senpai-writes · 1 year
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It's my 7 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳 (about a week ago) thank you to everyone who still reads or interacts with my posts! I was 18 when I started this blog and now I’m 25 😳 you guys brought me a lot of joy and writing was so fun back then! Your positive comments and sweet messages really lifted my spirits. Thank you for sticking with this blog even though I am no longer active! I love you and so does Jesus, have a good one everybody! 🥰
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senpai-writes · 1 year
“I was wondering what your star/zodiac sign was. I'm a Gemini. 😁”
Hi! I’m an Aquarius, sorry for just seeing this. I bet this is several years old lol! 🤣 hope you’re well!
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senpai-writes · 2 years
Is your ask box open? If so, can you do Shiratorizawa beach Headcannons? Thank you!
I am LIVING for this request 
Doesn’t visit the beach often.
Thinks they’re there for training so he automatically starts running along the beach.
Knows a lot about sunscreen from reading all of the ads from Tendou’s mangas.
Eventually runs around the whole beach only to find everyone sun burnt with sand in their pants.
Seems crabby the whole time but is actually just worried that somebody’s going to dunk his head underwater.
Secretly hopes that a cute girl will ask him to play beach volleyball.
Decides to try out surfing thinking it’ll be easy.
Falls head first into the water and is teased for the rest of the summer by his team.
Is halfway tempted to run around the beach with Ushijima when he realizes he’s not with them anymore. 
Excited to look for seashells instead of swimming.
Brought lots of water so everyone stays hydrated. He’s basically the mom of the group.
Makes sure everyone behaves and doesn’t get in trouble with the lifeguard. 
Falls asleep and wakes up buried in the sand. 
Doesn’t put on any sunscreen so his body turns the same color as his hair. Everyone refers to him as Larry the Lobster for the rest of their volleyball career. 
Finds crabs to put in Semi’s shorts. Semi doesn’t talk to him for the remainder of the trip.
Can’t decide whether to buy an ice cream or a popsicle at the beach’s cafe so he buys both. One of them ends up melting though making him really sad.
Gets dared by Tendou to talk to some really cute third years. 
Doesn’t want to get his hair wet so he tries his best to stay out of the water.
Gets splashed by taichi by accident and is depressed for the rest of the day.
Ultimately ends up losing a game of beach volleyball and has to jump off a cliff into the ocean. Loses his swimming trunks 
Stays out of the sun and hangs out in the cafe for most of the day.
Tries his best to build a sandcastle under his umbrella.
Reon lets him borrow some of his seashells to decorate the castle with.
Laughs when nobody looking when he remembers that bang boy lost his swimming trunks. 
Dominates at beach volleyball until he accidentally breaks the net in half.
Brings his own watermelon to the beach and hides it from Tendou.
Goes swimming and gets really excited about it. Ends up accidentally splashing everyone, not noticing he’s getting all hyped up.
Asks Yamagata if he brought a beach ball so they could invite some of the girls on the beach to play with them.
His favorite thing about the beach is going to the cafe and buying a lemonade.
Goes along with Taichi’s plan to invite some girls to play ball with them.
Challenges Wakatoshi to a game of who can find the most starfish. Winner has to buy everyone ice cream and lemonade.
Yamagata loses the match and cries on the inside because he realizes he left his wallet at home.
Thanks for requesting!
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senpai-writes · 3 years
How’re you doing ;)
I’m doing well, how’re you anon?
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senpai-writes · 4 years
Today’s the four year anniversary of this blog, thank you guys for supporting me! I love each and every one of you! 🧡🦋
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senpai-writes · 4 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could request some hc for Kuroo, Akaashi, Tsukushima, and Oikawa having a s/o that’s really insecure about their body image since their REALLY tall and not as curvy as the other girls. Thanks!
AN: Fam, I got you! Real quick though, you’re all beautiful and I hope you see yourselves as such! I use to be very insecure about my body bc I was short and mad skinny. I got made fun of for that and for being super pale lol. I decided I was going to work out and change all of that. Not to where I wanna be yet, but I feel a little better about myself. If there’s something about yourself that you don’t like, then work everyday to become the best version of you that you can be! Anyways, now with the request sorry.
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Would constantly hype you up, saying you’re beautiful and would show you off to his friends.
Makes you his background on his phone, bc you’re just a lil cutie pie!
Offers to take you to the gym and show you some exercises.
Gives you lots of affection when you’re feeling at your lowest.
He just wants you to see yourself as he does. In his eyes, you’re absolutely perfect!
Is the quietest out of the bunch but supports you none the less.
Gives you back rubs or pats your head in order to comfort you.
Says the least but when he does encourage you, it means a whole lot!
Likes tall girls, it’s easier for him to make eye contact and he loves the expressions you make!
Asks you to play volleyball with him to distract you from any anxiety you’re going through. Akaashi thinks it will help keep your mind off of thinks!
