senems7 · 3 years
Project management is one of the most crucial aspects of building software. It is the process that ensures everyone on the team understands what needs to be done, who is going to do it, and when it will be completed.
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senems7 · 3 years
By choosing a software development methodology, you pick the easiest route to success. I’ve heard about numerous software projects that failed in their purpose, hampered by a wrong choice of a development approach. When you make a choice, focus on project specifics, not the popularity of one or another method, to ensure the desired outcome.
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senems7 · 3 years
The Waterfall methodology has had critics and supporters since its inception, but it remains relevant today even as other methodologies have evolved to account for many of its flaws. If your team is small and your projects are consistent and predictable, then Waterfall could provide the ideal framework for keeping your team organized and on track.
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senems7 · 3 years
The waterfall model is a conventional method of development and it has been used since the software development process was executed for the first time in the year 1970. From start to finish, every bit of software creation in this process is traditional.
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senems7 · 3 years
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senems7 · 3 years
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senems7 · 3 years
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senems7 · 3 years
Perhaps one of the best definitions of data visualization was coined by Alberto Cairo, the author of The Functional Art: An Introduction to Information Graphics and Visualization. He describes data visualization as a graphical representation that is intended to let people see what they cannot normally see. What he means by that is that visualization lets people see through the huge amounts of data and extract patterns from it. The human brain is exquisitely good at visual pattern recognition. The process of recognition happens subconsciously, and this natural property can be used by designers when they need to communicate a lot of information very quickly.
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senems7 · 3 years
Among our five senses as humans, the discovery has compelled us to depend on our sense of vision to learn and grow with what’s around us. Primitive people sensed hazards through sight, relying on it as a critical tool for evading danger and extending existence. By combining our visual and auditory capabilities, we were able to discern whether the movement behind the treeline was caused by a wild animal or a member of our organization returning from a food gathering trip.
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senems7 · 3 years
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senems7 · 3 years
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senems7 · 3 years
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senems7 · 3 years
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senems7 · 3 years
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senems7 · 3 years
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senems7 · 3 years
Security is a constantly evolving problem, with multiple high-profile breaches occurring daily. There is a compelling reason why new firms prioritize security concerns and why so many developers are wary of global network security.
The FBI, the CIA, even country conflicts themselves are testaments to the extent to which hacking occurs on a global scale. However, it is not only large networks that require protection; your applications and websites must also be secured and safeguarded against illegal access. Due to the vastness of the web, it’s difficult to keep track of everything that occurs within your app and on your servers.
Indeed, it is these incredible businesses that are here to assist you with your security problems. The number of platforms that have developed from nothing in recent years is mind-boggling but also flattering. That is because, at one stage during the web’s development, security was a rather unimportant topic; nobody was particularly concerned abou
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senems7 · 3 years
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