seniorcarescv · 6 years
Dealing With Caregiver Stress
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Children of senior adults in Santa Clarita often take on the obligation of helping daily or weekly with a parent who might live alone, or care for their parent in the family home, all the while fulfilling their duties as parents themselves. Most of the time these adult children can manage their multiple obligations, working a full-time job, caring for their own household and children, and providing senior home care for their elderly parent as necessary. Sometimes, however, they experience a sudden sense of the immense responsibility on their shoulders. If this is you, then you might be experiencing caregiver stress. 
Caregiver Stress can make you feel like your world is crumbling down around you. Some common symptoms include:
Difficulty sleeping
Feelings of not being able to cope
When you find yourself feeling stressed on a daily basis and it is impacting how you interact with your children and spouse, it’s time to realize that you might need some additional help in caring for your older parent. That’s where non-medical in-home care can provide the assistance you need. 
Contact Comfort Keepers, the largest home care services provider in Santa Clarita, to provide you with the assistance you need daily or a few times a week depending on your situation. We can give you a break when you need it. Your aging senior deserves to stay in the comfort of his or her own home, and with our help, you can rest assured knowing that they are in safe hands. Click around our website to learn more about the wide range of services for both you and your senior. Our trained professionals would love to answer any questions you may have.
Click here to learn how our senior care services can help to relieve your caregiver stress. 
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Ave Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287-4200
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seniorcarescv · 6 years
Hiring Home Care After Hospitalization
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Home care after surgery is critical in hastening the healing process. If your senior loved ones have been discharged from hospital and you are worried about leaving them on their own, then Comfort Keepers are here to help you. Plus, most seniors are likely to suffer from various age-related health conditions that require monitoring and constant help even with the most basic tasks like bathing and eating. Most prefer staying at home because the familiar environment gives them comfort and satisfies their need to be close to their family.
Leaving the elderly at home on their own is associated with many risks such as:
Sliding and falling, which can cause bone fractures or even death;
Failing to eat or have a balanced diet;
Not able to maintain personal hygiene like bathing and brushing;
Forgetting to take medications or attend appointments.
Comfort Keepers Services
Interacting and assisting in mobility;
Reminding them of hospital appointments;
Ensuring they are safe in the home environment;
Preparing them healthy and nutritious meals;
Bathing, assisting with dressing and grooming;
Monitoring their medications.
Call Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita today and we will give you a break when you need it. We are the largest home care provider who can offer you with the assistance you need depending on your situation. Your aging senior deserves to stay in the comfort of his or her own home, and with our help, you can rest assured knowing that they are in safe hands. Click around our website to learn more about the wide range of services for both you and your senior. Our trained professionals would love to answer any questions you may have.
Click here to learn more about our home care services. 
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Ave Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287-4200
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seniorcarescv · 6 years
Diabetes Early Warning Signs
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Diabetes is a common medical condition among seniors. It’s important to diagnose diabetes as early as possible so that treatment can begin before it can lead to kidney disease, cardiovascular problems, and eye disorders. Being aware of diabetes warning signs can help your senior loved one get the diagnosis and treatment plan necessary for good health.
Diabetes affects one out of every four seniors. Learn the early diabetes warning signs and how to help seniors get the care necessary in order to prevent diabetic complications.
Early Diabetes Symptoms
Many of the early symptoms of diabetes are similar to those symptoms of other conditions. If you notice any of the following in your senior loved one, schedule an appointment with his or her doctor in order to get a proper diagnosis. 
Increased thirst
Increased urination
Itchy skin and/or dry lips
Increased hunger
Blurred vision
Tingling hands or feet
Professional Senior Care in Santa Clarita
If your senior loved one is diagnosed with diabetes, he or she will need help with taking medications, following a specialized diet, and checking his or her blood sugar frequently. It can be difficult due to family, work and other obligations to always be there for your loved one. A caregiver can give your loved one the quality senior care they need to treat their diabetes.
Contact Comfort Keepers today, the largest home care provider in Santa Clarita. Your aging senior deserves to stay in the comfort of their own home, and with our help, you can rest assured knowing that they are in safe hands. Visit our website to learn more about our wide range of services for both you and your senior. 
Click here to learn more about the senior care services that we offer. 
