selling-sin · 2 months
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Chapter 18
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•Previous Chapter: Chapter Seventeen
•Next Chapter: Chapter Nineteen
•Chapter List
•New chapters every Thursday
•Content: Levi Ackerman × OC female. Slow Burn! Canon verse!
•Word Count: 3.2k
•Warning: This content may not be suitable for all readers. If you've watched all of AOT then you will understand that the show handles heavy subjects such as abuse, racism, violence, and other heavy subjects. This fanfiction will also have the same heavy themes. Chapters with heavy themes will be marked with (*) at each chapter.
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A/N: hey....
So I absolutely hate this chapter with all my soul. It took me a whole month to write. I'm so mad about how things turned out! Totally understand if y'all don't like it. I restarted and deleted this chapter so many times. Also super mad about how I wrote Levi in this chapter. I just want to hurry up and get to the 104th introductions but I have some more writing left before then. bare with me y'all. Sorry for the rant<3 (3-29-24)
I staggered into the pantry, my fingers fumbling over the shelves in search of something to drown out the chaos of my thoughts. But alas, Elenor had beaten me to it, leaving me to grumble under my breath about the injustice of it all. If only I hadn't spilled my flask earlier, I wouldn't be in this sorry state.
Elenor's grip on my ear was like a vice, yanking me away from my futile quest for solace. She muttered something about stains and salvaging, but her words were lost in the haze of my alcohol-addled mind. I stumbled along behind her, my steps unsteady and uneven.
"I can't believe you," she muttered, her disappointment evident in the furrow of her brow. "Do you have any idea how long it'll take to fix this mess?"
"Just dye it black," I suggested with a careless shrug, my focus already drifting elsewhere.
"You are not wearing black to the ball," she insisted, her tone brooking no argument.
"How about we just skip the ball altogether?" I proposed, hoping to evade the impending disaster. "I do it every year. Why change now?"
"You're going and that's an order."
Levi's voice pierced the air, sharp and commanding. Somehow he still managed to slice through the atmosphere even without the precision of a blade at hand. When he spoke, it was all eyes on him no matter where we were.
Startled, I spun around to face him, only to find his formidable figure looming behind me like the specter of authority he was. His expression was etched with a scowl, a silent warning of his displeasure. With his sleeves rolled up, his muscular forearms were on display, revealing how his time and effort had paid off. I couldn't help but notice the way his veins snaked beneath his skin. I watched his finger tap rhythmically against his bicep, a habitual gesture of restraint, he exuded an aura of controlled power that left me momentarily breathless.
I sensed the undercurrent of his pent-up frustration, knowing all too well that I was only adding fuel to the fire. Where had he disappeared to earlier that had left him in such a state of anger? Despite his efforts to conceal it, I could see right through him; after all, I knew Levi better than he knew himself.
"This early?" he remarked, striding closer to inspect the wine stain on my dress. "You're a mess."
"That's rich coming from you," I shot back, my words laced with a hint of defiance as I couldn't help but sneak a glance at the way his arms flexed with each movement. The faint traces of blood stained his sleeves, stark against the crisp white fabric, painting a picture of a man accustomed to trouble. Levi was like a magnet for chaos, and I couldn't shake the nagging thought of whose blood might be clinging to his clothes this time.
"I'm not trying to hide anything," he insisted, his tone laced with irritation. "Unlike you, I wasn't trying to flaunt it."
"Iris," Elenor chided, her voice tinged with exasperation. "Mind your manners. You drunk fool."
"I'm not even drunk!" I protested though the warmth in my cheeks betrayed me. In reality, I had indulged more than I should have, the remnants of last night's revelry still lingering in my system.
"Your cheeks say otherwise," Levi observed, his gaze piercing as he met my eyes. "Not to mention how boldly you're speaking to your captain right now."
"Cry me a river, we're off duty," I shot back, my defiance fueled by the liquid courage coursing through my veins.
"Iris!" Elenor's voice rang out, a note of panic creeping in as she attempted to salvage the situation. "I'm so sorry, Captain Levi. She's been drinking since she woke up. She's been nothing but defiant."
