sensitivegirlowo · 5 years
you’re so young and you have so much time. life is longer than you think, and there will be time for you to do everything. if you lost your youth to mental illness or abuse, your life isn’t over. you can do everything you missed out on, and more. if you’re losing your youth right now, there will be time for you to do the things you want to do. it’s gonna be okay, you still have time.
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sensitivegirlowo · 5 years
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I know times may be hard for you right now, but just breathe. You can do this.
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sensitivegirlowo · 5 years
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24 / 100 days of productivity
january 13, 2018
first time visiting and studying at the state library today! really trying to get into studying regularly before it’s time to go back to school.
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sensitivegirlowo · 5 years
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Local bookshop in my home town.
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sensitivegirlowo · 5 years
Somebody better tell you about the pretty boy with a cigarette in his hand. His lips on your neck feels like beautiful fingers on piano keys. His lips on your collarbone feels like all the lights going out at once. His lips on your lips. Good god. His lips on your lips. His lips on your lips feels like the meeting of two souls crafted from the same star. His lips on your lips feels like two poets writing love poems to each other in secret code. His lips on your lips. They will break you. Break you to the point that you will never be able to taste smoke without your heart crumbling a little. To the point where your soul will forever feel lost when you’re not by his side. When he leaves - and he will leave you - god, you will cry. You will cry until you feel you have exhausted an ocean. But his exit, girl, is a blessing. Let me tell you. Absence might make the heart grow fonder, but him leaving makes the hands grow poetry. And what a beautiful way to say goodbye.
— [exit, pursued by poetry]
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sensitivegirlowo · 5 years
things to stay alive for
the next time it will be spring and everything blooms again
feeling butterflies in your stomach
calm summer nights and cozy autumn mornings
falling in love with a new tv show or book
unexpected surprises
finding your all time favourite song
petting an animal
decorating your own apartment
just to show your future self that you can do it and that your strong and worthy of life
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sensitivegirlowo · 6 years
i’m ready to be kissed and loved and adored
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sensitivegirlowo · 6 years
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post card art 
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sensitivegirlowo · 6 years
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하루 종일 내 머릿속에 네 미소만 있네요.
ig: studylustre
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sensitivegirlowo · 6 years
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How beautifully our system works
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sensitivegirlowo · 6 years
admit it, we’ve all fantasised about slow-dancing in the kitchen barefoot in our pyjamas at 2am in the arms of someone we love while old romantic jazz songs play softly on the radio
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sensitivegirlowo · 6 years
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country skies moodboard
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sensitivegirlowo · 6 years
Thank u, next
One taught me love: Scorpio, cancer, taurus, libra
One taught me patience: Sagittarius, Capricorn , Aquarius, pisces
One taught me pain: leo, aries, Gemini, virgo
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sensitivegirlowo · 6 years
In 2019:
- do more things that make you forget about your phone
- do not compare yourself to other people: trust that you are progressing in your own way
- keep your heart soft, remember that there are genuinely kind people & good things in the world
- finish what you start
- be consistent, and do not be swayed by temporary moods or criticisms from people who don’t matter.
- smile more often
- be okay with being bad at something
- do not blame yourself for people who make you feel unworthy. find new people to talk to and don’t isolate yourself even if you feel awkward or unlovable. don’t convince yourself that you’re better off alone.
- go outside more often and find beauty in small things
- read more books
- be the kindest person you can be
- be so busy you have no time to be bored or dwell on the past
- learn to be patient. don’t rely on instant gratification, wait for the sense of accomplishment after completing a daily goal or achieving a long-term goal
- see bad days as a chance to start again
- always remember that negative thoughts are not the truth. you can do amazing things even though you may feel stupid. you are worthy of love and self care even though you may hate yourself. you deserve kindness and friendship and unconditional love even though you don’t feel that way. people don’t hate you even though you think you’re unlovable. you made mistakes and had bad times but that’s ok - you can always start again.
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sensitivegirlowo · 6 years
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sensitivegirlowo · 6 years
i love the part of growth that allows you to look back on a previous period of your life and recognize that parts of it were unhealthy. something that felt so normal wasn’t in hindsight. you’re not supposed to feel that tired all the time. you’re not supposed to be treated like that.
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sensitivegirlowo · 6 years
“It drives me crazy waiting for a text that’s never coming”
— 3 am thoughts (via suspend)
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