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Ave Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287-4200 
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seniorcarescv · 6 years
Senior Hip Replacement Surgery
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As we age, our bones become frail and our skeletal system become extremely weak. A slight fall can easily lead to hipbone fracture for which the doctor might suggest a hip replacement procedure. The process can take over six months recovery period at home. During this period, the risk of infection is very high and it is important to ensure that elderly patients get proper care in order for them to transition through this period smoothly. If you have such a patient, it is vital to seek the help of a good caregiver.
Responsibilities of a Caregiver
Some of the caregiver’s responsibilities:
Help the patient to groom and dress;
Assist the elderly to sit down, stand up, and lay down;
Pick up medications and remind them to take them;
Frequently change their wound dressing;
Keep track of appointment with the physician and transport them to the hospital;
Help with daily chores such as cooking, laundry, shopping;
Monitor healing progress;
Manage their finances and help them pay their bills.
Professional Senior Care
Sometimes life can get in the way and prevent you from giving your elderly loved one your full attention. This is where professional senior care services can be beneficial. Notably, the elderly patients who have people to care for them tend to heal fast without much complication.
Visit Comfort Keepers, the largest home care provider in Santa Clarita with over a decade of experience with senior care. Your aging senior deserves to stay in the comfort of their own home, and with our help, you can rest assured knowing that they are in safe hands. Our trained professionals would love to answer any questions you may have.
Click here to learn more about how surgery can affect your senior parent and how you can help. 
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Ave Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287-4200 
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seniorcarescv · 6 years
Summer Safety Tips for the Elderly
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Summer in Santa Clarita means family get-togethers, cookouts, and lots of pool time. It isn’t just an exciting time for the young as our elderly family members are looking forward to join in the fun as well. However, basking in the summer heat may put seniors at risk for heatstroke, and other health concerns.
Here are some helpful tips to ensure that your loved ones are protected from the hot weather. Talk with the Doctor
Discuss medications of senior family members and ask if any of them can cause health concerns like how some medicines can worsen sunburns. Check with the doctor of the ways to protect them from the effects.
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
Dehydration can cause serious health effects such as heatstroke. Remind senior loved ones to drink the correct amount of water that their body needs. Carry water with you everywhere you go so your loved ones stay hydrated.
Prepare an Emergency Plan
Have a list of emergency numbers in place as well as friends or neighbors on standby for assistance in case something bad happens to senior loved ones. If they happen to be alone and need help, make sure you are aware of where they are at all times.
Contact Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita if you need help taking care of your senior loved one during summer. We have amazing caregivers who understand heatstroke and other sun-related health conditions very well.
Click here to learn more about our senior home care services. 
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Avenue Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287- 4200
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seniorcarescv · 6 years
Dealing with a Low-Sodium Diet
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Salt is the most common cooking seasoning and it’s sprinkled in almost all foods. While moderate levels of salt are not a problem for most people, the sodium contained in salt can cause serious medical problems in a senior diet. Sodium is particularly harmful for those with high blood pressure, heart disease and other cardiovascular problems. Though it can be difficult to completely eliminate salt from a person’s diet, there are some simple tips that can be done to reduce the intake of sodium.
Fresh Foods 
Packaged foods are generally loaded with salt as it works both as a preservative and a flavor additive. Avoiding packaged foods and eating fresh foods is one of the easiest ways to cut sodium. As fresh foods have more flavor than frozen, canned or dried foods, less seasoning is needed to add flavor. 
Alternative Seasonings 
It is a good idea to remove the salt shaker from the table when put on a low sodium diet. There are many herbs and spices that can be used to add flavor to bland foods. There are also salt substitutes that do not contain sodium or contain only a small amount.
Professional Assistance 
Cooking fresh food for every meal can be difficult, especially when cooking for only one or two people. One solution is to obtain meals from a professional who specialize in making meals for a restricted senior diet. 
Contact Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita today and our trained professionals would love to answer any questions you may have about your senior care issues. Comfort Keepers can help you and your loved one by preparing delicious meals that comply with the restrictions of a low sodium diet.
Click here to learn more about our senior home care services. 
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Ave Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287-4200
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seniorcarescv · 6 years
Helping Seniors Feel Safer at Home
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Providing care for a senior loved one becomes increasingly difficult as their ability to care for themselves deteriorates. Feeling safe in their own homes becomes a challenge as they’re at a higher risk for falls, and are vulnerable in the event of break-ins and vandals. Fortunately, seniors in Santa Clarita have options for home care that will allow them to continue to age comfortably in familiar surroundings and feel safer at home.