"Let's be honest, she probably never went to sleep after what happened last night. " Levi remarked, his eyes narrowing slightly as he assessed me from head to toe. There was a flicker of something in his gaze, a complex blend of disdain and... another emotion that eluded my drunken mind.
Last night?
"Oh, whatever," I huffed, spinning on my heel to stride away from the brewing tension. I refused to linger and subject myself to their judgmental gazes any longer. After all, it was just a minor mishap with some wine. What's the worst that could come of it?
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The sun hung lazily in the sky, casting a warm glow over our garden as I sprawled on the grass, my mother's voice fading into the background as my thoughts wandered to places they shouldn't dare tread.
"Iris," my mother's voice cut through the haze of my daydreams, pulling me back to reality with a jolt. I blinked, momentarily disoriented, before focusing on her expectant gaze.
"Yes, mother?" I replied, my tone innocent but my mind racing to come up with a suitable explanation for my absent-mindedness.
"What has captured your attention so thoroughly?" she inquired, her curiosity evident in the furrow of her brow. I hesitated, unsure how to articulate the forbidden desires that swirled in the depths of my mind.
How could I tell her that my thoughts had strayed to the forbidden realm beyond our walls? I longed to explore the unknown, to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden in the world outside. The very notion was absurd, blasphemous even. But the urge burned within me, impossible to ignore.
"Iris," my mother's voice snapped me out of my reverie once again, her tone firm but not unkind. I swallowed nervously, my mind still racing as I struggled to find the right words.
"I was just... thinking," I mumbled, my gaze fixed on the ground as I avoided her probing stare.
"About what?" she pressed, her patience wearing thin as she awaited my response. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for her reaction.
"Beyond the walls," I admitted, the words tumbling from my lips in a hushed whisper. My mother's gaze softened, her eyes following mine as we both turned to face the looming structure that cast a shadow over our lives.
The weight of my mother's disappointment hung heavy in the air, she gazed at me, as if realizing a truth she had long hoped to avoid. I could see the reluctance etched in the lines of her face, the weariness of someone who had fought against inevitability and lost.
"I didn't expect you to be interested so soon," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of regret as she set aside our books, her movements slow and deliberate.
"But it seems the time has come for you to learn one of life's most important lessons, Iris."
"Are those ugly things truly that important?" I frowned, gesturing towards the looming walls that loomed on the horizon, their imposing presence a constant reminder of the boundaries that confined us. My mother's gaze hardened, her eyes narrowing slightly as she fixed me with a stern look.
"You must take this seriously, Iris," she admonished, her tone leaving no room for argument.
"Yes, Mother," I replied, my voice tinged with defeat as I slumped back against the grass, the weight of her expectations pressing down on me like a heavy burden. Why couldn't this be a simple answer, a straightforward explanation that made sense to my young mind?
"Good, now listen closely," my mother began, her voice carrying the weight of centuries-old wisdom. "Those walls represent safety and security to all of us. They protect us from the dangers lurking beyond. It's only natural to be curious, but it can also be deadly. We must remember the blessings we have within these walls."
"What's out there that's so dangerous?" I interjected, unable to contain my curiosity any longer. The thought of unseen dangers lurking just beyond our reach sent a shiver down my spine.
My mother took a long, deep breath, closing her eyes briefly as if gathering her thoughts. I watched as her hands tensed up before she released her breath, her gaze meeting mine with a solemn intensity I had never seen before. It was a look that spoke of fear, of caution, of a mother's desperate plea to protect her child from the harsh realities of the world.
"Iris, dear," she started, her voice a soft murmur carrying the weight of untold history, "what lies beyond these walls is a realm of nightmares. Creatures known as Titans roam freely, devouring anything in their path. They're not merely monsters; they're the harbingers of chaos, the embodiment of primal fear."
Titans. The word hung in the air, heavy with the weight of the unknown. I felt a thrill of excitement course through me, mingled with a hint of fear. How had I never heard of these creatures before? What other secrets lay hidden within the confines of our walls, waiting to be discovered?
"Have you seen one?"
"Iris," my mother's voice cut through the air like a knife, sharp and cold. It was a tone she rarely used. I felt my excitement retreat, replaced by a somber silence that enveloped us like a heavy fog.
