sentryspared · 5 years
Marcos sighed, opting not to answer directly. “We like to ensure our guests are safe, noble or common.”
Guide Or Guard?
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sentryspared · 5 years
“Yeah, You’ll meet her soon.” Marcos assured. “She’ll be riding in the carriage with you, unless you don’t want her to of course. It’s just in case we get attacked. If they breach through the door, and through us outside, it’ll be her alone that stands between you and whoever’s attacking.”
Guide Or Guard?
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sentryspared · 5 years
Marcos carried the luggage easily as they made their way to the carriage. He had her get in, then worked to get the stuff settled and secure. He then knocked on the door. “We’ll be leaving in five minutes, as soon as Marina is back.”
Guide Or Guard?
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sentryspared · 5 years
Marcos frowned slightly as she answered, only to freeze once she asked a question. 
He cleared his throat. “It’s a- er- long story.” He finished his own drink, then offered “Would you like me to carry your bags to the carriage?”
Guide Or Guard?
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sentryspared · 5 years
Marcos was still embarrassed, but managed a small smile. “How does it feel to be in the mountains?” He asked. “I’ve heard things but I’ve never been near one.”
Guide Or Guard?
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sentryspared · 5 years
Marcos visibly relaxed once the conversation shifted. “Well, Katolis isn’t like most castles,” He assured. “It’s actually what I like to call a tactical castle, but others just call it a guarded castle. At least Soren does. Basically it was built as a perfect defense. It sits at the top of a hill with cliffs on every side but one, which means only one plausible entry point for normal people, and the walls are built with room for people to stand in and on them, which gives a height advantage. It’s unlike every other castle in the human kingdoms, but Del Bar and Neolandia’s capitals are said to have similar defenses to Katolis’ structures.” 
He froze, realizing quickly that he had just gone on for a good minute about castles. A light blush of embarrassment reached his cheeks and he looked away quickly. “Sorry, I don’t intend to bore you before the journey begins.”
Guide Or Guard?
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sentryspared · 5 years
Marcos began clamming up as the conversation topic shifted to moonshadow assassins, he hid a flinch as the memory of that night resurfaced, instead chugging half of his hot chocolate in one go. “Yeah. Moonshadow elves are the ones that are nearly invincible once the full moon rises. We had warning a day before the attack because one assassin slippe-” He stopped then, breath hitching as the memory resurfaced again, this time more forceful than moments before. “I-In the end, though, It was- all for nothing.”
Guide Or Guard?
Marcos had barely gotten his guard privileges restored when his commander suddenly ordered him to leave in order to escort someone out of Katolis to the castle. When he asked who, he was merely given a letter with a painted image of who to look for and a name: Talia. He wasn’t told anything more, and by the next morning he was set off to Del Bar to meet this ‘Talia’
It was three days of travel, Marcos chose to take the main road instead of the forest route, he still felt he couldn’t look at a forest after that night…
Once he reached the city that sat at the border of Katolis and Del bar, his search for this ‘Talia’ girl began. He showed the picture to everyone in sight, asking about her. He really just wanted this assignment to be over…
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sentryspared · 5 years
Alarm jolted through Marcos like electricity, and he looked around whilst trying to hush her “Shhhh! Yes, King harrow was killed by moonshadow assassins about a week ago. I thought everyone knew about it.”
Guide Or Guard?
Marcos had barely gotten his guard privileges restored when his commander suddenly ordered him to leave in order to escort someone out of Katolis to the castle. When he asked who, he was merely given a letter with a painted image of who to look for and a name: Talia. He wasn’t told anything more, and by the next morning he was set off to Del Bar to meet this ‘Talia’
It was three days of travel, Marcos chose to take the main road instead of the forest route, he still felt he couldn’t look at a forest after that night…
Once he reached the city that sat at the border of Katolis and Del bar, his search for this ‘Talia’ girl began. He showed the picture to everyone in sight, asking about her. He really just wanted this assignment to be over…
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sentryspared · 5 years
“They would have to be complete idiots to attack a royal escort.” Marcos pointed out simply. “The carriage is armored so you will be safe inside, while myself and two others will be outside the carriage ensuring no threats are present. There will also be one lady guard who will sit in the carriage with you in case something goes wrong. Ever since King Harrow was killed, we’ve been upping our security. You’ll be safe.”
