sentimentlabotomy · 6 years
" I mean, I did a bit of research. " She assured the other with a shrug. " The chest belonged to a young noble in the UK, back in the late 1800s. Priorly, it seemed I couldn't find anything about this particular chest. Definitely a special request by that of the wealthy young man. Certainly imported from China. " She listened to the other, leaning against the counter top that she stood behind. Her cheek rested in her palm as she nodded. " Yes, it definitely would be a tasteful duo of interior culture, Patty. " With a small smile, she shrugged. " You certainly are a new regular. I'll tell you what, I'll give you 34 dollars off of my asking price of 200. How about that?" Raising a brow, the other waited for a response to the woman's offer.
Patty seemed to be the type of levelheaded woman that Delcan had a tendency to have feelings for. Though, she highly qualified for a genuine position in her life; something extensive and true to it's nature. The younger of the two, though not looking, found Patty to be cultured; insightful & refreshing.
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starter for @sentimentlabotomy
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“This is so pretty,” Patty commented, running her hand over a nineteenth century Chinese chest that sat on a counter. It had that deep dark wood texture, jade figurines sculpted on the surface and gold leaf inlaid to show a village scene. She’d gotten surprised when walking into Declan’s shop this weekend and happening upon it. “Where did it come from? Have you had a chance to do any research?” Patty had been visiting the shop for a while now - at least one weekend a month she’d come in, browse the antiques there in looking to outfit her apartment in some multi cultural flair. The young girl who was the proprietor she found not only smart and savvy, but attractive and strong. Their conversations had included her grandmother and how she’d come to own the shop, and it just brought the domme back into the shop even more to support a young black businesswoman. 
“I actually snagged a couple of Chinese shutters from the ‘Bay a few weeks ago,” she explained to the other girl. “This would make a beautiful companion piece for them. So I think you’re going to have to give your best customer a great price on it?” she asked, throwing the other a coy and somewhat flirtatious grin. “Please?” 
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sentimentlabotomy · 6 years
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Full name: Delcan Monroe Wellington
Pronunciation: Dell-kin  Mon-row Well-ing-tin
Nickname(s) or Alias: D, Dell, Curly-Sue
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 20
Birthday: 07/05
Sexuality: questioning
Nationality: American
Religion: Agnostic
City or town of birth: Buffalo, NY
Currently lives: Downtown Buffalo, NY
Languages spoken: French (fluently) , English
Native language: English
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 5’3
Weight: 145 lbs
Figure/build:  not muscular, average build, slightly toned, hourglass figure
Hair colour: dark brown
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Hairstyle: curly, short, bangs, naturally curly
Eye colour: hazel
Skin colour: mocha toned, darker with a tan
Tattoos: N/A
Piercings: ear lobes are pierced, wears colored studs, silver locket necklace
Scars/distinguishing marks: a scar over her right eyebrow, pink flesh tone, only ½ of an inch in length
Preferred style of clothing: {see reference}
Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: necklace, small earrings.
Smoker? N/A
Drinker? Recreationally
Recreational Drug User? Which? N/A
Allergies: seasonal allergies, cats
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: N/A
Any medication regularly taken: N/A
Personality: curious, observant/analytical, defensive, hot headed, driven, stubborn
Likes: antiques, records, tea, milkshakes, reading, people watching, dogs, rain, spaghetti, pancakes
Dislikes: excessive heat, liars, coffee, cats, people who speak ill of her grandmother, rap
Fears/phobias: being in large crowds, public speaking
Favourite colour: lavender, purple
Hobbies: reading, writing, antique collecting, record collecting
Taste in music: classic rock, blues, rock, jazz
Talents/skills: talented writer, avid reader, analytical & observant, intelligence in most areas of historical knowledge  & common knowledge.
Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles? Can drive car
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian):
Favourite food(s): pizza, spaghetti, salads
Favourite drink(s): milkshake, loganberry soda
Disliked food(s): fish, sugar cookies, protein bars
Disliked drink(s): seltzer water, any diet soda
Describe the character's house/home:
Delcan lives in a small studio apartment in downtown Buffalo, on top of a small antique store she runs. The business once belonged to Delcan’s late grandmother, who she had also shared the apartment with before her passing. Vintage interior, 80s vibe; plants, colorful cloth tapestry on the walls in the living room area. A small writing spot sits in the corner, complete with typewriter; next to a leather sofa adorned with accent pillows. A rocking chair in the corner opposite of the sofa, next to a large bookshelf that spans the rest of the wall on that side of the room. patterned rug, classic in design; estimated to be from the 40's, sits in the middle of the room, over the  hardwood cedar floors. small hallway, wall covered in framed classic rock posters. On the opposite side of the wall, past the wide opening, Delcan's room. A different theme plays into this room. Fairy lights on the ceiling, records on nails as decor on the walls. A Crosley record player sits in the corner, on a small end table. A wooden crate stored underneath. Her bed faces the opening, the headboard again the wall opposite of the record player. This is all beyond the entrance with no door. This space was once an open room, much like the lounge. Though, it has no windows. A floral rug lays on the floor, just as you step into the space. The bathroom is a bit further down the hall. A shower, a toilet, a sink; the works. The doorknob to the bathroom is a vintage flower design. The door itself is cedar, like the floors in the living room. As you see out of the bathroom, a kitchen area. Counters of marble, an average refrigerator and a microwave as well as an oven. Against the wall, a small dining table with two chairs. In the corner, a coat rack and shoe rug. Right next to that, the front door leading down the steps to the first floor/ lobby area.
they share their home with anyone? Who?
Delcan used to share the apartment with her grandmother. Unfortunately, she has since passed.
Significant/special belongings:
floral rug, typewriter
Level of education:
highschool education, in her last year of college for business
Qualification: qualified with a business license  & communications in sales.