"No, I have not," my mother finally replied, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "I've only heard stories."
"Stories?" I echoed, leaning in closer, eager for any scrap of information about these elusive creatures. "What kinds of stories?"
"The gruesome kind," she answered curtly, her gaze distant as if she were reliving memories best left forgotten.
"So these Titans, they're the reason we can't go beyond the walls?" I pressed, my mind racing with questions and possibilities.
"Exactly," my mother confirmed, her voice firm. "That's why we must stay inside the walls. We are safest within the confines of Wall Sina."
"Has anyone ventured outside the walls?"
"Yes, the Scouts."
"Do you think I could ever—?" I began, only to be swiftly cut off by my mother's stern interjection.
"It is forbidden," she stated firmly, her tone brooking no argument.
"But what about Father?" I persisted, determined to uncover the truth behind my father's mysterious comings and goings. "He always talks about protecting the walls. Is this why? Does he go beyond them?"
A shadow passed over my mother's features, her expression clouded with sadness as she spoke of my father's unwavering dedication to his beliefs. "Your father serves the walls in his own way, my dear," she explained gently. "But his duty lies within these walls, among the faithful who uphold the sanctity of our home."
"Swear on your life, Iris, that you will never attempt to breach the walls."
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The wind howled mournfully, chilling me to the bone as I stumbled through the neglected garden. Dead bushes clawed at my clothes, snagging on the fabric as I pressed forward. The iron gate groaned in protest as I forced it open, the rusted hinges screeching in the darkness. The darkness swallowed the stars, leaving me to navigate by instinct alone. Despite the absence of the moon's guiding light, I pressed on, my steps unsteady and my mind clouded by one too many glasses.
I felt like a lost soul navigating the depths of hell. The darkness was all-consuming, swallowing the stars and leaving me to fend for myself in a world devoid of light.
As I collapsed onto the unforgiving marble bench, the cold seeped into my bones, a cruel reminder of my frailty. My mind was a whirlwind of confusion, my thoughts scattered like leaves in the wind.
Why did I drink this much? What was I trying to forget?
"Get up," Levi's voice pierced through the fog of my thoughts, his tone as sharp as a blade but I refused to yield. His hand reached out to help me, but I recoiled instinctively, my body tensing at the thought of his touch.
"No," I protested, my voice a defiant whisper as I clung to the bench for dear life. "I'm fine."
But the darkness pressed in, weighing me down like an anchor, my limbs heavy with exhaustion and regret. With a frustrated grunt, Levi hoisted me to my feet, his grip around my arm as he dragged me from the bench.
"You're a mess. A sloppy fucking mess," Levi muttered under his breath, his irritation palpable as he struggled to keep me upright. I leaned into him, my head spinning with each faltering step.
"You sound just like him," I muttered, my words slurred and barely coherent as I stumbled alongside him. Levi's touch felt suffocating, his fingers digging into my sides like claws as he propelled me forward.
"Let go," I pleaded weakly, but Levi remained steadfast, his determination unyielding as he pulled me closer. "Please."
But my protests fell on deaf ears, Levi's grip unrelenting as he guided me toward the safety of the house. With each step, I felt the weight of my past bearing down on me, the memories clawing at my consciousness like a ravenous beast.
My breath was taken away as I flung myself out of his grip and on the cold cement.
When will I stop flinching at the slightest brush of a hand, my body recoiling instinctively from any hint of closeness? When will I shed this suffocating cloak of fear that wraps itself around me like a second skin, a constant reminder of the horrors I've endured? When will I find the strength to stand tall, to reclaim my body as my own, untainted by the memories of pain and betrayal? When will I stop cowering from a man's touch, and learn to trust again?
After four years, I'm still fighting for peace.
"I said let go," I whimpered, my voice trembling with fear as Levi knelt beside me, his touch gentle against my clammy skin. "Don't touch me."
But Levi ignored my pleas, his patience wearing thin as he lifted me off the ground once more. I felt his strong arms snake underneath me, effortlessly hoisting me off my feet once again. My head bounced against his chest as he carried me, his expression stoic as ever. Despite my resistance, I couldn't help but feel a pang of gratitude towards him, a flicker of warmth in the cold darkness that threatened to consume me.
