semichvrmed · 5 years
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            his light gaze fixates on the girl in front of him, she really is beautiful - even with the dim lighting, her golden features are undeniable and despite how good lola’s acting was he could see the way her eyes swam with something that spoke the complete opposite of her words - her eyes had always been so expressive to him and were one of his favorite things about her. however, with all that said - no matter how attractive he found the girl - god, was she a pain in his ass. he was used to calling the shots and it was clear that lola was too. the way she directed him before exiting the car, or the snide remarks when they appeared on red carpets together - it was almost like having another publicist buzzing in his ear. wes called the shots and tonight, he was dead-set on proving that to her. he flashes her a signature wesley wright smile as his hand falls on top of her dainty one and he flips their hands so that they’re intertwined. “hey - “ his voice is soft as he dips his head, catching her eye, “you’re not alone in this - i know we’ve both been busy but i think it’s a good kind of busy. it’s like - i don’t know - like we inspire each other to be better. we got through one of the hardest periods of her our lives together and in all honesty - the drinking and the drugs i started to chase that high because i just wasn’t in love with acting anymore but -” he squeezes her hand lightly, and he can tell that people are no longer pretending not too watch or eavesdrop - they’re doing so shamelessly. “ -  but having you in my life, it feels like i don’t need to chase that high anymore. you make me want to be better and not only have i fallen in love with you but i’ve fallen back in love with acting. everyone else pales in comparison to you, lola. no one has ever had this kind of effect on me.” he gets out of his chair, hand still holding hers as he takes the two steps to her side of the table, getting down on his knee and the gasps are audible around the restaurant, “i want to be that for you, too - let me be that for you, lola. let’s spend the rest of our lives being this version of us. falling in love with each other more and more everyday. – marry me.” with his spare hand, he pulls out a small leather box - harry winston, of course - he creaks open the box to reveal a ring - the diamond is one that combats the kind of ring a love struck fool would hunt the world for - looking for a worthy piece to put on the finger of the woman of his dreams. 
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            as soon as wesley reaches for her hand, she wants to pull it away, and she can practically hear millions of his fans screaming in her ear at the thought that anyone would want to turn away the touch of the wesley wright. and she got that. kind of. in reality, she’d been touched by hands a lot grimier and with a lot worse intentions than his, but for some reason his skin against hers sent hers crawling. burning. the heat getting even hotter as he continued to mess up the plan—really, how did this guy get one single acting job? she could see him now butting heads with every director. going in a different direction half-way through a scene. wanting to do things his way. it had to be his looks. those god-like good looks, which she had to admit she thought were a definite plus when they started this whole thing. but now they just annoyed her, because how could someone who looked like he did, like he was made for her, get under her skin this much? there he went with those eyes that made girls across the world fall at their feet. what was with those eyes? those weren’t break-up eyes. those were i’m sorry, loving, adoring eyes. shouldn’t he be getting mad at her for insinuating he wasn’t giving her enough in the relationship? throwing his napkin down, storming out of the restaurant all to be caught on camera and be posted on every celebrity gossip site? he should’ve, but maybe he was second guessing the plan. wanting to make her out to be the bad guy despite their agreement that it was definitely going to be him being done with her (and not the other way around, because america would forgive him for extinguishing hollywood’s golden couple but they certainly wouldn’t forgive her). well, if that was the case, she wasn’t going to let that happen. so she kept playing along. nodding her head as she talked, meeting his eyes and then tearing them away to look at the floor. using what she liked to call the technique as real fake tears started to appear at the corner of her amber eyes, having to keep herself from gagging at his whole we make each other better bullshit to realize exactly what he was so expertly doing. soon, he’s getting up and she’s thinking finally this is it, but her eyebrows knit in confusion as he isn’t walking away but getting down on not two but one knee—oh my effing god! her heart starts to race as she stands up, true shock washing over her face as she’s coming to terms with what’s happening here. this fucking asshole, she thinks before she’s completely distracted by the most beautiful harry winston diamond ring she’s ever seen. was she dreaming? she blinks a few times, wesley’s smile almost as blinding as the diamond, letting her know that no, this was definitely a nightmare. “i—yes, of course i will!” because she has to, she thinks, her left hand moving shakily towards him so that he can secure the ring onto her slender finger. the crowd behind them applauding as she pulls wesley by the collar towards her, hard, so that she can kiss him in pre-marital bliss.