Senior Safety is Paramount
When you have a senior loved one who is in need of care, your first step is to ensure their safety. Tuck away fall hazards like rugs and cords and look into life alert systems. More importantly, provide them with ongoing support that will check in on them and keep the house in order so that they’ll be at lower risk for falls and other problems.
Ability to Age at Home
If you have a senior loved one who is starting to struggle with daily self-care tasks, it’s time to look into senior care in their homes. These caregivers can come in for a short time every week to help with meal preparation, cleaning, and other tasks, or they can be part of a 24/7 support team that will ensure that your loved one is never alone.
Contact Comfort Keepers today to learn more about the types of care that you can choose for your senior loved one. Whether you’re looking for help with basic care tasks a few times throughout the week or a more specialized care on a regular basis, Comfort Keepers is here to ensure that your loved one gets the high-quality care they need.
Click here to learn more about our senior home care services. 
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Ave Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287-4200
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seniorcarescv · 6 years
Lifestyle Changes to Avoid Stroke
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Strokes are common among senior citizens, and they can be especially dangerous for those who live alone. The disruption in blood flow to the brain leads to the destruction of brain cells, damaging an individual’s cognitive abilities or muscle control. By avoiding strokes, it is possible for an older adult to maintain his or her memory and physical abilities.
Here are some of the best senior lifestyle changes to avoid a stroke.
Lose or Maintain Weight
By losing weight or maintaining the appropriate weight, you can avoid having a stroke. When someone is overweight, the heart must work twice as hard to circulate blood, leading to additional problems such as hardening of the arteries or high blood pressure.
Reduce Stress Levels
When someone has constant stress, it can lead to physical problems such as high blood pressure. In order to reduce stress, you may need to make some lifestyle changes, including staying away from places or people that make you feel anxious.
Quit Smoking
If you smoke cigarettes, then it is damaging your body’s blood vessels in addition to your lungs. Your blood vessels constrict when you smoke cigarettes, and this can lead to a stroke.
Control Your Diabetes Mellitus
When you have diabetes mellitus, you are more likely to have a stroke. High blood sugar tends to thicken your blood, making a clot in the body’s blood vessels more likely. You must control your blood sugar levels along with eating the proper diet to prevent high blood glucose levels.
Exercise as Much as Possible
An important aspect of healthy senior care is making sure that our clients exercise inside or outside of their homes each day.
Contact Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita today and let us help your senior parent or spouse with their lifestyle changes to keep them happy and healthy. We offer caregiving services that range from full time, to part-time, and everything in between. Not only is a healthy lifestyle important, but caregiving may be necessary to ensure that these risks are being taken seriously.
Click here to learn more about how to keep your senior healthy to avoid a stroke. 
Comfort Keepers 
 23900 Lyons Ave 
Santa Clarita, CA 91321 
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seniorcarescv · 7 years
Family Caregiver: Caring For Yourself
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Taking care of a loved one is never easy, whether it is an aging parent or spouse. After all their love and sacrifice for you, how could you not be there for them? It is a responsibility you should gladly take. However, constant senior care can take a toll on you. Here are a few suggestions so it is a little easier to care for your family member at home.
Signs of Caregiver Stress
Many family caregivers feel guilty when they are exhausted and overwhelmed. Wanting to rest is not a sign of weakness or your lack of commitment to your loved one. It is your body’s way of saying that you need a break. Untreated stress can harm you mentally and physically.
Here are some clues your body may be sending:
Feeling sad/overwhelmed
Not getting enough sleep/sleeping too much
Loss of appetite/overeating
Frequent headaches/body pains
Abusing alcohol, tobacco, or drugs
Solutions for Relieving Caregiver Stress
See your doctor. Talk to your doctor about your stress levels as a caregiver. You may need some medical intervention to feel better.
Let others help. Do not feel ashamed to accept help from your family. Not only do they love the person who you care for, but they also love you. When siblings take turns staying with an aging parent, then nobody bears the burden alone. If you are a caregiver for your spouse, let your adult children and grandchildren help.
Find a support group. There are probably many people in your neighborhood who are going through the same thing. Call your local hospital or university, and see if there is a caregiver support group in your area. This can offer you resources and the emotional support you need.