"God, you smell like a bar," he groaned as he carried me into the house, his voice tinged with annoyance.
Levi's frustration simmered beneath the surface as he carried me up the stairs to my room, his steps deliberate and measured. Despite my drunken haze, I couldn't help but sense the tension radiating from him, like a storm brewing on the horizon. But I was too preoccupied with the swirling chaos in my mind to dwell on his mood.
As he deposited me onto the bed with more force than necessary, I let out an indignant grunt, my limbs splayed out like a ragdoll. Levi's jaw clenched with barely contained anger, his eyes flashing with a mixture of concern and irritation. But I was too intoxicated to notice, too lost in my world of blurred lines and fragmented memories.
"You're a damn fool, Iris," he muttered under his breath, his tone laced with exasperation. "Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to drink yourself into oblivion like this?"
I waved his words away dismissively, my mind drifting in and out of consciousness. "Relax, Captain," I slurred, a lazy smirk playing on my lips. "It's not like I'm the first soldier to drown their sorrows in a bottle."
Levi's expression darkened at my flippant response, his frustration mounting with each passing moment.
"You think this is funny, Iris?" he snapped, his voice sharp and cutting. "You could have gotten yourself killed out there tonight."
I blinked up at him, the severity of his words finally registering through the fog of alcohol. For a brief moment, I saw the worry etched into his features, the genuine concern that lay hidden beneath his gruff exterior.
But then the moment passed, and I was back to see him as just another authority figure trying to control my every move.
I was in Wall Sina, what's the worst that could happen to me? It's not like a Titan is going to appear randomly here.
"Always the overprotective captain, aren't you?" I teased, a mischievous glint in my eye. "What are you gonna do, put me on kitchen duty for a month?"
Levi's reaction was immediate, his jaw tensing as a flicker of annoyance danced in his steel-gray eyes. He let out a heavy sigh, his frustration palpable as he reluctantly took a seat beside my bed.
"Your insolence knows no bounds," he muttered, his tone laced with a fit of simmering anger. "Perhaps scrubbing the mess hall will help rein it in. Your behavior has been unacceptable."
"Do you even realize how reckless you've been?" he chastised, his voice tinged with exasperation. "You're a walking disaster, leaving a trail of chaos everywhere you go. It's exhausting having to clean up after you time and time again."
"Then don't."
"I'm your Captain. It's my job."
I watched him with bleary eyes, the room spinning around me in dizzying circles. Despite my best efforts to focus, everything seemed to blur together in a haze of confusion and disorientation. Levi's presence beside me was both comforting and unsettling, his silent vigil a stark reminder of how much I had let him down.
"Why are you still here?" I slurred, my words barely audible above the pounding of my own heart. "Shouldn't you be off saving the Walls or something?"
Levi's gaze bore into mine, his frustration seeping as he held my drunken gaze.
"We're leaving first thing tomorrow morning," he reiterated his tone firm but tinged with a hint of concern that he couldn't quite conceal.
"I don't have time to babysit a drunken fool."
I chuckled, the alcohol dulling the sting of his words. "Well, lucky for you, I'm a pro at taking care of myself," I quipped, my words slurring slightly as I struggled to maintain my composure.
Levi's expression softened for a moment, a flicker of something akin to amusement dancing in his eyes before it was replaced by a mask of stern resolve.
"This isn't a joke, Iris," he insisted, his voice cutting through the haze of my inebriation. "You need to take this seriously."
I waved him off dismissively, my hand swatting at an imaginary fly as I leaned back in my seat. "Relax, Captain," I replied, a lazy grin spreading across my lips. "I've got it all under control."
Levi's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin as he struggled to rein in his frustration.
I shrugged nonchalantly, my gaze drifting lazily around the room.
"Hey, we're still alive, aren't we?" I countered, my tone flippant as I brushed off his concerns. "What more do you want?"
Levi opened his mouth to respond, but I was already drifting off, the weight of exhaustion pulling me into its embrace. His words faded into the background as sleep claimed me, leaving me to drift away into a sea of dreams.