Is awkward about it, he’s not use to comforting people that aren’t Yamaguchi.
However, he does his best in the nicest way possible to uplift you.
He’ll tell you how cute he thinks you are, blush level to the max might I add.
Asks Yamaguchi for advice on how to console you or push comes to shove, he’ll ask his older brother.
Asks you to go on a walk with him to the park, thinking that maybe it’ll cheer you up.
How could you not love yourself, you’re best girl!
Constantly sends you texts to remind you that you’re awesome!
Comments on literally every instagram photo you post with fire emojis or saying how pretty you look!
Gives you lots and lots of attention, when he’s not working on volleyball, and makes sure to tell you he thinks you’re cute when y’all meet up for a date.
Sits down and listens to your problems/insecurities bc that’s what a good and supportive boyfriend is suppose to do!
Thanks for requesting!
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senpai-writes · 4 years
Which other animes do you watch?
One Piece, Fairy Tail, Bleach, Attack On Titan, From Me To You, My Hero Academy, Pyscho Pass, One Punch Man, Tokyo Ghoul, Fruits Basket, any many more! (Literally every sports anime lol) 💜
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senpai-writes · 4 years
So I'm not sure if I sent a match up in already, is there a two part matchup?
Hi, there are several two part matchups in my ask box!
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senpai-writes · 4 years
may i request a matchup please? i’m an outside hitter for my team and i’m definitely committed to it. i’m 5’3 and a little on the chubby/curvy side. i have shoulder length brown hair. i’m typically a very loud and happy person, and i tend to embarrass myself without a care in the world. (i can be very sensitive sometimes though.) i’m a big fan of dad jokes and using sarcasm. in my free time i cook, listen to music, or just lay down and think. 💞
AN: Dad jokes are the absolute best, you can’t tell me any different! Also, does Bokuto give anyone else J-Hope vibes? 
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Owl boy Bokuto would be SO into your jokes, he’d listen intently and laugh so hard. You’ll find him later telling Akaashi what you said! Our lil ace player is sensitive as well but he wouldn’t be able to stand seeing you sad. He would do his absolute best to uplift your spirits and make you smile. Since Bokuto is also sensitive, he’ll be able to relate to you and give you a comforting shoulder to cry on. He may not always be able to be there physically but emotionally he’s there, however if you really need him, Bo would drop EVERYTHING to be with you. When the captain finishes his matches, he’ll call you and ask if you can cook him something! He’s starving sure, but really it’s just a reason to come and see you!
Thanks for requesting! 
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senpai-writes · 4 years
Hii I’d like a matchup please? I’m 5’4 and I have short purple hair with blue ends and hazel eyes. Im an Aries sun and moon with a sag rising .I’m an ambivert, I’m independent and driven but I can have a bad temper. I’m really energetic and hate staying still. I can be really flirty but also oblivious to when others flirt with me. I’m witty and optimistic. I believe there’s nothing you can’t do if you really want to do it. 1/2
I adore doing anything creative, especially drawing and I also love animals and nature.I can sometimes come off as a bit too honest and mean but I’m really protective and I care A LOT more than people think. I hide all my negative emotions and I hate feeling vulnerable. When I care about people I put thought into everything I do, cause all I want is to be happy, although sometimes I give that care and trust to the wrong people. 💕 2/2
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Kuroo Tetsuro is our happy and energetic captain! You can definitely tell how much he cares for others by the way he handles his team, the teamwork is truly phenomenal. *chef kiss* He’s a trusty worthy guy and if he truly feels you’re doing wrong, homeboy will straighten you out real quick! You guys would be so good together because I think your positive outlooks would blend well. I can just picture you two hyping one another up! It would be a beautiful, chaotic spark, y’all would feel so energized spending time with each other. Being around you/him is like recharging your batteries, it just feels right! Not only that, but the boys would really like you! Nekoma would hardcore ship y’all and would tease the living daylights out of you guys. It’s a fun and happy relationship!
Thanks for requesting! 
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senpai-writes · 4 years
and oop I’m done I forgot to add that it was for haikyuu, I should probably sleep now. Sorry for bothering. I hope you have a great day/evening and stay safe and healthy 💗
Thank you, you as well! <3
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senpai-writes · 4 years
Hii I just requested a matchup and just realized I might’ve requested one before, I’m sorry if I have 🥺
Hello there, no problem at all! :)
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senpai-writes · 4 years
hello! could I get a matchup please? I am a girl who’s barely 5 feet tall. I have medium length black hair and brown eyes. I’m 100% Filipino! My favorites are the color yellow, ramen, and coffee. I recently became a club president and I am so excited about it! I also am a saxophonist and drummer. This is my second year of learning Japanese and I am absolutely in love with it. I am energetic at times, so be careful! If you date me, be ready to have your hoodies stolen!
