senseinwords · 3 years
Okay now, story time.
I know that a lot of young people out there have experineced this and until today I was not one of them.
Have I experineced some pretty upsetting bullshit on social media? Yes. Yes I have. Have I every had a man approach me about nudes. I think the f**k not. Until today.
And this was only after we had been conversing for fifteen- count 'em -fifteen f*****g minutes.
All I can say is that the objectification of people, be it young, old, male, female, non binary, or any other way to identifying, is f*****g terrible and I wish that it was within my power to stop it. Because trust me: I would.
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senseinwords · 4 years
Friendly reminder to drink more water and let go of more bullshit
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