Take a breather. Try to get some “me” time as often as you can. Caregiver relief can refresh your body, mind, and spirit.
Consider Respite Care
If placing your loved one in a long-term care facility is not necessary, you may consider at-home respite care. Respite care for aging adults is the perfect solution so the caregiver can have a break.
Call Comfort Care in Santa Clarita today. We specialize in at-home senior care and our caring professionals know that caregiver stress is real. We not only offer respite care, long-term care solutions are available as well.
Click here to learn more about our senior care services. 
Comfort Keepers 
 23900 Lyons Ave 
 Santa Clarita, CA 91321 
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seniorcarescv · 7 years
Signs of Senior Difficulties with Caring for Themselves
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It can be tough for an aging family member to admit having difficulty living alone due to vision or hearing problems. Some may shrug these off as normal with aging but they can actually lead to more serious health problems if not given medical attention. Also, our loved ones are now prone to trips and fall when they are living alone with these conditions.
If you have loved ones who are aging in Santa Clarita, you may want to know the signs that reveal they need professional senior home care. Here are some of the signs to look for:
Mental Signs
Forgetfulness – failing to go to appointments; to pay bills
Mood changes – depression or anxiety
Losing track of time – failing to understand how much time has passed
Not eating – forgetting to eat food several times a day
Isolation – staying home most of the time
Poor judgment – making bad economic decisions
Physical Signs
Incontinence – finding wet sheets or seeing urine stains on furniture
Frequent falls – falling frequently while walking
Bruises or injuries – bumping into walls or falling out of bed
Insomnia – inability to sleep at regular intervals
Poor hygiene – not bathing
No food in the house – inability to shop for groceries
Dirty house – a house that isn’t clean or that is cluttered
Sleeping too much – sleeping most of the time
Mobility issues – problems rising from a chair or leaving a bathtub
Vision or hearing losses – having problems with hearing or vision
Changes in weight – unable to prepare nutritious foods
Call Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita today to learn more about professional senior in-home care. We have certified nursing assistants or home health aides that can assist with simple daily tasks such as bathing, dressing, and brushing their teeth, or give medication reminders. We also provide caregivers who can assist in daily activities like shopping for groceries, preparing meals, and eating food. Let us take the stress off of you because we will provide the caring assistance that you need.
Click here to visit our website to learn more about the services we offer for senior care. 
Comfort Keepers 
 23900 Lyons Ave 
 Santa Clarita, CA 91321 
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seniorcarescv · 7 years
Senior Depression During the Winter
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When our normal routine is thrown off a bit, we can become a bit disoriented and even anxious. In the winter months, as the time changes and the days get shorter, it’s natural for some of us to feel a bit down and out. However, when this depression does not lift as the month’s roll by, it can be dangerous especially for our senior family members.
Senior depression is a real health concern and their health depends on a quick diagnosis. Here is how to spot it and what it means for your senior.
Not Just SAD-ness
Your senior’s mood may be more than just sadness. In fact, SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder is real and is tough to manage. It’s a form of depression that changes with the seasons. Although it can happen any time of the year, it often happens during the winter months. However, with a genuine diagnosis, SAD can be treated.
The signs and symptoms are similar to that of traditional depression. These symptoms include lack of energy, disinterest in exciting hobbies or happenings, appetite changes and more. If there is anything out of the ordinary about your senior, you may suspect a decline in their mental health.
Treatments available for SAD and senior depression include anti-depressant medications, lightbox therapy, natural sunlight and counseling. Some seniors are unable to leave their home due to mobilization issues or lack of interest in leaving. In this case, some healthcare professionals can bring the therapy you need with them in order to help your loved one.
In-Home Care
Specialized care for your loved one can help reduce depression altogether. In-home senior care can help your senior feel normal and not left out if they are in a familiar environment.
Call Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita today, the experts who specializes in senior care. Your senior who is struggling with depression deserves a treatment plan that was created just for them. In-home care is achievable with affordable options for the exact care your senior requires. From memory care to personal care to depression care, Comfort Keepers offers it all.
Click here to learn more about how senior depression can worsen during the winter. 
Comfort Keepers 
23900 Lyons Ave 
Santa Clarita, CA 91321 
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seniorcarescv · 7 years
Applying for Veteran’s Benefits
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Applying for senior veteran’s benefits can seem like a daunting task. If you have a loved one who is in need of veteran’s benefits or perhaps you are seeking care for a loved one who is a veteran, it is imperative that you understand the application process.
