out there but they were both morons for still remaining in this town. "If you were to live anywhere else than here, where would you be right now?" She more so asked out of curiosity. Should she give into Bo's demands and relinquishe her hold on the house, then she'd need to start thinking of plan b. / @ford-tamblyn
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“ I know. I suck at it” Ford mused with humor to his voice as she mentioned him being bad with avoiding small talk. He just wasn’t the best at talking to people outside of work and spending ten years being fake for tv screwed him up further. “ I had to ask cause I grew up here and left when I was in college. I was trying to place if I had seen you before or not. “ he admitted, because he probably would have recognized her if they had been in Aurora around the same time. “ so still a while. Honestly I’ve been having to worst time trying to see who has been here since I was living here before and who is new. It seems like everyone I met had only just got here a couple years ago “ @selindogn
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selindogn · 1 month
Selin: It's a large part of what attracted you at the start, was it not? Selin: Just when I believe you can't get more egocentic, you surprise me. Selin: My right to half of my home has nothing to do with you or haunting your life. I want a fair price or for you to wake up and give me what I'm owed. This house should be mine for the time and sweat I've put into it. @borawinters
Bora: I know exactly how stubborn you can be. Bora: It's a large part of why I can't stand you. Bora: Yet you insist on haunting my life. @selindogn
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selindogn · 1 month
would your muse prefer to be freezing cold or really hot?
"Cold without a doubt. I prefer winter over the blazing heat. There are comfier ways to warm up then to cool down and I prefer a warm bath or hot cup of coffee over a cold plunge. I've also spent an embarrassing amount of money on my tub and steam shower."
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