Current job title and description:
waitress part time, shop owner, full time
Name of employer:
Nana’s family diner (local family owned diner)
Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Aggressive at first, after time the aggressive mannerisms subside due to advancements in trust.  
Parents names: ( Mother ) Eline R. Wellington.    ( Father ) unknown
Are parents alive or dead?
mother is deceased, father is unknown
Is the character still in contact with their parents? No
Siblings? Relationship with siblings?
Other Important Relatives:
neighbors, customers  at the diner & antique shop
Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10):
Delcan Monroe Wellington was born July fifth, nineteen ninety eight; at five in the evening. Her mother was blessed with the baby girl, adoring her daughter with every ounce of her being. After money became scarce for the woman, Eline moved herself and her two year old daughter in with her mother. During the day, while Eline worked as an employee for a nearby jeweler. During the day, when Eline was at work, Delcan's grandmother took care of her. Not only did she care for her, she showed her music the two would dance around the room listening to records of the Beatles, the Beach Boys and the Monkees on repeat. Eventually, after the same routine for a pretty extensive amount of time; Delcan began school after daycare. Being 6 years old, she began kindergarten classes. Delcan had trouble making friends due to her stubborn mannerisms as well as her extensive differences in taste of music and shows. All of the kids she knew at school watched things such as ‘Barney ‘ and ‘Blue's Clues’. Delcan much preferred Winnie The Pooh and watching the Sherlock Holmes films with her grandmother. As time went on, Eline continued to work constantly. Delcan's grandmother, Dorothy; continued to be close with Delcan. Unfortunately, to the age of ten, Delcan had no friends to  account for besides her grandmother.
Describe their teenage years to adult (11 - 20):
Age eleven was standard in the way things were going priorly. Age twelve was certainly much different. At age twelve, Delcan lost  her mother due to a terrible car accident while she was on her way home from the jeweller’s shop. Dorothy kept custody of Delcan, who was beginning to change. Her hormones on top of her mother passing caused Delcan to pick fights at school, to which Dorothy eventually put an end to. After a few years of the two watching films, living together; listening to records continuously, Delcan got a job at the Nana's family diner at the age of 17. Working up to 5 hours a day after school, seven days a week; Delcan still made time for Dorothy on the weekends. Dorothy, who was an avid collector of antiques had opened a shop downstairs when Delcan was 13. It not only kept Dorothy busy, but it also gave her money to pay the bills. The shop was popular & all of the neighbors knew & adored Dorothy. At the age of 18, though, Delcan witnessed her grandmother begin to slowly forget everything around her. Unfortunately, Dorothy ended up with dementia at the age of seventy one. Within the next year and a half, Delcan took care of her grandmother until she passed. Unfortunately, it had been some time since Dorothy knew who Delcan was. After a small amount of  time to grieve, Delcan pulled herself together and began to work harder to keep the shop open in Dorothy's memory. So, Delcan works as a waitress to cover expenses. Business is booming & stays that way.
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Face Claim: Tashi Rodriguez
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sentimentlabotomy · 6 years
Brandy J. Elton (Personal & Family Info)
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Basic Information Full Name: Brandy James Elton Nicknames, Aliases, Epithets, and Other Names: Varies with RP Title : Varies With RP Honorifics : Varies With RP Pronouns: He/Him Gender: Male Biological Sex: Male Status (Alive, Deceased, ect): Alive Age (at start of story) : 24-27 Birth Date: 07/13 Birth Place: Wells, England Former Residences (put how long they stayed in each residence): Wells, England ( Age 1-8 ) London, England ( Age 8-16 ) Current Residence: Canterbury, England ( 16 - current ) Class : Middle Class Western Zodiac Sign : Cancer  Dominant Hand: Left Romantic Relationship Status (there’s more romantic relationship questions in a different part): Multi Ship Universe: Varies With RP Start Date: Any date, 70's-90's Criminal Record (if any): Varies With RP Alignment (Good/Evil/Neutral/Lawful/Chaotic): Good Writing Style: Literate, Descriptive, paragraph  Languages Spoken/Written/Read/Understood (put level of fluency): English Family Information Birth Father’s Full Name: Nathaniel James Redern Birth Father’s Status (Alive/Deceased/Future): Alive Birth Father’s Age: 56 Birth Father’s Occupation: Retired, worked as a carpenter for 25 years Other Information on Birth Father:Excessive drinker, excessively smokes Character’s Relationship with Birth Father:The two aren't close, though; call one another on holidays and birthdays for an awkward 'so...another year...' chat. Birth Mother’s Full Name:Janet Denise Elton Birth Mother’s Status (Alive/Deceased/Future):Alive Birth Mother’s Age : 50 Birth Mother’s Occupation :Florist, owns a floristry called 'Flora Festivities ' Other Information on Birth Mother: Divorced from birth father, Nathan, since Brandy was 8. Character’s Relationship with Birth Mother:Brandy and Janet are completely inseperable. Brandy is certainly, without a doubt; a man who loves his mother. The two talk for hours each morning and have lunch together each afternoon.
Fc: Paul McCartney
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sentimentlabotomy · 6 years
oh gosh, okay, can i please get a plot where muse a is a witch who just turned of age and whoops where the hell did these powers come from? and now they’re being shipped off to live with their eccentric hippie grandma so she can teach them all this magic and oh dang my neighbor is kind of cute ??? 
and muse b always thought the little old lady next door was sorta weird but man who is that cutie moving in with them? and why is all this weird stuff suddenly happening, i swear those flowers were purple the other day and not yellow and why the hell did i just hear muse a yell “this isn’t hogwarts grandma, i can’t nail a goddamn spell that easy!” 
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