semibinary · 9 years
(shorter) intro post!
so I made this blog to be a place for people like me!
semibinary is a non-specific gender for any trans person who is not binary but is uncomfortable identifying as nonbinary, feels rejected from the nonbinary community, feels out of place in the nonbinary community, etc...
no, semibinary is not demi[gender]. semibinary is not necessarily partially binary. it’s just that people who use “””binary””” pronouns (he/him or she/her) are who are generally most likely to feel rejected from/uncomfortable in the nonbinary community and it just feels right
after I get followers here, this blog won’t be posting in the nonbinary tag. it’s just to get the initial word out.
please reblog this post even if you don’t follow, just so more people see!
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semibinary · 9 years
hey so i made this blog
i made this blog a bit back actually and just didn’t post anything until now! i asked multiple (total of 4) popular nonbinary blogs if this term would be alright and both of the ones that responded said yes (one after clarification). A bunch of stuff under the cut because it got long.
also (sorry i just want this above the cut) I just want to say that after this post (and very maybe another intro post because time zones) I won’t be posting anything from this blog in the nonbinary tag unless it is directly relevant! the only reason I’m doing so now is because I know there are going to be people out there who are in the nonbinary tag who will be feeling this as well and I’d like them to be able to find it!
what is semibinary?
1) A non-specific gender identity for any trans person who does not identify as binary but is uncomfortable calling themself nonbinary.
2) A non-specific gender identity for any trans person who does not identify as binary but feels rejected from the nonbinary community or feels too separated from the nonbinary community to consider themself nonbinary.
i know that it kind of plays into the binary a little bit but it’s really comfortable for me!
but wouldn't that still be nonbinary?
well I’ll put it this way:
there’s terms and umbrella terms. by the baseline definition, all nonbinary people are trans. however, some nonbinary people do not identify as trans, and they don’t have to.
likewise, semibinary by the baseline definition would be nonbinary, but identifying as/being semibinary does not mean you have to identify as/be nonbinary!
there is a poll (linked here and in the sidebar) for what to do with this blog! the options are:
A semibinary advice blog, a safe space, both, other, or all of the above.
If you choose “other” or “all of the above” please send in ideas!
no matter what, it will probably be a bit of everything but I’d like for there to be a main purpose honestly?
the sidebar image is a flag i thought of? idk if other people have ideas you can submit them! the image is also below!
Tumblr media
with or without the symbol on it idk i feel like the symbol makes it more obvious that it’s a gender thing?
i’m also going to do my best to make this blog accessible! all long posts will be tagged as “ #long post / ” like this one is. I don’t want people telling me to add things to tag that I know so mention things if 1) its kinda rare for people to ask for it to be tagged or 2) i make/reblog a post and don’t tag it.
please tell me what I can do to make the blog accessible!
I likely won’t be taking up other mods because working with other people has never worked well for me before on any kind of blog but if I do there will be limitations and it will be 1 or 2 others!
Okay that’s it for now!
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