Guide Or Guard?
Marcos had barely gotten his guard privileges restored when his commander suddenly ordered him to leave in order to escort someone out of Katolis to the castle. When he asked who, he was merely given a letter with a painted image of who to look for and a name: Talia. He wasn’t told anything more, and by the next morning he was set off to Del Bar to meet this ‘Talia’
It was three days of travel, Marcos chose to take the main road instead of the forest route, he still felt he couldn’t look at a forest after that night…
Once he reached the city that sat at the border of Katolis and Del bar, his search for this ‘Talia’ girl began. He showed the picture to everyone in sight, asking about her. He really just wanted this assignment to be over…
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sentryspared · 5 years
“A few days.” Marcos answered, taking a sip of his own hot chocolate. He didn’t prompt her on a question, he was, in fact, paying attention to the tavern around them. He had heard a few horror stories from some colleagues about guarding assignments...
Guide Or Guard?
Marcos had barely gotten his guard privileges restored when his commander suddenly ordered him to leave in order to escort someone out of Katolis to the castle. When he asked who, he was merely given a letter with a painted image of who to look for and a name: Talia. He wasn’t told anything more, and by the next morning he was set off to Del Bar to meet this ‘Talia’
It was three days of travel, Marcos chose to take the main road instead of the forest route, he still felt he couldn’t look at a forest after that night…
Once he reached the city that sat at the border of Katolis and Del bar, his search for this ‘Talia’ girl began. He showed the picture to everyone in sight, asking about her. He really just wanted this assignment to be over…
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sentryspared · 5 years
Marcos’ brows furrowed as he glanced around, before quickly saying “In here.” And all but shoving her into a nearby bar, sweeping up her luggage in the process. People glanced over, but became disinterested quickly. A fire roared in a nearby fireplace. Marcos found a seat nearby and offered it to Talia. “Warm up. The carriage is a few minutes out of town, we’ll have to walk a ways in the cold. But before that, I wouldn’t want you freezing.” He looked around, before asking a nearby waitress for two cups of hot chocolate, paying some money he himself brought for the trip for it, plus some extra for the waitress. It was set down in front of them within a minute.  
Guide Or Guard?
Marcos had barely gotten his guard privileges restored when his commander suddenly ordered him to leave in order to escort someone out of Katolis to the castle. When he asked who, he was merely given a letter with a painted image of who to look for and a name: Talia. He wasn’t told anything more, and by the next morning he was set off to Del Bar to meet this ‘Talia’
It was three days of travel, Marcos chose to take the main road instead of the forest route, he still felt he couldn’t look at a forest after that night…
Once he reached the city that sat at the border of Katolis and Del bar, his search for this ‘Talia’ girl began. He showed the picture to everyone in sight, asking about her. He really just wanted this assignment to be over…
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sentryspared · 5 years
“A-a witch.” Marcos parroted with surprised eyes, before catching himself and stumbling over his words. “O-Oh, yeah! Lord Viren’s the high mage- A-Are you cold?” He asked suddenly, cutting off his previous statement as he became worried for her well-being. 
Guide Or Guard?
Marcos had barely gotten his guard privileges restored when his commander suddenly ordered him to leave in order to escort someone out of Katolis to the castle. When he asked who, he was merely given a letter with a painted image of who to look for and a name: Talia. He wasn’t told anything more, and by the next morning he was set off to Del Bar to meet this ‘Talia’
It was three days of travel, Marcos chose to take the main road instead of the forest route, he still felt he couldn’t look at a forest after that night…
Once he reached the city that sat at the border of Katolis and Del bar, his search for this ‘Talia’ girl began. He showed the picture to everyone in sight, asking about her. He really just wanted this assignment to be over…
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sentryspared · 5 years
“...Broomstick?” Marcos looked up with a confused expression. “Why would someone need a broom? Are you meant to be a cleaner at the castle?” He paused, then looked away with embarrassment. “Sorry, I wasn’t actually told what you would be doing at the castle.”
Guide Or Guard?