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semichvrmed · 5 years
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         the girl’s laugh was like a trail of breadcrumbs, loud and booming and catching the attention of those she swept past; garnering amused and curious looks as she patted them on the shoulder in attempt to make them her own personal road blocks as she did her best to escape nico. she knew tonight was no different and he’d catch up to her no matter how quickly she ran off and no matter how many sharp turns she took. and despite her being ahead of him; he was somehow always one step ahead of her. she just hoped eventually, he’d grow tired of her antics - after all, everyone always did. there was also the very obvious fact that her dad and brother were overreacting with giving her a bodyguard 24/7 - she didn’t need one and she was dead-set on proving that each night.
        she practically had one foot in the door - a side entrance to a club she often frequented and one - aside from the occasional drug deal and the chance of an underager projectile vomiting - was safe. she spins with a roll of her eyes as he leads them away from the door, her eyes falling onto calloused hands that easily wrap around her tiny wrist. she lets out an exasperated sigh, equally as frustrated as nico but better at hiding it - making it look as if this was all a fun game to her. “no.” she enunciates the word, her brown gaze meeting his head-on and she can see the fire that brims in his dark irises, the color of whisky on ice, shaded by dark long lashes that in her opinion, are wasted on a boy. she shakes her head to further mark her point that she won’t give up tonight. “look nico -” she says as she wets her lips, “you and i both hate this arrangement but who says we can’t make it work to our advantage? dad doesn’t have to know - i’m not going to tell him. i’ve been to this club like a million times. it’s safe. so let’s have a little fun tonight, please?” she mimics his prior tone as a wicked smirk toys on her features, wiggling her wrist in his arm, “let’s go in, let’s get a drink - i’ll buy it, we can dance a little - and then i’ll even find you a girl to fuck tonight and maybe that’ll put you in a better mood moving forward.” she pauses for a moment, an eyebrow lifting, “i say tonight is for the greater good of our relationship, nico. what do you say?” 
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          “don’t you—” nico shook his head as she started to try and negotiate with him. a sharp breath leaving his lips followed by shaky laughter. his temper on a short string that she’d been snapping at all day, a bit enough hit and he knew he’d be flaming with little control in sight. he was no stranger to anger, delivering other people’s was practically his job. which just another way of putting teaching people a lesson in various violent ways, he guessed. but whatever this was with mason was different. personal. well, on his side at least, maybe not on hers. she was taking out her anger at her father and brother on him he assumed, but he wasn’t a fucking shrink and he certainly wasn’t trying to be. he was just trying to do his job and not get either of them killed, which she just had to make so goddamn difficult. she had spirit, he’d give her that, but there was only so much he could take. “look, i know you think you’re all cute and shit, acting like my idea of fun would be having drinks with you in some dingy club—which may i remind you hasn’t been fucking cleared yet—and telling me you’re going to find some girl to fuck. but let me tell you something, sweetheart.” he shook his head, his words soaked in venom. eyes going dark as he continued. “it’s going to take a lot more than getting laid to put me in a better mood after the day i’ve had. and this so-called relationship between us?” he gestured the space between the two of them, which had been diminishing as he got in her face. the tension between them so thick you could cut it with a knife. “is strictly business. and since i’m in charge of you, i make the decision on what’s in your best interest. and right now, that’s getting your ass back in the car and going to bed so that we both see the sun in the morning. alright?”