At Comfort Keepers, we want to help you get and use the benefit you or your veteran deserves. It is imperative to understand which benefits can be useful to your veteran before you apply. Here are some of the senior veteran’s benefits:
Disability Compensation – for those who are disabled and have become disabled due to their service
Vocational Rehab and Employment Benefits – for rehabilitation and employment of disabled veterans
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Benefits for Survivors and Dependents
Pension Benefits for the Veteran and the Survivor
Education Benefits
Home Loan Benefits
Life Insurance Benefits
How to Apply
All of the benefits listed have different ways of applying, usually online. However, most of the applications can be downloaded, filled out, and mailed if a computer is not readily available. You can also pick the forms up at your local regional benefit office for convenience. You can find your local office online or by calling your state.
Call Comfort Keepers today and we will assist you in finding senior veteran’s benefits easy. For senior veterans, there’s vocational rehab and disability compensation that could be useful for income as well as finding in-home care for your elder. Let us help you sort it out!
Click here too learn more about our services and how they can benefit your senior parent. 

 Comfort Keepers 
 23900 Lyons Ave 
 Santa Clarita, CA 91321 
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seniorcarescv · 7 years
Protect Your Senior’s Financial Well-Being
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Being well prepared about the well-being and finances of elderly family members is a smart idea but it is particularly important to do this before they become too ill. But with you managing your own as well, it can be challenging on your part to do everything at once. Let Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita help you ensure that your senior loved one is given financial protection throughout the remainder of their life.
Government Programs Available
Check what government programs (state and the federal level) are available to help seniors in ensuring their finances. There are cases where seniors are eligible with multiple government programs to provide convenience on their part.
Find the Best Option
Plan early on to find the best option that will give you and your senior the best value for your money. The cheapest is not necessarily the best option. Consider in-home care, care facilities, or if round-the-clock care is needed. Call providers with regards to their payment plans and the programs they have for assistance. You can also check with their insurance to ensure they have benefits for care.
Safer Living Space
Aside from the financial aspect, ensure the well-being of your senior loved ones as well. Make the necessary renovations in your home early on - wider doorways, and extra handles and railings in the bathroom and kitchen, to ensure their aging process is convenient and safe.
Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita offers great assistance for those who need in-home care and other services for your senior loved ones. Give us a call today and let us come up with the best plan that will keep your loved one’s financial plan in place for their financial protection.
Click here to learn more about how you can protect your senior loved one’s finances.
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Avenue Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287- 4200
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seniorcarescv · 7 years
In Home Care for Valencia, CA
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As much as we want to personally care for our elderly family members 24/7, reality is we cannot juggle our career, family time, and our caregiving tasks all at once. Spreading ourselves too thinly will rob us of our “me-time” and we don’t want burn out to get the best of us.
Those who find themselves in this position need not fret. Today in Valencia, California, In-home senior care is the perfect option for you. Comfort Keepers will ensure that your elderly family member will remain independent with the help of a loving and kind caregiver. The following are the services offered by Comfort Keepers for seniors in Valencia, California and the neighboring places.
Personal Care Bathing, dressing, regular grooming, toileting, and other similar needs are included in Personal Care.
Companion Care Light housekeeping, assistance in meal preparation, simple errands such as grocery shopping, bill payments, and similar tasks are included in Companion Care. Your elderly loved one will also have some fun conversation and interaction with our caregivers.
Dementia Care This specialized care is provided by trained staff around Valencia, California to ensure that proper care is given.
Respite Care Rest and self-care is equally important for the primary caregiver of aging loved ones. This type of service allows you to have some much-needed break and to allow you time to complete your own affairs.
Contact Comfort Keepers in Valencia, California for other care services available to fit your specific need. We will ensure you are provided with the care you and your loved one deserve.
Click here to learn more about our senior in home care services for Valencia and surrounding areas.
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Avenue Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287- 4200
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seniorcarescv · 7 years
Home Care Providers in Santa Clarita
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There comes a point in our lives when ordinary tasks that we used to love doing with ease become more challenging, especially for our aging family members. Whether they admit it or not, they will need assistance with daily routine, in some cases, medical care. Sending them to a care facility with unfamiliar faces and surroundings can be overwhelming and can dampen their spirits.
