senranconfessions · 6 years
Shouldn't be letting some posts from an image board like 4chan get to you like it apparently is. Just some advice.
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Horrible 5min sketch just to say
Same people that literally yesterday praised the Asahi guy and were super exicted for this new arc, today complain how the story turned to shit because the focus is on “Soma and Erina” again and not to the side characters.
…Please,stop making excuses just to be reblogged. You’re not fooling anyone. You don’t give a shit about the “side characters”
The only reason you are hating this NOW is because the hot dude is interested in Erina…and you hate Erina. It’s as simple as that  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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senranconfessions · 7 years
Hey guys I have some bad news. First, the reason Ive been inactive was because school started again for me and some classes start as early as 7am so I come home exhausted to do anything Secondly, my laptop decided that its time was up to live. So it died on me. It was a small one that stayed by my side since 2013 and I'm too poor to afford a new one. So it's going to take a while for the blog to liven up again. Sorry guys ;;
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#31:  I wish they'd get Eri Kitamura (Homura) to sing another opening. They only used her for Burst and other than that, it was always Asuka (and friends) and Yumi.
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#30:  While I don't really care for her as a character, I wish there was a way for Mirai to gain a sexy, oppai abundant transformation, come on Tanaka P, let her be happy.
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#29: I wish the girls had more pronounced hometowns in the games
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#28:  One of the reasons I loved Shiki was of her backstory. It was fascinating that in SV, she apparently held back broiling rage from lack of closure and grief, but she was there for others. I loved this, it was kind of deep and relatable. Her heart missions (including PBS) all seem to emphasize how hot she is, which is redundant and a missed opportunity to show a very interesting character. Love her, but I want to see her inner workings more.
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#27: I had a dream where I asked Ryoubi if I could use her sexy and firm hometown as a head pillow to sleep on and she said yes, but in her usual Tsundere way. Best dream and best night's sleep I've had in awhile :).
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#26: When people say that Yumi is boring as a reason for her oversaturation, I think “and Asuka isn’t?” Yes, she’s energetic and all but I still think that she’s just as boring and bland as Yumi but also think that they give her a free pass because she is the main character.
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senranconfessions · 7 years
The inbox is OPEN now! Send me your confessions!~
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#25: As much as I appreciate some good life and hometown, I feel Senran Kagura needs to focus a bit more on characterization and plot. Wouldn't it be neat to find out more about some things that aren't as focused upon? Like the Senran's families? Remember, this isn't just a porn game, so fanservice should only be about half the battle. In my opinion, at least.
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#24: I'm worried that this series is headed towards DOA territory, you know, all cheap, sleazy fanservice disguised as a game? and it scares me. What drew me into this was the contrast of the insane fanservice mixed with the great characters and story. I don't want the series to lose that just so they can appease more boners more easily.
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#23: I honestly wouldn't mind a new anime series done by the same studio who did the openings for EV and PBS.
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#22: I hope a SK spin off fighting game gets made one day that would be awesome considering the main series is a beat'em up/hack n slash game
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#20: I have a thing for girls in casual clothes, like blue jeans and a simple white t-shirt.
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#19: I want Ryobi to punch me in the face
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#18: I once thought that i would never find a girldfriend who would be into all the pervy things i like, but now me and my GF spend most our evenings playing Senran Kagura!
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senranconfessions · 7 years
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#17: I really hope Takaki-sensei considers making a Senran Kagura Idol Simulator game in the future. I think it'll be fun and will make sense considering that a good chunk of the cast can sing, and a few of the seiyuus had voiced idol characters in idol anime.
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