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semichvrmed · 5 years
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         “mason!” nico drew out the girls name in a long-winded growl as he fought against the crowd to catch up with her. not stopping to apologize as his elbow knocked into someone’s ribcage, his eyes firmly tracing his target. who was shockingly and annoyingly fast. he had just been winding down from a long day of white-knuckled fists and holding his tongue as he kept watch over her. her who made that task a living hell. never did he think that getting involved with the hartley family was going to make him someone’s babysitter, but he didn’t exactly have a choice. there was never a choice when getting involved with people like this. he had to keep her safe, not even wanting to entertain the idea of what would happen to him if he didn’t, and it wasn’t like he wanted this arrangement anymore than she did, didn’t she get that? “you want to go in there? fine! i’m coming in right there with you. you see how fucking fun that is.” he practically spat, his breathing getting heavier as he felt himself getting angrier. this would be the third time she’d tried to sneak out just this week, and he thought she’d learned her lesson the last time. but no, he knew all too well what was happening when he heard her window opening when she was supposed to be going to bed. she didn’t even waste enough time to let him get a cigarette in before he was back on duty to run around after her. shaking his head in frustration, he finally caught up with her. grabbing her wrist a little too rough, he loosened his grip as he pulled her over into alley behind whatever club she’d decided on that night. “you’re really going to make me do this again, huh?” pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration, he couldn’t help but laugh. words spilling out of him as his temper soared. “fuck, you know the drill. your dad doesn’t want you going out right now. be mad at him, don’t be mad at me. i don’t make the rules, i just enforce them. and you know this place hasn’t been scoped out yet. you know it isn’t safe for you to be out right now. so can you just give me one night of fucking peace? please?!”
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semichvrmed · 5 years
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          “hope you don’t mind, doll face,” his words sweep out of in a small drawl as he walks up behind her, bending down slightly to plant a kiss on her shoulder blade before sliding back into the seat across from her, “but i ordered dessert after i got off that call with jack.” jack - who was his manager. jack - who had encouraged he get himself wrapped up with lola randall after another stint in rehab. jack - who never failed to remind him that his career could end at any moment. there’s a lethal smirk that sits perhaps too comfortably on his lips, and its clear that he’s begun to derive from the set plan that lola and him had made from the beginning. the kiss on the shoulder was the first red flag - any other night, it was part of the motions they went through but tonight, they’d plan to play colder towards each other than usual (a more accurate depiction on how they were behind closed doors) all for the sheer fact that today was the end of their arrangement. he wouldn’t be surprised if the curious eyes that followed them the moment they stepped into the restaurant had already sent out tweets and had become sources to the likes of tmz - giving statements about how miserable they looked this evening. there’s a noticeable change in his demeanour as he leans back into his seat, resting his elbow lazily on the armrest, “you know, lola -” his voice spikes slightly, purposely allowing for eavesdropping,his orbs, usually hazel look slightly green under the restaurant lighting and blaze with mirth “i know it’s been a little rough lately but i really fuckin’ love you.- you know that right,  sweetheart?”
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         "of course not.” lola assured him, her voice sugary-sweet. a tone reserved specifically for when her and wesley were out in public that went away the second they weren’t, because the idea of talking to him, much less anyone, like that for real made her want to vomit. even now saying those few words had her tasting her dinner in the back of her throat, but she swallowed hard knowing that this would all be over in a matter days with their miserable arrangement ending. it’s going to do wonders for your career, her publicist had said. everyone’s going to want to work with wesley wright’s girlfriend, trust me. because no one wanted to touch lola randall anymore apparently. not with how tarnished her reputation was now. and it had worked, kind of. she was paying the bills, but not with anything of substance. that big acting role that she had been promised was still escaping her. but how could she nail an audition when all of her energy was being put towards the biggest con of her life? when she spent most of her nights being annoyed by america’s prince charming who turned out to be the actual bane of her existence. like right now, when he was fucking up the plan again. this kiss on the shoulder, the dollface, and the sweetheart? no, no it was all wrong, and sadly she was sober enough to know that and couldn’t say anything because they were being watched. contemplating kicking him under the table, her feet stayed firmly planted on the floor of the restaurant as she sat up tall, nodding as she folded her hands together. here was her big moment. “i know that, wesley. of course i do. but with both of us working so much, it has really taken a toll on me.” shaking her head, her eyes drifted to the floor as her face molded into something showing of sadness and regret. an expression she’d spent an hour perfecting in the mirror before this, figuring someone would be quick enough to pull out their phone and snap a photo to upload to twitter proclaiming to have documented the end of hollywood’s golden couple. “sometimes i just feel like i’m in this alone.”
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