Marcos had barely gotten his guard privileges restored when his commander suddenly ordered him to leave in order to escort someone out of Katolis to the castle. When he asked who, he was merely given a letter with a painted image of who to look for and a name: Talia. He wasn’t told anything more, and by the next morning he was set off to Del Bar to meet this ‘Talia’
It was three days of travel, Marcos chose to take the main road instead of the forest route, he still felt he couldn’t look at a forest after that night…
Once he reached the city that sat at the border of Katolis and Del bar, his search for this ‘Talia’ girl began. He showed the picture to everyone in sight, asking about her. He really just wanted this assignment to be over…
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sentryspared · 5 years
Marcos bit his lip as she asked his name, before slowly cracking up. “Uh- Marcos actually but close enough.” He said between restrained laughs. Why did he find this so funny? Because he was an idiot and after nearly dying at the hands of an elf, he found a lot of things funny. Plus, he went a full year as Marcus at the castle because no one could wrap their head around the O. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss Talia.” He looked to the luggage beside her, still smiling “Is this all yours?”
Guide Or Guard?
Marcos had barely gotten his guard privileges restored when his commander suddenly ordered him to leave in order to escort someone out of Katolis to the castle. When he asked who, he was merely given a letter with a painted image of who to look for and a name: Talia. He wasn’t told anything more, and by the next morning he was set off to Del Bar to meet this ‘Talia’
It was three days of travel, Marcos chose to take the main road instead of the forest route, he still felt he couldn’t look at a forest after that night…
Once he reached the city that sat at the border of Katolis and Del bar, his search for this ‘Talia’ girl began. He showed the picture to everyone in sight, asking about her. He really just wanted this assignment to be over…
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sentryspared · 5 years
Marcos finally caught sight of the girl who looked like the drawing and quickly approached. He, too, was freezing beneath his armor, if anything Katolan armor was meant for extreme heats not colds climate, but he pushed it aside in his relief to have finally found his charge. “Are you Talia?” He asked, holding up the drawing of her. 
Guide Or Guard?
Marcos had barely gotten his guard privileges restored when his commander suddenly ordered him to leave in order to escort someone out of Katolis to the castle. When he asked who, he was merely given a letter with a painted image of who to look for and a name: Talia. He wasn’t told anything more, and by the next morning he was set off to Del Bar to meet this ‘Talia’
It was three days of travel, Marcos chose to take the main road instead of the forest route, he still felt he couldn’t look at a forest after that night…
Once he reached the city that sat at the border of Katolis and Del bar, his search for this ‘Talia’ girl began. He showed the picture to everyone in sight, asking about her. He really just wanted this assignment to be over…
31 notes · View notes
sentryspared · 5 years
Guide Or Guard?
Marcos had barely gotten his guard privileges restored when his commander suddenly ordered him to leave in order to escort someone out of Katolis to the castle. When he asked who, he was merely given a letter with a painted image of who to look for and a name: Talia. He wasn’t told anything more, and by the next morning he was set off to Del Bar to meet this ‘Talia’
It was three days of travel, Marcos chose to take the main road instead of the forest route, he still felt he couldn’t look at a forest after that night...
Once he reached the city that sat at the border of Katolis and Del bar, his search for this ‘Talia’ girl began. He showed the picture to everyone in sight, asking about her. He really just wanted this assignment to be over...
31 notes · View notes
sentryspared · 5 years
“There’s an elf in the mirror!” Marcos shouted, all but slamming into opeli’s door, frantic to let her know. 
The two men guarding her door gave marcos odd looks, but looked away as the door opened, revealing opeli, in less garments than her usual uniform, but still in somewhat of a uniform. She never was one for deviating. 
“What on earth are you talking about?” Right... Opeli was in a bad mood. 
Marcos was... shocked. 
He retrwated downstairs into the dungeon almost as if in a haze, thinking of the conversation he had just been released from. 
“Perhaps, Marcos, you aren’t ready to continue your duties.” Evaline, the stand in captain of the guard in soren’s place, had stated after hearing what marcos had to say. “Ever since your little... run through the woods... you’ve clearly been haunted by phantom moonshadow elves. Maybe you simply need a break.” 
Sure, she had said it nicely but...
They were probably taking him out of the guard... off the force... 
He sucked in a gasp as the cold air and the foul smell of the dungeon struck him at once, but he pushed past that. 
No, he was proving that it wasn’t him seeing things. There was an elf in that mirror...
He straightened his stature, then entered the cell with the mirror, trying to feign a brave face. It didn’t work, but he wasn’t sure what he’d do if the elf caught onto what Marcos was facing...
Mirror Guard
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