When will this end?
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selling-sin · 1 year
i’ve had this plot in mind for literal years for a tobirama x foc fic and have started 7?? versions of the same story and can only get so far before getting lost
the ✨twist✨ is that it doesn’t primarily take place during the warring states era.
there’s a forbidden jutsu unique to oc’s clan & basically she is brought back from the dead (it all correlates to madara’s death 👀) and is kind of stuck in a state of immortality
writing out the gist of it like this makes me realize it sounds dumb as fuck but i literally have oc’s entire clan & life written out & she’s not op or anything i think she’s p average of a shinobi tbh but she befriends naruto and kakashi and them and ugh
i have this whole ass story in my head but can’t seem to write it all out in a way that’s consistent and reads back we’ll
in one of the 7 versions there’s over 100 pages on docs but it doesn’t progress well ):
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selling-sin · 1 year
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This is the only realistic looking Levi I will ever accept. This specific screenshot right here
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selling-sin · 1 year
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While they began rounding up body's, Hanji got sidetracked after encountering a smoke signal not too far away from them.
"I could swear is saw a smoke round come from around here somewhere..." She muttered to herself as Moblit and a small group of scouts followed her with a small stash of med supplies. "Section commander, don't you think we should help the others..."
"No, I saw a distress signal not too long ago. If Levi's Squad is still out there, we need to make sure they get medical attention, if needed." They kept walking for a while but did not see a lot on ground level.
"Alright, let's switch to 3DM gear, we might have a clearer view from above."
It didn't take long for them to find Levi's squad members. Hanji recognized Gunther's lifeless form hanging upside down from one of the trees as she set foot on the ground again. "Cut him down."
This did not give her much hope in terms of finding the others back alive. If Gunther was here, it meant the rest of the squad wouldn't be too far. She wasn't sure if he was the one to fire the signal, but she knew something had happened here. Did Levi even make it in time to help them?
"Section Commander! We found the remaining squad members!" Two soldiers came back to report. Hanji whipped her head around at the distressed sound of their voices. "They're dead..."
She followed the two, to find Petra, Oruo, and Eld. After the rest joined them, multiple gag noises could be heard. Hanji did not blame them, the sight was dreadful. Eld's body was cut in half and it didn't look pretty.
"Any signs of the Lieutenant?" Moblit asked. "Not yet." "Moblit, I need you to come with me. I'm going to look for the Lieutenant. The rest can start with recovering the bodies." The younger male nodded and followed Hanji.
"Eren is also nowhere to be seen, do you think he fled?" "Did you see what kind of shape their bodies were in? That was without a doubt the Female Titan." "You think she tracked them down after her body was eaten by those titans? Could she even transform again that fast?" "It's mere speculation at this point. The only one who can tell us what happened is MIA." Moblit hummed in confirmation.
The two of them kept walking around till Moblit spotted a red substance on the forest floor, it was unmistakably blood. "Hanji- blood..." At first, there were only small drops, but soon a bush caught his eye, which was covered in it.
"Look! There's more." Hanji dashed forward, her assistant following closely behind.
The honey-blonde had tried to stay awake. Her head was still spinning and her body shivering. It didn't help with the fact she was in a great deal of pain. Sweat dripped from her forehead into her eyes. Maria felt like she'd been lying there for an eternity.
She suddenly heard a voice again. 'No, two voices.' She could make out the sound of twigs and leaves crunching under what she presumed were boots. "Maria!" It was the voice of someone very dear to her.
Hanji fell to her knees as she inspected the small woman in front of her. Maria turned her head slightly to look back at her, her throat dry.
"I-s... it okay... to let go now?" She hoarsely spoke. "Don't you dare Maria." Hanji hissed looking back in her glazed-over eyes. Her leg had gone numb after her bloodstream had been cut off.
The bespectacled woman turned to tend to her leg. Whoever had tied up the tourniquet definitely saved her. It had helped stop the profuse bleeding, but it had to be removed in order to save the remaining flesh. Otherwise, the skin would necrose under the pressure.
