seouloft09 · 5 years
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lance would definitely make everyone play loteria
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seouloft09 · 5 years
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tosses this into the homestuck pit
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seouloft09 · 5 years
If his name isn’t Chug I’m going to be heavily disappointed 
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seouloft09 · 5 years
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seouloft09 · 5 years
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Imagine your otp
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seouloft09 · 5 years
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seouloft09 · 5 years
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this is it guys i’ve peaked
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seouloft09 · 5 years
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Cowards won’t Reblog
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seouloft09 · 5 years
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jade who
daddy issues who
dont know em
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seouloft09 · 6 years
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♡ happy binnie day! ♡
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seouloft09 · 6 years
Reblog if you give a sh*t
I hear “I’d rather die than go to math class” “I want die I’m gonna fail this test” “I’m so overwhelmed I just want it all to stop, I want it to end” every.single.day in my school hallways. As I’m sure you do too whether it sounds like they’re joking or not.
The leading cause of death between people ages 14-34 in North America is suicide. It’s going up every year. The body count rises.
Kids are dying and the school boards just think we are lazy and hormonal. No
We are in pain and we are dying because you don’t give a shit
Head up darling, and you fucking keep it up because I’m rooting for ya; you’re gonna make it! THIS POST RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW IS ME AND WHOEVER REBLOGGED THIS GIVING A SHIT ABOUT YOUR LIFE! I don’t know you but hun you’re living and breathing and I’m so happy about that - please keep it that way
Save a daughter, save a son, save a life. Reblog if you give a shit.
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seouloft09 · 6 years
This post is to remember those teens who died...
..by a freak accident, a disease, drugs, forgetting to take their meds, abuse, who were murdered. And those who chose to not be here anymore
Remember them.
I miss you Janessa
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seouloft09 · 6 years
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seouloft09 · 6 years
Dear us
Dear teens,
Who have been sexually assaulted and have kept it a secret. I hear you, I see you. Do not be ashamed.
Who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. I know how scary it is, I’ve been there and I got you hun.
Who are terrified at the thought of going to school. Shine, don’t hide yourself away. The world needs your sparkle.
Whose parents may not beat them but they scream and scream and scream. Forcing to walk on egg shells around them. I’ve been there, it’s not your fault. You are not a burden. You are not “in the way”.
Whose parents have passed. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to not feel sad about it all the time. That does not mean you do not care or did not love them. It’s okay to take a long time to heal.
Who do not feel safe at home. I’ve been there, you will move out one day. This is scary and if you are ever in big trouble to do not hesitate to call the police. Even if it’s your parents you are scared will hurt you.
Who live in poverty. I know how shity and stressful it is and how frustrating it can be. You may be angry and wish it wasn’t so hard. Do not think that this is forever. Do not think that life is always this hard. Do not limit your dreams because you may think they are too much money. Do it and the money will come later.
Who are suicidal. Don’t go, hun. It’s not your time. This is not forever, do not die unhappy and do not die because you are unhappy.
Who try so hard but people always point out what they did or are doing wrong. You are not stupid, people have jammed into your head that you are but you are not stupid, you hear me?
Who do not have a best friend but drift among casual friends. Who have always had to be their own best friend. You are not alone, you are enough. It’s the people around you that just don’t realize how good you are. You are not the problem.
Who no matter how hard they try, their grades are never as high as they want them to be. You are not stupid, I am proud about how much effort you’ve put in. Your efforts are not going unnoticed.
Who feel like the “forgotten child”. You have a lot of siblings or your guardians just seem too busy for you but do not think for one second you are unloved. They love you, please please believe that.
Who are so revolted and disgusted by their own body and personality that they can’t ever imagine somebody loving them. I feel the same way, you are not disgusting. Nobodies body is. No body is ugly. Everyone has flaws and the sooner you learn to embrace them the more time you can spend being happy.
Who are jumping from boyfriend/girlfriend to boyfriend/girlfriend a lot. Love who you can’t live without not who you can put up with. Your worth is not determined whether or not you are single.
Who are barely holding on. Hold on and don’t let go, you are strong. You can fucking do this, I know you can. You are worth it.
Who are not on this list but are struggling. I see you, I hear you. You are not your struggles. You are not worthless. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to not be okay. You are worth it
To all of us going through hell and don’t know when it’s gonna end. It will, you are only given what the universe knows you can handle. You are stronger than you think. Let yourself shine. ✨
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seouloft09 · 6 years
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seouloft09 · 6 years
if you’re reading this
a lump sum of money is on the way to you
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seouloft09 · 6 years
Better get your kids vaccinated so they don't catch
these hands
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