Comfort Keepers understands the positive impact to seniors of being in their own home, surrounded by the people they love and who care for them.
The Benefits of In-Home Care
When you opt for in-home care for your senior family member, Comfort Keepers will send trained home care providers to bring you and your family the best care available. Your loved ones will be able to stay in their own homes while they receive in-home care at their convenience. This allows them to enjoy their own space, while being taken care of by skilled professionals.
Home care will not only benefit the seniors because the family caregiver will also have time to rest and enjoy some “me time”. Rest and self-care is important when taking care of a family member so let Comfort Keepers help.
What is included in Home Care Service
Some of the main services included are:
Light housekeeping
Bathing, dressing and grooming assistance
Meal preparation and medication monitoring
Simple errands
Respite relief for you and your family
Alzheimer’s care, Dementia care, and therapy
Home care will boost the spirit of aging family members as it gives them opportunity to remain in their home, together with their family, loved ones and special belongings. Home care is personal, loving and safe that will benefit the senior and their entire family.
Contact Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita today and schedule a consultation so we can discuss how we can work with you and your family to find the best care available for you special someone.
Click here to learn more about our home care services for seniors.
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Avenue Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287- 4200
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seniorcarescv · 7 years
Tips to Prevent Senior Dementia
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As we age, our body deteriorates, especially when we are in our senior years. The ordinary chores become extra strenuous and we cannot accomplish tasks as fast as we used to. The difficulty is heightened for seniors with dementia. In the United States alone, deaths due to dementia has a dramatic increase as many other health concerns are caused when our senior loved one’s mind deteriorates. The good news is, we can help prevent senior dementia in Santa Clarita by ridding ourselves with bad habits and developing a healthier, more active lifestyle.
Add walking into the daily routine of seniors can improve their blood pressure, cognitive skills, and overall health. Walking will keep the blood pumping to ensure healthy flow to the brain. An active lifestyle will effectively ward off dementia.
Seniors who are always alone and do not go out of the house to mingle with people have higher risk of developing dementia. Make sure your senior loved one spends time connecting with friends and other people, especially friends from their younger days. Constant interaction with people boosts our mental facilities and combats depression as well. And
Maintain a Safe Environment
Head trauma is the leading cause of early dementia. A simple tumble can happen because of a cracked or chipped off tile flooring, disarranged furniture, wiring, and bathroom without rails. Ensure these are not taken for granted to prevent trip and fall of a senior family member.
Contact Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita today and get help in preventing senior dementia. We have experts that know dementia, the symptoms, and the proper treatment. We will help seniors fight back, help regain control, and enjoy life with family and loved ones. Click here to learn more about our senior care services, including those for seniors with dementia.
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Avenue Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287-4200
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seniorcarescv · 7 years
4 Treatable Conditions That Mimic Alzheimer’s
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As soon as you hear the term Alzheimer’s disease, there’s that instant feeling of hopelessness. You imagine your aging family member with memory loss that worsens over time and whose quality of living will be ruined forever. Do not get discouraged yet. Actually, there are several conditions that mimic Alzheimer’s disease but are curable.
If a senior family member is dealing with any of these curable conditions, seek professional help immediately so they can start on their road to recovery.
Check out some of the treatable conditions:
1. Depression Depression causes symptoms very much similar to that of Alzheimer’s disease such as forgetfulness, anxiety, sadness and lethargy but it is definitely curable.
2. Hematoma Head injury in aging adults can cause hearing loss and cognitive impairment with confusion. These are symptoms that mimic Alzheimer’s disease. It can be treated through surgical procedure.
3. Vascular Dementia Strokes and mini-stroke can seem like Alzheimer’s disease with similar symptoms like trouble speaking, agitation and cognitive impairment. The treatment for vascular dementia is cognitive therapy.
4. Urinary Tract Infections Urinary tract infection, a very curable condition, can cause Alzheimer’s-like symptoms such as memory loss, dizziness and agitation, especially for seniors who are confused with what is happening with their body.
Contact Comfort Keepers in Santa Clarita today, the experts in in-home care for your senior loved ones. We are experts in treating and preventing the health issues that your elderly family member may be experiencing. We offer help around the house to those who are suffering from conditions like Alzheimer’s or Dementia. Click here to learn more about how our services can benefit you.
Comfort Keepers 23900 Lyons Avenue Santa Clarita, CA 91321 661-287- 4200
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