"Moblit, pass me the bandages, I need to get this off." She threw away the branch that had been used to tighten up the cloth. While she removed it, she recognized the piece of fabric. It had been white before but was now covered in the thick red substance of her blood. Hanji examined it for a second before stuffing it in her pocket. This was undoubtedly Levi's cravat.
"Maria. Did Levi do this?" Maria could only stare at Hanji, feeling her eyelids grow heavy again. "Maria?" Hanji now sought eye contact, due to her not reacting, and witnessed her eyes close. "HEY! MARIA!" The brunette tapped her face lightly, trying to wake her. "Damnit!" But Maria had already lost consciousness.
"We have to get her off the ground. The chances of her getting an infection are getting too high right now. She has to get back to HQ." Moblit passed her the pressure bandages.
"I'll go back immediately and get a stretcher." With that, he turned around and ran off to get the stretcher.
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Back at the field, scouts were busy stacking up the bodies. Most had been identified up till now.
"Wait- there's Eren, Mikasa, and Captain Levi..." Jean's eyes scanned for a certain honey-blonde female but only saw the three of them leave the forest. "Eren's unconscious," Armin noticed. "Yeah, looks like it..." Reiner had joined the two of them again. "Where is Maria?"
"A better question would be; where is the rest of the Levi squad?" "They're still rounding up body's..." Jean whipped his head to the smaller blond boy next to him. 'No, she can't be dead.' Anxiety crept over him as they watched Eren being lifted onto one of the carts.
More corpses were being carried out of the forest and spread out next to each other on the grass.
"Wait... Isn't that..." Armin stuttered pointing at a small group of scouts. Jean followed Armin's gaze. There she was, on a stretcher. First, he thought she was dead, but then he saw more scouts coming to aid them as the section commander gave them their orders.
"Oh shit, she's alive!" Reiner spoke warily. Before his friends could stop him, Jean had taken off in a small sprint. He could hear Armin's shouting from behind him as he neared Maria's form, just to be stopped by a smaller individual. The Captain crossed his arms, blocking his way. Levi had seen the boy make a run for it out the corner of his eye, just when he was about to approach Hanji about Maria's situation.
After he left her, he went to find Eren. He had departed from her with a reluctant feeling in the back of his mind. He didn't want to at first, considering the state her body was in, but he was reminded of the duty he had to uphold. Saving the brat was a priority and even Maria knew this while she was badly wounded.
Retrieving the teen had been a pain in the ass. Not only did it result in him injuring his ankle, but he also had to keep an eye on that foolish girlfriend of his. Until now he had been ignoring the pain and on top of that, he had to deal with this kid again.
"Captain Levi-" "Where do you think you're going brat?" "I need to see Maria, sir!" "I suppose you only partly know your honorifics then, horse face." Levi had picked up on the nickname the day before and wasn't afraid to emphasize his dislike towards the teen at this moment. Jean swallowed, looking down at the black-haired male. "The last time I checked her rank was Lieutenant."
"With all due respect, sir-" Levi let out a small sigh. "Calm down, you can see her after they've taken care of her. You shouldn't interfere right now; you'll only get in the way." Jean gritted his teeth as he watched Maria's form from a small distance.
"Go help your fellow comrades with stacking the bodies. That's an order." "Yes, Captain..."
Jean made his way back to Armin and Reiner. The two of them had seen a different side of Jean today. He would normally display himself as a self-centered little prick, but now he was openly worried about someone else.
"What happened?" Armin asked. "The Captain stopped me..." "That man's damn scary." Jean did not react to Reiner's comment. Instead, he followed the short male with his eyes.
Levi had joined the Section Commander as they approached the cart with Eren and Maria on it.
"How is she?" Hanji remained silent for a few minutes. "She's alive, but she lost a lot of blood... She passed out when we tended to her injuries and hasn't woken up since..." His grey eyes raked over her broken form. Maria looked pale and wasn't breathing steadily. He took off his green cloak to cover her cold body. Hanji took his example to fold a makeshift pillow out of her own.
"You were the one who fired the smoke signal and tied off her leg, didn't you?" "Yeah..." "Quick thinking on your part, she wouldn't have survived if you didn't..." She pulled a bloodied cloth out of her pocket and handed it to him. His cravat.