AN: Hi there~ Congrats on becoming club president, I hope it was a fun experience!
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Daddy Ushijima, our star captain is probably one of the best leaders in the Haikyuu universe. I think you two would go well together due to the fact you both seem to be natural born leaders. You both know what you want and would balance each other out nicely. He would ask you to play the saxophone for him, maybe even asking you to record yourself so he can play it at night to help him fall asleep. Also, Ushijima isn’t the type, I don’t imagine, to get upset if you take his clothes. The ace would probably just give them to you if you asked, what a sweetie pie! He would find your energetic attitude pleasant, it would remind him of Tendou, they’re besties for lyfe. Ushijima would invite you to go on runs with him, tbh he’d be down for any kind of date. You know what, I bet he would take your Instagram pictures with no complaints. You might have to show him how to angle the camera and what not, but wouldn’t that be cute?
Thanks for requesting!
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senpai-writes · 4 years
Lol it’s 60 now, I had to close requests 😂
how many requests/matchups do u have in ur inbox?
I have over 30, been writing some stuff and saving it in my drafts for you guys 😎
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senpai-writes · 4 years
Could I have a matchup? I’m a 5’ 1” light skinned Filipina with a kinda thicker body type and black hair that goes just past my shoulders. I’m usually more shy and reserved, but I open up a lot more to people that get to know me and tend to be the mom friend. I love listening to music, bullet journaling, working out, and cooking. Thanks and I love your writing 🥺❤️
Thank you anon! <3
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Akaashi, our quiet yet reliable setter would be perfect for you! You would both be rather shy in the beginning of your relationship. Overtime of course, the two of you would open up and begin a beautiful story! He’s basically the mom of Bokuto, so I think you’d both relate to each other in that way! I think you two would have a mutual respect for one another! For example, Akaashi himself is more reserved but he would appreciate your patience when it comes to him opening up, and vice versa. Akaashi is one of these types, I believe, to truly accept someone for who they are. He will whole heartedly love someone, maybe not openly admit it but deep down, you’re his ride or die, other than Bokuto! 
Thanks for requesting!
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senpai-writes · 4 years
Hey, can I pls get a match up? I'm 5'3 with long, dark wavy hair. I'm independent, can kinda look a little intimidating first up, but I'm actually pretty chill & super soft. Also sarcastic & witty asf, empathetic & like helping people. Can get excited over little things like the sky. Easily tears up in movies etc (but no one believes me when I tell them cos it seems ooc lol). Likes: gaining knowledge to better myself, running, baking/cooking, reading, listening to music. Used to do martial arts
Hello there, I’m listening to BTS while I answer requests! Hope you all are doing well during this quarantine mess.
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We love our Suga Mama! This dude has got so much personality and a great sense of humor. Not only that but he’s very encouraging and I feel like he’s in touch with his feelings. Suga would always lend a shoulder for you to cry on, especially if you’re watching Bambi or Wolf Children. He’d ask you to show him some martial art moves and our boy would do a butt load of research on it! This pretty setter would ride his bike (if he has one) over to your house and would ask you if you wanted to ride with him to the park, to watch the sky of course! It would be a romantic date, Suga would have packed plenty of snacks, let you ride on the back of his bike, and even would’ve brought a bluetooth speaker to play smooth jazz. Overall, he’d be a sweet and thoughtful boyfriend!
Thanks for requesting! 
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senpai-writes · 4 years
[*1/2] Sweet Heavens above, matchups are open! May I have one? I'm a smol 5'1" with wavy black hair with quite the poor eyesight, so I wear black, thick-rimmed eyeglasses as well. I'm generally really dorky, but I'm really awkward when making the first move in a conversation. I'm an optimist and loves making people smile, that's why if you need anyone to vent your feelings to or generally just want someone to listen to you talk about anything, I'm your girl and I'll do my best to make you smile.
[*2/2] Also, I enjoy writing and sketching— and I have a preference on comedy movies. Used to play volleyball as a Wing Spiker [surprise, because of my spiking power XD] until I fainted during practice and advised to stop playing heavy sports. Thanks love! :D
Girl same, my eyesight is so bad it’s unreal. Also fun fact, my first time passing out was my first day at camp with my new school. And of course I gave you a winged spiker 👀
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My baby, lil Nishinoya Yuu! Your height is what initially attracted him to you. Yes he does have crushes on girls taller than him, but what a bonus that he gets to be the “tall” one! Your happy and positive attitude however, is what’s keeping him for the long run! In a way, you remind him of Tanaka. He can be himself and genuinely have a good laugh with you, is what I mean. Yuu will be loyal to you and always stick up for you in adversity, I love this boy so much LOL. Not only that, but him, you, and Tanaka in the same room together equals ENDLESS trouble (but the good kind!) Overall, you two just have a good time together!
Thanks for requesting!
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