selmdrepatri-blog · 4 years
Best Sexual Positions For Slow Sex And Some Handy Tips To Make It More Enjoyable
There is no better tonic for a committed relationship than slow sex. It is a great way to enhance sensitivity and fill love in sexual acts. Slow sex is a great and effective way to help a woman achieve multiple orgasms and strengthen a relationship to a very high level almost making a couple inseparable because of the emotional bond that will develop with this type of sexual method. In this article we are going to discuss about some of the effective tips for effective slow sex encounters and some of the positions that will help in your endeavor of achieving romantic bliss with slow sex.
Important Instructions
The first thing to remember is that slow sex is a complete opposite of quickie sex. In quickie sex there is more of passion involved but in slow type of sex there is passion but there is more of pleasure derivation involved. It helps in developing a sense of faith in your partner and it requires a lot of alone time, so if you are in the hurry of finishing your sexual act the chances are that you will end up having quickie sex most of the times.
In slow type of sex it is very important to first understand your own bodily needs and then concentrate on your partners body. This trick will help in slowing down the nervous energy and you will start to take things in an easy way leading to sexual nirvana.
There should be a fixed place and time in the beginning so that you both become accustomed to it. For example in the initial stages do it regularly in one room and once you become experts then you keep changing places as and when you wish and yes keep distractions like television, cell phones and other electronic items away and completely concentrate on sex.
Men should be concentrating on a lot of foreplay and make sex last at least for 45 minutes which is appropriate for a woman to be fully aroused and experience satisfying orgasms. Their should be no excuses to turn slow sex into quickie sex.
Effective Positions
There are many good positions for slow sex but side by side is the topmost one to begin with. Other ones like missionary and sitting sex positions are also highly beneficial when you are trying to go slow and achieve ultimate sexual satisfaction.
Men should remember one thing that women need a lot of foreplay and some of them enjoy it more than sexual intercourse and they can even experience orgasms through stimulation of their vital sexual points. So understand her body and make her crave for your touch every time you enter into the bedroom.
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