"It looks like she has some broken ribs. The pain causes her to breathe shallowly. There are no signs of punctured lungs, so that's a little more positive... We just need to get her back to HQ as quickly as possible. We-" Their conversation was interrupted by a scout, who called for a certain black-haired girl. Mikasa had been sitting next to Eren this whole time and had helped bandage his head.
"Mikasa, can I get your help real quick!" Levi and Hanji watched the girl get up, her grim expression speaking volumes. She didn't want to leave the boy just yet.
She shot the Captain a resenting look from under her eyelashes, her words still lingering in Levi's mind; 'If you had just done your damn job and protected him like you were supposed to-'
"What was that all about?" Hanji asked with visible confusion plastered on her face. She wasn't wrong when she told him this. He felt the exact same way. If he'd been there, maybe he could've saved his squad and Maria wouldn't be injured. Levi let out a soft 'Tch' not answering Hanji's question.
"I'll go talk to Erwin, regarding Maria's situation. As I was trying to say before; We need to take care of that leg when we get back." "Tell Erwin I will report to him shortly." "Will do Shorty."
The moment Hanji left; Levi stepped closer to the small woman. Her hair was all tousled, even though it had been braided up before.
He examined the cravat in his hand with a troubled expression on his face. He neatly folded the now red-colored fabric and stuffed it into his breast pocket. Everyone was still occupied, and it didn't look like Eren's friend would return soon. He took it upon himself to look over the two, till she would come back.
Levi lifted his arm with a bit of hesitation, his eyes softening a bit. He brushed away a few strands of hair that covered her face.
"Idiot..." he whispered, while his fingers brushed over her soft cold skin and remained there for a few seconds. Levi retracted his hand and sighed.
"Don't die on me just yet."
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selling-sin · 1 year
i haven’t ever posted on here but i’m rewatching aot and my love for levi is back now stronger than ever so enjoy a snippet of him & my oc admitting their love to each other 🫣
There was a day that Sina Carter pulled up her sleeve and showed her heart to a man. She told herself over and over and over again that it was not a mistake. Even though he couldn’t reciprocate her feelings, she would, at least, be able to honestly tell herself that she lived without any secrets. She sought to live an honest life after spending so many of her younger years in complete darkness and loneliness. Maybe it was silly, but she wanted to do it. She needed to do it.
She would never forget the look in his eyes as she uttered those damning words. It was a mix of shock, fear—and…what else was that? Even all those years later, she couldn’t put her finger on it.
Seconds passed between them without a single word being said. The silence became deafening and the humiliation was growing to be all too much. She turned and began walking away, orange eyes downcast to the dirt below. Shameful, really, was all the dust kicking up as she hadn’t the strength nor will to pick her feet up enough to even walk properly. Never in her twenty-something years did she imagine she would put so much stock into what a single man thought of her, let alone enough to obliterate her spirit.
Then, a hand stopped her, snatching her wrist. His fingers offered an unfamiliar warmth that she refused to allow herself to be wooed by. Her brain screamed to keep moving, to break away from the contact and not look back, while her heart begged her to stay.
“Sina,” that deep voice called to her, tilting up as if he had more to say.
She stayed still, waiting.
And waiting.
“If you have something to say…” Her voice was so soft, he could hardly hear her even with their close proximity. “Just say it.”
“Look at me.” Sina’s eyes squeezed shut as she fought off the tears. “Please.”
The squeeze of her wrist was another, silent pray. As much as she didn’t want to, she turned. Her eyes met his boots before slowly moving up his legs, chest, and then… Those eyes. Those eyes that haunted her since the day she first saw them. A deep sea of grey, framed by long black hair and an undercut. They belonged to a man whose name struck a mixture of fear and deep respect in all humanity. The Strongest Soldier and Captain of the Scout Regiment’s Special Operations Squad.
There was a tension in his eyes. It was different than usual, though. They were wide—vulnerable, even, as a million thoughts ran through his mind. He was battling himself and it was a harder fight than any one he had ever fought before. As he looked into Sina’s unique orange gaze, he felt just as many emotions. More, even, and none were familiar. His heart raced and under the moonlight, all he could see was her. The way her auburn hair soaked in the shine; the glimmer that surrounded her like an aura as the moon hung behind her. She looked as beautiful on the outside as she was on the inside. How could someone so precious have confessed to being in love with a man who grew up in the slums of the Underground, living most of his life as a criminal? Better yet, how could he lie to her and tell her he didn’t feel the same way? Even still, a part of him was eager to turn her away. Losing comrades was not easy. Should they both admit to their feelings, if one died, it would result in an unbearable pain that he could not allow her to feel.
No, he told himself. He couldn’t lie to her. He never could and he never would. As scary and uncomfortable as it was, he would never lie to her.
His hand loosened from her wrist. It raised up her arm before falling on her cheek, his thumb ever so gently grazing her soft skin. Without wasting another second, he said, “I love you, too, Sina.”
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selling-sin · 2 years
Levi, after his long nap, watching Jean beat the shit out of Reiner and wondering why the cart titan is having soup with them :
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selling-sin · 2 years
Yes another Tobirama post but i NEED to address the fact that so many ppl think Tobirama is cold as an adult. The only time we see him being cold is during his childhood. Like have you seen how he acts as an adult? He makes JOKES during the 4th great war, he buddies up with Minato and Naruto. During his lifetime we see him smile and ruffle kid Hiruzen’s hair. He remembers his students, including Kagami, fondly, and died for them. He shows clear sibling annoyance at Hashirama and yells at him in front of the other Kage. He often bickers with him, both when he was alive and during the 4th great war. He was said to be friends with the second Raikage. He is NOT a socially awkward asshole who never shows feelings. He even acts goofy during a war, guys. During a WAR. He’s just as funny and loud as Hashirama, he just doesn’t have a happy go lucky attitude towards life like him.
Then why did we not see him smile or show any emotion as a child (which is probs where the idea that he is cold came from)?
Because of Butsuma Senju. That’s the only factor that changed between his childhood and adulthood. Butsuma died, and suddenly Tobirama was no longer a cold, emotionless, perfect weapon. He became a man who jokes around and shows affection to children that arent even his, who bickers with his sibling freely and befriends the leader of an enemy nation. Who probably had friends within his clan and village too. Tobirama’s default personality was never emotional repression. He learnt to suppress his emotions through Butsuma’s beatings and verbal abuse, to the point where he didn’t even cry or show anger during his brother’s funeral, unlike Itama and Hashirama. He had to learn to be the perfect child in Butsuma’s eyes in order to protect his siblings. Notice that Butsuma had 0 qualms at beating his eldest son (and heir) during his other son’s funeral, in front of his clansmen. He only stopped bc Tobirama intervened. Why? Bc Tobirama was the only son to follow his teachings. A shinobi can’t show emotions, that was Butsuma’s rule. Tobirama also obeyed when Butsuma ordered him to spy on Hashirama, choosing to betray his brother rather than disobey his superior, since Butsuma was clan leader before being his father. He obeyed the rules in spite of his comrades’ well being. And this isnt to say baby Tobirama believed in his father’s rules. He clearly showed he didn’t when he called adults (including Butsuma) idiots, and when as an adult he decided to destroy Butsuma’s legacy and make leadership positions “democratically” elected. He never trusted his father, or shared his values. He only followed orders out of fear of his abuse. 
He was a repressed, terrified child abuse victim who learned to dissociate his emotions to survive his father. Without Butsuma, he started to bloom, to make friends, to be a more adjusted person (he still invented Edo Tensei so he’s def crazy in the head but he was still coping a little healthier than as a child). Tobirama barely has any screentime, and no flashback of his own, but you can see the effects of his abusive and war torn childhood in every action he makes. And i think the fact that he learned to smile and get angry and banter and make friends after everything is heartwarming. 
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selling-sin · 2 years
referenced from Tom Lovell
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selling-sin · 2 years
don’t mind me, i’m mostly a lurker on here
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selling-sin · 2 years
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selling-sin · 2 years
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selling-sin · 2 years
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Yes. 100% true.
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